The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:161] From: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / To: Professor Thomas Hamilton / Regarding: Mr Edward Brisbane (Patient) / 9 July 1781 / (Outgoing)
Reply with prescriptions 'For Mr Edward Brisbane', to Professor Thomas Hamilton. Cullen has recommended Brisbane to Hamilton's care on his return to Glasgow, after being consulted on his case from America. Brisbane suffers from ascites and anasarca, and has been tapped. Cullen prescribes diuretics, but notes that Brisbane 'gave me no fee and if you can draw him accidentally to tell you you may tell him it is not our way to run an accompt.'. He sends his regards also to Hamilton's son, Willie.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 161 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/1/14/47 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Outgoing |
Date | 9 July 1781 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Machine copy |
Enclosure(s) | Enclosure(s) present |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | Yes |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Reply with prescriptions 'For Mr Edward Brisbane', to Professor Thomas Hamilton. Cullen has recommended Brisbane to Hamilton's care on his return to Glasgow, after being consulted on his case from America. Brisbane suffers from ascites and anasarca, and has been tapped. Cullen prescribes diuretics, but notes that Brisbane 'gave me no fee and if you can draw him accidentally to tell you you may tell him it is not our way to run an accompt.'. He sends his regards also to Hamilton's son, Willie. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:1329] |
Case of Edward Brisbane, a merchant returned to Glasgow from America, who has ascites and anasarca (fluid retention) which prove fatal. |
9 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:1] | Author | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:1057] | Addressee | Professor Thomas Hamilton |
[PERS ID:2873] | Patient | Mr Edward Brisbane |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:175] | Other | Dr William Hamilton (in Glasgow) |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Destination of Letter | Glasgow | Glasgow and West | Scotland | Europe | inferred | |
Mentioned / Other | USA | North America | certain | |||
Mentioned / Other | Glasgow | Glasgow and West | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
I have been just now consulted [by]
Mr Brisbane from America but going to his native p[lace]
of Glasgow. I have desired him to put himself in your [care]
and therefore I address this advice for him to you
He has had an Ascites to a considerable degree and
a good deal of Anasarca Since October last and he has al[ready]
been tapped three times and I believe may Soon requir[e it]
again, but in the meantime we are to attempt by diure[tics]
&c to render it unnecessary or after it to obviate another {illeg}¬
tion. For these purposes I would give him ten grains [of]
the common Mercurial pill every second night at bedtim[e]
taking care that it neither runs off with any violenc[e by]
Stool not Starts Suddenly to his mouth & with a view to
possible events you will manage his dose accordingly. [At the]
Same ↑time↑ I would have him take two or three times ↑a day↑ a dose [of the]
Diuretic pills prescribed in the inclosed. I don't think [him]
in a condition to Stand much purging and therefore ↑I↑ Sep{illeg}
[Page 2]
[the] doses that they go by urine rather than by Stool but
[it] will be proper for you to increase the dose of Squills to
[wha]tever his Stomach and guts will bear.
Besides these I have prescribed also another diuretic the
[dose] of which I am also uncertain of but I hope you will adjust
[it] to what you Shall find him to bear both of artichoke leaves
[and] of the alkaline Salt.
With these medicines he should take as much exercise on
[hors]eback or in a carriage as his Strength and the weather will
Let his diet be as light and as dry as he can bear. Let his
[ordi]nary drink be porter with two parts of water and he may
[ever]y day take two or three glasses of Port or Sherry or of Gin
[pu]nch or Toddy.
I have no more to say of Mr Brisbane but to tell you that
[ he g]ave me no fee and if you can draw him accidentally to tell you
you may tell him it is not our way to run an accompt. With
best wishes to Willie I am Dear Thomas most sincerely
[Page 3]
For Mr Edward Brisbane
Take ten grains of Mercurial pills or two pills. To be taken at bedtime and in this way a dose every second night.
Take half a drachm of dried Squill Root, one drachm of prepared Millipedes, a drachm and a half of Gentian extract and a sufficient quantity of Gum Arabic paste to make a mass to be divided into 60 pills. Take two, three or four a day.
Take one ounce of fresh artichoke leaves, two drachms of crushed Juniper, one drachm of wild Carrot Seeds and a pint and a half of boiling water. Steep for ten hours and add Tartar salt, and after settling, strain through a paper and add to the strained liquid three ounces of Compound Juniper Water. Let the patient take two spoonfuls in two ounces of spring water after each dose of Squill pills.
Diplomatic Text
I have been just now consulted [by]
Mr Brisbane from America but going to his native p[lace]
of Glasgow. I have desired him to put himself in your [care]
and therefore I address this advice for him to you
He has had an Ascites to a considerable degree and
a good deal of Anasarca Since October last and he has al[ready]
been tapped three times and I believe may Soon requir[e it]
again, but in the meantime we are to attempt by diure[tics]
&c to render it unnecessary or after it to obviate another {illeg}¬
tion. For these purposes I would give him ten grains [of]
the common Mercurial pill every second night at bedtim[e]
taking care that it neither runs off with any violenc[e by]
Stool not Starts Suddenly to his mouth & with a view to
possible events you will manage his dose accordingly. [At the]
Same ↑time↑ I would have him take two or three times ↑a day↑ a dose [of the]
Diuretic pills prescribed in the inclosed. I don't think [him]
in a condition to Stand much purging and therefore ↑I↑ Sep{illeg}
[Page 2]
[the] doses that they go by urine rather than by Stool but
[it] will be proper for you to increase the dose of Squills to
[wha]tever his Stomach and guts will bear.
Besides these I have prescribed also another diuretic the
[dose] of which I am also uncertain of but I hope you will adjust
[it] to what you Shall find him to bear both of artichoke leaves
[and] of the alkaline Salt.
With these medicines he should take as much exercise on
[hors]eback or in a carriage as his Strength and the weather will
Let his diet be as light and as dry as he can bear. Let his
[ordi]nary drink be porter with two parts of water and he may
[ever]y day take two or three glasses of Port or Sherry or of Gin
[pu]nch or Toddy.
I have no more to say of Mr Brisbane but to tell you that
[ he g]ave me no fee and if you can draw him accidentally to tell you
you may tell him it is not our way to run an accompt. With
best wishes to Willie I am Dear Thomas most sincerely
[Page 3]
For Mr Edward Brisbane
℞ pil. Mercurial gr. x vel pil. ij
Capiat h. s. et capiat h. m. dos in Secunda quaque nocte.
℞ Rad. Scill. ʒſs
Milleped. prept. ʒj
Extract. gentian. ʒjſs
Mucilag. G. Arabic. q. s. ut f. massa dividenda
in pil. № LX.
Cap. duas vel tres ter vel quator in die.
℞ folior. cinar. recent. ℥j
Baccar. Juniper contus. ʒij
Sem. dauc. Silv. ʒj
Aq. bullient. lbjſs
Digere horas decem et adde
Sal. tartar. ℥ſs
et post Subsidentiam cola per chartam & colato adde
Aq. Juniper. comp. ℥iij
Cap. aeger cochlearia duo ex aq. font. ℥ij post Singulas doses pil.
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