The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:1281] From: Dr Thomas Gillespie / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr John Crawford (Crauford, Crawford of Doonside, of Dunside) (Patient) / 3 June 1776 / (Incoming)
Letter from Thomas Gillespie, regarding the case of Mr Crawford of Doonside.
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- Diplomatic Text
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 1281 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/378 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 3 June 1776 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from Thomas Gillespie, regarding the case of Mr Crawford of Doonside. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | Yes |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:387] |
Case of Mr Crauford [Crawford] of Doonside who is being treated for gout. |
7 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:552] | Author | Dr Thomas Gillespie |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:626] | Patient | Mr John Crawford (Crauford, Crawford of Doonside, of Dunside) |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:552] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr Thomas Gillespie |
[PERS ID:627] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | Provost Walter Inglis Hamilton |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Ayr (Air) | Glasgow and West | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | Bath | South-West | England | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | Doonside Estate / Dunside | Alloway | Glasgow and West | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Place of Handstamp | Ayr (Air) | Glasgow and West | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
The following is the case of Mr. Crawford of Doonside which
will be hand you I apprehend by his Brother in Law Mr.
Walter Hamilton Merchant in Edinburgh. – He is about 65 or 66
years of age, well made and naturally of a very healthy Con¬
stitution. Between 30 & 40 years ago he had a violent and
obstinate obstruction in his Bowells, which was managed
and carried off, as to be seen in the Medical Essays. Since
that time till about an year & a half ago he has been extrem¬
ly healthy; ate fully, but not foully; and indulged in a Con¬
vivial way both at home and with his neighbours, in every
free manner, with his Bottle. - On these occasions his
potation was commonly Claret. Some few years ago
he had a very small threatening of the Gout, but never so as
to confine him. About an year & a half ago as above, he
found a diminution of his usual keen appetite, particular¬
ly of his Beef & mutton appetite as he used to express it; but
said he could eat pretty good meals of Fish, pretty strong Broths
& other Tit Bitts, and all along took his drink as usual and
did not fall off in his Flesh & looks; and had no complaint, but
of a certain quierishness in his Stomach & Maukishness as if
he could puke Sometimes. – During this period as his Comp¬
laints were of such a kind as that he could hardly put them
[Page 2]
in words and went about as usual, he took no medicines, ex¬
cept I believe once a puke and a dose or two of sacred Elixir.
Sometime in the month of last Feb: or March he had a regular
[accent?] of the Gout into one foot & Toe which was very pain¬
ful & inflamed & swelled much; it continued about a week
or 10 days in this way, & went off regularly enough, with¬
out producing any change in the State of his Stomach and
appetite. Soon after this he took a jaunt to the East country
and stayed in Edinburgh a fortnight or three weeks and lived
as usual, having a good appetite for his drink, but not
for is usual food. He returned to this Country and went
about as usual, looking after his Estate, Laborours &c.
without any Complaint; but the depraved appetite; till
about 3 weeks ago, when Coming home from an Airing and
paying a visit in the neighbourhood, he was seized with a
pain in his right side about the middle of the false ribs, which
affected his Breathing a little when he Coughed or Sighed, and
stung him when he performed motion of the Muscles of that side,
he had also a good deal of pain in the Top of his Shoulder of
the same Side. He had a slight rigor this Evening. I was
sent for & visited him next Evening, when I received pretty much
the above account of the preceding state of his Health and of his
then Complaints. – He had a small degree of quickness and
Tension in his pulse, some little thirst but not much, of his Tongue
[Page 3]
rather foul; His Urine was High coloured, and his Belly bound,
he had not had a stool for three days, with a murmuring
croaking flatulent noise in his Belly. He had at same
time a little Stiffness about an Ancle. Immediately
Bled him to the amount of ten or twelve ounces, and
after he had his side well rubbed & chaffd with a vol¬
atile liniment he had [Emplastrum Calidum?] put over the
pained part. He also took in order to ensure an open
Belly four grains of Calomel at Bedtime and an ounce
of the Oleum Ricini early next morning. – These things
had the desired effect, for next day his side was easier,
his Belly fully opened, and in the evening the stiffness
about his Ancle was increased to pain & swelling, which
was extended over all his foot to his big Toe. He was
Confined to his Room & sometimes to his Bed with this,
four or five days, during which time he cherished
his Stomach with Madeira, Sherry, & sometimes with
a little Gin punch not very weak which he likes as a
change. He also took occasionally volatile things.
The Gouty determination did not continue so long
nor was it so violent as was wished; the pain, Redness &
Swelling gradually went off, and the pain in his side and
shoulder gradually encreased. Instead of now weakning
with another Bleeding, an Active & large Blister was
applied to his side; an ounce of sacred Elixir was given
[Page 4]
at Bedtime and as much Castor Oil early next morning
as he was again Costive; this again opened his Belly moder¬
ately, and with the operation of the Blister has almost perfectly
relieved his side, indeed it is seldom he finds the least com¬
plaint from it. Notwithstanding of all this ↑he↑ has not been
relieved of his depraved appetite, no relish for food of any
kind and has fallen off a good deal in his flesh & strength, and
I think has had a small degree of quickness in his pulse ever
since this last attack and some degree of thirst, altho his pulse
is not above 82 or 3. As the squeamishness in his {illeg} (↑stomach↑)
was considerable and some degree of a feverish ↑habit↑, I gave him
after his Gout & pain in his side was gone this day week
a gentle Vomit, of Ipecac: [&?] a small quantity of tartar emetic {illeg}
gradually till it nauseated him more, & {illeg}, and toward the
[latter?] and made him drink some Horseradish Infusion with Mus¬
tard. - This operated well, made him pretty sick and gave him
a good motion downward, - He was {illeg} (↑most↑) [ligtsome?] afterward
and slept well, which he has done all along & still does. His
Urine has been high coloured and always breaks with a foul
sidiment of the lateritious kind & often a blue Scum on Top.
Within these four days he has had an encreased Secretion
from the Glands of his Mouth & Tongue, and on the whole
he thinks himself rather better, but still has no appetite
& Gathers no Strength. There is no hardness or swelling to be
found in the region of the Stomach or Liver; Neither has he any
Yellow cast in his Eye or Countenance. He Sitts up and lies
on the Bed by turns; but more of the last.
[Page 5]
Attention is given to keep his Belly moderately open every
day or every 2d. – This is either done by Sacred Elixir, Oleum Ricini
or by some pills of Soap Aloes & Gum Guiacum. The sluggish
state of his Bowells wants some such aid, and these have always
answered. A warm aromatick Infusion of Bitters and
Bark is prepared for him; but as he has still a small degree
of a feverish habit he has not taken it. There is one thing
I must observe, that when he lies any considerable time
upon his Back the Sickisness & Sense of Uneasiness in
his Stomach is encreased and obliges him to change to his
Side. And on pressing on his Stomach with your hand
in any position the Sickishness & inclination to puke
is brought on; but never arises to any height.
About 10 days ago, he went out in the Chaise Once
a day for three or four days running; but the pain in
his side having encreased at that time, he was obliged to
desist. If he had profited by this exercise and had gain'd
ground, it was intended he should have taken a Jaunt
of three or four hundred miles into England and perhaps
have tried Bath.
I thought at first this would have been handed you by Mr.
Hamilton, but as there is a chance of his being out of
Town I have directed it immediately to yourself, and hope
to have your opinion and advice on this Stubborn Case
by first post. Mr. H. will wait on you when he comes to town
if out of it at present.
[Page 6]
Dr. Willm. Cullen Physician
Diplomatic Text
The following is the case of Mr. Crawford of Doonside which
will be hand you I apprehend by his Brother in Law Mr.
Walter Hamilton Mercht in Edinr.. – He is about 65 or 66
years of age, well made and naturally of a very healthy Con¬
stitution. Between 30 & 40 years ago he had a violent and
obstinate obstruction in his Bowells, which was managed
and carried off, as to be seen in the Medical Essays. Since
that time till about an year & a half ago he has been extrem¬
ly healthy; ate fully, but not foully; and indulged in a Con¬
vivial way both at home and with his neighbours, in every
free manner, with his Bottle. - On these occasions his
potation was commonly Claret. Some few years ago
he had a very small threatening of the Gout, but never so as
to confine him. About an year & a half ago as above, he
found a diminution of his usual keen appetite, particular¬
ly of his Beef & mutton appetite as he used to express it; but
said he could eat pretty good meals of Fish, pretty strong Broths
& other Tit Bitts, and all along took his drink as usual and
did not fall off in his Flesh & looks; and had no complaint, but
of a certain quierishness in his Stomach & Maukishness as if
he could puke Sometimes. – During this period as his Comp¬
laints were of such a kind as that he could hardly put them
[Page 2]
in words and went about as usual, he took no medicines, ex¬
cept I believe once a puke and a dose or two of sacred Elixir.
Sometime in the month of last Feb: or March he had a regular
[accent?] of the Gout into one foot & Toe which was very pain¬
ful & inflamed & swelled much; it continued about a week
or 10 days in this way, & went off regularly enough, with¬
out producing any change in the State of his Stomach and
appetite. Soon after this he took a jaunt to the East country
and stayed in Ednr. a fortnight or three weeks and lived
as usual, having a good appetite for his drink, but not
for is usual food. He returned to this Country and went
about as usual, looking after his Estate, Laborours &c.
without any Complaint; but the depraved appetite; till
about 3 weeks ago, when Coming home from an Airing and
paying a visit in the neighbourhood, he was seized with a
pain in his right side about the middle of the false ribs, which
affected his Breathing a little when he Coughed or Sighed, and
stung him when he performed motion of the Muscles of that side,
he had also a good deal of pain in the Top of his Shoulder of
the same Side. He had a slight rigor this Evening. I was
sent for & visited him next Evening, when I recd. pretty much
the above account of the preceding state of his Health and of his
then Complaints. – He had a small degree of quickness and
Tension in his pulse, some little thirst but not much, of his Tongue
[Page 3]
rather foul; His Urine was High coloured, and his Belly bound,
he had not had a stool for three days, with a murmuring
croaking flatulent noise in his Belly. He had at same
time a little Stiffness about an Ancle. Immediately
Bled him to the amount of ten or twelve ounces, and
after he had his side well rubbed & chaffd with a vol¬
atile liniment he had [Emp: Calidum?] put over the
pained part. He also took in order to ensure an open
Belly four grains of Calomel at Bedtime and an ounce
of the Ol: Ricini early next morning. – These things
had the desired effect, for next day his side was easier,
his Belly fully opened, and in the evening the stiffness
about his Ancle was increased to pain & swelling, which
was extended over all his foot to his big Toe. He was
Confined to his Room & sometimes to his Bed with this,
four or five days, during which time he cherished
his Stomach with Madeira, Sherry, & sometimes with
a little Gin punch not very weak which he likes as a
change. He also took occasionally volatile things.
The Gouty determination did not continue so long
nor was it so violent as was wished; the pain, Redness &
Swelling gradually went off, and the pain in his side and
shoulder gradually encreased. Instead of now weakning
with another Bleeding, an Active & large Blister was
applied to his side; an ounce of sacred Elixr. was given
[Page 4]
at Bedtime and as much Castor Oil early next morning
as he was again Costive; this again opened his Belly moder¬
ately, and with the operation of the Blister has almost perfectly
relieved his side, indeed it is seldom he finds the least com¬
plaint from it. Notwithstanding of all this ↑he↑ has not been
relieved of his depraved appetite, no relish for food of any
kind and has fallen off a good deal in his flesh & strength, and
I think has had a small degree of quickness in his pulse ever
since this last attack and some degree of thirst, altho his pulse
is not above 82 or 3. As the squeamishness in his {illeg} (↑stomach↑)
was considerable and some degree of a feverish ↑habit↑, I gave him
after his Gout & pain in his side was gone this day week
a gentle Vomit, of Ipecac: [&?] a small qty of Tart: Emet: {illeg}
gradually till it nauseated him more, & {illeg}, and toward the
[latter?] and made him drink some Horseradish Infusion wt. Mus¬
tard. - This operated well, made him pretty sick and gave him
a good motion downward, - He was {illeg} (↑most↑) [ligtsome?] afterward
and slept well, which he has done all along & still does. His
Urine has been high coloured and always breaks with a foul
sidiment of the lateritious kind & often a blue Scum on Top.
Within these four days he has had an encreased Secretion
from the Glands of his Mouth & Tongue, and on the whole
he thinks himself rather better, but still has no appetite
& Gathers no Strength. There is no hardness or swelling to be
found in the region of the Stomach or Liver; Neither has he any
Yellow cast in his Eye or Countenance. He Sitts up and lies
on the Bed by turns; but more of the last.
[Page 5]
Attention is given to keep his Belly moderately open every
day or every 2d. – This is either done by Sacred Elixir, Ol: Ricini
or by some pills of Soap Aloes & Gum Guiacum. The sluggish
state of his Bowells wants some such aid, and these have always
answered. A warm aromatick Infusion of Bitters and
Bark is prepared for him; but as he has still a small degree
of a feverish habit he has not taken it. There is one thing
I must observe, that when he lies any considerable time
upon his Back the Sickisness & Sense of Uneasiness in
his Stomach is encreased and obliges him to change to his
Side. And on pressing on his Stomach with your hand
in any position the Sickishness & inclination to puke
is brought on; but never arises to any height.
About 10 days ago, he went out in the Chaise Once
a day for three or four days running; but the pain in
his side having encreased at that time, he was obliged to
desist. If he had profited by this exercise and had gain'd
ground, it was intended he should have taken a Jaunt
of three or four hundred miles into England and perhaps
have tried Bath.
I thought at first this wd. have been handed you by Mr.
Hamilton, but as there is a chance of his being out of
Town I have directed it immediately to yourself, and hope
to have your opinion and advice on this Stubborn Case
by first post. Mr. H. will wait on you when he comes to town
if out of it at present.
[Page 6]
Dr. Willm. Cullen Physician
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