
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:2588] Case Note / Regarding: Mr Alexander Thomson (Patient) / March 1785 / (Incoming)

Unsigned case note describing the case of 'A. T.' [Alexander Thomson] who suffers from recurring sores. Thomson has spent seven years in the East India company and thirteen years in Jamaica, but has been very healthy, although he has 'rather liv'd too carelessly & freely'.


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DOC ID 2588
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/1637
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
DateMarch 1785
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Unsigned case note describing the case of 'A. T.' [Alexander Thomson] who suffers from recurring sores. Thomson has spent seven years in the East India company and thirteen years in Jamaica, but has been very healthy, although he has 'rather liv'd too carelessly & freely'.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1795]
Case of Alexander Thomson whose health gave way to fevers while resident in Jamaica and now has a problem with his legs which require stockings.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:3551]AuthorMr Alexander Thomson
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:3551]PatientMr Alexander Thomson
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Leith Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred
Mentioned / Other North America certain
Mentioned / Other South America certain
Mentioned / Other Britain Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Jamaica West Indies certain
Mentioned / Other Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other London London and South-East England Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]

A:T: now aged 41 - has enjoyed in the course of his Life
remarkable fine Health & Spirits, - tho seven years thereof
have spent in the E. India service, & the last thirteen in Jamaica
During the whole, He has rather liv'd too carelessly, & freely.
In following his proffession at Jamaica, He took uncommon
exercise on Horseback, - which (excepting temporary fatigue,
always produced the best consequences ---------

About five or six years ago, began first to be troubled
with the common intermittent Fever, & bilious complaints
usual to long residenters in that country, & which comm¬
only attack'd Him at the close of the Year, when the cold
North Winds & rain set in: -- These generally yielded to the
early Use - of Antimonials, & Bark, - with an immediate
change of Air to ↑the↑ South side of the island; - they always
terminated in large eruptions about the Lips, & mouth,
but more frequently in a number of small ↑hard↑ fiery painful
Catboils on different parts of the body, - but chiefly on
the lower extremities; - After suppuration however,
these soon dissappeard, & left Him in fine health: - for tho'
a very painful, they are ever the surest Crises of Feverish
disorders in that country. ------- --------

About three years ago, -- He began to have a tendency to
corpulency, & evidently perceived a fullness of Habit, that
(tho it gave the appearance of sound Health) felt rather
dissagreeable, by interfering with that active mode, here¬
with He used to go thro' business. -- The first Fever after this
appearance, produced a greater Number of these Boil

[Page 2]

on the Legs, & instead ↑of↑ drying up after suppuration, a few
of them continued discharging, & gradually became small
troublesome Ulcers. - The uncommon health & spirits which
succeeded these Fevers, - the necessity of immediatly attending
his business on Horseback ↑in Boots↑ - prevented his paying (in time)
proper attention to these sores, either with regard to Medi¬
cine, exercise, or Diet. - (NB. In general too fond of salted,
smoakd, & relishing Food. -) - While these sores continued
a free discharge, He had no return of Fever, but appeard
in the finest health, - & only suffered occasionally from the
pain & inflammation brought on by extraordinary exercise,
free living, or ↑too↑ full Habit; - He soon found that to prevent
their becoming a habitual, & necessary drain, He must quit
business, & Jamaica; - The efforts to bring this to bear,
expos'd him (for the last ten months in the island) to
more than Usual fatigue, & company; which rendered the
Ulcers much worse than Ever. - He left Jamaica in June
last, ↑for America↑, & since that time has liv'd with Strict attention, us'd
great quantities of Bark, & Sarsaparilla: - Milk, ripe fruit,
& vegetables constituted greatest part of his Diet for 4
months in America; & ever since his return to Britain,
in November last. -- To get Milk to sit on his stomach,
He has foregone in a great Measure all fermented
Liquors, or Spirits; - which He used freely in Jamaica.
He is now in fine health but the Legs get worse --

Thought Himself much better by a few mercurial Alte¬
ratives used in London, & a continuance of them
very gently, with Tincture of Guaiacum since his arrival in Scotland,
nine weeks ago. - The above Diet, & regular Life, has again

[Page 3]

brought on the tendency to corpulency, -- & numbers of
hard indolent bumps have often appeard all over the Legs.
Some of these disperse of themselves, others suppurate a
bad matter, & many continue in the same state ---

The least Ulcer leaves A most ugly Escar, - The seat of all
seems ↑superficial, &↑ confind to the cellular membrane, which they
effectually destroy, & even in these parts render it after¬
wards impervious to the serous Kind which too often
swells his Limbs, especially on the least exercise, & hang¬
ing posture of the Legs ---

Just before leaving Jamaica, four or five blotches (simi¬
lar to some on his Legs & Feet;) appeard on the Thighs,
one Arm, & one hand; - One of them on the Thighs, suppu¬
; - the discoloration of the others, still remained.

This was the only appearance of the complaints not being
wholly confined to the Legs.

When the sores were painful, Opiates alone produced
a sudden change for the better; - Fruit poultices, &
rest always altered their appearance, when foul, &
slonghy, -- The old Escars very suddenly break out
again, on the least tendency to suppuration, - which
seems lately to be the Case every four or six weeks.

The discharge is much better & thicker from some, than
others; - & will sometimes tinge the dressing ↑thro'↑ like thin
dirty black paint, with a shot of good thick Pus in the middle.
When getting better, & nearly well, - there is at times an
extreme itching over all the body, & on the parts around
the sores. - A full breath, or sudden cough ↑always↑ gives the sensation
of a ↑painful↑ throb towards the Legs. - Salt water relieved Him

[Page 4]

on a weeks trial at Jamaica, but His stomach would
not retain it

Besides the uncommon itching, there was great reason two
years ago to suspect uncommon acrimony in the Fluids, from a
number of little hardened spots on the Palms of the hands, & espec¬
ially at the tendinous insertion of the Flexoris (↑Flexores digitorum↑) - They were tender & painful
to the touch, & soon separated away like a thickened Cuticle Caus¬
ing the young skin below, very tender for some days. -- Little {illeg}
hard knobs appeard at the same Time on the Knuckles, & joints
of the
Fingers, as in gouty Persons; These & Every skin covered
part of the body were highly irritable & painful, on the slightest
touch, or accidental rub. -- These knobs all dissappeard of their own
accord, & never suppurated; - Washing & dressing with Mer¬
curial Solution
, always agreed well with the sores, but bot[h]
the use of it, & Saturnine medicines were ventur'd on
with great Caution, from the danger of too suddenly stopp¬
ing a Discharge, which in some Measure had become fac¬
tual to the Constitution -- A foolish aversion to Issues
has hitherto prevented adopting them, tho they seem most
likely to obviate the danger of shutting up the drain
from the Limbs

Mr. Alexr. Thomson
March 1785
V.XVI. P.331

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

A:T: now aged 41 - has enjoyed in the course of his Life
remarkable fine Health & Spirits, - tho seven years thereof
have spent in the E. India service, & the last thirteen in Jamaica
During the whole, He has rather liv'd too carelessly, & freely.
In following his proffession at Jamaica, He took uncommon
exercise on Horseback, - which (excepting temporary fatigue,
always produced the best consequences ---------

About five or six years ago, began first to be troubled
with the common intermittent Fever, & bilious complaints
usual to long residenters in that country, & which comm¬
only attack'd Him at the close of the Year, when the cold
North Winds & rain set in: -- These generally yielded to the
early Use - of Antimonials, & Bark, - with an immediate
change of Air to ↑ye.↑ South side of the island; - they always
terminated in large eruptions about the Lips, & mouth,
but more frequently in a number of small ↑hard↑ fiery painful
Catboils on different parts of the body, - but chiefly on
the lower extremities; - After suppuration however,
these soon dissappeard, & left Him in fine health: - for tho'
a very painful, they are ever the surest Crises of Feverish
disorders in that country. ------- --------

About three years ago, -- He began to have a tendency to
corpulency, & evidently perceived a fullness of Habit, that
(tho it gave the appearance of sound Health) felt rather
dissagreeable, by interfering with that active mode, here¬
with He used to go thro' business. -- The first Fever after this
appearance, produced a greater Number of these Boil

[Page 2]

on the Legs, & instead ↑of↑ drying up after suppuration, a few
of them continued discharging, & gradually became small
troublesome Ulcers. - The uncommon health & spirits which
succeeded these Fevers, - the necessity of immediatly attending
his business on Horseback ↑in Boots↑ - prevented his paying (in time)
proper attention to these sores, either wt regard to Medi¬
cine, exercise, or Diet. - (NB. In general too fond of salted,
smoakd, & relishing Food. -) - While these sores continued
a free discharge, He had no return of Fever, but appeard
in the finest health, - & only suffered occasionally from the
pain & inflammation brought on by extraordinary exercise,
free living, or ↑too↑ full Habit; - He soon found that to prevent
their becoming a habitual, & necessary drain, He must quit
business, & Jamaica; - The efforts to bring this to bear,
expos'd him (for the last ten months in the island) to
more than Usual fatigue, & company; which rendered the
Ulcers much worse than Ever. - He left Jamaica in June
last, ↑for America↑, & since that time has liv'd wt. Strict attention, us'd
great quantities of Bark, & Sarsaparilla: - Milk, ripe fruit,
& vegetables constituted greatest part of his Diet for 4
months in America; & ever since his return to Britain,
in Novr. last. -- To get Milk to sit on his stomach,
He has foregone in a great Measure all fermented
Liquors, or Spirits; - which He used freely in Jamaica.
He is now in fine health but the Legs get worse --

Thought Himself much better by a few mercurial Alte¬
ratives used in London, & a continuance of them
very gently, wt. Tinct. Guaiac. since his arrival in Scotland,
nine weeks ago. - The above Diet, & regular Life, has again

[Page 3]

brought on the tendency to corpulency, -- & numbers of
hard indolent bumps have often appeard all over the Legs.
Some of these disperse of themselves, others suppurate a
bad matter, & many continue in the same state ---

The least Ulcer leaves A most ugly Escar, - The seat of all
seems ↑superficial, &↑ confind to the cellular membrane, which they
effectually destroy, & even in these parts render it after¬
wards impervious to the serous Kind which too often
swells his Limbs, especially on the least exercise, & hang¬
ing posture of the Legs ---

Just before leaving Jamaica, four or five blotches (simi¬
lar to some on his Legs & Feet;) appeard on the Thighs,
one Arm, & one hand; - One of them on the Thighs, suppu¬
; - the discoloration of the others, still remained.

This was the only appearance of the complaints not being
wholly confined to the Legs.

When the sores were painful, Opiates alone produced
a sudden change for the better; - Fruit poultices, &
rest always altered their appearance, when foul, &
slonghy, -- The old Escars very suddenly break out
again, on the least tendency to suppuration, - which
seems lately to be the Case every four or six weeks.

The discharge is much better & thicker from some, than
others; - & will sometimes tinge the dressing ↑thro'↑ like thin
dirty black paint, wt. a shot of good thick Pus in the middle.
When getting better, & nearly well, - there is at times an
extreme itching over all the body, & on the parts around
the sores. - A full breath, or sudden cough ↑always↑ gives the sensation
of a ↑painful↑ throb towards the Legs. - Salt water relieved Him

[Page 4]

on a weeks trial at Jamaica, but His stomach would
not retain it

Besides the uncommon itching, there was great reason two
years ago to suspect uncommon acrimony in the Fluids, from a
number of little hardened spots on the Palms of the hands, & espec¬
ially at the tendinous insertion of the Flexoris (↑Flexores digit.↑) - They were tender & painful
to the touch, & soon separated away like a thickened Cuticle Caus¬
ing the young skin below, very tender for some days. -- Little {illeg}
hard knobs appeard at the same Time on the Knuckles, & joints
of the
Fingers, as in gouty Persons; These & Every skin covered
part of the body were highly irritable & painful, on the slightest
touch, or accidental rub. -- These knobs all dissappeard of their own
accord, & never suppurated; - Washing & dressing with Mer¬
curial Solution
, always agreed well with the sores, but bot[h]
the use of it, & Saturnine medicines were ventur'd on
with great Caution, from the danger of too suddenly stopp¬
ing a Discharge, which in some Measure had become fac¬
tual to the Constitution -- A foolish aversion to Issues
has hitherto prevented adopting them, tho they seem most
likely to obviate the danger of shutting up the drain
from the Limbs

Mr. Alexr. Thomson
March 1785
V.XVI. P.331


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