
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:2069] Cover Letter and Case Note / Regarding: Miss Richardson (Patient), Anonymous (Patient) / 5 October 1781 / (Incoming)

Covering letter and enclosed case notes from Dr Alexander Wilson. In his covering letter, Wilson mentions Mr Justamond's publication on flores martiales and his own success with it in the case of a hardened testicle. He also gossips about other doctors, reports on the health of his pregnant wife, and asks after Mrs Cullen - all of which indicate that Wilson and Cullen were part of a shared social/professional network. The case (concerning which Wilson seeks Cullen's advice) is that of Miss Richardson, who suffers from swollen and hardened glands or lymph nodes in several areas of her body.


There are 8 images for this document.

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DOC ID 2069
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/1143a
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date5 October 1781
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) Enclosure(s) present
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Covering letter and enclosed case notes from Dr Alexander Wilson. In his covering letter, Wilson mentions Mr Justamond's publication on flores martiales and his own success with it in the case of a hardened testicle. He also gossips about other doctors, reports on the health of his pregnant wife, and asks after Mrs Cullen - all of which indicate that Wilson and Cullen were part of a shared social/professional network. The case (concerning which Wilson seeks Cullen's advice) is that of Miss Richardson, who suffers from swollen and hardened glands or lymph nodes in several areas of her body.
Manuscript Incomplete? Yes
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1393]
Case of Miss Richardson whose disorder, marked by swollen neck glands, is thought to be lymphatic in origin.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:828]AuthorDr Alexander Wilson
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:4147]Patient
[PERS ID:174]PatientMiss Richardson
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:828]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Alexander Wilson
[PERS ID:4148]Other Physician / SurgeonDr Walker
[PERS ID:4810]Other Physician / Surgeon
[PERS ID:4146]Other Physician / SurgeonMr Justamond
[PERS ID:743]OtherMrs Anna Cullen
[PERS ID:2992]OtherMrs Agnes Wilson

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Hull North-East England Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]
Hull October 5th. 1781
Dear Sir

Inclosed is a case for your opinion, it has at
present a very bad aspect, especially as there
is reason to suspect an original scrofulous

Mr. Justamonds publication has induced me
to try the Powdered steel to a considerable
extent, and in some cases of indurated glands,
with great success. -----

A gentleman of this place had about 12
months ago a remarkable enlargement
and induration of one of his testicles. When
I saw it first, the size was nothing less than
a goose egg
, exceeding hard, and I may
say without any degree of sensibility. It

[Page 2]

was then of near six months standing
from its first appearance; I confind him
to the house and chiefly to a recumbent
posture, he livd on vegetables and milk
only, for the first six weeks he took Bark
and Cicuta three drachms of the former and one drachm of the
latter every day, but with little or no
advantage; I then added the Powdered steel, he soon came to take one and a half drachms per day,
in two weeks there were very favourable
appearances, and in six weeks more, the
testicle was at its natural size, and no¬
thing remained but a little hardness
and enlargment of the epididymis, which
was by the assistance of gentle mercuri¬
, soon remov'd, and the cure ren¬

[Page 3]

der'd perfect in 15 weeks. This case
and another similar one which I had not
the satisfaction of seeing ended, as my pa¬
tient was obliged to remove to another part
of the Kingdom, have given me a good
opinion of his medicine. ---

I have narrated those particulars by
way of medical news, and also as rea¬
sons for my directing the same medicine
in Miss Richardsons case. ---

With respect to my own situation, I have
succeeded better than I had any reason
to expect when I came here, I am now
Acquainted with the principle people, and
by many of them I have been employed;
Our old Dr. is still going about tho {illeg}
in his 82d. year; I have the satisfaction
to find that when he is quited I am

[Page 4]

calld, and I now have little doubt
but that when he drops off, I shall
have the best business that this town
and its neighbourhood affords. Dr.
Walker is more among the inferior
people, few familys of much note
have employd him. -----

The inclosed bill for £3.3. on London
was sent me this day to be transmit¬
ed with the case, you will readily get
the cash for it from any banker. --

My wife is in tolerable health and spi¬
rits and will lie in about the end of
next month, which event may perhaps
restore the use of her leg and foot. --

She joins me in compliments to you and Mrs
Cullen. ----- I am dear Sir your most
obedient & humble Servant

Doctor Cullen
Alex. Wilson

[Page 5]
Case for the opinion of Dr. Cullen

Miss Richardson aged 24 years, of a tall and slender
habit, was above two years ago attacked with indu¬
rations of the
glands of the neck. When I saw
her in August last, one of them on the left side of the
was about the size of a pigeons egg, attend¬
ed with frequent and Sharp pains. This induration
extended to the
muscles around it, and the tumour
was so fixed as to impede in a considerable de¬
gree the motion of the neck. A gland in the
right armpit was also much enlarged, indurated,
and fixed, and the hardnes extended over a con¬
siderable part of the
pectoral muscle. She also
complained of some enlargment of the inguinal glands,
and frequent pains through them, similar to what
she has in the armpit and neck. Those pains were
attended with the external feel of hardness in the
region of the
stomach, and with a sense of full¬
ness and weight in the bowels. The {illeg}
menstrual evacuations, have been tolerably
regular in point of period, tho exceeding little
in quantity, last
{illeg} month they did not appear
in any degree whatever. The appetite and di¬
gestion are tolerable, and when food is taken
into the stomach, it neither occasions vomit¬

[Page 6]

, nor further pain than a sense of fullness.
Before I saw this lady she wore gum plasters
on the
indurated parts, she had got mercury
and antimonials but bore them very ill, the
Cicuta had been given, but a single grain of
the extract threw her into extreme giddiness
and uneasyness of stomach. She had also
taken a variety of other things without any
good effect. -----

I directed the powdered Steel to be made into
pills and she has taken about one scruple per day for
near a month past, prior to that time, she
did not exceed thirteen or fourteen grains per day. With
this for a Short time She took from one and a half to two drachms
of the peruvian bark; This medicine in substance
disorderd her somach, a strong decoction was
then made of it, of which she took four or five ounces
every day. She has kept the indurated ↑parts↑ always
moist with a saturated solution of raw Ammonia in equal quantities of distiled vinegar
and water, and when this renderd the surface
tender, its place was supply'd by Goulards
extract of Saturn
in water, with a small ad¬
dition of Brandy. Since she used those

[Page 7]

means, her pulse is stronger, and her looks
and strength are mended; the tumour of
neck is not more than half its former size,
that under the arm is little alter'd, but the
hardness of the stomach and bowels, and the
sense of fullness, are as much as ever. --

From the symptoms, I fear that the glands
of the mesentery and intestines are {illeg}
also tending to a {illeg} scirrhous state, and
I also apprehend that our present means
will not prove successful in conquering the
disease, tho it seems to retard it; could the
powdered Steel be carryed the length of one and a half or two drachms per day, I should have some small hope,
but I fear from the tryals already made with ↑it↑
that the stomach will never admit so free
a use of that medicine. -----

Please to let us have your opinion and
advice as soon as possible -----

A. W. --
Hull October 5th. 1781

[Page 8]

Case for the opinion of
Doctor Cullen
from Dr Wilson
Concerning Miss Richardson
October 1781
XIII p174

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
Hull Octr. 5th. 1781
Dear Sir

Inclosed is a case for your opinion, it has at
present a very bad aspect, especially as there
is reason to suspect an original scrofulous

Mr. Justamonds publication has induced me
to try the Flores martiales to a considerable
extent, and in some cases of indurated glands,
with great success. -----

A gentleman of this place had about 12
months ago a remarkable enlargement
and induration of one of his testicles. When
I saw it first, the size was nothing less than
a goose egg
, exceeding hard, and I may
say without any degree of sensibility. It

[Page 2]

was then of near six months standing
from its first appearance; I confind him
to the house and chiefly to a recumbent
posture, he livd on vegetables and milk
only, for the first six weeks he took Bark
and Cicuta ʒiij of the former and ʒi of the
latter every day, but with little or no
advantage; I then added the Flores mar¬
, he soon came to take ʒiſs pr. day,
in two weeks there were very favourable
appearances, and in six weeks more, the
testicle was at its natural size, and no¬
thing remained but a little hardness
and enlargment of the epididymis, which
was by the assistance of gentle mercuri¬
, soon remov'd, and the cure ren¬

[Page 3]

der'd perfect in 15 weeks. This case
and another similar one which I had not
the satisfaction of seeing ended, as my pa¬
tient was obliged to remove to another part
of the Kingdom, have given me a good
opinion of his medicine. ---

I have narrated those particulars by
way of medical news, and also as rea¬
sons for my directing the same medicine
in Miss Richardsons case. ---

With respect to my own situation, I have
succeeded better than I had any reason
to expect when I came here, I am now
Acquainted with the principle people, and
by many of them I have been employed;
Our old Dr. is still going about tho {illeg}
in his 82d. year; I have the satisfaction
to find that when he is quited I am

[Page 4]

calld, and I now have little doubt
but that when he drops off, I shall
have the best business that this town
and its neighbourhood affords. Dr.
Walker is more among the inferior
people, few familys of much note
have employd him. -----

The inclosed bill for £3.3. on London
was sent me this day to be transmit¬
ed with the case, you will readily get
the cash for it from any banker. --

My wife is in tolerable health and spi¬
rits and will lie in about the end of
next month, which event may perhaps
restore the use of her leg and foot. --

She joins me in compts. to you and Mrs
Cullen. ----- I am dear Sir your most
obedient & humble Servant

Doctor Cullen
Alex. Wilson

[Page 5]
Case for the opinion of Dr. Cullen

Miss Richardson aged 24 years, of a tall and slender
habit, was above two years ago attacked with indu¬
rations of the
glands of the neck. When I saw
her in Augst. last, one of them on the left side of the
was about the size of a pigeons egg, attend¬
ed with frequent and Sharp pains. This induration
extended to the
muscles around it, and the tumour
was so fixed as to impede in a considerable de¬
gree the motion of the neck. A gland in the
right armpit was also much enlarged, indurated,
and fixed, and the hardnes extended over a con¬
siderable part of the
pectoral muscle. She also
complained of some enlargment of the inguinal glands,
and frequent pains through them, similar to what
she has in the armpit and neck. Those pains were
attended with the external feel of hardness in the
region of the
stomach, and with a sense of full¬
ness and weight in the bowels. The {illeg}
menstrual evacuations, have been tolerably
regular in point of period, tho exceeding little
in quantity, last
{illeg} month they did not appear
in any degree whatever. The appetite and di¬
gestion are tolerable, and when food is taken
into the stomach, it neither occasions vomit¬

[Page 6]

, nor further pain than a sense of fullness.
Before I saw this lady she wore gum plasters
on the
indurated parts, she had got mercury
and antimonials but bore them very ill, the
Cicuta had been given, but a single grain of
the extract threw her into extreme giddiness
and uneasyness of stomach. She had also
taken a variety of other things without any
good effect. -----

I directed the flores Martiales to be made into
pills and she has taken about ℈i pr. day for
near a month past, prior to that time, she
did not exceed Gr:xiij or Gr:xiv pr. day. With
this for a Short time She took from ʒiſs to ʒij
of the cort: peruv:; This medicine in substance
disorderd her somach, a strong decoction was
then made of it, of which she took ℥iv or ℥v
every day. She has kept the indurated ↑parts↑ always
moist with a saturated solution of Sal: Ammoni:
in equal quantities of distiled vinegar
and water, and when this renderd the surface
tender, its place was supply'd by Goulards
extract of Saturn
in water, with a small ad¬
dition of Brandy. Since she used those

[Page 7]

means, her pulse is stronger, and her looks
and strength are mended; the tumour of
neck is not more than half its former size,
that under the arm is little alter'd, but the
hardness of the stomach and bowels, and the
sense of fullness, are as much as ever. --

From the symptoms, I fear that the glands
of the mesentery and intestines are {illeg}
also tending to a {illeg} scirrhous state, and
I also apprehend that our present means
will not prove successful in conquering the
disease, tho it seems to retard it; could the
flores Martiales be carryed the length of ʒiſs or
ʒij pr. day, I should have some small hope,
but I fear from the tryals already made with ↑it↑
that the stomach will never admit so free
a use of that medicine. -----

Please to let us have your opinion and
advice as soon as possible -----

A. W. --
Hull Octr. 5th. 1781

[Page 8]

Case for the opinion of
Doctor Cullen
from Dr Wilson
C Miss Richardson
Octr 1781
XIII p174


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