The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:1345] Case Note / Regarding: Mr G (Patient) / 11? January 1777 / (Incoming)
Case note [sent as enclosure by Hugh Marsden] describing the case of Mr. G., aged 28, suffering from complaints of the heart and arteries.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 1345 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/442b |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 11? January 1777 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Case note [sent as enclosure by Hugh Marsden] describing the case of Mr. G., aged 28, suffering from complaints of the heart and arteries. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:577] |
Case of the anonymised 'Mr. G.', suffering from complaints of the heart and arteries. |
6 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:1704] | Author | Mr Hugh Marsden |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:1705] | Patient | Mr G |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:1704] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Mr Hugh Marsden |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Gilling | North-East | England | Europe | inferred | |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | inferred |
Normalized Text
January 9.th 1777. M.r G-- -- aged 28 In August 1774, had
a fit like an Epileptick when in a great crowd & hot,
& also when the attention of the Mind was great & affected
with some degree of surprize, he was lost & did not
know what had happened, he was bled & had
some Medicines ordered for him. He had lived freely
some days before this happened, but that day was more
abstemious in order as he thought to be cleaner
& to be more able to attend to business.
In November Last he had another such like
fit had lived more regularly some days before
it but had danced much the preceding Night
& had also drank much Negas 1 this fit hap¬
pened when th↑e↑re was a great mixed affection of
themind of Fright & badness, it was at a race
the Gentlemen riding themselves when by one ↑Gentlemen↑
& his horse falling the other his freind won, both
these fitts happened before Dinner. -- About a 2 Years
ago he had an affection like fainting which some
called a fitt, he does not allow it one because
he retained his understanding & memory, it was
in an Evening in the Playhouse which was hot & at a
hot season when some freinds were quarreling
he felt as if ready to swoon, he has sometimes
felt the like affections & thinks that if he had had
a Dram quickly at those times those fitts have hap¬
pened it woud have prevented them. but He has lived
irregularly ever since 12 or 14 Years of Age & has
drank much C He had a fit of the Gout about
[Page 2]
6 Years ago, Bootakins was applied & he had not
the Complaint above 3 days nor has not had a
fit in↓- c↓ce, c he was very well after it & coud eat bet¬
ter than before, he has had some Venereal com¬
plaints but none that ever amounted to more than
a Gonorrhea, very little Mercury was used &
he was well cured, its now 9 or 10 years ago,
About 6 weeks ago he had a painfull Erection
like a Priapism without any other symptom or
return since, it presently went off & appear'd
Spasmodick, he dreams frequently & has Emissi¬
ons of Semen but does not perceive the least
debility, he is about to marry which has been ap¬
prov'd off & advis'd. -- He lately had the feeling of
a sore throat, there was nothing to see, it felt stiff
& like a Spasm, it is now gone off, his left hand
& foot has for a few days past had the sensation
of what is call'd a Sleep & what happens often
by leaning on the Hip or Elbow or by some
pressure he has the Power of use but want
of natural feeling in the little one finger, the
foot is likewise partially affected in the same
manner these was [first?] felt after sitting in a
cold room, he has a Palpitation of the Heart
& Tinnitus Aurium both which he feels at the
same time these affect him most when
going to bed & are attended with a fright &
fear, they dont affect him at all in a morn¬
ing ---
[Page 3]
He has uneasy dreams & short sleeps & has not
an inclination to sleep till 2 or 3 o'Clock in a
morning therefore sits up late & his legs are
liable to swell a little, Belly regular if regular
in living otherwise Costive, -- The Hands tremble
in the morning & if noticed by any body the
Tremor is greatly increas'd, Especially if sur¬
pris'd by such observation, -- he Eats very
little breakfasts at any time & was empty
at the time the fitts happened, his appetite
is now genearally bad & is still worse when
these Tremors &c are most general, he will
then be sick at the sig[ht] of or smell [of] {illeg}
his Mind is liable to be easily affected & when
much agitated his Speech faulters so that he
Stuts & Stammers & is scarcely able to get
out his words. Passions affect him more than usu¬
al, he is uneasy without company Especially
when he has got a glass & yet a when he is
[s]ob↓d↓er has not power to see any body on
business & is ready to be out of temper when
[s]ollicited ↑to do↑in↑ it↑ The first fit the Head was drawn to the right
side in the last to the left. His Temperament is a
Soft Smooth Transparent Skin, ↑is flasid. Plump & rather full tho thinner at present than before,↑ his hair is Soft
& of a pale brown colour, he wears it very long,
the teeth generally good the Gums Sound, his Pulse hard,
the Eyes clear --No yellowness in the Eyes, the Eyelids a little inflammed ---
[Page 4]
He has often had complains in the Stomach &
Bowels they have been calld bilious, Emeticks &
Purgatives have sometimes been used & sometimes
he has been bled, ↑a↑ it ↑has↑ been observd that he was
always better after Bleeding & Ph purging, ↑as well as from any other Evacuations particularly sweating after excess as --↑ These
affections of the Viscera have at times affected
Every part ↑of the abdomen↑ mostly the left Region of the stomack,
& sometimes he has the sensation of a rising
in the Breast as if shocking like the Clavicus Hystericus
His father had pains call'd the Gout, they was (↑were↑) severe
& affected Every part, his teeth was Bad his
Gums unsound & when they affected the face
he woud have had a very great defluxion ↑from the mouth↑
for several days he had the Hardest pulse
I ever felt, at all times *- His mothers Tem¬
perament is simular to his own & has fre¬
quently Hysterical affections. Please to say
your opinion of [Vis.?] in his Temperament &
Disorder,-- Tho he appears generally calm, cool,
& very freindly yet he says himself he is passi¬
onate & the above Descriptions of the temper
of his mind are ↑real &↑ according to his direction
by his own words. --
NB. The Extremities wes (r)e not affected nor did he foam or
froth at the mouth.---
& He lost about ten ounces of blood about ten (↑twenty↑) days since which was taken
into four cups & it was very sizy like blood drawn in Pleurisies. [&?]
1: Variant spelling of the more usual 'Negus' a 'drink made from wine (usually port or sherry) mixed with hot water, sweetened with sugar and sometimes flavoured' (OED).
Diplomatic Text
Jany 9.th 1777. M.r G-- -- agd 28 In August 1774, had
a fit like an Epileptick when in a great crowd & hot,
& also when the attention of ye Mind was great & affected
with some degree of surprize, he was lost & did not
know what had happened, he was bled & had
some Meds ordered for him. He had lived freely
some days before ys happened, but yt day was more
abstemious in order as he thought to be cleaner
& to be more able to attend to business.
In Novembr. Last he had another such like
fit had lived more regularly some days before
it but had danced much ye preceding Night
& had also drank much Negas 1 this fit hap¬
pened when th↑e↑re was a great mixed affection of
yemind of Fright & badness, it was at a race
ye Gentlemen riding themselves when by one ↑Gentlemen↑
& his horse falling the other his freind won, both
these fitts happened before Dinner. -- About a 2 Years
ago he had an affection like fainting wh some
call'd a fitt, he does not allow it one because
he retained his understanding & memory, it was
in an Evening in ye Playhouse wch was hot & at a
hot season when some freinds were quarreling
he felt as if ready to swoon, he has sometimes
felt ye like affections & thinks yt if he had had
a Dram quickly at yse times yse fitts have hap¬
pened it woud have prevented them. bt He has lived
irregularly ever since 12 or 14 Years of Age & has
drank much C He had a fit of the Gout about
[Page 2]
6 Years ago, Bootakins was applied & he had not
ye Complaint above 3 days nor has not had a
fit in↓- c↓ce, c he was very well after it & coud eat bet¬
ter yn before, he has had some Venereal com¬
plaints but none yt ever amounted to more yn
a Gonorrhea, very little Mercury was us'd &
he was well cur'd, its now 9 or 10 years ago,
About 6 weeks ago he had a painfull Erection
like a Priapism without any other symptom or
return since, it presently went off & appear'd
Spasmodick, he dreams frequently & has Emissi¬
ons of Semen but does not perceive ye least
debility, he is about to marry wch has been ap¬
prov'd off & advis'd. -- He lately had the feeling of
a sore throat, there was nothing to see, it felt stiff
& like a Spasm, it is now gone off, his left hand
& foot has for a few days past had ye sensation
of what is call'd a Sleep & what happens often
by leaning on ye Hip or Elbow or by some
pressure he has ye Power of use but want
of natural feeling in ye little one finger, the
foot is likewise partially affected in ye same
manner these was [1↑st↑?] felt after sitting in a
cold room, he has a Palpitation of ye Heart
& Tinnitus Aurium both wch he feels at the
same time these affect him most when
going to bed & are attended with a fright &
fear, they dont affect him at all in a morn¬
ing ---
[Page 3]
He has uneasy dreams & short sleeps & has not
an inclination to sleep till 2 or 3 o'Clock in a
morning therefore sits up late & his legs are
liable to swell a little, Belly regular if regular
in living otherwise Costive, -- The Hands tremble
in the morning & if noticed by any body the
Tremor is greatly increas'd, Especially if sur¬
pris'd by such observation, -- he Eats very
little breakfasts at any time & was empty
at ye time ye fitts happened, his appetite
is now genearally bad & is still worse when
these Tremors &c are most general, he will
then be sick at ye sig[ht] of or smell [of] {illeg}
his Mind is liable to be easily affected & when
much agitated his Speech faulters so yt he
Stuts & Stammers & is scarcely able to get
out his words. Passions affect him more yn usu¬
al, he is uneasy without company Especially
when he has got a glass & yet a when he is
[s]ob↓d↓er has not power to see any body on
business & is ready to be out of temper when
[s]ollicited ↑to do↑in↑ it↑ The 1st fit ye Head was drawn to ye right
side in ye last to ye left. His Temperament is a
Soft Smooth Transparent Skin, ↑is flasid. Plump & rather full tho thinner at present yn before,↑ his hair is Soft
& of a pale brown colour, he wears it very long,
the teeth generally good ye Gums Sound, his Pulse hard,
the Eyes clear --No yellowness in ye Eyes, ye Eyelids a little inflam'd ---
[Page 4]
He has often had complains in ye Stomach &
Bowels they have been calld bilious, Emeticks &
Purgatives have sometimes been us'd & sometimes
he has been bled, ↑a↑ it ↑has↑ been observd yt he was
always better after Bleeding & Ph purging, ↑as well as from any other Evacuations particularly sweating after excess as --↑ These
affections of ye Viscera have at times affected
Every part ↑of ye abdomen↑ mostly ye left Region of the stomack,
& sometimes he has the sensation of a rising
in the Breast as if shocking like ye Clav. Hyst.
His father had pains call'd ye Gout, they was (↑were↑) severe
& affected Every part, his teeth was Bad his
Gums unsound & when they affected ye face
he woud have had a very great defluxion ↑from the mouth↑
for several days he had ye Hardest pulse
I ever felt, at all times *- His mothers Tem¬
perament is simular to his own & has fre¬
quently Hysterical affections. Please to say
your opinion of [Vis.?] in his Temperament &
Disorder,-- Tho he appears generally calm, cool,
& very freindly yet he says himself he is passi¬
onate & ye above Descriptions of the temper
of his mind are ↑real &↑ according to his direction
by his own words. --
NB. The Extremities wes (r)e not affected nor did he foam or
froth at ye mouth.---
& He lost about ten ounces of blood about ten (↑twenty↑) days since which was taken
into four cups & it was very sizy like blood drawn in Pleurisies. [&?]
1: Variant spelling of the more usual 'Negus' a 'drink made from wine (usually port or sherry) mixed with hot water, sweetened with sugar and sometimes flavoured' (OED).
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