
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1452] From: Dr William Wemyss (in Kirkcaldy) / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mrs Donaldson (Patient) / 8 October 1777 / (Incoming)

Letter from William Wemyss regarding the case of Mrs Donaldson.


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DOC ID 1452
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/546
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date8 October 1777
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from William Wemyss regarding the case of Mrs Donaldson.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:861]
Case of Mrs Donaldson whose whole body is swollen and who suffers stomach pains and various other distressing symptoms.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:2161]AuthorDr William Wemyss (in Kirkcaldy)
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2162]PatientMrs Donaldson
[PERS ID:2161]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Wemyss (in Kirkcaldy)
[PERS ID:2163]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Kirkcaldy Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred

Normalized Text

[Page 1]
Case of Mrs. Donaldson in Kirkcaldie

Mrs. Donaldson aged 43, of a robust constitution, was, in
the month of april last, seized with a swelling of her legs. This
turned less in the morning, but increased towards evening, and
the parts after being proper with the finger retained the
pit. She also had thirst, and voided little urine. She
complained at times of pains in different parts of her
belly; of sickness and want of appetite. The swelling
soon spread over her whole body : Her breathing was
oppressed : She had a cough ; and her face was flushed.
She could lie in an horizontal posture ; but her sleep, in
that situation, was much disturbed. Her pulse was strong
and full. Belly commonly bound. Catamenia were then
regular ; but for three months past have not appeared.
She blames cold for bringing on her distress.

I first gave her Cremor Tartari, with the addition of a
small quantity of Jalap ; ordered proper Friction, and desired
her to take as little drink as possible. Under this treat¬
ment her belly was moderately opened, she passed a great

[Page 2]

quantity of urine, & the swelling & most of her other symptoms
were to appearance entirely removed. -- To help her appetite &
prevent a return of the disease I next gave her the Bark.
But in a very short time - the swelling returned and she
soon had all her former symptoms.- I then began to
think that her disease might proceed from obstructions
in the Abdominal Viscera
, & gave her Mercury
joined to Squills. These however after a reasonable trial
seemed to be of no service, and in place of them I had again
recourse to the Cremor Tartari. It was, this second time,
continued for several weeks; but altho' it occasioned a
considerable discharge of urine it had not much effect in
bringing down the swelling. -- More Drastic Purgatives
were then given her. They diminished the swelling a little
at first; but, when it began to increase upon them,
they were given up. -- At this time she went to the
country, continued there about three months, and some¬
times took a little of her Cremor Tartari & Jalap. The
swelling did not increase, & she thought herself better.
But she had not been long from home when she was
suddenly seized with a very great oppression in her

[Page 3]

; and she has since been two or three times affected
with fits of the same kind. The surgeon who attended her
in the country blooded her in one of them . At other times
Blisters on her back relieved her.

At present her strength is not very much impaired :
Her appetite is pretty good ; but upon taking food she com¬
plains much of oppression at her breast. There is swelling
over her whole body, but not much. She voids little urine,-
and has great thirst. ------

William Wemyss
Kirkcaldy 8. October 1777.

[Page 4]

Case of
Mrs Donaldson Kircaldy
October 1777

Vol. 8 p. 18

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
Case of Mrs. Donaldson in Kirkcaldie

Mrs. Donaldson aged 43, of a robust constitution, was, in
the month of april last, seized with a swelling of her legs. This
turned less in the morning, but increased towards evening, and
the parts after being proper with the finger retained the
pit. She also had thirst, and voided little urine. She
complained at times of pains in different parts of her
belly; of sickness and want of appetite. The swelling
soon spread over her whole body : Her breathing was
oppressed : She had a cough ; and her face was flushed.
She could lie in an horizontal posture ; but her sleep, in
that situation, was much disturbed. Her pulse was strong
and full. Belly commonly bound. Catamenia were then
regular ; but for three months past have not appeared.
She blames cold for bringing on her distress.

I first gave her Cremor Tartari, with the addition of a
small quantity of Jalap ; ordered proper Friction, and desired
her to take as little drink as possible. Under this treat¬
ment her belly was moderately opened, she passed a great

[Page 2]

quantity of urine, & the swelling & most of her other symptoms
were to appearance entirely removed. -- To help her appetite &
prevent a return of the disease I next gave her the Bark.
But in a very short time - the swelling returned and she
soon had all her former symptoms.- I then began to
think that her disease might proceed from obstructions
in the Abdominal Viscera
, & gave her Mercury
joined to Squills. These however after a reasonable trial
seemed to be of no service, and in place of them I had again
recourse to the Cremor Tartari. It was, this second time,
continued for several weeks; but altho' it occasioned a
considerable discharge of urine it had not much effect in
bringing down the swelling. -- More Drastic Purgatives
were then given her. They diminished the swelling a little
at first; but, when it began to increase upon them,
they were given up. -- At this time she went to the
country, continued there about three months, and some¬
times took a little of her Cremor Tartari & Jalap. The
swelling did not increase, & she thought herself better.
But she had not been long from home when she was
suddenly seized with a very great oppression in her

[Page 3]

; and she has since been two or three times affected
with fits of the same kind. The surgeon who attended her
in the country blooded her in one of them . At other times
Blisters on her back relieved her.

At present her strength is not very much impaired :
Her appetite is pretty good ; but upon taking food she com¬
plains much of oppression at her breast. There is swelling
over her whole body, but not much. She voids little urine,-
and has great thirst. ------

William Wemyss
Kirkcaldy 8. Octr. 1777.

[Page 4]

Case of
Mrs Donaldson Kircaldy
Octr. 1777

Vol. 8 p. 18


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