
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:2935] From: Mr William Bruce (of Tobago; of Stenhouse; Sir William Bruce of Stenhouse, 7th Bt, after 1795) / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr William Bruce (of Tobago; of Stenhouse; Sir William Bruce of Stenhouse, 7th Bt, after 1795) (Patient) / 25 November 1786 / (Incoming)

Letter from William Bruce of Stenhouse, concerning his own case, as he is coming to consult Cullen in person. He lived in Tobago 1772-85, and suffered there from fevers and dropsical swelling. He was taken very ill with violent fever and a discharging erysipelas when at Brisbane (his sister's house in Largs) in June, and was attended by Drs Oliphant and Stevenson. He is still unwell, and has been advised to go to Bath. He encloses a prescription of Sir William Fordyce's, which he uses against the ague.


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DOC ID 2935
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/1968
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date25 November 1786
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe Yes
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from William Bruce of Stenhouse, concerning his own case, as he is coming to consult Cullen in person. He lived in Tobago 1772-85, and suffered there from fevers and dropsical swelling. He was taken very ill with violent fever and a discharging erysipelas when at Brisbane (his sister's house in Largs) in June, and was attended by Drs Oliphant and Stevenson. He is still unwell, and has been advised to go to Bath. He encloses a prescription of Sir William Fordyce's, which he uses against the ague.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1818]
Case of Mr William Bruce of Stenhouse, who lost his health while long resident in Tobago and who suffers from fevers and other weakness since returning to Scotland.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:5624]AuthorMr William Bruce (of Tobago; of Stenhouse; Sir William Bruce of Stenhouse, 7th Bt, after 1795)
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:5624]PatientMr William Bruce (of Tobago; of Stenhouse; Sir William Bruce of Stenhouse, 7th Bt, after 1795)
[PERS ID:5627]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryMr
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:563]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Alexander Stevenson (Professor; of Dalgairn )
[PERS ID:5625]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr James Oliphant
[PERS ID:887]Other Physician / SurgeonDr William Fordyce (Sir William Fordyce)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Stenhouse Castle Larbert Mid Scotland Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Therapeutic Recommendation Bath South-West England Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Europe certain
Mentioned / Other West Indies certain
Mentioned / Other Germany Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Tobago West Indies certain
Mentioned / Other Glasgow Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Irvine Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Brisbane House Largs Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]

Although I have not the honor of being
personally known to you; I am well acquainted with
your professional charcter and abilities, and as my health
for some time past, has required medical assistance, I propose
being in Edinburgh upon Monday next, to consult you; that
you may know something of my case before we meet, I beg
leave to trouble you with the outlines of it; I have resided the
greatest part of my life in the West Indian Islands, was last
in Tobago, where I resided 13 years, and from whence I returned
the beginning of September 85; for upwards of 30 months before I left
the West Indies, I was much afflicted with violent complaints in
my stomach, sickness, with sweatings, which rather weak'ned ––
then gave any releif; I increased considerable in size, and when
I ate any thing that disagreed with me, it occasioned an acid,
with a prodigious swelling of the Stomach; from the Medicines
I then took, and since my return to Europe, being considerably
reduced in size, I apprehended my case to tend to a dropsy,
and wrote the Surgeon who attended me in Tobago, my suspi¬
cions, who confirmed them by saying, it was his opinion, and

[Page 2]

in future complaints, regard ought to be had to that. ––
Since my return to Europe, and particularly since my return to
Scotland, in November 85, I have been constantly afflicted with an auguish
and feverish habit, which at times, (though not regularly) was to a
considerable height, on these occasions, I am generally obliged to take
an Emetic, and Tartar I have found the most effectual; in the
latter end of June I was seized with a violent inflamatory fever,
which was attended with a dreadful erisapilas, which went over
my head & face; the matter than came from it, was so acrid, that
it corroded the skin whenever it dropt; my life was then in great
danger, and I was attended by Dr Oliphant from Irvine (as I hap¬
pened to be at Brisbane,) who called in Dr Stevenson from Glas¬
gow; I have not since then, recovered my strength, the Auguish
& feverish habit continues, I seldom eat with appetite, except
sometimes breakfast; I am growing thinner daily, lose strength
have a complaint in my head, which is rather a confusion then
pain, but prevents often my sleeping; ever since the Fever at
Brisbane, my pulse has never been under 90, and from that to
, and in the paroxsisms of the fever much higher; the com¬
plaint in my head, will not allow my drinking above 4 Glasses
of wine at a time. –– by Doctor Stevenson's advice I tried the

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Jesuits Bark
, of which I took 3 ounces, but I found it rather
increased my complaints, which I apprehend was from my
not being cool or free ↑from↑ fever when I took it; I took a great deal
of Bark
in the West Indies, which found had always a good effect
there and here, I feel myself best, when I use the most exercise,
which I always do when my health or the weather permit.

I am naturally of a costive habit, and that complaint has
increased so much, since my return to Scotland, that I seldom
have a natural evacuation
, though I have taken different medi¬
cines, what I have found of most effect ↑for that & my other complaints↑ is a prescription of Sir
Wm Fordyce's, which he says cured Augues in the Army [in Ger]¬
many, when the Bark had failed; I send you a copy of it [for your]
consideration; I have been advised to go to Bath, and wish to
have your opinion of that, which I hope you will be able to do
when we meet upon Monday, 'till then I am with Respect

Your most Obedient & humble Servant
Wm Bruce
Stenhouse 25 November 1786

Take a ½ ounce of Soluble Tartar, 3 drachms of Oxymel Squills, a drachm of ground Rhubarb, a drachm of Aloetic Elixir, 1½ drachms of Acid Vinegar and 7 ounces of pure Water. Mix. Let him take two Jackspoonfuls to be taken at 8 oClock morning & evening

[Page 4]

Doctor Cullen

Mr Bruce
November 1786
V. XVIII. p. 352

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

Although I have not the honor of being
personally known to you; I am well acquainted with
your professional charcter and abilities, and as my health
for some time past, has required medical assistance, I propose
being in Edinburgh upon Monday next, to consult you; that
you may know something of my case before we meet, I beg
leave to trouble you with the outlines of it; I have resided the
greatest part of my life in the West Indian Islands, was last
in Tobago, where I resided 13 years, and from whence I returned
the beginning of Septr 85; for upwards of 30 months before I left
the W Indies, I was much afflicted with violent complaints in
my stomach, sickness, with sweatings, which rather weak'ned ––
then gave any releif; I increased considerable in size, and when
I ate any thing that disagreed with me, it occasioned an acid,
with a prodigious swelling of the Stomach; from the Medicines
I then took, and since my return to Europe, being considerably
reduced in size, I apprehended my case to tend to a dropsy,
and wrote the Surgeon who attended me in Tobago, my suspi¬
cions, who confirmed them by saying, it was his opinion, and

[Page 2]

in future complaints, regard ought to be had to that. ––
Since my return to Europe, and particularly since my return to
Scotland, in Novr. 85, I have been constantly afflicted with an auguish
and feverish habit, which at times, (though not regularly) was to a
considerable height, on these occasions, I am generally obliged to take
an Emetic, and Tartar I have found the most effectual; in the
latter end of June I was seized with a violent inflamatory fever,
which was attended with a dreadful erisapilas, which went over
my head & face; the matter than came from it, was so acrid, that
it corroded the skin whenever it dropt; my life was then in great
danger, and I was attended by Dr Oliphant from Irvine (as I hap¬
pened to be at Brisbane,) who called in Dr Stevenson from Glas¬
gow; I have not since then, recovered my strength, the Auguish
& feverish habit continues, I seldom eat with appetite, except
sometimes breakfast; I am growing thinner daily, lose strength
have a complaint in my head, which is rather a confusion then
pain, but prevents often my sleeping; ever since the Fever at
Brisbane, my pulse has never been under 90, and from that to
, and in the paroxsisms of the fever much higher; the com¬
plaint in my head, will not allow my drinking above 4 Glasses
of wine at a time. –– by Doctor Stevenson's advice I tried the

[Page 3]

Jesuits Bark
, of which I took 3 ozs., but I found it rather
increased my complaints, which I apprehend was from my
not being cool or free ↑from↑ fever when I took it; I took a great deal
of Bark
in the W. Indies, which found had always a good effect
there and here, I feel myself best, when I use the most exercise,
which I always do when my health or the weather permit.

I am naturally of a costive habit, and that complaint has
increased so much, since my return to Scotland, that I seldom
have a natural evacuation
, though I have taken different medi¬
cines, what I have found of most effect ↑for that & my other complaints↑ is a prescription of Sir
Wm Fordyce's, which he says cured Augues in the Army [in Ger]¬
many, when the Bark had failed; I send you a copy of it [for your]
consideration; I have been advised to go to Bath, and wish to
have your opinion of that, which I hope you will be able to do
when we meet upon Monday, 'till then I am with Respect

Your most Obt & humble Servt
Wm Bruce
Stenhouse 25 Novr 1786

Tart: Solubil: ℥ſs
Oxymel Scillit: ʒiij
Pulv. Rhubarb: ʒi
Elixr Alloe ʒi
Ving: Acid ʒiſs
Aq. Puræ ℥vij ℳ Summat
two Jackspoonfuls
to be taken at 8 oClock
morning & evening

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Doctor Cullen

Mr Bruce
Novr. 1786
V. XVIII. p. 352


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