
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:5943] From: Mr William Leslie (Leslye) / To: [ADDRESSEE UNKNOWN] / Regarding: Mr William Leslie (Leslye) (Patient) / 24 October 1781 / (Incoming)

Letter from William Leslie concerning his own case,. He has a locked jaw and pain in the left side of his face. He consulted Cullen earlier in 1774-5 over his rheumatism (see Case: 466).


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DOC ID 5943
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/1157
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date24 October 1781
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from William Leslie concerning his own case,. He has a locked jaw and pain in the left side of his face. He consulted Cullen earlier in 1774-5 over his rheumatism (see Case: 466).
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:302]
Case of Mr William Leslie who has had a locked jaw and pain in his left cheek. As he remarks, Leslie consulted Cullen for rheumatism back in 1774-5 (See Case:466).

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:177]AuthorMr William Leslie (Leslye)
[PERS ID:177]PatientMr William Leslie (Leslye)
[PERS ID:596]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr James Kenneth Saunders
[PERS ID:2652]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Abernethy
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Banff (Bamf) East Highlands Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred

Normalized Text

[Page 1]

Four Weeks past I was seized with a pain on the left side
of my face
on the joining of the Jaw beside the Ear, where a
hard knot about the size of a Split Almon was soon formed
and immediately the Jaw became so Stiff that I could not
open my mouth so much as to admit a tea spoon; the
swelling and hardness on the Cheek continued to increase and
spread over the Cheek especially downwards on the Jaw, with
great pain and inflammation for eight days, when both the
pain & inflammation abated for 2 or 3 days, but the Jaw con¬
tinued locked as much as before, and the pain & inflammation
came on again and kept increasing for eight days when a
Suppuration took place on the outside of my Cheek and about
the Middle of it from which a great deal of Matter issued
the first days, and it continues yet to run tho' not near so
considerable as at first. The Suppuration gave me imme¬
diately relief from pain and since that time which is ten
days ago I have rested well in the Nights and the Swelling
and inflammation are greatly abated, tho there still remains
some swelling and a considerable hardness on the lower part

[Page 2]

of the Jaw and below it the Muscles of the Neck are Swelled
stiff & contracted. The Jaw is within these few days relaxed
something so that I can now with ease get a tea spoon into
my Mouth, but nothing of a larger size.

During the first fortnight fomentations of Warm Water
mixed with Tincture of Goulard were used by dipping {illeg}
{illeg} flannels into the fomentation wringing them out
and applying them to the Cheek, & Poltices of bread & water
were constantly used except when the fomentations were
applying. - Sometimes the steam of Milk & water has
been applyed to the Cheek & since the Suppuration Poltices
of bread & Milk & bread and a Solution of Sachirum Saturni
has been used and fomentations of the solution which are
still continued. About fourteen days after the disorder
commenced I had a cupping Glass applied on the Neck
below the swelled Jaw, and a blister plaister between my
Shoudlers,and immediately After these Applications Leeches
were applied, which has also been done once since; during
the Course of the disorder I have got several doses of salts and
other Physick and have been electrifyed two or three times.

[Page 3]

I have been much troubled with Rheumatisms, and had Dr
Cullens advice for these complaints in a letter to late Dr
Saunders in July 1774, & further directions from him in the
Month of March following, 1 but I never had any ailments
Similar to this; I have been Subject to toothacks, and my
face has frequently swelled on such Occasions, but such
swellings have been of no duration, without any hardness
and never caused any Stiffness in the Jaw, & my present
complaint was not preceeded by or attended with any

The Stiffness of the Jaw is now of a Months continuance &
alarms me much tho it is at present as I have said con
siderably less than for the first three Weeks. The Swelling
upon the lower part of the Jaw and of the Muscles under
it is rather increased within these two days with some
degree of pain.- The Swelling and inflammation on the upper
part of the Cheek
being considerably abated Dr Abernethy
thinks that the Stiffness of the Jaw is owing to the rigidity
of the ligaments of the Joint, he therefore wishes to know if
Dr Cullen would approve of the Electricity being continued
or if the rubbing in Saturnine Ointment or any emolient

[Page 4]

Ointment would be proper to remove that rigidity or if
Leeches should again be applied if the Swelling under
the Jaw should increase. To the Swelling under the Jaw
Cammomile flowers boiled with the Solution are now
applying & a little Camphorated Oil twice a day rubbed
on the Joint.

William Leslie
Banff October 24. 1781

Mr Leslie
C October 1781
V. XIII p179. 181


1: See letters forming Case:302.

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

Four Weeks past I was seized with a pain on the left side
of my face
on the joining of the Jaw beside the Ear, where a
hard knot about the size of a Split Almon was soon formed
and immediately the Jaw became so Stiff that I could not
open my mouth so much as to admit a tea spoon; the
swelling and hardness on the Cheek continued to increase and
spread over the Cheek especially downwards on the Jaw, with
great pain and inflammation for eight days, when both the
pain & inflammation abated for 2 or 3 days, but the Jaw con¬
tinued locked as much as before, and the pain & inflammation
came on again and kept increasing for eight days when a
Suppuration took place on the outside of my Cheek and about
the Middle of it from which a great deal of Matter issued
the first days, and it continues yet to run tho' not near so
considerable as at first. The Suppuration gave me imme¬
diately relief from pain and since that time which is ten
days ago I have rested well in the Nights and the Swelling
and inflammation are greatly abated, tho there still remains
some swelling and a considerable hardness on the lower part

[Page 2]

of the Jaw and below it the Muscles of the Neck are Swelled
stiff & contracted. The Jaw is within these few days relaxed
something so that I can now with ease get a tea spoon into
my Mouth, but nothing of a larger size.

During the first fortnight fomentations of Warm Water
mixed with Tincture of Goulard were used by dipping {illeg}
{illeg} flannels into the fomentation wringing them out
and applying them to the Cheek, & Poltices of bread & water
were constantly used except when the fomentations were
applying. - Sometimes the steam of Milk & water has
been applyed to the Cheek & since the Suppuration Poltices
of bread & Milk & bread and a Solution of Sachir: Saturn:
has been used and fomentations of the solution which are
still continued. About fourteen days after the disorder
commenced I had a cupping Glass applied on the Neck
below the swelled Jaw, and a blister plaister between my
Shoudlers,and immediately After these Applications Leeches
were applied, which has also been done once since; during
the Course of the disorder I have got several doses of salts and
other Physick and have been electrifyed two or three times.

[Page 3]

I have been much troubled with Rheumatisms, and had Dr
Cullens advice for these complaints in a letter to late Dr
Saunders in July 1774, & further directions from him in the
Month of March following, 1 but I never had any ailments
Similar to this; I have been Subject to toothacks, and my
face has frequently swelled on such Occasions, but such
swellings have been of no duration, without any hardness
and never caused any Stiffness in the Jaw, & my present
complaint was not preceeded by or attended with any

The Stiffness of the Jaw is now of a Months continuance &
alarms me much tho it is at present as I have said con
siderably less than for the first three Weeks. The Swelling
upon the lower part of the Jaw and of the Muscles under
it is rather increased within these two days with some
degree of pain.- The Swelling and inflammation on the upper
part of the Cheek
being considerably abated Dr Abernethy
thinks that the Stiffness of the Jaw is owing to the rigidity
of the ligaments of the Joint, he therefore wishes to know if
Dr Cullen would approve of the Electricity being continued
or if the rubbing in Saturnine Ointment or any emolient

[Page 4]

Ointment would be proper to remove that rigidity or if
Leeches should again be applied if the Swelling under
the Jaw should increase. To the Swelling under the Jaw
Cammomile flowers boiled with the Solution are now
applying & a little Camphorated Oil twice a day rubbed
on the Joint.

Wm Leslie
Banff Octr 24. 1781

Mr Leslie
C Octr 1781
V. XIII p179. 181


1: See letters forming Case:302.


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