
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:2276] From: Mr William Ingham / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Miss Mary Peareth (Pearith, Peariths) (Patient), Miss Ellison (Alison) (Patient), Mr Ralph Bates (Patient) / 2 June 1783 / (Incoming)

Letter from William Ingham, concerning the cases of Mr Bates and Miss Ellison and reporting on the health of Miss M. Pearith [Peareth]. He mentions inclosing a prescription he has given to Mr Bates, but this is missing.


There are 3 images for this document.

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DOC ID 2276
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/1334
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date2 June 1783
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) Enclosure(s) mentioned, but missing
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from William Ingham, concerning the cases of Mr Bates and Miss Ellison and reporting on the health of Miss M. Pearith [Peareth]. He mentions inclosing a prescription he has given to Mr Bates, but this is missing.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:52]
Case of Miss Mary Peareth who has a painful bladder condition.
[Case ID:747]
Case of Mr Ralph Bates who has rheumatic pains and a liver and bowel complaint which proves fatal.
[Case ID:1572]
Case of Miss Ellison who suffers from a number of conditions including costiveness, a nervous complaint in her head and an inflamed eye.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:82]AuthorMr William Ingham
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2597]PatientMiss Ellison (Alison)
[PERS ID:2598]PatientMr Ralph Bates
[PERS ID:80]PatientMiss Mary Peareth (Pearith, Peariths)
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:82]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryMr William Ingham
[PERS ID:2702]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMrs Bates
[PERS ID:3019]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMr R Bates

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Newcastle upon Tyne North-East England Europe inferred
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]

Dear Sir,

Mr: Bates, the Gentleman
who delivers this, being desirous of your
advice, I therefore take the Liberty of in¬
forming you that for many years past, he has
been subject to slight Rheumatic Pains
and Uneasiness in his Bowels, but so very in¬
considerable as to give no Inconvenience till
within these six Months; since that time they
have increas'd and become very troublesome af¬
fecting particularly the intestinal tube with
Gripings and Flatulency, his Pulse at the same
time being good & regular
and nothing unna¬
tural in his Urine -- he has sometimes thought
his Pains nephritic, but upon pointing to the
Seat of his Uneasiness, it never appear'd to me
situated in the Kidnies; nor can I suppose any
hepatic affection as he has always been heal¬
thy and regular in his Living -- for a few days
he has had a Nausea upon the mention of Food
and his Nights have been restless, which he at¬
tributes to his other ailments, but in this I dif¬
fer with him and think that anxiety is the Cause

[Page 2]

of both; for three weeks ago, the Printer of our
weekly Paper copied from the Antigua Gazette
the particulars of an action between the argo
and a french Line of Battle ship, mentioning
that the only officer kill'd was a Mr R Bates
{illeg} of this Matter, Government have receiv'd
no account and of Course the Fate of a very
promising son remains uncertain and must
affect Mr Bates sensibly 1 --

I willingly hope that upon Examination
you will not find this Complaint formidable
and that it will soon yield to your good
Directions; inclos'd I send you a Prescription of
what I've given 2 --


I must now inform you of Miss Ellison,
Sister to Mrs. Bates, who will be at Edinburgh
in a few days to consult you - her Com¬
plaints appear to me intirely of the nervous
and began in 1775 at the Time of the
menstrual Cessation -- the first Uneasiness
was after walking much in a hot day; she was
siez'd with Giddiness in her head, violent shak¬
and every sensation of fainting away, since
that Period she has had frequent Fullness and
Tightness in her Head with a firm, regular Pulse,
which has occasion'd me to bleed her & the Relief
she finds, confirms the Propriety of the Plan, altho' I

[Page 3]

never take more than four or five Ounces; it's
very rare that there is any sizy appearances &
the Proportion of the serum & crassamentum
is very right -- She sometimes has great
Tremors and the Dread of Fainting, also describes
a Rising not unlike the Globus Hystericus &
has convulsive motions in the muscles of
lower jaws -- she has taken a Variety
of Medicines as assafœtida, camphor, valerian
Bark, cinnabar & guaiacum, has had a
perpetual Blister at the Top of her Head and
has now an Issue and the only medicine she
takes at present is a little white mustard
to keep her open -- I heartily wish
you succefs and am with great Esteem

Dear Sir: your obliged humble Servant

Wm: Ingham

NewCastle June 2d: 1783

P.S Miss M. Pearith continues as
usual --

Dr: Cullen


1: The Argo was a ship in the British fleet, at this date in action against the French in the waters of the West Indies. The newspaper article containing the report lifted from the Antigua Gazette, and copies of the Gazette itself are untraced.

2: Enclosure untraced.

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

Dear Sir,

Mr: Bates, the Gentleman
who delivers this, being desirous of your
advice, I therefore take the Liberty of in¬
forming you that for many years past, he has
been subject to slight Rheumatic Pains
and Uneasiness in his Bowels, but so very in¬
considerable as to give no Inconvenience till
within these six Months; since that time they
have increas'd and become very troublesome af¬
fecting particularly the intestinal tube with
Gripings and Flatulency, his Pulse at the same
time being good & regular
and nothing unna¬
tural in his Urine -- he has sometimes thought
his Pains nephritic, but upon pointing to the
Seat of his Uneasiness, it never appear'd to me
situated in the Kidnies; nor can I suppose any
hepatic affection as he has always been heal¬
thy and regular in his Living -- for a few days
he has had a Nausea upon the mention of Food
and his Nights have been restless, which he at¬
tributes to his other ailments, but in this I dif¬
fer with him and think that anxiety is the Cause

[Page 2]

of both; for three weeks ago, the Printer of our
weekly Paper copied from the Antigua Gazette
the particulars of an action between the argo
and a french Line of Battle ship, mentioning
that the only officer kill'd was a Mr R Bates
{illeg} of this Matter, Government have receiv'd
no account and of Course the Fate of a very
promising son remains uncertain and must
affect Mr Bates sensibly 1 --

I willingly hope that upon Examination
you will not find this Complaint formidable
and that it will soon yield to your good
Directions; inclos'd I send you a Prescription of
what I've given 2 --


I must now inform you of Miss Ellison,
Sister to Mrs. Bates, who will be at Edinburgh
in a few days to consult you - her Com¬
plaints appear to me intirely of the nervous
and began in 1775 at the Time of the
menstrual Cessation -- the first Uneasiness
was after walking much in a hot day; she was
siez'd with Giddiness in her head, violent shak¬
and every sensation of fainting away, since
that Period she has had frequent Fullness and
Tightness in her Head with a firm, regular Pulse,
which has occasion'd me to bleed her & the Relief
she finds, confirms the Propriety of the Plan, altho' I

[Page 3]

never take more than four or five Ounces; it's
very rare that there is any sizy appearances &
the Proportion of the serum & crassamentum
is very right -- She sometimes has great
Tremors and the Dread of Fainting, also describes
a Rising not unlike ye Globus Hystericus &
has convulsive motions in the muscles of
lower jaws -- she has taken a Variety
of Medicines as assafœtida, camphor, valerian
Bark, cinnabar & guaiacum, has had a
perpetual Blister at ye Top of her Head and
has now an Issue and the only medicine she
takes at present is a little white mustard
to keep her open -- I heartily wish
you succefs and am with great Esteem

Dear Sir: your obliged hble Servant

Wm: Ingham

N.Castle June 2d: 1783

P.S Miss M. Pearith continues as
usual --

Dr: Cullen


1: The Argo was a ship in the British fleet, at this date in action against the French in the waters of the West Indies. The newspaper article containing the report lifted from the Antigua Gazette, and copies of the Gazette itself are untraced.

2: Enclosure untraced.


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