
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:2448] Case Note / Regarding: Mrs A. (Patient) / 23 April 1784 / (Incoming)

Case note on Mrs A., now 33, who has a long history of menstrual problems between pregnancies, with pain in the right hypochondrium. At the age of 14, she injured her stomach falling against a tree-stump. She married at 21 and has had 4 children, the last in December 1782. A friend or relative who is a physician had wondered if her complaint might be caused by congestion in the liver, but she has not had any symptoms of jaundice.


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DOC ID 2448
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/1503
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date23 April 1784
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Case note on Mrs A., now 33, who has a long history of menstrual problems between pregnancies, with pain in the right hypochondrium. At the age of 14, she injured her stomach falling against a tree-stump. She married at 21 and has had 4 children, the last in December 1782. A friend or relative who is a physician had wondered if her complaint might be caused by congestion in the liver, but she has not had any symptoms of jaundice.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:2343]
Case of Mrs A. who has a long history of menstrual problems between pregnancies.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:5194]AuthorDr
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:5192]PatientMrs A.
[PERS ID:5193]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr
[PERS ID:5194]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:5193]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendDr
[PERS ID:5195]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMr A.

Places linked to this document

No places linked to this Document.

Normalized Text

[Page 1]

Mrs. A. as early as the 12th. year of her age was subject
to pain and a sense of fullness at stomach; before she was
quite thirteen the Catamenia appeared, and continued to
flow regularly, tho' sparingly, or in small quantities, till
the 21st. year of her age. Before their eruption, she was com¬
monly affected with great pain of the lower part of the Back
and Belly, and with a sense of fullness & pain of the stomach
for some time after they ceased to flow. ––

About the age of 14 she tumbled down a very steep declivity
almost a Precipice, and struck her stomach against the stump
of a Tree; this occasioned a considerable swelling, and inflam¬
matory appearance
of the external Integuments, over that Or¬
, attended with acute pain –– She concealed this accident
for about a Week, but was afterwards bled and used warm fo¬
mentations to
the part, which in the course of a few Days en¬
tirely removed the inflamation and likewise the pain in a
great measure. ––

For six or eight months after this, her Complaints at the Men¬
strual period, particularly the pain and sense of fullness at
stomach, were much more troublesome, than they had ever
been before; and by the advice of a skillfull & experienced Phy¬
sician who attended her, she took a variety of Medicines, which
she believes were of the stomachic & deobstruent kind: by the
use of these, by Exercise &ca her Complaints were considerably
relieved; she was still, however subject to returns of them at

[Page 2]

uncertain periods, and particularly if any accident disturbed or
interrupted the regular flow of the Menses. ––

This was the state of her case till the 21st year of her age, in
the year 1772, when she was married. From that time she
enjoyed perfect health, menstruated more freely, plenti¬
fully, and without any of the former complaints of the Back, Bel¬
, or stomach, for near seven years, that is from the first of September
1772 to the beginning of the year 1779, when she was about 28
years of age, and was giving suck to her 3d. Child, with the Cata¬
menia and other Evacuations regular; for it is to be observed, that,
in nursing her three first Children the Catamenia flowed regularly
during the whole time from the third period after delivery. ––

In the Month of March 1779 about six Months after her third
delivery, she was again attacked with her stomachic Complaint
more violently than at any former period. She now described
it, as a violent distention of the stomach attended with acute
pain and sense of fullness. It generally, from this time, seized
her about Eleven or Twelve oClock at night and continued till five
or six in the Morning, when it seemed to move into the right
, and after being felt there for a few hours it went
entirely off. ––

From March 1779 to March 1782 the returns of this Disease were
not very frequent nor were they at any regular periods. They
did not seem to depend on the state of the Menses, nor on any particu¬
lar affection of the Mind, neither could it be observed, that any
particular kind of diet had any effect in producing or aggravating

[Page 3]

these returns. It was observed that every succeeding fitt was
more severe than the former, and that every Fitt was succeeded by
a considerable degree of Languour and debility and that these were
in proportion to the severity of the Fitt. ––

During the Paroxysm, no quickness or hardness of the Pulse, præ¬
ternatural heat of
the skin, or any other symptom denoting Inflam¬
could be perceived; neither the state of the Mind, nor of
the secretions seemed to be affected by it. It was considered as spas¬
and perhaps flatulent; and Volatiles, Fœtids, and warm cor¬
dials were tried to prevent, to moderate, and to carry off the Pa¬
roxysm, but without any good effects in either case; recourse
was then had to Opium, which given in the beginning of the Fitt,
and in large doses generally gave relief; but it was found inconve¬
nient from the costiveness which it induced; and the great lowness
and debility by which it was succeeded. ––

At this time the Flowers of Zinc was recommended, as an Antispasmo¬
by a Friend who was consulted in this Case, and was given in the
quantity of two grains, and was afterwards increased as required.
This Medicine had every good effect, that could be wished, it never
failed to shorten or carry off the Paroxysm when exhibited early enough
to be retained on the stomach, that is at it's commencement, or before
the spasm had so far affected the stomach as to render it incapable
of retaining this or any other Medicine ––

In the Month of April 1782 she proved with Child, and for the first
four Months of her pregnancy
her stomach Complaint attacked her
more frequently than ever, but still the Zinc given in increased

[Page 4]

doses from three to seven grains relieved her. After the end of the
fourth Month the returns were not so very frequent; when they did
occur, however, it was about the same hour, in the same manner, and
thro' the same course as formerly, if they were not immediately re¬
moved by the Zinc. ––

On the 25th. of December of the same year she was delivered of a
Boy after a short, easy, & natural labour; two Days after, she complain¬
ed of a Pain in the top of her right shoulder, and of a general weak¬
ness of
that whole side extending to her Hand and Foot, but these she
attributed to her exertions in supporting herself by the Arm & Leg
of the right side, in the time of labour, as she was delivered on the
. The discharge of the Lochia was as copious and continued
as long as it had done in any of her former layings inn. About
the 16th. day after delivery she was seized with Fever, had two attacks
of 24 Hours each, she took some gentle purgatives and afterwards
the Bark, on the second day of her taking this last Medicine, it
purged her too frequently
and she was directed to take some drops
of the Tinctura Japonica along with each Dose: by the use of which the
was put a stop to. On the Night following about the
usual hour of Eleven, she was attacked violently with her old Com¬
plaint in the stomach, and neglected to call for the Zinc till
too late, or till her stomach could not retain it; it was at last
given and frequently repeated but as often rejected. Tinctura Thebaica was next tried in large doses but with no better effect,
it was repeated and thrown up as often. The Pain or Spasm
continued with the most excruciating torture, and intolerance
of a horizontal Position till about five oClock in the Morning

[Page 5]

when it seemed, as had been usual, to move into the right side. It
was now expected, that as formerly, it would have become every mi¬
nute more tolerable, and have gone off entirely in a few hours; but
no, it raged with as much violence in it's present seat in the right
as it had before done in the stomach. The Elixir
was now given in Doses to contain two grains of Opium,
and it was not till she had swallowed and retained the fifth dose
that the pain abated in the smallest degree which was about Ten
oClock in the forenoon. ––

This attack, tho' more severe than any of the former, was accom¬
panied with no alteration in the state of the Pulse, no heat of the
above natural, no inflamatory symptoms whatever. The
Urine was voided in the usual quantity and of the natural colour.
There was no dejection of spirits, nor despondency, till the severity
and length of the Paroxysm
occasioned an apprehension of danger –
The Liver seemed to be the seat of the Disease after it had moved into
the right side, but had that organ been seized with Inflamation, a
must have ensued with quick, hard, Pulse, hot dry skin &ca
symptoms inseparable from Hepatitis – There appeared no dis¬
coloration of
the skin, nor yellowness in the Tunics of the Eyes; no ob¬
struction to the free flow of
the Bile could therefore be suspected. – On
examination no hardness of the Liver could be discovered; there was
an evident puffing and fullness in the right Hypochondrium attend¬
ed with a slight soreness, rather than pain, on pressure. A Physi¬
cal Freind joined in opinion that the disease took it's rise from
Congestion in the Liver itself, or in some part of the system of the

[Page 6]

Vena Portarum
. An aperient deobstruent course seemed therefore
to be indicated and was accordingly recommended. A Composition
of Powdered Rhubarb, Venetian Soap & Gum Ammoniac made into Pills was or¬
dered, and taken so as to keep us a gentle tho' constant Eccoprosis;
and 15 grains of the Cicutæ Extract was given every night or oftener
as required, to obviate Pain or spasm. In consequence of taking
the above aperient Medicine, her evacuations were large, pretty
frequent, of a dark green colour, tough & viscid
, almost of the con¬
sistence of Tar; the fullness & puffing were very nearly removed,
and for three Months, during which the course was pursued,
she had no Complaint, except the pain in her side, which was
constant, but at times very trifling, and at other times very trouble¬
some. ––

It was observed before, that in nursing her three first Children
the Catamenia had always appeared at the third period after de¬
livery, and continued to flow regularly for the rest of the time. –
At this time it ought to have appeared in the end of the Month of
March, but both that, and April passed over. without any appearance
of it
. – It was thought, that the abscence of this customary evacu¬
might increase or keep up her Complaint. And to bring
it on, Calomel was proposed as a more powerful aperient and
deobstruent. Accordingly she took some doses of it in the course
of the Month of May; but the quick and violent operation of that
Medicine was found to encrease the pain in her side exceedingly
both during it's operation and for some time after, in that Case

[Page 7]

the pain from being numb, dull & heavy, became sharp and pricking,
this Medicine was therefore laid aside, and particularly as it had no
effect in bringing on the menstrual Flux

In the Month of June she returned to her former course which
she continued occasionally till the end of September, but as her Pills
from her being accustomed to use them so long, had in a great mea¬
sure lost their effect of keeping her Bowels sufficiently open, it was
found necessary to add a little Aloes as required to quicken their ope¬
ration; but ever since the year 1779, that she was first attacked with
her complaint, she has observed that all strong Purgatives have been hurt¬
full, or have encreased her disease for the time, either of the stomach
or side, and now her Medicine with the addition of the Aloes, was
found to act too roughly and to occasion too much disturbance in the
system, it was therefore changed in the Month of October for a Com¬
position of the Soluble Tartar & Lenitive Electuary, which she has continued
ever since, and which acts much more gently and with less distur¬
bance. ––

From the Month of January to this time, October, she has had
no return of the disease in her stomach, nor has she had any
appearance of the Catamenia
. The pain in the right Hypochon¬
has been constant for all that time, but when the Bowels
have been regularly open and moderate exercise used, it has, in
common, given but little trouble. About the menstrual periods
however, both the pain and fullness have been considerable increas¬
ed, and have continued to give more uneasiness for some Days.
It has always been more troublesome in the Night than in the

[Page 8]

day, and particularly so, on her first lying down in Bed. It is
heavy, dull, obtuse in common; sometimes, but then only, a few
seconds it is acute and pricking. She compares it to the pricking
of Pins
; she has never observed any throbbing in the part, or any symp¬
tom, which would denote the formation of Matter
. No hardness or
enlargement of the Liver has ever been discovered on examination in
every possible way. It has never affected respiration in the smallest
degree, Coughing never hurts it; sometimes, but not constantly,
sneezing violently gives pain. The appetite & digestion have never
been interupted or impaired by the disease, no discolouration of the
or Eyes has ever appeared, no diminution of her plumpness
or strength, except in that of
the side affected, nor does the system
in general seem to have suffered any injury as may be observed
from her own looks, and likewise from the looks of a strong healthy
Boy, whom she has suckled since the Month of January last. – She
lays with most ease on her right side, inclined a little forward.
She can lay on her left, but feels a slight uneasiness from the right
seeming to fall in towards the left, but not as
if any heavy body, was suspended to it, or dragged it down. When
she lays on her back the right Leg and T↑h↑igh seem to be drawn up
involuntarily, tho' she can lay in this position with the Limb fully
stretched out – When she walks, she frequently fancies, that she
mechanically inclines to the right side; tho' at the same time she
is perfectly upright, –– When she imploys her right Hand & Arm
about any work requiring considerable strength, or when she

[Page 9]

reaches at any thing above her, she feels a pain and great weakness
not only in
the arm but in the whole of that side, any violent or
quick motion of the right Leg affects her in the same manner. She
has frequently complained of the pain in the top of her right shoulder,
but it has not been constant nor has it been most troublesome when
the pain in the same side was most so. –– It is to be ob¬
served, that, for the whole of this time she has, besides her aperient
, taken the Cicutæ Extract in increased doses from 15 to 40 grains
at Night whenever the severity of the pain required it, and that she
has always been relieved by it, provided the dose has been large
enough. ––

About the end of October the Catamenia returned and flowed
for the usual time & in the usual quantity, without any Complaint
of the stomach, but with a considerable encrease of the Pain of the side,
both before the Eruption and after it had ceased. She now described
the pain as somewhat different from what it had formerly been; for
some seconds she felt a throbbing in the part, at another time a pricking
pain as formerly
, but most commonly a very great soreness. In about
a Week after the Catamenia had ceased, her Complaints became much
easier than they had been for ten Months before and continued so
for about three weeks, when a return of that evacuation was expected.
In place of this return, however, she was attacked with the Complaint
in her stomach in the usual manner & about the usual hour; the
Flowers of Zinc
was again administred, and removed the Paroxysm in a
a short time, but as formerly, the pain in the side was more acute

[Page 10]

for some days after. About the first of December and a week after
the above attack in the stomach, the Catamenia returned with the
same symptoms as at the last periods, but now ↑a↑ greater quantity
was voided than had been usual
, and the pain or soreness and
debility of the whole right side, which followed, was more considerable;
these Complaints went off again in the course of a week, and she
was almost clear of pain or uneasiness for near three. ––

The two next returns of the Catamenia (about the end of December
and January.) were perfectly regular as to time, but too abundant
in quantity
, at the last Period more than double the usual quan¬
tity was voided
. Before both of these, she complained much
of fullness, throbbing, and pricking pain of the side affected; and
after of great soreness and debility, for about a week or ten Days;
afterwards she became tolerably easy as before in the intermediate
times. As the Menorrhagia or excessive discharge at the
two last periods
seemed to proceed from great debility. She
took in the Month of February, some Pills composed of the Extract of Peruvian Bark and Sal: Martis as a tonic. This preparation agreed
pretty well with her stomach and the next return of the Menses,
on the 20th. of February, was much more moderate in Quantity,
but was attended with the same symptoms both before and after
as has of late become (↑been↑) usual in her case -

She still takes the Soluble Tartar occasionally to prevent cos¬
, and the Cicutæ Extract once or twice in 24 Hours when

[Page 11]

restless or in much pain. ––

In March she had the Catamenia at the regular time, in the
usual quantity and attended with the usual Complaints both be¬
fore and after, in a moderate degree. – In the begginning of April
she weaned her Child, and had the Catamenia on the 19th. of the Month,
which was the regular time for it's appearance. –– For four or five
Days before this, she complained of violent Pain, and fullness in
her Head, an increase of all the symptoms which usually preceded
the evacuation in her Case, and of great heavyness & fullness of
the whole habit
, but particularly of the right side. –––– The Cat¬
amenia flowed for the usual time, a very considerable quantity was
discharged, which carried off all the above symptoms of Plethora,
and left only that soreness of the right Hypochondrium, which had
been customary with her, after the discharge was over –

April 23d. 1784

[Page 12]

Mrs A
April 1784

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

Mrs. A. as early as the 12th. year of her age was subject
to pain and a sense of fullness at stomach; before she was
quite thirteen the Catamenia appeared, and continued to
flow regularly, tho' sparingly, or in small quantities, till
the 21st. year of her age. Before their eruption, she was com¬
monly affected with great pain of the lower part of the Back
and Belly, and with a sense of fullness & pain of the stomach
for some time after they ceased to flow. ––

About the age of 14 she tumbled down a very steep declivity
almost a Precipice, and struck her stomach against the stump
of a Tree; this occasioned a considerable swelling, and inflam¬
matory appearance
of the external Integuments, over that Or¬
, attended with acute pain –– She concealed this accident
for about a Week, but was afterwards bled and used warm fo¬
mentations to
the part, which in the course of a few Days en¬
tirely removed the inflamation and likewise the pain in a
great measure. ––

For six or eight months after this, her Complaints at the Men¬
strual period, particularly the pain and sense of fullness at
stomach, were much more troublesome, than they had ever
been before; and by the advice of a skillfull & experienced Phy¬
sician who attended her, she took a variety of Medicines, which
she believes were of the stomachic & deobstruent kind: by the
use of these, by Exercise &ca her Complaints were considerably
relieved; she was still, however subject to returns of them at

[Page 2]

uncertain periods, and particularly if any accident disturbed or
interrupted the regular flow of the Menses. ––

This was the state of her case till the 21st year of her age, in
the year 1772, when she was married. From that time she
enjoyed perfect health, menstruated more freely, plenti¬
fully, and without any of the former complaints of the Back, Bel¬
, or stomach, for near seven years, that is from the first of Sepr.
1772 to the beginning of the year 1779, when she was about 28
years of age, and was giving suck to her 3d. Child, with the Cata¬
menia and other Evacuations regular; for it is to be observed, that,
in nursing her three first Children the Catamenia flowed regularly
during the whole time from the third period after delivery. ––

In the Month of March 1779 about six Months after her third
delivery, she was again attacked with her stomachic Complaint
more violently than at any former period. She now described
it, as a violent distention of the stomach attended with acute
pain and sense of fullness. It generally, from this time, seized
her about Eleven or Twelve oClock at night and continued till five
or six in the Morning, when it seemed to move into the right
, and after being felt there for a few hours it went
entirely off. ––

From March 1779 to March 1782 the returns of this Disease were
not very frequent nor were they at any regular periods. They
did not seem to depend on the state of the Menses, nor on any particu¬
lar affection of the Mind, neither could it be observed, that any
particular kind of diet had any effect in producing or aggravating

[Page 3]

these returns. It was observed that every succeeding fitt was
more severe than the former, and that every Fitt was succeeded by
a considerable degree of Languour and debility and that these were
in proportion to the severity of the Fitt. ––

During the Paroxysm, no quickness or hardness of the Pulse, præ¬
ternatural heat of
the skin, or any other symptom denoting Inflam¬
could be perceived; neither the state of the Mind, nor of
the secretions seemed to be affected by it. It was considered as spas¬
and perhaps flatulent; and Volatiles, Fœtids, and warm cor¬
dials were tried to prevent, to moderate, and to carry off the Pa¬
roxysm, but without any good effects in either case; recourse
was then had to Opium, which given in the beginning of the Fitt,
and in large doses generally gave relief; but it was found inconve¬
nient from the costiveness which it induced; and the great lowness
and debility by which it was succeeded. ––

At this time the Flor: Zinci was recommended, as an Antispasmo¬
by a Friend who was consulted in this Case, and was given in the
quantity of two grains, and was afterwards increased pro re nata.
This Medicine had every good effect, that could be wished, it never
failed to shorten or carry off the Paroxysm when exhibited early enough
to be retained on the stomach, that is at it's commencement, or before
the spasm had so far affected the stomach as to render it incapable
of retaining this or any other Medicine ––

In the Month of April 1782 she proved with Child, and for the first
four Months of her pregnancy
her stomach Complaint attacked her
more frequently than ever, but still the Zinc given in increased

[Page 4]

doses from three to seven grains relieved her. After the end of the
fourth Month the returns were not so very frequent; when they did
occur, however, it was about the same hour, in the same manner, and
thro' the same course as formerly, if they were not immediately re¬
moved by the Zinc. ––

On the 25th. of December of the same year she was delivered of a
Boy after a short, easy, & natural labour; two Days after, she complain¬
ed of a Pain in the top of her right shoulder, and of a general weak¬
ness of
that whole side extending to her Hand and Foot, but these she
attributed to her exertions in supporting herself by the Arm & Leg
of the right side, in the time of labour, as she was delivered on the
. The discharge of the Lochia was as copious and continued
as long as it had done in any of her former layings inn. About
the 16th. day after delivery she was seized with Fever, had two attacks
of 24 Hours each, she took some gentle purgatives and afterwards
the Bark, on the second day of her taking this last Medicine, it
purged her too frequently
and she was directed to take some drops
of the Tinct: Japon: along with each Dose: by the use of which the
was put a stop to. On the Night following about the
usual hour of Eleven, she was attacked violently with her old Com¬
plaint in the stomach, and neglected to call for the Zinc till
too late, or till her stomach could not retain it; it was at last
given and frequently repeated but as often rejected. Tinct:
was next tried in large doses but with no better effect,
it was repeated and thrown up as often. The Pain or Spasm
continued with the most excruciating torture, and intolerance
of a horizontal Position till about five oClock in the Morning

[Page 5]

when it seemed, as had been usual, to move into the right side. It
was now expected, that as formerly, it would have become every mi¬
nute more tolerable, and have gone off entirely in a few hours; but
no, it raged with as much violence in it's present seat in the right
as it had before done in the stomach. The Elixir
was now given in Doses to contain two grains of Opium,
and it was not till she had swallowed and retained the fifth dose
that the pain abated in the smallest degree which was about Ten
oClock in the forenoon. ––

This attack, tho' more severe than any of the former, was accom¬
panied with no alteration in the state of the Pulse, no heat of the
above natural, no inflamatory symptoms whatever. The
Urine was voided in the usual quantity and of the natural colour.
There was no dejection of spirits, nor despondency, till the severity
and length of the Paroxysm
occasioned an apprehension of danger –
The Liver seemed to be the seat of the Disease after it had moved into
the right side, but had that organ been seized with Inflamation, a
must have ensued with quick, hard, Pulse, hot dry skin &ca
symptoms inseparable from Hepatitis – There appeared no dis¬
coloration of
the skin, nor yellowness in the Tunics of the Eyes; no ob¬
struction to the free flow of
the Bile could therefore be suspected. – On
examination no hardness of the Liver could be discovered; there was
an evident puffing and fullness in the right Hypochondrium attend¬
ed with a slight soreness, rather than pain, on pressure. A Physi¬
cal Freind joined in opinion that the disease took it's rise from
Congestion in the Liver itself, or in some part of the system of the

[Page 6]

Vena Portarum
. An aperient deobstruent course seemed therefore
to be indicated and was accordingly recommended. A Composition
of Pulv. Rhei, Sapon: Venet: & Gum Ammon: made into Pills was or¬
dered, and taken so as to keep us a gentle tho' constant Eccoprosis;
and 15 grains of the Ext. Cicutæ was given every night or oftener
pro re nata, to obviate Pain or spasm. In consequence of taking
the above aperient Medicine, her evacuations were large, pretty
frequent, of a dark green colour, tough & viscid
, almost of the con¬
sistence of Tar; the fullness & puffing were very nearly removed,
and for three Months, during which the course was pursued,
she had no Complaint, except the pain in her side, which was
constant, but at times very trifling, and at other times very trouble¬
some. ––

It was observed before, that in nursing her three first Children
the Catamenia had always appeared at the third period after de¬
livery, and continued to flow regularly for the rest of the time. –
At this time it ought to have appeared in the end of the Month of
March, but both that, and April passed over. without any appearance
of it
. – It was thought, that the abscence of this customary evacu¬
might increase or keep up her Complaint. And to bring
it on, Calomel was proposed as a more powerful aperient and
deobstruent. Accordingly she took some doses of it in the course
of the Month of May; but the quick and violent operation of that
Medicine was found to encrease the pain in her side exceedingly
both during it's operation and for some time after, in that Case

[Page 7]

the pain from being numb, dull & heavy, became sharp and pricking,
this Medicine was therefore laid aside, and particularly as it had no
effect in bringing on the menstrual Flux

In the Month of June she returned to her former course which
she continued occasionally till the end of September, but as her Pills
from her being accustomed to use them so long, had in a great mea¬
sure lost their effect of keeping her Bowels sufficiently open, it was
found necessary to add a little Aloes pro re nata to quicken their ope¬
ration; but ever since the year 1779, that she was first attacked with
her complaint, she has observed that all strong Purgatives have been hurt¬
full, or have encreased her disease for the time, either of the stomach
or side, and now her Medicine with the addition of the Aloes, was
found to act too roughly and to occasion too much disturbance in the
system, it was therefore changed in the Month of October for a Com¬
position of the Tart: Solub: & Elect: Lenitiv:, which she has continued
ever since, and which acts much more gently and with less distur¬
bance. ––

From the Month of January to this time, October, she has had
no return of the disease in her stomach, nor has she had any
appearance of the Catamenia
. The pain in the right Hypochon¬
has been constant for all that time, but when the Bowels
have been regularly open and moderate exercise used, it has, in
common, given but little trouble. About the menstrual periods
however, both the pain and fullness have been considerable increas¬
ed, and have continued to give more uneasiness for some Days.
It has always been more troublesome in the Night than in the

[Page 8]

day, and particularly so, on her first lying down in Bed. It is
heavy, dull, obtuse in common; sometimes, but then only, a few
seconds it is acute and pricking. She compares it to the pricking
of Pins
; she has never observed any throbbing in the part, or any symp¬
tom, which would denote the formation of Matter
. No hardness or
enlargement of the Liver has ever been discovered on examination in
every possible way. It has never affected respiration in the smallest
degree, Coughing never hurts it; sometimes, but not constantly,
sneezing violently gives pain. The appetite & digestion have never
been interupted or impaired by the disease, no discolouration of the
or Eyes has ever appeared, no diminution of her plumpness
or strength, except in that of
the side affected, nor does the system
in general seem to have suffered any injury as may be observed
from her own looks, and likewise from the looks of a strong healthy
Boy, whom she has suckled since the Month of Jany. last. – She
lays with most ease on her right side, inclined a little forward.
She can lay on her left, but feels a slight uneasiness from the right
seeming to fall in towards the left, but not as
if any heavy body, was suspended to it, or dragged it down. When
she lays on her back the right Leg and T↑h↑igh seem to be drawn up
involuntarily, tho' she can lay in this position with the Limb fully
stretched out – When she walks, she frequently fancies, that she
mechanically inclines to the right side; tho' at the same time she
is perfectly upright, –– When she imploys her right Hand & Arm
about any work requiring considerable strength, or when she

[Page 9]

reaches at any thing above her, she feels a pain and great weakness
not only in
the arm but in the whole of that side, any violent or
quick motion of the right Leg affects her in the same manner. She
has frequently complained of the pain in the top of her right shoulder,
but it has not been constant nor has it been most troublesome when
the pain in the same side was most so. –– It is to be ob¬
served, that, for the whole of this time she has, besides her aperient
, taken the Ext. Cicutæ in increased doses from 15 to 40 grains
at Night whenever the severity of the pain required it, and that she
has always been relieved by it, provided the dose has been large
enough. ––

About the end of October the Catamenia returned and flowed
for the usual time & in the usual quantity, without any Complaint
of the stomach, but with a considerable encrease of the Pain of the side,
both before the Eruption and after it had ceased. She now described
the pain as somewhat different from what it had formerly been; for
some seconds she felt a throbbing in the part, at another time a pricking
pain as formerly
, but most commonly a very great soreness. In about
a Week after the Catamenia had ceased, her Complaints became much
easier than they had been for ten Months before and continued so
for about three weeks, when a return of that evacuation was expected.
In place of this return, however, she was attacked with the Complant.
in her stomach in the usual manner & about the usual hour; the
Flor: Zinci
was again administred, and removed the Paroxysm in a
a short time, but as formerly, the pain in the side was more acute

[Page 10]

for some days after. About the first of December and a week after
the above attack in the stomach, the Catamenia returned with the
same symptoms as at the last periods, but now ↑a↑ greater quantity
was voided than had been usual
, and the pain or soreness and
debility of the whole right side, which followed, was more considerable;
these Complaints went off again in the course of a week, and she
was almost clear of pain or uneasiness for near three. ––

The two next returns of the Catamenia (about the end of Decemr.
and January.) were perfectly regular as to time, but too abundant
in quantity
, at the last Period more than double the usual quan¬
tity was voided
. Before both of these, she complained much
of fullness, throbbing, and pricking pain of the side affected; and
after of great soreness and debility, for about a week or ten Days;
afterwards she became tolerably easy as before in the intermediate
times. As the Menorrhagia or excessive discharge at the
two last periods
seemed to proceed from great debility. She
took in the Month of February, some Pills composed of the Ext:
Cort: Peruv:
and Sal: Martis as a tonic. This preparation agreed
pretty well with her stomach and the next return of the Menses,
on the 20th. of February, was much more moderate in Quantity,
but was attended with the same symptoms both before and after
as has of late become (↑been↑) usual in her case -

She still takes the Tart: Solub: occasionally to prevent cos¬
, and the Ext: Cicutæ once or twice in 24 Hours when

[Page 11]

restless or in much pain. ––

In March she had the Catamenia at the regular time, in the
usual quantity and attended with the usual Complaints both be¬
fore and after, in a moderate degree. – In the begginning of April
she weaned her Child, and had the Catamenia on the 19th. of the Month,
which was the regular time for it's appearance. –– For four or five
Days before this, she complained of violent Pain, and fullness in
her Head, an increase of all the symptoms which usually preceded
the evacuation in her Case, and of great heavyness & fullness of
the whole habit
, but particularly of the right side. –––– The Cat¬
amenia flowed for the usual time, a very considerable quantity was
discharged, which carried off all the above symptoms of Plethora,
and left only that soreness of the right Hypochondrium, which had
been customary with her, after the discharge was over –

April 23d. 1784

[Page 12]

Mrs A
April 1784


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