The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[Case ID:1466]: Case of William Ferguson who has fits.
See also Case 355 when he was first advised by Cullen for the same complaint.
Documents in this case
8 document(s) found in this case.
DOC ID | Summary | Date | |||
[DOC ID:2124] |
Letter from James Bon, surgeon, concerning the brother of Lieutenant Fergusson of Auchensoul. He has suffered fits since boyhood, for which he had received Cullen's advice at that time. On reaching adulthood, however, they have recurred and are becoming more severe. There is a curious reference, 'But when he became a man and entered into active life (his, is a country lif[e)] he became more irregular in his none naturals'. | 5 January 1782 | |||
[DOC ID:244] |
Reply, for 'Mr Bon C[oncerning] Mr Ferguson'. Cullen suspects that his earlier regimen has not been followed by the patient, and requests more information. | 9 January 1782 | |||
[DOC ID:2190] |
Letter from James Bon, concerning the case of Mr William Fergusson. Notes that Fergusson was 12 when first treated by Cullen, "9 years ago", ie 1773, cf letter 3748. Letter dated 13 February, but annotated April. | 13 February 1782 | |||
[DOC ID:290] |
Reply 'For Mr Ferguson', including that he should 'entirely lay aside the use of snuff or of Tobacco in any other shape'. | 14 March 1782 | |||
[DOC ID:2196] |
Letter from William Fergusson, concerning his own case. Refers to recipe of cephalic pills given in letter 290. | 29 April 1782 | |||
[DOC ID:539] |
Reply, for William Ferguson. Cullen gives a recipe for cephalic pills 'which you can have readily prepared at Ayr', with the instructions that one pill is to be taken at breakfast 'if it makes you squeamish', but two pills otherwise, or 'such a dose as makes you a little sick or squeamish'. | 4 May 1782 | |||
[DOC ID:2237] |
Letter from William Fergusson, concerning his own case. Fergusson indicates that he sent a letter at the beginning of June but had not received a reply. The missing letter is acknowledged by Cullen in a later letter. | 19 June 1782 | |||
[DOC ID:581] |
Reply, for 'Mr Wm Ferguson'. Ferguson's ailment is still returning, although not as severely. Cullen does not think it proper for the patient to continue taking his medicine, but sends another prescription for strengthening powders in its place. | 21 June 1782 | |||
People involved in this case
5 found.
PERS ID | Full Name |
[PERS ID: 205] | Mr James Bon |
[PERS ID: 1] | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID: 3573] | Mr George Douglass |
[PERS ID: 204] | Mr William Fergusson (Ferguson; of Auchinsoul) |
[PERS ID: 5055] | Lieutenant James Fergusson (of Auchensoul) |
Unique Places linked to this Case
4 found.
Type | Specific Place | Village/Town/City (aka) | Region | Country | Continent | Confidence |
Place | Ayr (Air) | Glasgow and West | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Specific | Cullen's House / Mint Close | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Place | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Specific | Auchensoul Farm | Pinmore | Glasgow and West | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Places and role of place
7 found.
Type | Role | Specific Place | Village/Town/City (aka) | Region | Country | Continent | Confidence |
Specific | Place of Writing | Cullen's House / Mint Close | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Place | Place of Writing | Ayr (Air) | Glasgow and West | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Place | Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Place | Destination of Letter | Ayr (Air) | Glasgow and West | Scotland | Europe | inferred | |
Place | Mentioned / Other | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Specific | Mentioned / Other | Auchensoul Farm | Pinmore | Glasgow and West | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Place | Place of Handstamp | Ayr (Air) | Glasgow and West | Scotland | Europe | certain |