The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:2188] From: Dr James Hall / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr John Graham (of Dougalston) (Patient) / 12 April 1782 / (Incoming)
Letter from James Hall concerning the case of Mr Graham, a friend of Mr Home of Wedderburn, who was 'seized [...] with symptoms of what he reckoned his old Bilious Disorder' after travelling overnight.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 2188 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/1261 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 12 April 1782 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from James Hall concerning the case of Mr Graham, a friend of Mr Home of Wedderburn, who was 'seized [...] with symptoms of what he reckoned his old Bilious Disorder' after travelling overnight. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:1500] |
Case of Mr Graham of Dougalston, (father-in-law and guest of Patrick Home of Wedderburn) whose health was ruined in the West Indies and who has had a very serious bilious attack after an over-night journey which Cullen believes is largely through his own doing and may well prove fatal. |
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People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:4799] | Author | Dr James Hall |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:3592] | Patient | Mr John Graham (of Dougalston) |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:4799] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr James Hall |
[PERS ID:3092] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | Mr Patrick Home (of Wedderburn and Billie) |
[PERS ID:3593] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | Miss Jean Home (of Wedderburn) |
[PERS ID:3594] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | Mrs Jane Home (of Wedderburn) |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Duns (Dunse) | Borders | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | inferred | |
Mentioned / Other | West Indies | certain | ||||
Mentioned / Other | Scotland | Europe | certain | |||
Mentioned / Other | Flanders | Belgium | Europe | certain | ||
Mentioned / Other | Cornhill-on-Tweed | North-East | England | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | London | London and South-East | England | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | Newcastle upon Tyne | North-East | England | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | Dougalston | Milngavie | Glasgow and West | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Mentioned / Other | Wedderburn | Duns (Dunse) | Borders | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
Graham of Dougalston
April. 1782
V. XIV. p.19
Dunse, April 12-
I am desired by Mr Home of Wedderburn
to state to you the case of his friend Mr Graham,
in order that I may have your advice, or, if you
think necessary, a visit from you to Wedder¬
burn house in this nighbourhood. --
Mr Graham is a Gentleman of betwixt 50 & 60 years
of age, has lived pretty freely, in different Climates,
& in the west Indies has had frequently Fevers of
the Bilious kind as he calls them. --
When over in Flanders about the end of last year,
he had a Slight Fever attended with vomiting of
Bilious matter. --
Coming from London within the last few days, down to
see his friends in Scotland, he travelled under night
& was seized at Newcastle, on the 2d of this month
with symptoms of what he reckoned his old Bilious
Disorder. -- For this he took a Medicine which
he says has often saved his life in the west Indies,
viz. a Dose of Bark with as much Jalapp as
purged him several times. --
[Page 2]
On the 3d he set out - & after being very sick on
the road, he arrived at Cornhill on the 4th
within 10 or 12 miles of Wedderburn. -- Here he
staid two nights & prescribed a little of his
own favourite Medicines Bark & Jalapp - one Day,
& Tartar Emetic the next. --
On the 6th in the Evening he arrived at Wedderburn
very sick, & altho' much pressed by Mr & Miss
Home, & his own Daughter, he refused to allow
them to send for me till Sunday morning last.
When I arrived I found him very sick, Pulse 106
in a Minute; Skin hot, great thirst, a constant
puking of Bilious matter. - He had no Sleep
he told me for 3 nights. -- No appetite, great
oppression, ↑Headach↑ Urine high coloured, & sometimes
so yellow as to tinge his linnen of a yellow colour.
He got an eight ounce Decoction of half an ounce of Tamarinds
two ounces of Manna & two grains of Tartar Emetic -- The half of
this taken par reprises vomited & purged him
several times. What he vomited was yellow &
evidently bilious, the Stools, of which he had
thro' the Day & night about 15, very offensive.
He seemed to have a Remission betwixt midday &
6 in the evening that Day. --
7th-- Had but an indifferent night, slept little
but still distinct. -- He insisted, & I had no
objection, that he shou'd suffer some farther
[Page 3]
evacuation downwards. Accordingly he got
three grains of Tartar Emetic par reprises, till such time
as he had vomited several times some bilious
stuff, & purged 8 or 10 times. -- He got some
weak Beef Tea sharpened with Lemon juice to
work it off. --
Pulse still about 106-110. -- Headach less, Nausea
& Puking less after the operation of this medicine.
None of these ever opened his Skin, which has been
all along dry, tho never so hot since this day.
Urine with a Sediment. --
Drink these two Days - Claret & Water, Lemonade
Tamarind Tea, Cream of Tartar Whey. But the
wine is what he has principally taken. --
This evening he complained of Sourness at Stomach
& a little Hiccup. For this he got some Magnesia
with a few Drops Spirit of Lavender compound
8th-- The Sourness & Puking gone almost entirely.
He insisted to have some Bark & Jalapp which
he got, & which procured 4 or 5 stools - very offensive.
Hiccup more troublesome than before. -- I now
insisted that he shou'd take more of the Bark
by itself, & none of the Jalap. However he did
not chuse to follow this Plan. For on the the
9th-- he took another Dose of his Bark & Jalap,
which had the same effect as before. The
Hiccup rather worse - with the addition of
a Cough; - I proposed a Musk Julep for
the Hiccup & a Diaphoretic Mixture - chiefly of
[Page 4]
Spirit Minderer with a few grains of Salis cornu cervi Altho'
he promised to take both, he has never
been prevailed to take either till this day
the 12th he took some of the Musk Julep, but
with little effect. --
As he had got little sleep all this time he got
one and a half grains of opium on the 9th at bedtime. - He found
such relief & rest, that he has called for
it every night since. He has never taken
the Diaphoretic Mixture yet. - Last night
he allowed a Blister inter scapula which did
not rise so well as I cou'd have wished. In
the evening of wednesday I observed a little black
blood in the Spittle on the Handkerchief. There
was some yesterday, but more to day. --
On Wednesday night - he had the the first appearance
of Delirium - which has continued more or less ever
since - with Hiccup, & Tongue parched - which
it was not at first. At the same time he
complains less of Thirst. - Pulse 106-110 - all along.
This afternoon his Pulse has rose in Quickness
to 132 - & weaker. -- He can rise up, & do
a good deal for himself notwithstanding. - Skin
still dry. -- He has drunk a good deal of wine
Claret - & Madeira - sometimes a Bottle in 24 hours,
which was more than I allowed. -- I am thinking
to try the Calx Antimonial Nitrate this evening.
I have treat this Fever as a Bilious Remittent
as far as he wou'd allow me. Now it seems more
continued & to put on more of the appearance of Typhus.
Mr Home wishing you either to come out directly, or if you
think that needless, to write me your advice. I am &c.
Diplomatic Text
Graham of Dougalston
April. 1782
V. XIV. p.19
Dunse, April 12-
I am desired by Mr Home of Wedderburn
to state to you the case of his friend Mr Graham,
in order that I may have your advice, or, if you
think necessary, a visit from you to Wedder¬
burn house in this nighbourhood. --
Mr Graham is a Gentleman of betwixt 50 & 60 ys
of age, has lived pretty freely, in different Climates,
& in the west Indies has had frequently Fevers of
the Bilious kind as he calls them. --
When over in Flanders about the end of last year,
he had a Slight Fever attended with vomiting of
Bilious matter. --
Coming from London within the last few days, down to
see his friends in Scotland, he travelled under night
& was seized at Newcastle, on the 2d of this month
with symptoms of what he reckoned his old Bilious
Disorder. -- For this he took a Medicine which
he says has often saved his life in the west Indies,
viz. a Dose of Bark with as much Jalapp as
purged him several times. --
[Page 2]
On the 3d he set out - & after being very sick on
the road, he arrived at Cornhill on the 4th
within 10 or 12 miles of Wedderburn. -- Here he
staid two nights & prescribed a little of his
own favourite Meds. Bark & Jalapp - one Day,
& Tart. Emet. the next. --
On the 6th in the Evening he arrived at Wedderbn
very sick, & altho' much pressed by Mr & Miss
Home, & his own Daughter, he refused to allow
them to send for me till Sunday morning last.
When I arrived I found him very sick, P. 106
in a Minute; Skin hot, great thirst, a constant
puking of Bilious matter. - He had no Sleep
he told me for 3 nights. -- No appetite, great
oppression, ↑Headach↑ Urine high coloured, & sometimes
so yellow as to tinge his linnen of a yellow colour.
He got an eight ounce Decoction of Tamarinds ℥ſs
Manna ℥ij & Tart. Emet. gr. ij. -- The half of
this taken par reprises vomited & purged him
several times. What he vomited was yellow &
evidently bilious, the Stools, of which he had
thro' the Day & night about 15, very offensive.
He seemed to have a Remission betwixt midday &
6 in the evening that Day. --
7th-- Had but an indifferent night, slept little
but still distinct. -- He insisted, & I had no
objection, that he shou'd suffer some farther
[Page 3]
evacuation downwards. Accordingly he got
Tart. Emet. gr. iij par reprises, till such time
as he had vomited several times some bilious
stuff, & purged 8 or 10 times. -- He got some
weak Beef Tea sharpened with Lemon juice to
work it off. --
Pulse still about 106-110. -- Headach less, Nausea
& Puking less after the operation of this medicine.
None of these ever opened his Skin, which has been
all along dry, tho never so hot since this day.
Urine with a Sediment. --
Drink these two Days - Claret & Water, Lemonade
Tamarind Tea, Crem. Tart. Whey. But the
wine is what he has principally taken. --
This eveng he complained of Sourness at Stomach
& a little Hiccup. For this he got some Magnesia
with a few Drops Sp. Lav. comp.
8th-- The Sourness & Puking gone almost entirely.
He insisted to have some Bark & Jalapp which
he got, & which procured 4 or 5 stools - very offensive.
Hiccup more troublesome than before. -- I now
insisted that he shou'd take more of the Bark
by itself, & none of the Jalap. However he did
not chuse to follow this Plan. For on the the
9th-- he took another Dose of his Bark & Jalap,
which had the same effect as before. The
Hiccup rather worse - with the addition of
a Cough; - I proposed a Musk Julep for
the Hiccup & a Diaphoretic Mixture - chiefly of
[Page 4]
Sp. Minder. wt a few grains of Sal. c. c. Altho'
he promised to take both, he has never
been prevailed to take either till this day
the 12th he took some of the Musk Julep, but
with little effect. --
As he had got little sleep all this time he got
gr. iſs of opium on the 9th at bedtime. - He found
such relief & rest, that he has called for
it every night since. He has never taken
the Diaphoretic Mixture yet. - Last night
he allowed a Blister inter scap. which did
not rise so well as I cou'd have wished. In
the evening of wednesday I observed a little black
blood in the Spittle on the Handkerchief. There
was some yesterday, but more to day. --
On Wednesday night - he had the the first appearance
of Delirium - which has contd more or less ever
since - with Hiccup, & Tongue parched - which
it was not at first. At the same time he
complains less of Thirst. - P. 106-110 - all along.
This afternoon his P. has rose in Quickness
to 132 - & weaker. -- He can rise up, & do
a good deal for himself notwithstanding. - Skin
still dry. -- He has drunk a good deal of wine
Claret - & Madeira - sometimes a Bottle in 24 hours,
which was more than I allowed. -- I am thinking
to try the Calx Antimon. Nitrat. this evening.
I have treat this Fever as a Bilious Remittent
as far as he wou'd allow me. Now it seems more
continued & to put on more of the appearance of Typhus.
Mr Home wishing you either to come out directly, or if you
think that needless, to write me your advice. I am &c.
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