
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:5941] From: Dr Robert Innes / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Dr Robert Innes (Patient) / 6 August 1780 / (Incoming)

Letter from Dr Robert Innes concerning his own case of a bas stomach.


There are 4 images for this document.

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DOC ID 5941
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/973
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date6 August 1780
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from Dr Robert Innes concerning his own case of a bas stomach.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:808]
Case of Dr Robert Innes who, over several years, has stomach complaints, then piles, then a cold and cough.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:3089]AuthorDr Robert Innes
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:3089]PatientDr Robert Innes
[PERS ID:3089]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Robert Innes
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Taymouth Castle / Taymouth Kenmore Mid Scotland Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred

Normalized Text

[Page 1]

Taymouth 6th August
Dear Doctor

I use the freedom to acquaint you of My present
Distress - The Pain in My Breast & uneasiness in Swallowing are greatly
better particularly the last the former I often feel but not severely -- On
Thursday last I rode out about 12 Mile's in the Heat of the Day by
which I was quite overfatigued & overheated. I eat my Dinner with
very little appetite, found a tendency to a small degree of [Chilliness?]
all the afternoon, turned easier in the evening, eat no Supper,
rested ill, next Morning had no appetite for Breakfast, Tongue quite
white & foul, pulse quick from the State of My Stomach, had a Constan[t]
loathing at all food, {illeg} which Continued so severe through the night
that I scare Shut my Eyes, pulse Still irregular from the State of
Stomach, Saturday no better, Continued loathing & Tongue foul
went abroad in the Chaise for an hour before dinner - overfatigued,
feverish, ↑from the state of my stomach Loathing all food, little or no Drought - eat no Dinner
In the afternoon drank a Dish of Tea & eat a bit of bread and in the
evening eat a Small bit of Chicken & drank an Glass of Wine without
appetite, but Loathing not so great
, pulse pretty regular - Slept
[since?] through the night
. ↑Sabbath↑ easier when I rose but tAfter taking a
Single Dish of Tea & a bit of bread-, The nausea Came on again
& in place of having any appetite at Dinner Could taste nothing
tryed a Crumb of bread & a little wine, Loathing rather increased, so that
If my Appetite Continue in this way as it has now done for nigh

[Page 2]

four Days past I shall scarce be able to take as much food as
keep me alive - As the nausea increases with the Day I attribute
it in Some Measure to the Heat, which prevents me going abroad
till the Evening - I have used no Medicine, being averse to a vomit
on account of my former Complaints & because I never found any benefit
but hurt from their use, but If this most intolerable Nausea Continue
I must venture upon a gentle puke - Cool air its probable would
do me Service being always easier at night which is you know
the Case with Similar Constitutions - Suppose I receive no advantage
from the vomit must I try the Bark or Set out on a long ride If
the Heat permit, or both - Sea Breezes or Cold bathing would I
have no doubt be of service - I am very good at prescribing but
bad at executing, having no Resolution - Upon belching of Wind
I find no disagreable Eructation
as if my Stomach were foul nor
indeed Can it be as I have eat ↑very↑ little ↑&↑ with great reluctance for
four Days
, and no Change to the better - my Belly pretty regular
urine high Coloured yesterday & to day - but otherways on Friday
while the fever &c Continued - My Pulse to day has been natural - I have
frequently had the Same feeling at Stomach, with a degree of want of
, but it seldom lasted more then a Day, as this has Continued so
long it makes me uneasy - Be Sure to write me on Wednesday night if
you do not will not get your Answer till Monday Se'enight - Your good¬
ness will excuse this freedom, need not mention that I wrote You - perhaps
shall be easier before your Answer Arrive, In the mean Time I am Dear Dr

Yours affectionately
Robert Innes

[Page 3]

P:S: Sabbath night onat night - I had case of my Belly
about Six O Clock ↑this evening↑ rather loose as otherways - After which I went out
in a one horse Chair for an hour, returned with little alteration, The
nausea is rather easier in the Cool of the evening & through the night
though never gone - You'll say my Case is a Spasmodic nervous affection
&c perhaps it is so in part, but I cannot ↑see↑ how such a Continued nausea
should remain so long with little or no alteration

[Page 4]

Dr Culln

Dr Innes.
August 1780.

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

Taymouth 6th August
Dr Doctor

I use the freedom to acquaint you of My present
Distress - The Pain in My Breast & uneasiness in Swallowing are greatly
better particularly the last the former I often feel but not severely -- On
Thursday last I rode out about 12 Mile's in the Heat of the Day by
which I was quite overfatigued & overheated. I eat my Dinner with
very little appetite, found a tendency to a small degree of [Chilliness?]
all the afternoon, turned easier in the evening, eat no Supper,
rested ill, next Morning had no appetite for Breakfast, Tongue quite
white & foul, pulse quick from the State of My Stomach, had a Constan[t]
loathing at all food, {illeg} which Continued so severe through the night
that I scare Shut my Eyes, pulse Still irregular from the State of
Stomach, Saturday no better, Continued loathing & Tongue foul
went abroad in the Chaise for an hour before dinner - overfatigued,
feverish, ↑from the state of my stomach Loathing all food, little or no Drought - eat no Dinner
In the afternoon drank a Dish of Tea & eat a bit of bread and in the
evening eat a Small bit of Chicken & drank an Glass of Wine without
appetite, but Loathing not so great
, pulse pretty regular - Slept
[since?] through the night
. ↑Sabbath↑ easier when I rose but tAfter taking a
Single Dish of Tea & a bit of bread-, The nausea Came on again
& in place of having any appetite at Dinner Could taste nothing
tryed a Crumb of bread & a little wine, Loathing rather increased, so that
If my Appetite Continue in this way as it has now done for nigh

[Page 2]

four Days past I shall scarce be able to take as much food as
keep me alive - As the nausea increases with the Day I attribute
it in Some Measure to the Heat, which prevents me going abroad
till the Evening - I have used no Medicine, being averse to a vomit
on account of my former Complaints & because I never found any benefit
but hurt from their use, but If this most intolerable Nausea Continue
I must venture upon a gentle puke - Cool air its probable would
do me Service being always easier at night which is you know
the Case with Similar Constitutions - Suppose I receive no advantage
from the vomit must I try the Bark or Set out on a long ride If
the Heat permit, or both - Sea Breezes or Cold bathing would I
have no doubt be of service - I am very good at prescribing but
bad at executing, having no Resolution - Upon belching of Wind
I find no disagreable Eructation
as if my Stomach were foul nor
indeed Can it be as I have eat ↑very↑ little ↑&↑ with great reluctance for
four Days
, and no Change to the better - my Belly pretty regular
urine high Coloured yesterday & to day - but otherways on Friday
while the fever &c Continued - My Pulse to day has been natural - I have
frequently had the Same feeling at Stomach, with a degree of want of
, but it seldom lasted more then a Day, as this has Continued so
long it makes me uneasy - Be Sure to write me on Wednesday night if
you do not will not get your Answer till Monday Se'enight - Your good¬
ness will excuse this freedom, need not mention that I wrote You - perhaps
shall be easier before your Answer Arrive, In the mean Time I am Dr Dr

Yours affecly
Robert Innes

[Page 3]

P:S: Sabbath night onat night - I had case of my Belly
about Six O Clock ↑this evening↑ rather loose as otherways - After which I went out
in a one horse Chair for an hour, returned with little alteration, The
nausea is rather easier in the Cool of the evening & through the night
though never gone - You'll say my Case is a Spasmodic nervous affection
&c perhaps it is so in part, but I cannot ↑see↑ how such a Continued nausea
should remain so long with little or no alteration

[Page 4]

Dr Culln

Dr Innes.
Aug. 1780.


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