
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1693] From: Dr Alexander Taylor (Sanders) / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr Robert Neilson (Nielson, of Paisley) (Patient), Miss Margaret Neilson (Peggy) (Patient), Mr Claud Neilson (Claude Nielson; of Ardarden) (Patient) / 25 June 1779 / (Incoming)

Letter from Alexander Taylor concerning the cases of Peggie Nielson, her father and her brother Claud Nielson who wants his enquiry kept secret from his father.


There are 3 images for this document.

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DOC ID 1693
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/780
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date25 June 1779
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from Alexander Taylor concerning the cases of Peggie Nielson, her father and her brother Claud Nielson who wants his enquiry kept secret from his father.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:316]
Case of Mr Robert Neilson with a chronic, progressive illness, probably pulmonary (consumption) but possible cardiac. After a gap, in early January 1782, Cullen confirms that Neilson's condition is terminal. An autopsy soon follows.
[Case ID:1110]
Case of Peggie Nielson who has a chest complaint and has now developed an inflamed and swollen face.
[Case ID:1111]
Case of Claude Nielson who is passing blood in his urine, and has had a venereal infection he wants kept secret from his father.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:207]AuthorDr Alexander Taylor (Sanders)
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:3034]PatientMr Claud Neilson (Claude Nielson; of Ardarden)
[PERS ID:206]PatientMr Robert Neilson (Nielson, of Paisley)
[PERS ID:2092]PatientMiss Margaret Neilson (Peggy)
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:207]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Alexander Taylor (Sanders)
[PERS ID:2668]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMrs Jean Neilson (Nielson)
[PERS ID:3034]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMr Claud Neilson (Claude Nielson; of Ardarden)
[PERS ID:206]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMr Robert Neilson (Nielson, of Paisley)
[PERS ID:2092]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMiss Margaret Neilson (Peggy)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Paisley Glasgow and West Scotland Europe inferred
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

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Paisley 25 June 1779

The inflammation &
Swelling of Miss Nielson's face, which I mentioned
in my last, went off without any Consequences - her
Cough has been ever since pretty easy - She has had
no pain in her breast but hawks up with freedom
considerable quantities of yellow expectoration

which from its Viscidity I can scarce believe to be
Pus; and which she says she feels coming from
the right side of her breast - she has had no return
of the looseness and any threatnings of this kind
have been always checked by the Strengthening
- at any time I have felt it her pulse
has never been above 90 in the minute
; and her
Appetite is far from bad for besides her dinner
as usual she now takes porr Water porridge &
milk to Supper and breakfast and she takes
them with pleasure - the sores do not run much
and are not so painful as formerly and have a
good appearance - but tho' all the above
may appear favourable I am afraid there is
no great room for hope for she does not appear
to gain Strength
but on the contrary seems
to lose it - and within these 3 or 4 days Sweats
have broke out upon her face and breast to¬
wards morning; and in the fore part of the
night she is hot and restless - but I cannot in¬
form you of the State of her pulse at this time
because as she is out of Town I do not then see
her - Within these few days too she has made very
little Water and has had some little uneasinessin

[Page 2]

attempting it
- - This day Mrs. Nielson and the
People about her were greatly alarmed - she was
believed to be dying - upon Visiting her I found
her hands and feet Cold all her body Cold rather
Cold and Observed that she had been drenched in
Sweat for her very stockings were damp and wet -
but her pulse was perfectly regular and not very
weak and beat 71 in the minute
- upon enquire¬
ing into the Cause of the alarm I was informed
that the preceeding night her feet were observed
to be blue and Cold - that in the morning she had
awakened at the usual time and taken her
breakfast very heartily - but in about an hour
after she Complained of being faintish and
upon going to bed ↑and falling asleep↑ a Copious and Universal
Sweat broke out - in this State she Continued
for upwards of two hours breathing soft and slowly
and was so drowsy it was with some difficulty
she was at last awakened - it was at this time
I saw her - She found herself hungry and eat with
appetite two legs of a brandered 1 Chicken and a
slice of bread; she likewise took a little wine &
↑presently↑ During the time I saw her she talked as usual
and was even remarkably Chearful and after
her dinner her pulse rose to 84 in the minute
- I Observed no particular Colour in her feet and
they are not Swelled -- these marks of weak¬
indicate, as I think, the use of Wine & bark
but I have a doubt whether the bark may not
bring the looseness; and before I give it I wish
to have your opinion ---

Upon Saturday was eight days Mr. Nielson
took another dose (℈j) of Dovers powder; and by
being more Cautious than before in having his feet
well warmed before he took it, it remained upon

[Page 3]

his Stomach and produced a Constant and free
Sweat which has been of considerable Service; for the
pains are re now removed to his shoulders and are
much easier and he gets more comfortable sleep
than formerly; but he is still pinned down to one
position in his bed and even when he ventures to
lye upon his back it immediately brings on the
Palpitation and faintness -- in the night imme¬
diately following the day he had taken the powder
he was attacked with a violent pain in the lower
part of his belly
which went off next day upon
taking a few Salts and getting passage of his belly
- the severity of the Pains were at ↑the↑ first removed; but
for two or 3 days he felt himself Sickish and had little
; but the Sickness then went off and his
appetite has been for this some time remarkably
good and his Colour and look much better than
before -- he wants your opinion when the powder
ought to be repeated and whether he {illeg} dare
use the Cold bath whilst the Palpitation or any
remains of the pains continue --

Mr. Claud Nielson, Mr. Nielson's son, takes
the opportunity to beg the favour of your advice
and as he wished to keep his Complaint a Secret
from his Father you will be so good as let me have your answer upon a detached piece of Paper --
it is two months since he observed a few drops of blood follow
after making water - this returned next day at the same time
and so on for the two or three days succeeding - he then injected
some florence oil and he saw no more of it for two or 3 weeks
but a month ↑ago↑ he was attacked with a slight feverishness and
ever since has had a regular return of his former Complaint
exactly in the middle of the day and at no other time; he feels
no particular part of the Urethra pained and excepting a
weariedness in the fore and upper parts of his thighs he feels
no uneasiness whatever neither in voiding it not at no other time &
there is never more than 4 or 5 drops of blood in the Semen
- About half a year ago he had a Clap which continued two
months before it stopped; but was accompanied with no severe symp¬
tom and any Chordee he had was very moderate - he is a tall slender
delicate lad about 20 years old -- I am Sir your most humble servant

Alexr. Taylor


1: Boiled or grilled.

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
Paisley 25 June 1779

The inflammation &
Swelling of Miss Nielson's face, which I mentioned
in my last, went off without any Consequences - her
Cough has been ever since pretty easy - She has had
no pain in her breast but hawks up with freedom
considerable quantities of yellow expectoration

which from its Viscidity I can scarce believe to be
Pus; and which she says she feels coming from
the right side of her breast - she has had no return
of the looseness and any threatnings of this kind
have been always checked by the Strengthening
- at any time I have felt it her pulse
has never been above 90 in the minute
; and her
Appetite is far from bad for besides her dinner
as usual she now takes porr Water porridge &
milk to Supper and breakfast and she takes
them with pleasure - the sores do not run much
and are not so painful as formerly and have a
good appearance - but tho' all the above
may appear favourable I am afraid there is
no great room for hope for she does not appear
to gain Strength
but on the contrary seems
to lose it - and within these 3 or 4 days Sweats
have broke out upon her face and breast to¬
wards morning; and in the fore part of the
night she is hot and restless - but I cannot in¬
form you of the State of her pulse at this time
because as she is out of Town I do not then see
her - Within these few days too she has made very
little Water and has had some little uneasinessin

[Page 2]

attempting it
- - This day Mrs. Nielson and the
People about her were greatly alarmed - she was
believed to be dying - upon Visiting her I found
her hands and feet Cold all her body Cold rather
Cold and Observed that she had been drenched in
Sweat for her very stockings were damp and wet -
but her pulse was perfectly regular and not very
weak and beat 71 in the minute
- upon enquire¬
ing into the Cause of the alarm I was informed
that the preceeding night her feet were observed
to be blue and Cold - that in the morning she had
awakened at the usual time and taken her
breakfast very heartily - but in about an hour
after she Complained of being faintish and
upon going to bed ↑and falling asleep↑ a Copious and Universal
Sweat broke out - in this State she Continued
for upwards of two hours breathing soft and slowly
and was so drowsy it was with some difficulty
she was at last awakened - it was at this time
I saw her - She found herself hungry and eat with
appetite two legs of a brandered 1 Chicken and a
slice of bread; she likewise took a little wine &
↑presently↑ During the time I saw her she talked as usual
and was even remarkably Chearful and after
her dinner her pulse rose to 84 in the minute
- I Observed no particular Colour in her feet and
they are not Swelled -- these marks of weak¬
indicate, as I think, the use of Wine & bark
but I have a doubt whether the bark may not
bring the looseness; and before I give it I wish
to have your opinion ---

Upon Saturday was eight days Mr. Nielson
took another dose (℈j) of Dovers powder; and by
being more Cautious than before in having his feet
well warmed before he took it, it remained upon

[Page 3]

his Stomach and produced a Constant and free
Sweat which has been of considerable Service; for the
pains are re now removed to his shoulders and are
much easier and he gets more comfortable sleep
than formerly; but he is still pinned down to one
position in his bed and even when he ventures to
lye upon his back it immediately brings on the
Palpitation and faintness -- in the night imme¬
diately following the day he had taken the powder
he was attacked with a violent pain in the lower
part of his belly
which went off next day upon
taking a few Salts and getting passage of his belly
- the severity of the Pains were at ↑the↑ first removed; but
for two or 3 days he felt himself Sickish and had little
; but the Sickness then went off and his
appetite has been for this some time remarkably
good and his Colour and look much better than
before -- he wants your opinion when the powder
ought to be repeated and whether he {illeg} dare
use the Cold bath whilst the Palpitation or any
remains of the pains continue --

Mr. Claud Nielson, Mr. Nielson's son, takes
the opportunity to beg the favour of your advice
and as he wished to keep his Complaint a Secret
from his Father you will be so good as let me have your answer upon a detached piece of Paper --
it is two months since he observed a few drops of blood follow
after making water - this returned next day at the same time
and so on for the two or three days succeeding - he then injected
some florence oil and he saw no more of it for two or 3 weeks
but a month ↑ago↑ he was attacked with a slight feverishness and
ever since has had a regular return of his former Complaint
exactly in the middle of the day and at no other time; he feels
no particular part of the Urethra pained and excepting a
weariedness in the fore and upper parts of his thighs he feels
no uneasiness whatever neither in voiding it not at no other time &
there is never more than 4 or 5 drops of blood in the Semen
- About half a year ago he had a Clap which continued two
months before it stopped; but was accompanied with no severe symp¬
tom and any Chordee he had was very moderate - he is a tall slender
delicate lad about 20 years old -- I am Sir your most humble servt.

Alexr. Taylor


1: Boiled or grilled.


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