The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:783] From: George Grame / To: John Ritchardson (Richardson) / Regarding: Miss Peggy Grame (Graham) (Patient) / May 1766 / (Incoming)
Letter from George Grame (or Graham) in Eyemouth regarding the case of his sixteen-year-old daughter Peggy. Addressed to John Ritchardson at the foot of Mint Close, Cowgate, Edinburgh. Letter partially missing.
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- Diplomatic Text
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- Case
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 783 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/51 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | May 1766 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from George Grame (or Graham) in Eyemouth regarding the case of his sixteen-year-old daughter Peggy. Addressed to John Ritchardson at the foot of Mint Close, Cowgate, Edinburgh. Letter partially missing. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:111] |
Case of Peggie Grame (Graham), who has menstrual problems and a tumour under her ear. |
2 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:304] | Author | George Grame |
[PERS ID:1147] | Addressee | John Ritchardson (Richardson) |
[PERS ID:305] | Patient | Miss Peggy Grame (Graham) |
[PERS ID:304] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | George Grame |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Eyemouth (Eymouth) | Borders | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Destination of Letter | Cowgate | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Mentioned / Other | Berwick-upon-Tweed (Berwick) | North-East | England | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
conserning my D[aughter?] {illeg}
Doctors information uhich I [uas?] to {illeg} but has no{illeg}
the time the letter uas urote and uhen I gott it I fo{illeg}
erroneous for uhich reasone I did not sent it to {illeg}
my Nice of much accout of her disorder as ti[me?] {illeg}
admitt of the Coriers beeing on the uing but below {illeg}
own account of it onley some of the Doctors terms {illeg}
in order the Phisition may the better understand it
My Daughter Peggey is now enterd sixteen years and
the first flowing of the Catamenia uas the first of the new
year past {illeg} one twelvemonths and Containued regular
till June last when one obstruction hapned and still
Containous in the month of March gone one year she
gott Cold riding in to Berwick uhich she Complaind
of a stiffness in one side of her neck uhich was nixt the Cold
uind and in the begining of May there begune to apear a small
Lump below her right Ear I apployed to Mr Willsone
our Toune Doctor uho ordered her to drink salt water
evrey morning uhich she did for about six weeks but before
she begune to drink the uater he gave her some doses of phisick
[Page 2]
{illeg}some Bollises which he emagnd would corrie of the Tumor
[havi?]ng the desired effect he begune {illeg} in the mont of June with the salt water
{illeg}d one day he desired her to take a Bollis uhich she was averse to dae but
uas ashamed to tell him the reasone more then she was not verey well
but he told her it was prepard and uould be lost so she took it, upon uhich
the obstruction [insheued?], and uhither with the uater I know not but
she threw up evrey thing she took and Discharged Blood att her mouth
and nose parte of which he says proceeds from the Lungs I applyed these
to Doctor Lawder uho recovered her stomach so as it can retain oney
medecine or oney victualls she taks uhich is not verey much he hais
given her some powders and pills the Last uer called [Alltrative?]
pills two to be taken a little before bedtime she hais been ever since
the obstructione had a mos violent pain in her Back and goes down sometimes
her Leggs and leaves numbness as if they were sleeping shis now redust to weak
with the pain of her Back that she cannot rise out of bed nor even sitt
up but att some particular times, There are poultisis of hemlock roots
aplyed to the Tumor which hais redust it grately this is the best account
I can give of her Condition uhich is verey late to you please gett the
best advice and lett know
I am
Dear Sir
Your most humble obedient servant
Eyemouth 15th May
[Page 3]
The Tumor he calls it of the Encysted kinde and shis often been affected
with Fainting fitts uhich he Calls spasmodic Contractions of the stomach
but now are much of since Mr Willsone uho they calld again uhen I
uas with you gave her some Elixer a spoonfull tuice or thrice aday
and uhat Diet she should take uould be nessarey likewise to know
[Page 4]
John Ritchardson
Smith att his house in the
Cowgate near the foot of the
Mint Closs
Graham Eyemouth
May 1766
Diplomatic Text
conserning my D[aughter?] {illeg}
Doctors information uhich I [uas?] to {illeg} but has no{illeg}
the time the letter uas urote and uhen I gott it I fo{illeg}
erroneous for uhich reasone I did not sent it to {illeg}
my Nice of much accout of her disorder as ti[me?] {illeg}
admitt of the Coriers beeing on the uing but below {illeg}
own account of it onley some of the Doctors terms {illeg}
in order the Phisition may the better understand it
My Daughter Peggey is now enterd sixteen years and
the first flowing of the Catamenia uas the first of the new
year past {illeg} one twelvemonths and Containued regular
till June last when one obstruction hapned and still
Containous in the month of March gone one year she
gott Cold riding in to Berwick uhich she Complaind
of a stiffness in one side of her neck uhich was nixt the Cold
uind and in the begining of May there begune to apear a small
Lump below her right Ear I apployed to Mr Willsone
our Toune Doctor uho ordered her to drink salt water
evrey morning uhich she did for about six weeks but before
she begune to drink the uater he gave her some doses of phisick
[Page 2]
{illeg}some Bollises which he emagnd would corrie of the Tumor
[havi?]ng the desired effect he begune {illeg} in the mont of June with the salt water
{illeg}d one day he desired her to take a Bollis uhich she was averse to dae but
uas ashamed to tell him the reasone more then she was not verey well
but he told her it was prepard and uould be lost so she took it, upon uhich
the obstruction [insheued?], and uhither with the uater I know not but
she threw up evrey thing she took and Discharged Blood att her mouth
and nose parte of which he says proceeds from the Lungs I applyed these
to Doctor Lawder uho recovered her stomach so as it can retain oney
medecine or oney victualls she taks uhich is not verey much he hais
given her some powders and pills the Last uer called [Alltrative?]
pills two to be taken a little before bedtime she hais been ever since
the obstructione had a mos violent pain in her Back and goes down sometimes
her Leggs and leaves numbness as if they were sleeping shis now redust to weak
with the pain of her Back that she cannot rise out of bed nor even sitt
up but att some particular times, There are poultisis of hemlock roots
aplyed to the Tumor which hais redust it grately this is the best acct
I can give of her Condition uhich is verey late to you please gett the
best advice and lett know
I am
Dr Sr
Your most obed humble sert
Eyemouth 15th May
[Page 3]
The Tumor he calls it of the Encysted kinde and shis often been affected
with Fainting fitts uhich he Calls spasmodic Contractions of the stomach
but now are much of since Mr Willsone uho they calld again uhen I
uas with you gave her some Elixer a spoonfull tuice or thrice aday
and uhat Diet she should take uould be nessarey likewise to know
[Page 4]
John Ritchardson
Smith att his house in the
Cowgate near the foot of the
Mint Closs
Graham Eyemouth
May 1766
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