
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1978] Case Note / Regarding: Miss Hodgson (Hodgeson) (Patient) / 11? February 1781 / (Incoming)

Case note describing the case of Miss Hodgson, compiled by her maid with/for Richard Walker, originally enclosed in ID 1977. She is now 47, and the note traces her case back to 1768, before which she had a 'tolerable good state of Health, except a numbness or rather a want of Power to move at will' which made her often fall. Since then, she has suffered from a range of ailments, including diarrhœa; violent spasms which have left an arm and leg partly paralysed, with her leg often drawn up behind her and her foot twisted over; jaundice; inflammations and rashes. She has tried a number of different treatments: spa waters at Harrogate, Buxton and Bath, Butter's hemlock treatment, Dominiceti's baths in Chelsea, electricity, and various medicines, including salivation by means of mercury ointment. She is of 'bloated' appearance and cannot turn herself in bed without aid.


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DOC ID 1978
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/1056b
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date11? February 1781
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe Yes
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Case note describing the case of Miss Hodgson, compiled by her maid with/for Richard Walker, originally enclosed in ID 1977. She is now 47, and the note traces her case back to 1768, before which she had a 'tolerable good state of Health, except a numbness or rather a want of Power to move at will' which made her often fall. Since then, she has suffered from a range of ailments, including diarrhœa; violent spasms which have left an arm and leg partly paralysed, with her leg often drawn up behind her and her foot twisted over; jaundice; inflammations and rashes. She has tried a number of different treatments: spa waters at Harrogate, Buxton and Bath, Butter's hemlock treatment, Dominiceti's baths in Chelsea, electricity, and various medicines, including salivation by means of mercury ointment. She is of 'bloated' appearance and cannot turn herself in bed without aid.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:987]
Case of Miss Hodgson [Hodgeson] with a very long history marked by a complex range of changing symptoms and self-medication. She is a chronic invalid who cannot turn herself in bed without aid.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:2192]AuthorMiss
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2273]PatientMiss Hodgson (Hodgeson)
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2654]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Bartolomeo Dominiceti (Dominciti)
[PERS ID:1092]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr John Daltry (Dealtry, Daltrey)
[PERS ID:1364]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Butter
[PERS ID:1884]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryMr Richard Walker
[PERS ID:2192]OtherMiss
[PERS ID:1884]Supplemental AuthorMr Richard Walker

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Stockton-on-Tees North-East England Europe certain
Destination of Letter Cullen's House / Mint Close Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Bath South-West England Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Buxton Midlands England Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Chelsea London and South-East England Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Harrogate North-East England Europe certain
Mentioned / Other York North-East England Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]

Miss Hodgson Aged 47 has a very delicate nervous
& soft irritable Fibre; from an early Period of Life,
being exposed to Cold, was subject to Rheumatic pains in
different parts of the Body, but till the Year 1768 enjoy'd a
tolerable good state of Health, except a numbness, or rather
a want of Power to move at will; the muscles of the right Leg &
Thigh; for they were not ↑in↑ the least destitute of feeling, which was
the Cause of her frequently falling upon plain ground. From
the Period above mentioned, till the latter End of the Year 72 was
much troubled with an almost daily Diarrhœa, but not
Attended with other troublesome symptoms. Being of the frame
above mentioned & subject to the disorders call'd Nervous; by the
Prescriptions of various Physicians; whom she had consulted, has
from an early time of Life, been taking almost daily as, various
Spirits of nervous medicines, this Year was advised to Sea Bathing
which she continued with Intermissions Several weeks: return'd much
lamer. The Summer following being the year 69 visited Haroogate
bath'd but once, & but seldom & indeed then in small Quantities
did drink the waters
the Diarrhœa pretty smart, & the least Quan¬
tity of any purgative much encreasing it. The Spring follow¬
ing 1770 went to Chelsea under Domincite & order'd the Discipline
of his Baths & Stoves twice a Day for three weeks or a month
nothing releiv'd, but much weakened: In the Summer visited Bux¬
ton, was there six weeks used the ↑Bath↑ 20 Times, & drank the waters
much the same, but complained of pain in the Leg & Thigh went to
York, & continued the Winter under the Care of the late Dr. Dealtry till
the Spring following 71. Pain & Partial loss of motion in the parts
encreased & the great Toe affected now & then with an involuntary
catching up
, & now & then some pain in the stomach try'd Elec¬
, much at one, went to Bath & continued there Eleven
months & had the advise of some Physicians there; drank the
& used the Bath, & Occasionly taking Castor, Assafœtid
& other nervous medicines, was some what freer from pain, &

[Page 2]

And in better Spirits the days she used the Bath the Diarrhœa all the
time continuing tho' with some short Intervals, In the Summer 72
the Diarrhœa ceased & then had an Itching in different parts of
the Body
at different times with some faint eruptive Appearances.
At this time was Order'd Sea Bathing which she continu'd six weeks
or thereabouts, from that time grew worse by Degrees. In the latter
end of December 72, or beginning January 73 I first saw her with the
following Complaints a violent Pain in the right Leg & Thigh
violent & frequent Spasmodic Affections which continue fix'd for ½
an hour together so that the heel woud almost come in Contact
with theGlutie (↑es↑) Muscles, which as well as those of the Leg &
Thigh were very rigid. When the paroxysm began to abate
the Leg came down gradually & when entirely off, which was but
very seldom cou'd sometimes very slowly move it along the
floor in a direction she was desir'd. The Leg Affected was much
thicker, than the other & colder. The swelling was not of the
Œdematous kind
, nor yet hard or inflam'd. The Arm of the same
was Affect'd with loss of motion, Pulse about 90, regular
as to the Catamina Spirits unequal, sometimes when there
was a moderate cessation from pain Spirits good, in Bulk
much encreas'd, & seem'd what people in this part call bloated

The Urine deposited a very copius brick coloured sediment,
Skin moist, Appetite good & Belly regular, & not very easily
Affected by Laxatives. I order'd small Doses of Calomel, with
Opium & Antimonial Wine, every Evening & laxative Diuretic me¬
dicines, the Pediluvium with vinegar, & a diet as mild as she
would conform to. The pains spasms &c. encreas'd & Opium
in increased Quantity afford'd no alleviation; Vinegar Ap¬
plied to the Leg was most servicable in mitigating the pain
Contractions. A Blister Appli'd to the Leg, but by its irri¬
tating effects much encreased the Pain & drawing up of the
. These methods with some little variations were continu'd
for about two or three months with Antispasmodics such as
Castor, Valerian, & Camphor, & Opium dissolv'd was Applied

[Page 3]

to the Affected Parts. These complaints becoming gradually
more severe & generally were more intolerable to the Lady, being
almost constant, & the muscles of the Abdomen & those of the
subservient to Respiration were so much affected
with these Spasmodic Affections
& pains that they were
very alarming. Having read in the Physical & literary Es¬
says the succesful treatment of the locked Jaw, began the
Strong Mercury Unguent in small Quantities but found no
palliative effect from it till a stronger was used, or till the
Ptyalism took place
when the Spasms & Pains immediately
decreased, & by keeping it up a few days which warmth greatly
conduc'd to with a moderate Quantity of the Unguent entirely ceas'd.
Had now a pretty free use of the Parts, cou'd move 'em at
pleasure &c. her only Complaint now was, that when in Bed
she was sometimes affected with a weight universally over her
Body. This was no new Complaint, but I've omitted it in
the former part. The Spiting having continu'd for some time
was now greatly reduced in Size, her Leg almost equal with
the other the Urine had a natural Appearance, her spirits were good,
& her only unhappiness was weakness, a sore mouth & dis¬
agreeable taste, which she coud by no means easily reconcile. In
this state I intended giving the Bark, but was prevented by
a Friend of hers under whose Care she had before been, recommending
a Decoction of Sarsaparilla. Two months now elaps'd since
the Ptyalism had ceas'd all which time she Continu'd, as above.
Whether having got Cold in riding out the Coach or from some
other cause I cannot absolutely determine, but was Attack'd
with an acute pain in the Region of the Liver, which brought on a
temporary Jaundice, but by Opiates & laxative medicines
soon recover'd, but had this Autumn – 73 – two or three very se¬
vere Attacks, which Affected the Stomach with spasm & acute Pain,
Opium alone & Bleeding, which in the first of these Attacks I thought
necessary from the quick Pulse & other Symptoms were not
suficient to releive, but by Joining 3 grains of Ipecac with an

[Page 4]

Opiate had a happy ↑Effect↑ in Pumping up an immense load of
pituitous viscid matter
after which the Pain ceas'd, & laxatives &
Glysters perform'd the rest. The medicine she always keeps
by her, never failing to releive when she finds any Attack
of the same, As the Winter Approached her old Complaints
in her Leg & Thigh began to increase, & has continued at times
all the last winter & Spring to be thus Affected. Viz: pain
Convulsive motion & weight universally, but in a more mo¬
derate degree, than before, sometimes one, & sometimes
Another of these Complaints being more prevalent: Since
the Mercury Unguent was made use of, during which time she was in
a moderate Sweat, has had returns of the Itchings & eruptive
, & when these are most out, the other Complaints
are less violent, she takes at Bedtime occasionly the following
which always affords reliefe

Recipe for Draught: 10 grains of Nitre with Hartshorn Salts, a sufficient quantity of Lemon Juice, 40 drops each of Thebaic Tincture, Crocus, Castor, Virginia Snakeroot and Antimonial Wine, and a sufficient quantity of Simple Syrup. Mix to make a Draught

generally produces a moist Skin, has sometimes a com¬
plaint in the Neck of the Bladder which prevents her making
water in any considerable Quantity at a time Attended
with Pain
which I look upon a Spasmodic Affection perhaps
owing to the Acrimony of the Urine, which is now generally high
coloured & deposites the same copious brick colour'd Sediment
but has no gritty feel. The mucilaginous drinks, as Decoction of Dialthaea &c. releive, has Glysters & laxatives occasionly, as the
gives a bound Belly. From the beginning of last
Autumn the menstrual Flux has not been so regular, Some¬
times 2 months 6 weeks or 8 weeks Any sudden surprize
will make these Spasmodic Affections more violent. She
has been twice blooded within these six months, for when
these periodical Discharges which nature long has been ac¬
custom'd to, dont happen at the usual time, her Complaints
are worse. She has kept Pretty free from pain in the Stomach

[Page 5]

& vital Parts these 4 or 5 months past except one or two very
trifling Attacks which soon receded. Having lately given her the
Hemlock in Dr. Butters form, & a fomentation of the Plant
to her Legs. I found no advantage from it, but indeed I did
not continue the Experiment long & then in but very moderate

Miss Hodgson has had an Issue in her right Thigh for
some Years past, which discharges plentifully. She is very feeble
& weak
, not able to make herself the least Asistance. –

In the Year 75, continu'd much as usual being Obliged to
take the Opium Draught every night & the right Leg growing every
day worse – more & more contract'd, till the heel was drawn up,
till it wou'd not touch the ground, & the inside of the foot, as
much contract'd in January 76 was Attacked with an Inflammation
the Liver, attended with a Jaundice, continu'd bad for a
long time, took the Bark & other Strengthning Medicines
continu'd in this manner with the Leg of the right side growing
worse, & also the Arm of the same side growing weak, & not its
right feel, & the fingers of the same hand, being drawn into the
allways shut, but will open out, when pulled open, but
will shut again of themselves, & the Spasms most of this
time growing worse
– in about April 77: was again Attack'd with
a Fever of the Inflammatory kind, was bloodd two or three times
after the fever was abated got could, from which had a return of
the fever
, & a bad Cough, by various medicines, these was at
last removed, all this time scarsely ever had a natural Stool
& was also Oblig'd to take a vomit every two or three months
from the weakness of the Stomach & badness of digestion, in
that time was generally loaded with tough Phlegm, & mostly very
soure; 78: at latter end of the Summer, had a violent pain in the
, & Rheumatic pains in various parts at the same
time, & the Spasms increasing to a great degre continu'd very
indiferent for some time About February 79: had again a violent

[Page 6]

disorder in the Stomach, these attacks grew more violent, &
more frequent, had a hardness & a tightness at the Stomach, took
various medicines was at that time blud, had the feet & legs
frequently put into warm water which had the Chamomile boild
in it, had a variety of nervous medicines at several times
being much afflicted with that complaint, being so much wea¬
with so many severe Illnesses, & scarcely ever had time to
recruit her Strength, before another Attack came on at the lat¬
ter end of the same Year 79: had another very violent Attack
had a Blister upon the bad Arm, which answer'd very well had
a return of the disorder, & the Spasms was so violent laid
a Blister upon
the better Leg, after which it was much worse
& more Irritable than it before had been tho' had long been
that way inclin'd in 1780 about January the 19. begun in a
Inflamatory Fever, was blood twice & took medi¬
cines proper for that disorder, got something better, after
which was once Electrify'd about a week after which got out of
the room the Weather being fine, from which she got a Could, & the
next day was ceased with a violent trembling & as cold as
death all over
her Eyes shut, could not speak, being
often asked, nor took notice of any thing for the time
which was about Twenty minuets, used fricksions all the
with hot flannels, but brought no warmth nor Life till
of it self return'd, she could not then remember any thing
of her own situation, after which she begun to be violent hot
all over
, & a most violent pain in the bad Thigh & Leg
which swell'd most Prodigiously, was then blud, the Leg con¬
tinued violently swell'd & inflam'd to a great degree, in
two or three days it was cut, & discharg'd gradually
about two Quarts of water
, at the same time there came
a redness
underneath the left Thigh rather high up where
she sits which was sore to feel, & painfull, but no skin

[Page 7]

Broke but appear'd drawn in as if contracted, & had tho'
at the same time the redness, a white scarfe appearance that
still continues, & is very sore & troublesome, that can some¬
times scarsely sit, at the same time some redness came also
in the Elbow, which was very sore & ruff to the feel & at times
still continues so sore as cant lean upon it, the Leg was
poulticed with white Lilley roots which blister'd it; it was
afterwards fomented many times, had Leeches set on repea¬
, it continu'd swell'd after the Inflamation was gone, &
the muscles of the Leg very hard, & the Leg very Irritable, after
the Fever was abated, try'd the Bark to give Strength being
much reduced in Strength, but the Bark unfortunately
brought on a return of the Inflamatory Complaints, was
again blud
, continu'd very bad till June got a little better
was so much reduced & weaken'd tried the Bark Joined
with proper cooling things, it again had that unhappy
effect, brought on a return of the Inflamatory Complaints
which proved very obstinate, was blood repeatedly, & medicines
proper gave; was at that time, reduced so very weak as
could not scarcely be supported
; thought she could not Live
a little time, after which the Legs swell'd & water came down
into them, had a Puncture ↑made↑ in the left foot, which discharged a
little water
, after a little while it swell'd, pitted much, was
again cut in the side of the Ankle, discharged very little, has
continu'd very weak ever since, has tried different Prepara¬
tions of Steel
, but allways finds them rather heating, the
right Leg
is now, & has been for some time very hard & thick
& so much drawn till the great Toe turns round towards
the Inside of the foot; where it is much drawn & contracted
so that when she Attempts to stand it lays entirely upon
the out side of the foot, & little Toe; & Ankle Bone the other Leg
seems to be going just the same way, & the right Hand

[Page 8]

Continues pinched as before mention'd the spasms so violent
is Oblig'd to take a greater Quantity of quieting Medicines
which are oblig'd to be repeated every day, has a violent sharp¬
ness; all over
, is oftens Afflicted with a feel as if Lancets
was running into her
, & at other times finds as if a Blister
was pulling of
, the sharpness & soreness was so great; & is
much troubled with a violent Itching all over comes more
particularly, at night in Bed, as oftens cant sleep till,
three or four oClock
it is so troublesome; sometimes there
Appears little red spots
in the Inside of the Thighs & Legs,
which finds sore & smarts, but soon disape↑a↑rs, has frequently
a pain in the Back, with a great weakness, & the back Bones
cra↑c↑kes as if they wou'd come out of Joint every time she is
pull'd or turn'd in Bed; being intirely helpless, can do no¬
thing for herself, has had a pain fix'd sometimes in the left
, Just where she is blood, with a sharp prickling feel which
gose to the end of the Fingers, & when not there gose across
the Breast bone, & has oftens a pain & Contraction at the
bottom of the Body
, which place the Itching & sharpness is
particularly troublesome, has oftens such a weight &
Oppression upon her as cant move, scarsely any more than
if Dead, oftens thinks shall be prest thro' the Bed; has
frequently a dryness in the Mouth & Tongue, the latter of which
will be has dry as the Hand; has not been able to turn in
bed, without Asistance, these many Years
, the better which is
the Left, & the only one she has left, has a kind of numbness
in it, & oftens a tingling feel; with a Contraction & [soreness?]
& sometimes will pugh up, & swell a little & sometimes
little watery pimples will appear, upon the thick part of
the Hand, which gose back; & the skin drys & pools of when
any way free from pain, that the Spirits ar good she finds
sometimes to herself as if she could walk; & will be held

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Up for that purpose, but has not the least power to move,
has a Quantity of clear water, frequently runs out of the Mouth,
more particularly when a Sleep, is now much weaken'd & reduced
& never free from some of the above Complaints; finds such a weak¬
, & cant bear to talk without, being much spent, nor to Read
nor cant bear to lean forward, has oftens a throbing pain in the
, & sometimes in the fingers, as if it woud matter & come
out, but never does, has not lifted the right Hand to the Head,
for some Years, when in the Bed & the Spasms any way better
you may hear the Legs rub against the Sheets, as they go down
as sometimes a great weight in the Head, & oftens Dizzy, as
if she woud fall from her Chair; & very heavy to Sleep, & some¬
times a little pain in it, has not been able for these many
Years to kneel down, it Occasions such a Violent pain, as
could not bear it, the Castor Oil was two Hot, has no Conveni¬
ence of getting into warm Baths, being so very helpless.
Exercise makes the Legs swell more, is so very weak & so sub¬
ject to Cold, cant move out of her own Room, none of the muscles
Callous'd except those of the right Foot, & round the Ankles, which
is drawn so in the inside, you may lay your Fingers into it
tho' the Hand of the same side is so drawn & the Hand & Arm quite
Useless, yet upon any other part of the Body Itching; the Fingers
will stretch out of themselves, but will go to Again, the Catchings
come on every Night
& the Legs then Catchess & trembles, to that
degree that it is impossible to hold them, at the same time has
hard as Iron, & could & Painfull is then rub'd well which is al¬
most every day. Before my Mrs. had that Erysipelas Fever
which was in March & April 1780 she was to have Intervals of ease;
& would have been better, for two or three months, but since that
time has never been free from some of the above Complaints;
& since that time has allways had a tendency, to an In¬
flamatory Complaint
, & at times a violent heat in the

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, up as high as the Shoulders, & frequently flushing heats
in the Face, has within these last Ten days, has had a violent
Pain in the Neck of the Uterus with smarting & heats, the
sharpness is so great
, that it gets into the Eyes & they frequent¬
ly run down with water.

Miss Hodgeson
February 1781 –
XI. p. 156 ––

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

Miss Hodgson Aged 47 has a very delicate nervous
& soft irritable Fibre; from an early Period of Life,
being exposed to Cold, was subject to Rheumatic pains in
different parts of ye. Body, but till ye. Year 1768 enjoy'd a
tolerable good state of Health, except a numbness, or rather
a want of Power to move at will; ye. mus.s of ye. right Leg &
Thigh; for they were not ↑in↑ ye. least destitute of feeling, was
ye. Cause of her frequently falling upon plain ground. From
ye. Period above mentioned, till ye. latter End of ye. Year 72 was
much troubled with an almost daily Diarrhœa, but not
Attended with other troublesome symptoms. Being of ye. frame
above mentioned & subject to ye. disorders call'd Nervous; by ye.
Præscrip.s of various Physicians; whom she had consulted, has
from an early time of Life, been taking almost daily as, various
Sp.ts of nervous medicines, this Year was advised to Sea Bathing she continued wth. Intermissions Several weeks: return'd much
lamer. The Summer following being ye. year 69 visited Haroogate
bath'd but once, & but seldom & indeed then in small Quantities
did drink ye. waters
ye. Diarrhœa pretty smart, & ye. least Quan¬
tity of any purgative much encreasing it. The Spring follow¬
ing 1770 went to Chelsea under Domincite & order'd ye. Discipline
of his Baths & Stoves twice a Day for three weeks or a month
nothing releiv'd, but much weakened: In ye. Summer visited Bux¬
ton, was there six weeks used ye. ↑Bath↑ 20 Times, & drank ye. waters
much ye. same, but complained of pain in ye. Leg & Thigh went to
York, & continued ye. Winter under ye. Care of ye. late Dr. Dealtry till
ye. Spring following 71. Pain & Partial loss of motion in ye. parts
encreased & ye. great Toe affected now & then an involuntary
catching up
, & now & then some pain in ye. stomach try'd Elec¬
, much at one, went to Bath & continued there Eleven
months & had ye. advise of some Physicians there; drank ye.
& used ye. Bath, & Occasionly taking Castor, Assafœtid
& other nervous medicines, was some what freer from pain, &

[Page 2]

And in better Spirits ye. days she used ye. Bath ye. Diarrhœa all ye.
time continuing tho' with some short Intervals, In ye. Summer 72
ye. Diarrhœa ceased & then had an Itching in different parts of
ye. Body
at different times wth: some faint eruptive Appearances.
At this time was Order'd Sea Bathing wch. she continu'd six weeks
or thereabouts, from that time grew worse by Degrees. In ye. latter
end of December 72, or beginng. Janry. 73 I first saw her with ye.
following Complaints a violent Pain in ye. right Leg & Thigh
violt & frequent Spasmodic Affections wch. continue fix'd for ½
an hour together so that ye. heel woud almost come in Contact
with ye.Glutie (↑es↑) Muscles, wch. as well as those of ye. Leg &
Thigh were very rigid. When ye. paroxysm began to abate
ye. Leg came down gradually & when entirely off, wch. was but
very seldom cou'd sometimes very slowly move it along ye.
floor in a direction she was desir'd. The Leg Affected was much
thicker, than ye. other & colder. The swelling was not of the
Œdematous kind
, nor yet hard or inflam'd. The Arm of ye. same
was Affect'd wth. loss of motion, Pulse about 90, regular
as to ye. Catamina Spirits unequal, sometimes when there
was a moderate cessation from pain Spirits good, in Bulk
much encreas'd, & seem'd what people in this part call bloated

The Urine deposited a very copius brick coloured sediment,
Skin moist, Appetite good & Belly regular, & not very easily
Affected by Laxatives. I order'd small Doses of Caloml, wth.
Opium & Vin. Antimon.l, every Eveng. & laxative Diuretic me¬
dicines, ye. Pediluvium wth. vinegar, & a diet as mild as she
would conform to. Ye. pains spasms &c. encreas'd & Opium
in increased Quantity afford'd no alleviation; Vinegar Ap¬
plied to ye. Leg was most servicable in mitigating ye. pain
Contractions. A Blister Appli'd to ye. Leg, but by its irri¬
tating effects much encreased ye. Pain & drawing up of ye.
. These methods some little variations were continu'd
for about two or three months wth. Antispasmodics such as
Castor, Valerian, & Camphor, & Opium dissolv'd was Applied

[Page 3]

to ye. Affected Parts. These complaints becoming gradually
more severe & generally were more intolerable to ye. Lady, being
almost constant, & ye. muscles of ye. Abdomen & those of ye.
subservient to Respiration were so much affected these Spasmodic Affections
& pains that they were
very alarming. Having read in ye. Physical & literary Es¬
says ye. succesful treatment of ye. locked Jaw, began ye.
Ungt. Merc. Fort. in small Quantities but found no
palliative effect from it till a stronger was used, or till ye.
Ptyalism took place
when ye. Spasms & Pains immediately
decreased, & by keeping it up a few days wch. warmth greatly
conduc'd to wth. a moderate Quanty. of ye. Ungt. entirely ceas'd.
Had now a pretty free use of ye. Parts, cou'd move 'em at
pleasure &c. her only Complaint now was, that when in Bed
she was sometimes affected wth. a weight universally over her
Body. This was no new Complaint, but I've omitted it in
ye. former part. The Spiting having continu'd for some time
was now greatly reduced in Size, her Leg almost equal wth.
ye. other ye. Urine had a natural Appearance, her Spts. were good,
& her only unhappiness was weakness, a sore mouth & dis¬
agreeable taste, wch. she coud by no means easily reconcile. In
this state I intended giving ye. Bark, but was prevented by
a Friend of hers under whose Care she had before been, recomg.
a Decoct. of Sarsaparilla. Two months now elaps'd since
ye. Ptyalism had ceas'd all wch. time she Continu'd, as above.
Whether having got Cold in riding out ye. Coach or from some
other cause I cannot absolutely determine, but was Attack'd
wth. an acute pain in ye. Region of ye. Liver, wch. brought on a
temporary Jaundice, but by Opiates & laxative medicines
soon recover'd, but had this Autumn – 73 – two or three very se¬
vere Attacks, wch. Affected ye. Stomach wth. spasm & acute Pain,
Opium alone & Bleeding, wch. in ye. first of these Attacks I thot.
necessary from ye. quick Pulse & other Symptoms were not
suficient to releive, but by Joining grs. iij of Ipecac with an

[Page 4]

Opiate had a happy ↑Effect↑ in Pumping up an immense load of
pituitous viscid matter
after wch. ye. Pain ceas'd, & laxatives &
Glysters perform'd ye. rest. The medicine she always keeps
by her, never failing to releive when she finds any Attack
of ye. same, As ye. Winter Approached her old Complaints
in her Leg & Thigh began to increase, & has continued at times
all ye. last winter & Spring to be thus Affected. Viz: pain
Convulsive motion & weight universally, but in a more mo¬
derate degree, than before, sometimes one, & sometimes
Another of these Complaints being more prevalent: Since
ye. Merc. Ungt. was made use of, during wch. time she was in
a moderate Sweat, has had returns of ye. Itchings & eruptive
, & when these are most out, ye. other Complaints
are less violent, she takes at Bedtime occasionly ye. followg.
wch. always affords reliefe

℞ Haust. Nitr. cum Sal. Cor. C.
gr. x Succ. Lymon q. s. Tinct. Theb. Croc. Castor Serp. Virg.
& Vin. Antimon. aa gtt. 40 Syr. Simpl. q. s. ℳ ft. Haust.

generally produces a moist Skin, has sometimes a com¬
plaint in ye. Neck of ye. Bladder wch. prevents her making
water in any considerable Quantity at a time Attended
wth. Pain
wch. I look upon a Spasmodic Affection perhaps
owing to ye. Acrimony of ye. Urine, wch. is now generally high
coloured & deposites ye. same copious brick colour'd Sedimt.
but has no gritty feel. The mucilaginous drinks, as Decoct.
&c. releive, has Glysters & laxatives occasionly, as ye.
gives a bound Belly. From ye. beginning of last
Autumn ye. menstrual Flux has not been so regular, Some¬
times 2 months 6 weeks or 8 weeks Any sudden surprize
will make these Spasmodic Affections more violent. She
has been twice blooded within these six months, for when
these periodical Discharges wch. nature long has been ac¬
custom'd to, dont happen at ye. usual time, her Complaints
are worse. She has kept Pretty free from pain in ye. Stomach

[Page 5]

& vital Parts these 4 or 5 months past except one or two very
trifling Attacks wch. soon receded. Having lately given her ye.
Hemlock in Dr. Butters form, & a fomentation of ye. Plant
to her Legs. I found no advantage from it, but indeed I did
not continue ye. Experiment long & then in but very moderate

Miss Hodgson has had an Issue in her right Thigh for
some Years past, wch. discharges plentifully. She is very feeble
& weak
, not able to make herself ye. least Asistance. –

In ye. Year 75, continu'd much as usual being Obliged to
take ye. Opium Drt. every night & ye. right Leg growing every
day worse – more & more contract'd, till ye. heel was drawn up,
till it wou'd not touch ye. ground, & ye. inside of ye. foot, as
much contract'd in Janry. 76 was Attacked wth. an Inflammation
ye. Liver, attended wth. a Jaundice, continu'd bad for a
long time, took ye. Bark & other Strengthning Medicines
continu'd in this manner wth: ye. Leg of ye. right side growing
worse, & also ye. Arm of ye. same side growing weak, & not its
right feel, & ye. fingers of ye. same hand, being drawn into ye.
allways shut, but will open out, when pulled open, but
will shut again of themselves, & ye. Spasms most of this
time growing worse
– in about Apr. 77: was again Attack'd wth.
a Fever of ye. Inflammatory kind, was bloodd two or three times
after ye. fever was abated got could, from wch. had a return of
ye. fever
, & a bad Cough, by various medicines, these was at
last removed, all this time scarsely ever had a natural Stool
& was also Oblig'd to take a vomit every two or three months
from ye. weakness of ye. Stomach & badness of digestion, in
that time was generally loaded wth. tough Phlegm, & mostly very
soure; 78: at latter end of ye. Summer, had a violent pain in ye.
, & Rheumatic pains in various parts at ye. same
time, & ye. Spasms increasing to a great degre continu'd very
indiferent for some time About Feb.ry 79: had again a violent

[Page 6]

disorder in ye. Stomach, these attacks grew more violent, &
more frequent, had a hardness & a tightness at ye. Stomach, took
various medicines was at that time blud, had ye. feet & legs
frequently put into warm water wch. had ye. Chamomile boild
in it, had a variety of nervous medicines at several times
being much afflicted wth: that complaint, being so much wea¬
wth. so many severe Illnesses, & scarcely ever had time to
recruit her Strength, before another Attack came on at ye. lat¬
ter end of ye. same Year 79: had another very violent Attack
had a Blister upon ye. bad Arm, wch. answer'd very well had
a return of ye. disorder, & ye. Spasms was so violent laid
a Blister upon
ye. better Leg, after wch. it was much worse
& more Irritable than it before had been tho' had long been
that way inclin'd in 1780 about Janry. ye. 19. begun in a
Inflamatory Fever, was blood twice & took medi¬
cines proper for that disorder, got something better, after
wch: was once Electrify'd about a week after wch: got out of
ye. room ye. Weather being fine, from wch. she got a Could, & ye.
next day was ceased wth: a violent trembling & as cold as
death all over
her Eyes shut, could not speak, being
often asked, nor took notice of any thing for ye. time
wch. was about Twenty minuets, used fricksions all ye.
wth: hot flannels, but brought no warmth nor Life till
of it self return'd, she could not then remember any thing
of her own situation, after wch: she begun to be violent hot
all over
, & a most violent pain in ye. bad Thigh & Leg
wch. swell'd most Prodigiously, was then blud, ye. Leg con¬
tinued violently swell'd & inflam'd to a great degree, in
two or three days it was cut, & discharg'd gradually
about two Quarts of water
, at ye. same time there came
a redness
underneath ye. left Thigh rather high up where
she sits wch: was sore to feel, & painfull, but no skin

[Page 7]

Broke but appear'd drawn in as if contracted, & had tho'
at ye. same time ye. redness, a white scarfe appearance that
still continues, & is very sore & troublesome, that can some¬
times scarsely sit, at ye. same time some redness came also
in ye. Elbow, wch: was very sore & ruff to ye. feel & at times
still continues so sore as cant lean upon it, ye. Leg was
poulticed with white Lilley roots wch: blister'd it; it was
afterwards fomented many times, had Leeches set on repea¬
, it continu'd swell'd after ye. Inflamation was gone, &
ye. muscles of ye. Leg very hard, & ye. Leg very Irritable, after
ye. Fever was abated, try'd ye. Bark to give Strength being
much reduced in Strength, but ye. Bark unfortunately
brought on a return of ye. Inflamatory Complaints, was
again blud
, continu'd very bad till June got a little better
was so much reduced & weaken'd tried ye. Bark Joined
wth: proper cooling things, it again had that unhappy
effect, brought on a return of ye. Inflamatory Complaints
wch. proved very obstinate, was blood repeatedly, & medicines
proper gave; was at that time, reduced so very weak as
could not scarcely be supported
; thought she could not Live
a little time, after wch: ye. Legs swell'd & water came down
into them, had a Puncture ↑made↑ in ye. left foot, discharged a
little water
, after a little while it swell'd, pitted much, was
again cut in ye. side of ye. Ankle, discharged very little, has
continu'd very weak ever since, has tried different Prepara¬
tions of Steel
, but allways finds them rather heating, ye.
right Leg
is now, & has been for some time very hard & thick
& so much drawn till ye. great Toe turns round towards
ye. Inside of ye. foot; where it is much drawn & contracted
so that when she Attempts to stand it lays entirely upon
ye. out side of ye. foot, & little Toe; & Ankle Bone ye. other Leg
seems to be going just ye. same way, & ye. right Hand

[Page 8]

Continues pinched as before mention'd ye. spasms so violent
is Oblig'd to take a greater Quantity of quieting Medicines
wch: are oblig'd to be repeated every day, has a violent sharp¬
ness; all over
, is oftens Afflicted wth: a feel as if Lancets
was runng. into her
, & at other times finds as if a Blister
was pullg. of
, ye. sharpness & soreness was so great; & is
much troubled wth: a violent Itching all over comes more
particularly, at night in Bed, as oftens cant sleep till,
three or four oClock
it is so troublesome; sometimes there
Appears little red spots
in ye. Inside of ye. Thighs & Legs,
wch: finds sore & smarts, but soon disape↑a↑rs, has frequently
a pain in ye. Back, wth: a great weakness, & ye. back Bones
cra↑c↑kes as if they wou'd come out of Joint every time she is
pull'd or turn'd in Bed; being intirely helpless, can do no¬
thing for herself, has had a pain fix'd sometimes in ye. left
, Just where she is blood, wth: a sharp prickling feel wch:
gose to ye. end of ye. Fingers, & when not there gose across
ye. Breast bone, & has oftens a pain & Contraction at ye.
bottom of ye. Body
, wch. place ye. Itching & sharpness is
particularly troublesome, has oftens such a weight &
Oppression upon her as cant move, scarsely any more than
if Dead, oftens thinks shall be prest thro' ye. Bed; has
frequently a dryness in ye. Mouth & Tongue, ye. latter of wch:
will be has dry as ye. Hand; has not been able to turn in
bed, without Asistance, these many Years
, ye. better wch: is
ye. Left, & ye. only one she has left, has a kind of numbness
in it, & oftens a tingling feel; wth: a Contraction & [soreness?]
& sometimes will pugh up, & swell a little & sometimes
little watery pimples will appear, upon ye. thick part of
ye. Hand, wch. gose back; & ye. skin drys & pools of when
any way free from pain, that ye. Sp:ts ar good she finds
sometimes to herself as if she could walk; & will be held

[Page 9]

Up for that purpose, but has not ye. least power to move,
has a Quantity of clear water, frequently runs out of ye. Mouth,
more particularly when a Sleep, is now much weaken'd & reduced
& never free from some of ye. above Complaints; finds such a weak¬
, & cant bear to talk without, being much spent, nor to Read
nor cant bear to lean forward, has oftens a throbing pain in ye.
, & sometimes in ye. fingers, as if it woud matter & come
out, but never does, has not lifted ye. right Hand to ye. Head,
for some Years, when in ye. Bed & ye. Spasms any way better
you may hear ye. Legs rub against ye. Sheets, as they go down
as sometimes a great weight in ye. Head, & oftens Dizzy, as
if she woud fall from her Chair; & very heavy to Sleep, & some¬
times a little pain in it, has not been able for these many
Years to kneel down, it Occasions such a Violent pain, as
could not bear it, ye. Castor Oil was two Hot, has no Conveni¬
ence of getting into warm Baths, being so very helpless.
Exercise makes ye. Legs swell more, is so very weak & so sub¬
ject to Cold, cant move out of her own Room, none of ye. muscles
Callous'd except those of ye. right Foot, & round ye. Ankles, wch:
is drawn so in ye. inside, you may lay your Fingers into it
tho' ye. Hand of ye. same side is so drawn & ye. Hand & Arm quite
Useless, yet upon any other part of ye. Body Itching; ye. Fingers
will stretch out of themselves, but will go to Again, ye. Catchings
come on every Night
& ye. Legs then Catchess & trembles, to that
degree that it is impossible to hold them, at ye. same time has
hard as Iron, & could & Painfull is then rub'd well wch: is al¬
most every day. Before my Mrs. had that Erysipelas Fever
wch: was in March & Apr. 1780 she was to have Intervals of ease;
& would have been better, for two or three months, but since that
time has never been free from some of ye. above Complaints;
& since that time has allways had a tendency, to an In¬
flamatory Complaint
, & at times a violent heat in ye.

[Page 10]

, up as high as ye. Shoulders, & frequently flushing heats
in ye. Face, has within these last Ten days, has had a violent
Pain in ye. Neck of ye. Uterus with smarting & heats, ye.
sharpness is so great
, that it gets into ye. Eyes & they frequent¬
ly run down with water.

Miss Hodgeson
Febr.y 1781 –
XI. p. 156 ––


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