The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:2539] From: Mr Archibald Stevenson / To: [ADDRESSEE UNKNOWN] / Regarding: Reverend Archibald Stevenson (of St Madoes) (Patient) / 9 November 1784 / (Incoming)
Letter from Archibald Stevenson to Colin Robertsone, concerning the case of Archibald's father, the Reverend Mr Stevenson. Mr Stevenson had been weakened by a flux, which abated with the combined use of laudanum and powders (identified in letter 2538). Mr Stevenson's skin complaints continue. He has left off the use of the citrinum as it is believed the mercury entered his blood and caused the flux. The sublimate ointment, however, yielded better effects.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 2539 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/1588b |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 9 November 1784 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from Archibald Stevenson to Colin Robertsone, concerning the case of Archibald's father, the Reverend Mr Stevenson. Mr Stevenson had been weakened by a flux, which abated with the combined use of laudanum and powders (identified in letter 2538). Mr Stevenson's skin complaints continue. He has left off the use of the citrinum as it is believed the mercury entered his blood and caused the flux. The sublimate ointment, however, yielded better effects. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:1691] |
Case of the Revd. Archibald Stevenson, who has an eruption all over his body stemming from an issue applied to his shoulders to treat his rheumatism in his neck and head. He subsequently becomes weak with a flux. |
9 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:3989] | Author | Mr Archibald Stevenson |
[PERS ID:3882] | Patient | Reverend Archibald Stevenson (of St Madoes) |
[PERS ID:2177] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr Colin Robertsone (Robertson) |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:3989] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | Mr Archibald Stevenson |
[PERS ID:3990] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | Mrs Elizabeth Stevenson |
[PERS ID:3991] | Other | Mrs Robertsone (Robertson) |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | St Madoes | Mid Scotland | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Destination of Letter | Perth | Mid Scotland | Scotland | Europe | inferred |
Normalized Text
The Diarrhœa encreasing on my
Father after the receipt of your favour on Sunday
night I gave him one of the powders about
two o'Clock on Monday morning -- Before four
o'Clock of the same morning the flux had
encreased to so alarming a degree that I thought
it proper to repeat the Doze intermixing
it with seven or eight Drops of Laudanum -
Yesterday forenoon the Diarrhœa which had
all along been unattended with gripes seemd
to yield considerably to the influences of the
powders - and about two o'Clock afternoon
I administered another doze in some mulld
[Page 2]
port wine which disagreeing with his Stomach
that had all along appeard to be much disorder¬
ed He threw up a few hours afterwards -
Since ten o'Clock last night however the flux
has entirely subsided: and we entertain hopes
that it is altog alltogether gone -- Since
friday morning last his Breath and the state
of his mouth have as you might perhaps have
observed been altered - The former becoming
offensive and the latter foul and painful -
There is now a small ulcer on the one side
of it - These symptoms may perhaps lead
to the influence that the Mercury having
entered the Blood has pervaded the system
and perhaps occaisond the flux -- Apprehen¬
sive of this we have thought proper
to suspend the use of unguentum citrinum
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till such time at least as we should have
further directions from you - I am sorry
to say that notwithstanding this severe turn
which has no doubt diminished my Fathers
Strength very considerably that the itching
is not abated or is at least very little
diminished. Last night it recurrd with con¬
siderable violence on his Back - but was
fortunately removed by the application
of the Sublimate which we have observed
has smarted him much less than the former
preparation that was sent. Whether the
next quantity which you may send aught
therefore to be stronger I shall leave you
to determine. In the mean time what we
had of it is exhausted as are also the Guilands
↑and other↑ Ointment from the application of which last
night He seemed to derive some relief.
[Page 4]
In this situation of Affairs I should think it
not improper to state the matter again to Dr.
Cullen - Of the necessity of this however you will
judge -- Mr. Stevenson proposes calling on you
but lest He should miss you I have thought it
proper to give you the above statement -
I must beg you to send me a glassfull of
the Laudanum as the stock is exhausted -
We propose continuing the Dozes of the Bark
provided his Stomach will receive it -
My Mother joins me in presenting
best wishes to you Mrs. Robertson and
family and I always am with esteem
Dear Sir
Your very obliged Humble
Diplomatic Text
The Diarrhœa encreasing on my
Father after the receipt of your favour on Sunday
night I gave him one of the powders about
two o'Clock on Monday morning -- Before four
o'Clock of the same morning the flux had
encreased to so alarming a degree that I thought
it proper to repeat the Doze intermixing
it with seven or eight Drops of Laudanum -
Yesterday forenoon the Diarrhœa which had
all along been unattended with gripes seemd
to yield considerably to the influences of the
powders - and about two o'Clock afternoon
I administered another doze in some mulld
[Page 2]
port wine which disagreeing with his Stomach
that had all along appeard to be much disorder¬
ed He threw up a few hours afterwards -
Since ten o'Clock last night however the flux
has entirely subsided: and we entertain hopes
that it is altog alltogether gone -- Since
friday morning last his Breath and the state
of his mouth have as you might perhaps have
observed been altered - The former becoming
offensive and the latter foul and painful -
There is now a small ulcer on the one side
of it - These symptoms may perhaps lead
to the influence that the Mercury having
entered the Blood has pervaded the system
and perhaps occaisond the flux -- Apprehen¬
sive of this we have thought proper
to suspend the use of unguentum citrinum
[Page 3]
till such time at least as we should have
further directions from you - I am sorry
to say that notwithstanding this severe turn
which has no doubt diminished my Fathers
Strength very considerably that the itching
is not abated or is at least very little
diminished. Last night it recurrd with con¬
siderable violence on his Back - but was
fortunately removed by the application
of the Sublimate which we have observed
has smarted him much less than the former
preparation that was sent. Whether the
next quantity which you may send aught
therefore to be stronger I shall leave you
to determine. In the mean time what we
had of it is exhausted as are also the Guilands
↑and other↑ Ointmts. from the application of which last
night He seemed to derive some relief.
[Page 4]
In this situation of Affairs I should think it
not improper to state the matter again to Dr.
Cullen - Of the necessity of this however you will
judge -- Mr. Stevenson proposes calling on you
but lest He shd. miss you I have thought it
proper to give you the above statement -
I must beg you to send me a glassfull of
the Laudanum as the stock is exhausted -
We propose continuing the Dozes of the Bark
provided his Stomach will receive it -
My Mother joins me in presenting
best wishes to you Mrs. Robertson and
family and I always am with esteem
Dear Sir
Your very obliged Humble
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