
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[Case ID:316]: Case of Mr Robert Neilson with a chronic, progressive illness, probably pulmonary (consumption) but possible cardiac. After a gap, in early January 1782, Cullen confirms that Neilson's condition is terminal. An autopsy soon follows.

Documents in this case

22 document(s) found in this case.

DOC IDSummaryDate
[DOC ID:1627]  Linked to other Cases  
Letter from Robert Neilson concerning the case of his daughter. Also mentions treatment for his own rheumatism. 16 February 1779
[DOC ID:1679] 
Letter from Alexander Taylor concerning the case of Mr Nielson.24 May 1779
[DOC ID:4441] 
Reply headed 'Mr Alexr. Taylor Mr Neilson' who may need cupping and a vomit.26 May 1779
[DOC ID:1693]  Linked to other Cases  
Letter from Alexander Taylor concerning the cases of Peggie Nielson, her father and her brother Claud Nielson who wants his enquiry kept secret from his father.25 June 1779
[DOC ID:1709]  Linked to other Cases  
Letter from Robert Neilson, reporting the death of his daughter Peggy and concerning his own case and that of a friend, Mrs Mclaws.20 July 1779
[DOC ID:1751]  Linked to other Cases  
Letter from Alexander Taylor, concerning the case of an unnamed male patient with a varicose aneurism 'as described by Dr Hunter and Dr Cleghorn in the medical observations'. Also reports on the progress of Mr Nielson.6 November 1779
[DOC ID:1769] 
Letter from Alexander Taylor concerning the case of Mr Nielson.10 December 1779
[DOC ID:4551] 
Reply, [to Alexander Taylor] headed 'For Mr Neilson'. Brief note of advice.13 December 1779
[DOC ID:1807]  Linked to other Cases  
Letter from Alexander Taylor concerning the case of Mr Nielson and Mrs McLaws.19 January 1780
[DOC ID:4569]  Linked to other Cases  
Reply, 'To Mr Taylor C Mr Neilson & Mrs Mac'. Advice on diet and bleeding for Mr Neilson, and on the lack of success of tartar on Mrs Maclaw's arm.22 January 1780
[DOC ID:1843]  Linked to other Cases  
Letter from Alexander Taylor concerning the case of Mr Nielson and MrsMcLaws.20 April 1780
[DOC ID:955]  Linked to other Cases  
Reply, 'Mr Taylor C[oncerning] Mr Neilson & Mrs Macclaw'24 April 1780
[DOC ID:1849] 
Letter from Dr Alexander Taylor concerning the continuing case of Mr Nielson.13 May 1780
[DOC ID:960] 
Reply, 'Mr Taylor C[oncerning] Mr Neilson' Cullen is 'much puzled how to account for his Com[plain]ts', but thinks they may be due to the weather.15 May 1780
[DOC ID:1862] 
Letter from Alexander Taylor concerning the case of Mr Nielson.1 June 1780
[DOC ID:974] 
Reply 'For Mr Neilson', whose case is 'a singular combination of a Rheumatic or Phlogistic Diathesis with a great deal of Nervous affection'.5 June 1780
[DOC ID:2125]  Linked to other Cases  
Letter from Alexander Taylor concerning the case of Mr Robert Nielson and his wife Jean who has become deaf.6 January 1782
[DOC ID:246]  Linked to other Cases  
Reply to Alexander Taylor with directions for Mr Neilson . Cullen suspects his illness is due to 'some affection in the great vessels near the heart' and is 'sorry to join also in your opinion that matters are hurrying on to a fatal period'. He suggests some purely palliative treatments. He also advises drops of camphorated oil for Mrs Neilson's ears. 8 January 1782
[DOC ID:2128] 
Letter from A. Stevenson concerning the case of Mr Nielson. A note on the reverse states that the answer was not copied.10 January 1782
[DOC ID:250]  Linked to other Cases  
Reply, [to Alexander Taylor] with directions for 'Mr Orr' (indexed as William Orr), who Cullen believes to have 'a peculiar sensibility of the Retina'. He advises bathing the eye and the head, and says that, whether it has any connection with his previous toothache or food-poisoning from lobster, this does not affect treatment. He adds: 'Your not saying a word about Mr Neilson makes me conclude that he is gone tho I had not heard of it otherwise'. 16 January 1782
[DOC ID:2136]  Linked to other Cases  
Letter from Alexander Taylor, concerning the case of Mr Orr, who is undergoing treatment for his sensitive and sore eyes. He mentions that there is a hereditary disposition towards scrofula in the family. He also reports on Mr Neilson's post-mortem, on the econdition of the stomach, heart and blood-vessels: 'Can grief be supposed to have been a remote Cause here?' on account of his daughter, he asks. 23 January 1782
[DOC ID:258]  Linked to other Cases  
Reply to Alexander Taylor about Mr William Orr's case: 'Your account of Mr Orrs hereditary disposition gives me a worse opinion of his ailment and makes me fear it may be of difficult cure'. He also briefly mentions the post mortem examination of Mr Neilson.25 January 1782

People involved in this case

15 found.

PERS IDFull Name
[PERS ID: 3046]
[PERS ID: 1626] Dr George Cleghorn
[PERS ID: 975] Dr John Clerk (Clerke)
[PERS ID: 1] Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID: 2689] Dr William Hunter
[PERS ID: 832] Mrs Macclaw (MacLaw, Mclaws)
[PERS ID: 206] Mr Robert Neilson (Nielson, of Paisley)
[PERS ID: 2092] Miss Margaret Neilson (Peggy)
[PERS ID: 2668] Mrs Jean Neilson (Nielson)
[PERS ID: 3034] Mr Claud Neilson (Claude Nielson; of Ardarden)
[PERS ID: 211] Mr William Orr ((later) of Ingliston, then Ralston)
[PERS ID: 3048] Lord Semple
[PERS ID: 563] Dr Alexander Stevenson (Professor; of Dalgairn )
[PERS ID: 207] Dr Alexander Taylor (Sanders)
[PERS ID: 4798] Mr Taylor

Unique Places linked to this Case

10 found.

TypeSpecific Place Village/Town/City (aka) Region Country Continent Confidence
SpecificCullen's House / Mint Close Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Place Paisley Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Place Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Place Corsehill (Corse-hill) Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Country England Europe certain
Place Dumbarton Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Place Musselburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Place Bishopton Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Place Largs Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Place Glasgow Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain

Places and role of place

15 found.

TypeRoleSpecific Place Village/Town/City (aka) Region Country Continent Confidence
SpecificPlace of WritingCullen's House / Mint Close Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
PlacePlace of Writing Glasgow Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
PlacePlace of Writing Paisley Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
PlaceDestination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
PlaceDestination of Letter Paisley Glasgow and West Scotland Europe inferred
PlaceMentioned / Other Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
PlaceMentioned / Other Paisley Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
CountryMentioned / Other England Europe certain
PlaceMentioned / Other Dumbarton Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
PlaceMentioned / Other Musselburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
PlaceMentioned / Other Corsehill (Corse-hill) Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
PlaceMentioned / Other Bishopton Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
PlaceMentioned / Other Largs Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
PlacePlace of Handstamp Glasgow Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
PlacePlace of Handstamp Paisley Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain