
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:3488] From: Mr John Goodsir / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr John Bethune (Lindsay) (Lindsay of Wormiston; after 1782, Bethune of Kilconquhar/Balfour) (Patient) / 30 March 1789 / (Incoming)

Letter from John Goodsir to William and Henry Cullen, concerning the case of Mr Bethune and how he is responding to treatment with the electuary and squills prescribed.


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DOC ID 3488
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/2379
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date30 March 1789
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from John Goodsir to William and Henry Cullen, concerning the case of Mr Bethune and how he is responding to treatment with the electuary and squills prescribed.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting Yes


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:196]
Case of John (Lindsay) Bethune of Kilconquhar, being reported almost daily by his surgeon John Goodsir.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:1301]AuthorMr John Goodsir
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:464]PatientMr John Bethune (Lindsay of Wormiston; after 1782, Bethune of Kilconquhar/Balfour)
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:544]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Henry Cullen (Harry, Dr Henry, "the young doctor" )
[PERS ID:1301]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryMr John Goodsir
[PERS ID:544]Supplemental AddresseeDr Henry Cullen (Harry, Dr Henry, "the young doctor" )

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Kilconquhar House Kilconquhar Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter The University of Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Place of Handstamp Colinsburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]

Kilconquhar March 31st 1789
Tuesday Morning 11 oClock
Dear Gentlemen

I was favoured with
your last of the 27th Current on Saturday-

Last report of Mr. Bethunes case was on Saturday
morning. At that time he got the Electuary
which operated copiously & more freely than it
had done for some days before produced Six or Eight
watery stools
. Towards Evening his Bowels became
a little foetid was sick & reached a little, not¬
withstanding passd rather a better night than
He had done for some nights before, in Every
other respect the same as mentiond in the
Forenoons report- Sunday morning a little
degree of gripes & sickness returnd, but did not
continue, all the other Symptomes much the
same as in Saturdays report, took an Airing

[Page 2]

at midday bore it well- Took no Medicine
this day still did not sleep well thro the
- Monday Morning got a diminished
dose of the Electuary near two hours after her
took it was sick & threw up a little it however
produced 3 or 4 copious watery stools without
pain or fatigue free & easy in the Afternoon and
Evening. Got a Squill Pill at Bedtime. This
Evening also from the Cough & difficulty of Breath¬
upon the whole these five or six day being
more frequent thought it warrantable to apply
a Blister
upon the Sternum/ did not sleep
much thro the night
but lay more still than
some nights before- This morning Tuesday
pritty free & easy except some pain from the Blister
& some degree of Cough &↑ short Breathing

[Page 3]

Upon the whole since Saturdays report
Urine rather upon the increase nearly pro¬
portionable to what liquid he takes, No
Drought- Apetite much the same, Sleeps ill
in the night
.- Strength & Spirits as before.
Countenance continues to look better, Pulse
generally from 96-100 & 104
, Odematous swelling
on the Limbs still decreasing. Are well [rubbd]
with the hand morning & Evening. Is strong
injoind to take Exercise with in fatigue which
he does pritty regularly

Shall continue the Electuary in a moderate dose
such as yesterday just a tea spoonful every second
day & the Squills morning & Evening-

I am with very much Respect

Dear Gentlemen
Your very Humble & Obedient Servant
John Goodsir

Last night Mr Bethune
had a universal free per¬

[Page 4]

Doctor Cullen
Professor of Medicine
University of Edinburgh

Diplomatic Text

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Kilconqr. March 31st 1789
Tuesday Morning 11 oClock
Dear Gentlemen

I was favoured with
your last of the 27th Curt. on Saturday-

Last report of Mr. Bethunes case was on Saturday
morning. At that time he got the Electuary
which operated copiously & more freely than it
had done for some days before produced Six or Eight
watery stools
. Towards Evening his Bowels became
a little foetid was sick & reached a little, not¬
withstanding passd rather a better night than
He had done for some nights before, in Every
other respect the same as mentiond in the
Forenoons report- Sunday morning a little
degree of gripes & sickness returnd, but did not
continue, all the other Symptomes much the
same as in Saturdays report, took an Airing

[Page 2]

at midday bore it well- Took no Medicine
this day still did not sleep well thro the
- Monday Morning got a diminished
dose of the Electuary near two hours after her
took it was sick & threw up a little it however
produced 3 or 4 copious watery stools without
pain or fatigue free & easy in the Afternoon and
Evening. Got a Squill Pill at Bedtime. This
Evening also from the Cough & difficulty of Breath¬
upon the whole these five or six day being
more frequent thought it warrantable to apply
a Blister
upon the Sternum/ did not sleep
much thro the night
but lay more still than
some nights before- This morning Tuesday
pritty free & easy except some pain from the Blister
& some degree of Cough &↑ short Breathing

[Page 3]

Upon the whole since Saturdays report
Urine rather upon the increase nearly pro¬
portionable to what liquid he takes, No
Drought- Apetite much the same, Sleeps ill
in the night
.- Strength & Spirits as before.
Countenance continues to look better, Pulse
generally from 96-100 & 104
, Odematous swelling
on the Limbs still decreasing. Are well [rubbd]
with the hand morning & Evening. Is strong
injoind to take Exercise with in fatigue which
he does pritty regularly

Shall continue the Electuary in a moderate dose
such as yesterday just a tea spoonful every second
day & the Squills morning & Evening-

I am with very much Respect

Dear Gentlemen
Your very Hube. & Obt. Servt.
John Goodsir

Last night Mr Bethune
had a universal free per¬

[Page 4]

Doctor Cullen
Professor of Medicine
University of Edinr.


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