The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:823] From: Mr Andrew Liddell (Liddle) / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Miss (Patient), Mrs ('the Lady' ) (Patient) / 13 June 1772 / (Incoming)
Letter from Andrew Liddell regarding the case of Mrs L, who 'suffered very great & long fatigue attending a sick Husband' some years ago, has 'seldom been free from Stomach complaints' since, and also has a vaginal discharge and a tumour in her breast. The letter also includes a copy of a letter sent to Cullen previously [by Thomas Scott, addressed to Liddell, ID:820] about an unnamed 'Lady from Orkney' with scrophulous complaints which was originally enclosed in a letter to Mr Douglas, the apothecary.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 823 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/90 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 13 June 1772 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | Enclosure(s) present |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from Andrew Liddell regarding the case of Mrs L, who 'suffered very great & long fatigue attending a sick Husband' some years ago, has 'seldom been free from Stomach complaints' since, and also has a vaginal discharge and a tumour in her breast. The letter also includes a copy of a letter sent to Cullen previously [by Thomas Scott, addressed to Liddell, ID:820] about an unnamed 'Lady from Orkney' with scrophulous complaints which was originally enclosed in a letter to Mr Douglas, the apothecary. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:241] |
Case of Mrs L, who 'suffered very great & long fatigue attending a sick Husband' some years ago, and has 'seldom been free from Stomach complaints' since; she also has a vaginal discharge and a tumour in her breast. |
3 |
[Case ID:420] |
Case of an unnamed female patient from Orkney, suffering from 'scrophulous complaints' for several years. Cullen had been giving advice on her treatment over the previous two years. |
3 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:339] | Author | Mr Andrew Liddell (Liddle) |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:977] | Patient | Miss |
[PERS ID:3611] | Patient | Mrs ('the Lady' ) |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:339] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Mr Andrew Liddell (Liddle) |
[PERS ID:1041] | Other | Mr Douglas |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Thurso | North Highlands | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | Orkneys | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
I have sent you the following Case in order to
have your advice about it. I beg you will let me have
your Opinion & Directions as to the medicine & regimen
proper for the Patient: & hope to have your answer as soon
as possible with your convenience.
About two months ago I wrote you about another
patient, whose Case you was consulted about last year. --
As the Letter was inclosed in a cover to Mr. Douglas the apothe¬
cary, I suppose it did not miscarry. But I am greatly
surprised that I have never received your answer. - In
case my Letter should have fallen by, I will subjoin a copy of it
as far as is necessary. --- I hope your return will be speedy,
for as patients are very apt to be fretted at Delay, the conse¬
quence may be very hurtful to me in the way of Business.
You will please accept the two Guinea Notes inclosed, for
your trouble.
believe me to be, Dear Sir,
your most obedient Servant
a widow Lady, aged 60 years. - about 14 years ago suffered very
great & long fatigue attending a sick Husband: Since which has -
seldom been free from Stomach complaints, attended with Lassitude,
pains of the belly, & great heat over the whole body: all of them much
increased in the warm season of the year. -- But she is never
troubled with thirst, nor observed her complaints much increased
by any particular food; and her pulse is commonly very slow,
& feeble. Was generally costive. ----
The Menses ceased 12 years ago. But when last 20 Months She
has been subject to a small, but almost continual, hemorrhage
from the Vagina or Uterus, & likewise to the Fluor albus. These
[Page 2]
Discharges do not seem to occasion any great loss of Strength.
During this last period also, She has had a small degree of Pro¬
lapsus Uteri; but which is not painful nor very inconvenient.
Last Harvest She had a fever, soon after her recovery from which
she let me see a tumor in the upper part of her left Breast,
about twice the size of an egg. She observed that for a year before
then had been prickling pains in it from time to time, but
since the fever much increased. - She seemed inclined to
think that it might have been occasioned by some acciden¬
tal contusion, tho' she could not recollect how. - and remember'd
that formerly, when her breasts were distended with Milk,
the left at such times always gave her much more pain than the
right breast.
For the Disorder in her Stomach & ca She had been used to take
the Infusion or Tinct: amar: with Pills of Asafotide & Aloe taken
occasionally so as to keep her belly open. They were the only
medicine she found agree with her, or which her Stomach could
bear. - Since the scirrhus in her breast appeared, I gave her
the Cicuta, in Pill, made of the powderd leaves, without Extract.
After using them she thought the pain relieved, till summer
came on; but now the pains are more frequent, & She is much
alarmed. - The least handling of the tumour gives Pain, or the
motion of her left arm, which often happens, the Lady being
of an active turn. I am affraid the Tumor adheres a little; but
the axillary glands are not affected. ----
Since Harvest last, She has been greatly relieved from
the disorder in her stomach & pains in her belly: This I was
inclined to attribute to the Cicuta, tho' perhaps the fever in
harvest, or vomitting else might have been the cause. --
Since She began the Cicuta, She has taken no other medicine,
having no occasion for the laxative Pills. ----
There has been nothing applyed externally, only the part kept
covered with flannel. ---
[Page 3]
The Copy of a Letter sent 15 April last. -----
"Transmitted to you the case of a young Lady in Orkney
last May, who had been for several years subject to
scrophulous complaints, & also itchy eruptions over
the surface of her body. -- The course you was
pleased to prescribe for Her has been punctually followd
ever since viz. a Saline Solution for 2 months, an
Electy.Electuary of the Bark for a fortnight: afterwards in Spring
the Decoction Tusilag: The whole course to be repeated
alternately, & continued for 2 years at least.
But as hitherto the Eruption continues in her Skin unabat¬
ed, & there is a tumor of the same nature as the former
advancing fast in her Cheek, the young is greatly frightd,
and become very impatient. -- On this account She
has been sent over to this country, her Friend expec¬
ting that I would be of more service to Her after
seeing Her. -- The young Lady is in very low Spirits
as quite despairing of recovery: But having heard from
some people that Mercury has been given in such a
complaint, She insists impatiently upon having it
tryed, notwithstanding all I can urge against it. I am
therefore under the necessity of troubling you, that I
may have your positive authority to support me in
refusing it, if you think proper to do so. -- The tumor
in her Cheek is pretty hard, & I fear will not be kept from
bursting, as it is increasing fast, but attended with
little pain. -- Several of the glands of the neck, upon
the affected side, are also much swelled: otherwise
the young Lady's in good health, & looks well."
[Page 4]
Doctor William Cullen
at Edinburgh
Diplomatic Text
I have sent you the following Case in order to
have your advice about it. I beg you will let me have
your Opinion & Directions as to the medicine & regimen
proper for the Patient: & hope to have your answer as soon
as possible with your convenience.
About two months ago I wrote you about another
patient, whose Case you was consulted about last year. --
As the Letter was inclosed in a cover to Mr. Douglas the apothe¬
cary, I suppose it did not miscarry. But I am greatly
surprised that I have never received your answer. - In
case my Letter should have fallen by, I will subjoin a copy of it
as far as is necessary. --- I hope your return will be speedy,
for as patients are very apt to be fretted at Delay, the conse¬
quence may be very hurtful to me in the way of Business.
You will please accept the two Guinea Notes inclosed, for
your trouble.
believe me to be, Dear Sir,
your most obed.t. Servt.
a widow Lady, aged 60 years. - about 14 years ago suffered very
great & long fatigue attending a sick Husband: Since which has -
seldom been free from Stomach complaints, attended with Lassitude,
pains of the belly, & great heat over the whole body: all of them much
increased in the warm season of the year. -- But she is never
troubled with thirst, nor observed her complaints much increased
by any particular food; and her pulse is commonly very slow,
& feeble. Was generally costive. ----
The Menses ceased 12 years ago. But when last 20 Months She
has been subject to a small, but almost continual, hemorrhage
from the Vagina or Uterus, & likewise to the Fluor albus. These
[Page 2]
Discharges do not seem to occasion any great loss of Strength.
During this last period also, She has had a small degree of Pro¬
lapsus Uteri; but which is not painful nor very inconvenient.
Last Harvest She had a fever, soon after her recovery from which
she let me see a tumor in the upper part of her left Breast,
about twice the size of an egg. She observed that for a year before
then had been prickling pains in it from time to time, but
since the fever much increased. - She seemed inclined to
think that it might have been occasioned by some acciden¬
tal contusion, tho' she could not recollect how. - and remember'd
that formerly, when her breasts were distended with Milk,
the left at such times always gave her much more pain than the
right breast.
For the Disorder in her Stomach & ca She had been used to take
the Infusion or Tinct: amar: with Pills of Asafotide & Aloe taken
occasionally so as to keep her belly open. They were the only
medicine she found agree with her, or which her Stomach could
bear. - Since the scirrhus in her breast appeared, I gave her
the Cicuta, in Pill, made of the powderd leaves, without Extract.
After using them she thought the pain relieved, till summer
came on; but now the pains are more frequent, & She is much
alarmed. - The least handling of the tumour gives Pain, or the
motion of her left arm, which often happens, the Lady being
of an active turn. I am affraid the Tumor adheres a little; but
the axillary glands are not affected. ----
Since Harvest last, She has been greatly relieved from
the disorder in her stomach & pains in her belly: This I was
inclined to attribute to the Cicuta, tho' perhaps the fever in
harvest, or vomitting else might have been the cause. --
Since She began the Cicuta, She has taken no other medicine,
having no occasion for the laxative Pills. ----
There has been nothing applyed externally, only the part kept
covered with flannel. ---
[Page 3]
The Copy of a Letter sent 15 April last. -----
"Transmitted to you the case of a young Lady in Orkney
last May, who had been for several years subject to
scrophulous complaints, & also itchy eruptions over
the surface of her body. -- The course you was
pleased to prescribe for Her has been punctually followd
ever since viz. a Saline Solution for 2 months, an
Electy.Electuary of the Bark for a fortnight: afterwards in Spring
the Decoct. Tusilag: The whole course to be repeated
alternately, & continued for 2 years at least.
But as hitherto the Eruption continues in her Skin unabat¬
ed, & there is a tumor of the same nature as the former
advancing fast in her Cheek, the young is greatly frightd,
and become very impatient. -- On this account She
has been sent over to this country, her Friend expec¬
ting that I would be of more service to Her after
seeing Her. -- The young Lady is in very low Spirits
as quite despairing of recovery: But having heard from
some people that Mercury has been given in such a
complaint, She insists impatiently upon having it
tryed, notwithstanding all I can urge against it. I am
therefore under the necessity of troubling you, that I
may have your positive authority to support me in
refusing it, if you think proper to do so. -- The tumor
in her Cheek is pretty hard, & I fear will not be kept from
bursting, as it is increasing fast, but attended with
little pain. -- Several of the glands of the neck, upon
the affected side, are also much swelled: otherwise
the young Lady's in good health, & looks well."
[Page 4]
Doctor William Cullen
at Edinburgh
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