The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:1415] From: Mr William Turnbull / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Reverend Cuthbert Allen (Allan; of Wooler) (Patient), Mrs Younghusband (Young husband) (Patient), Mrs Elliott (Elliot) (Patient) / 9 June 1777 / (Incoming)
Letter from William Turnbull regarding the case of Mrs Eliott, wife of the Curate of Bamburgh, aged 34, a mother of 4. She has chronic catarrh, diarrhœa and menstrual complaints. He also comments on payments being sent from other shared patients, the Rev. Allen and Mrs Younghusband. Letter ID:1416 seems to have been sent along with this giving Rev. Elliott's case.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 1415 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/511a |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 9 June 1777 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | Enclosure(s) present |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from William Turnbull regarding the case of Mrs Eliott, wife of the Curate of Bamburgh, aged 34, a mother of 4. She has chronic catarrh, diarrhœa and menstrual complaints. He also comments on payments being sent from other shared patients, the Rev. Allen and Mrs Younghusband. Letter ID:1416 seems to have been sent along with this giving Rev. Elliott's case. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:1] |
Case of the Reverend Mr Cuthbert Allen of Wooler, suffering from consumption, and later anasarca and a hernia to his scrotum. |
8 |
[Case ID:26] |
Case of Mrs Younghusband with complications during pregnancy. |
3 |
[Case ID:856] |
Case of Mrs Elliot who has a chronic catarrhal cough, diarrhœa and menstrual problems. |
6 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:2837] | Author | Mr William Turnbull |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:1419] | Patient | Mrs Younghusband (Young husband) |
[PERS ID:1939] | Patient | Mrs Elliott (Elliot) |
[PERS ID:1310] | Patient | Reverend Cuthbert Allen (Allan; of Wooler) |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:2837] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Mr William Turnbull |
[PERS ID:1937] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | Mr Armstrong |
[PERS ID:1216] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | Reverend Henry Elliot (Elliott, of Beadnell and Bamburgh; at Fowberry, nr. Belford (Northumberland)) |
[PERS ID:1978] | Other | Mr Anderson |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Wooler | North-East | England | Europe | certain | |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | inferred |
Normalized Text
I hope you received three Gunies per Mr. Anderson
which I sent you last week Viz; two from Vicar
Allen and One from Mrs Younghusband ––––
The following is the case of Mrs. Eliot wife to Mr. Eliot
the Minister whom you know And this comes by Mr.
Armstrong who consults you about a Stomach Complaint
but as he will give you the history of his own disease
shall not trouble you with any detail thereof ––––
Mrs. Eliot is about 34 years of age and was always deli¬
cate from her infancy but appeared of a plethorick healthy
countenance and has much the appearance of a strong
Muscular woman she has been married about 13 years ––
has had four children the youngest is four years of age
She was generally very regular in her courses except when
with child Ever since she was married has been seizd with
a Violent Cough during the Winter and Spring and went
which left her about the Middle of June she expectorate
generally pretty well without any particular colour or
taste excepting what is common in a recent Cold some
times complained of a pain in her left side and coud not
Lay upon it ↑but for two years past this has left her↑ Bleeding and the Antiphlogistick method
and sometimes blisters wearing of flannell and asses milk
&c. &c., was allways recommended and allways succeeded
so far as to remove it for the Summer season which indeed
was as much owing to the warm weather as any regimen;
This Winter these symptoms begun very early and has
continued with greater violence than ever with a pain in
her breast and hectick heats and cold alternately and likewise
[Page 2]
an Obstruction of her Menses for six weeks but is now
returned and she has it very irregular perhaps every two
or three days but in small quantities has for the most
part a Diarrhea attended with thirst &c. When the Diarrhea
stops for a day or two the pain of her breast is greatly worse
What she spits now is a thick yellow well digested phlegm ––
Since this month came in the symptoms are more moderate
and we are in hopes that if the weather were more temperate
that they woud intirely leave her. The Diarrhea is now her
greatest complaint with a Griping and great noise in
her bowels however she is rather better her Cough is allways
best in the Nightime –– She is now drinking the asses milk
which answers well for her breast complaints but rather
increases the Diarrhea we give her a little Rum in her
Milk and proposes giving her some of the Absorbent powder
to prevent the Griping &c. –– She has taken the Columba &
Rhubarb with the Ipecacuanah, Squil pills & Gentle
Vomits has been proposed but she has not yet taken any ––
The Above is writen rather in a hurry but hopes it will
convey ↑to↑ you a proper idea of her case and I am Dear Sir
Diplomatic Text
I hope you recd. three Gunies per Mr. Anderson
which I sent you last week Viz; two from Vicar
Allen and One from Mrs Younghusband ––––
The following is the case of Mrs. Eliot wife to Mr. Eliot
the Minister whom you know And this comes by Mr.
Armstrong who consults you about a Stomach Complaint
but as he will give you the history of his own disease
shall not trouble you with any detail thereof ––––
Mrs. Eliot is about 34 years of age and was always deli¬
cate from her infancy but appeared of a plethorick healthy
countenance and has much the appearance of a strong
Muscular woman she has been married about 13 years ––
has had four children the youngest is four years of age
She was generally very regular in her courses except when
with child Ever since she was married has been seizd with
a Violent Cough during the Winter and Spring and went
which left her about the Middle of June she expectorate
generally pretty well without any particular colour or
taste excepting what is common in a recent Cold some
times complained of a pain in her left side and coud not
Lay upon it ↑but for two years past this has left her↑ Bleeding and the Antiphlogistick method
and sometimes blisters wearing of flannell and asses milk
&c. &c., was allways recommended and allways succeeded
so far as to remove it for the Summer season which indeed
was as much owing to the warm weather as any regimen;
This Winter these symptoms begun very early and has
continued with greater violence than ever with a pain in
her breast and hectick heats and cold alternately and likewise
[Page 2]
an Obstruction of her Menses for six weeks but is now
returned and she has it very irregular perhaps every two
or three days but in small quantities has for the most
part a Diarrhea attended with thirst &c. When the Diarrhea
stops for a day or two the pain of her breast is greatly worse
What she spits now is a thick yellow well digested phlegm ––
Since this month came in the symptoms are more moderate
and we are in hopes that if the weather were more temperate
that they woud intirely leave her. The Diarrhea is now her
greatest complaint with a Griping and great noise in
her bowels however she is rather better her Cough is allways
best in the Nightime –– She is now drinking the asses milk
which answers well for her breast complaints but rather
increases the Diarrhea we give her a little Rum in her
Milk and proposes giving her some of the Absorbent powder
to prevent the Griping &c. –– She has taken the Columba &
Rhubarb with the Ipecacuanah, Squil pills & Gentle
Vomits has been proposed but she has not yet taken any ––
The Above is writen rather in a hurry but hopes it will
convey ↑to↑ you a proper idea of her case and I am Dear Sir
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