The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:3050] From: Mr Thomas Wilson / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr Wood (of Thoresby) (Patient) / 2 July 1787 / (Incoming)
Letter from Thomas Wilson, concerning the case of the son of Mr Wood of Thoresby, 'Brother to the young Gentleman for whom you were consulted last year'. Unable to determine place of handstamp. Cullen consulted the patient's brother sometime in 1786. Within the last four years the patient has had Small pox, Measles and Chicken pox.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 3050 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/2083 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 2 July 1787 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from Thomas Wilson, concerning the case of the son of Mr Wood of Thoresby, 'Brother to the young Gentleman for whom you were consulted last year'. Unable to determine place of handstamp. Cullen consulted the patient's brother sometime in 1786. Within the last four years the patient has had Small pox, Measles and Chicken pox. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | Yes |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:1155] |
Case of Master Wood, aged seventeen and recently a pupil at Westminster School, who has a bladder complaint attributed to a venereal infection and also a pulmonary weakness which proves fatal. |
12 |
[Case ID:2056] |
Case of the son, aged about ten, of Mr Wood of Thoresby. The boy has a bad cough after having both measles and chicken pox. |
2 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:5139] | Author | Mr Thomas Wilson |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:5142] | Patient | Mr Wood (of Thoresby) |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:5139] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Mr Thomas Wilson |
[PERS ID:5140] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | Mr Wood (of Thoresby) |
[PERS ID:5141] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | Mr Wood (of Thoresby) |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Louth | Midlands | England | Europe | certain | |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | North Thoresby | Midlands | England | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
I am desired by Mr Wood of Thoresby to consult you about
his Son, Brother to the young Gentleman for whom you were consul¬
ted last year -- and to beg that you will be so good as ↑to↑ transmit
your opinion on his Case by the earliest opportunity --
Master Wood, aged about ten years, of sanguine temperment, and
countenance remarkably florid, had the Meazles about Christmas
1785, in a degree rather mild, without any alarming symptoms --
during the continuance of the disorder he took no medicines --
Oiluents only & spare diet were administered. After the disappea¬
rance of the Eruption he was purged several times at proper
intervals, and about a week or two afterwards, four or five
ounces of blood were taken away -- Soon after this it was observed
at times that he had a Cough -- his eyes were inflamed,
his lips swelled, and his pulse had too much frequency --
Venæsection was repeated -- he lived upon vegetable diet
[Page 2]
and took Asses Milk -- Saline Draughts were also given -- By
these means he became better, and his cough nearly left him --
Yet it has continued to return ever since at intervals, sometimes
with violence, and with a degree of fever so as to be for a short
time alarming -- He lost blood once in November last -- twice
in January -- once in February -- once in March -- The Blood
at every evacuation shewed a great deal of buffy crust, and
full as much at the last as on the first bleeding, although he
was then ↑evidently↑ much weakened by the loss of blood & low regime -- The
Cough still continued to be troublesome notwithstanding the
use of saline medicines, balsamics, & milk diet -- the frequency
of pulse however was much diminished, it being nearly now,
at the standard of health -- and upon the application of a
Blister to the Back his cough left him immediately insomuch
that he was scarcely observed to cough at all -- Since then,
that is since the 28th. of March, he has had three or four
[Page 3]
returns of the Cough, once with shivering and pain of his
side -- In June he had an eruptive fever, called here
the Chicken pox, which was very mild -- it required no medicine -
upon its decline he was purged two or three times, and lost
about five ounces of blood, which was also very sizy -- He
seemed very well afterwards till last week, when he had another
return of the Cough with pain of his side -- he is now better again --
Upon this last attack he had an Issue cut in his [arm?] {illeg}
may be proper to observe in general that Master Wood is very {illeg}
runs about, and plays like other boys, and it is not observed that
exercise beings on his cough -- his appetite is good -- he sleeps
well -- but his tongue almost always shows a little [film?] -- He had
the Small Pox about five (↑four↑) years ago by Inoculation, & had very
little eruption, since which time, previous to the attack of
Meazles, his health was thought not quite so well as before --
You will please, Sir, to excuse my sending no Fee, as I have not at
present an opportunity of getting it delivered -- I hope to have one
very soon, & remain in the mean time your much obliged
[Page 4]
Dr. Cullen
Mr. Wilson
Concerning Mr. Wood
July 1787
V. XIX. P.178
Diplomatic Text
I am desired by Mr Wood of Thoresby to consult you about
his Son, Brother to the young Gentleman for whom you were consul¬
ted last year -- and to beg that you will be so good as ↑to↑ transmit
your opinion on his Case by the earliest opportunity --
Master Wood, aged about ten years, of sanguine temperment, and
countenance remarkably florid, had the Meazles about Christmas
1785, in a degree rather mild, without any alarming symptoms --
during the continuance of the disorder he took no medicines --
Oiluents only & spare diet were administered. After the disappea¬
rance of the Eruption he was purged several times at proper
intervals, and about a week or two afterwards, four or five
ounces of blood were taken away -- Soon after this it was observed
at times that he had a Cough -- his eyes were inflamed,
his lips swelled, and his pulse had too much frequency --
Venæsection was repeated -- he lived upon vegetable diet
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and took Asses Milk -- Saline Draughts were also given -- By
these means he became better, and his cough nearly left him --
Yet it has continued to return ever since at intervals, sometimes
with violence, and with a degree of fever so as to be for a short
time alarming -- He lost blood once in November last -- twice
in January -- once in February -- once in March -- The Blood
at every evacuation shewed a great deal of buffy crust, and
full as much at the last as on the first bleeding, although he
was then ↑evidently↑ much weakened by the loss of blood & low regime -- The
Cough still continued to be troublesome notwithstanding the
use of saline medicines, balsamics, & milk diet -- the frequency
of pulse however was much diminished, it being nearly now,
at the standard of health -- and upon the application of a
Blister to the Back his cough left him immediately insomuch
that he was scarcely observed to cough at all -- Since then,
that is since the 28th. of March, he has had three or four
[Page 3]
returns of the Cough, once with shivering and pain of his
side -- In June he had an eruptive fever, called here
the Chicken pox, which was very mild -- it required no medicine -
upon its decline he was purged two or three times, and lost
about five ounces of blood, which was also very sizy -- He
seemed very well afterwards till last week, when he had another
return of the Cough with pain of his side -- he is now better again --
Upon this last attack he had an Issue cut in his [arm?] {illeg}
may be proper to observe in general that Master Wood is very {illeg}
runs about, and plays like other boys, and it is not observed that
exercise beings on his cough -- his appetite is good -- he sleeps
well -- but his tongue almost always shows a little [film?] -- He had
the Small Pox about five (↑four↑) years ago by Inoculation, & had very
little eruption, since which time, previous to the attack of
Meazles, his health was thought not quite so well as before --
You will please, Sir, to excuse my sending no Fee, as I have not at
present an opportunity of getting it delivered -- I hope to have one
very soon, & remain in the mean time your much obliged
[Page 4]
Dr. Cullen
Mr. Wilson
C. Mr. Wood
July 1787
V. XIX. P.178
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