The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Sal Volatile
Volatile salt, V.S., Ammonium Carbonate.
Category: Ingredients
Sub category: Mineral
[DOC ID:6247] Sal. Volatile on page (2)
[ID:6247] From: [AUTHOR UNKNOWN] / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr Robert Hunter (Collector Hunter) (Patient) / 18 July 1770 / (Incoming)
[DOC ID:5955] sal volatile on page (3)
[ID:5955] From: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / To: [ADDRESSEE UNKNOWN] / Regarding: Mrs Mary Lockhart (Porterfield) (of Lee) (Patient) / 18 September 1772 / (Outgoing)
[DOC ID:5955] Sal Volatile on page (3)
[ID:5955] From: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / To: [ADDRESSEE UNKNOWN] / Regarding: Mrs Mary Lockhart (Porterfield) (of Lee) (Patient) / 18 September 1772 / (Outgoing)
[DOC ID:1904] volatile salt on page (3)
[ID:1904] Cover Letter and Case Note / Regarding: Anonymous (Patient) / August? 1780? / (Incoming)
[DOC ID:1904] Volatile salt on page (3)
[ID:1904] Cover Letter and Case Note / Regarding: Anonymous (Patient) / August? 1780? / (Incoming)
[DOC ID:9] Sal. vol on page (2)
[ID:9] From: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / To: Mr John Grey / Regarding: Mr John Grey (Patient) / July? 1764? / (Outgoing)
[DOC ID:9] Sal. vol on page (2)
[ID:9] From: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / To: Mr John Grey / Regarding: Mr John Grey (Patient) / July? 1764? / (Outgoing)
[DOC ID:9] Sal. Volatile on page (2)
[ID:9] From: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / To: Mr John Grey / Regarding: Mr John Grey (Patient) / July? 1764? / (Outgoing)
[DOC ID:9] volatile salts on page (2)
[ID:9] From: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / To: Mr John Grey / Regarding: Mr John Grey (Patient) / July? 1764? / (Outgoing)
[DOC ID:1918] V. S. on page (2)
[ID:1918] From: Dr John Clark (Clerke, Clarke) / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr George Waldie (of Hinderside [Hendersyde]) (Patient), Mrs Clark (Clerke, Clarke) (Patient) / 24 September 1780 / (Incoming)
[DOC ID:1918] V.S. on page (3)
[ID:1918] From: Dr John Clark (Clerke, Clarke) / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr George Waldie (of Hinderside [Hendersyde]) (Patient), Mrs Clark (Clerke, Clarke) (Patient) / 24 September 1780 / (Incoming)
[DOC ID:2512] Spirit of Sal Volatile on page (6)
[ID:2512] Cover Letter and Case Note / Regarding: Baron Friedrich Anton von Heynitz (Patient) / 13 September 1784 / (Incoming)
[DOC ID:4] Sal. Vol. on page (3)
[ID:4] From: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / To: Dr Henry Richardson / Regarding: Mr Richardson (of Newham) (Patient), Anonymous (Patient) / 21 June 1764 / (Outgoing)
[DOC ID:4] Sal Volatile on page (3)
[ID:4] From: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / To: Dr Henry Richardson / Regarding: Mr Richardson (of Newham) (Patient), Anonymous (Patient) / 21 June 1764 / (Outgoing)
[DOC ID:2575] sal Volatile drops on page (1)
[ID:2575] From: Mr Robert Ochiltree / To: Dr Ivie Campbell / Regarding: Miss Campbell (of Dunstaffnage) (Patient) / 11 March 1785 / (Incoming)
[DOC ID:2478] V: S on page (1)
[ID:2478] From: Mr Charles Rankine (Rankin) / To: [ADDRESSEE UNKNOWN] / Regarding: Mrs McConnochie (McKonochie) (Patient) / 25 June 1784 / (Incoming)
[DOC ID:2478] volatile salts on page (1)
[ID:2478] From: Mr Charles Rankine (Rankin) / To: [ADDRESSEE UNKNOWN] / Regarding: Mrs McConnochie (McKonochie) (Patient) / 25 June 1784 / (Incoming)
[DOC ID:3571]
V. S.
Volatile Salt
on page (1)
[ID:3571] From: Dr James Robertson / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mrs Jane Fraser (of Relick) (Patient) / 9 August 1789 / (Incoming)
[DOC ID:3851] volatile salts on page (1)
[ID:3851] From: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / To: Dr Thomas Yorstoun (Yerstoun, Yorstown, Yorkston) / Regarding: Reverend Peter Yorstoun (of Closeburn & Dalgarnoch; Yerstoun, Yorkston) (Patient), Mr Kennedy (Patient) / 1 July 1776 / (Outgoing)
[DOC ID:908] Sal. succum Volat: on page (1)
[ID:908] Case Note / Regarding: Andrew Boyes (of Wellshall) (Patient) / 2 August 1774 / (Misc)
[DOC ID:908] Volatile Salt of
on page (1)
[ID:908] Case Note / Regarding: Andrew Boyes (of Wellshall) (Patient) / 2 August 1774 / (Misc)
[DOC ID:399] Sal Volatile on page (2)
[ID:399] From: [AUTHOR UNKNOWN] / To: Anonymous / Regarding: Miss Renny (Patient) / 1768? / (Outgoing)
[DOC ID:4185] volatile salt on page (2)
[ID:4185] From: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / To: Dr George Carlyle / Regarding: Anonymous (Patient) / 4 November 1777? / (Outgoing)
[DOC ID:1611] Sal. volatile on page (3)
[ID:1611] From: John Ravenscroft / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Miss Miller (Millar) (Patient) / 9 January 1779 / (Incoming)
[DOC ID:2444] Sal.
drops on page (4)
[ID:2444] Case Note / Regarding: Countess Margaret McDouall or McDouall-Crichton (Craufurd) (Lady Dumfries, Countess of Dumfries) (Patient) / 13 April 1784 / (Incoming)
[DOC ID:390] Sal Volatile on page (3)
[ID:390] From: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / To: [ADDRESSEE UNKNOWN] / Regarding: Mr Douglas (Patient) / 4 June 1768 / (Outgoing)