
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:2015] From: Mr John McKie (Junior) / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mrs McKie (Patient), Mr John McKie (Junior) (Patient) / 9 June 1781 / (Incoming)

Letter from John McKie, concerning his own case and that of his wife.


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DOC ID 2015
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/1092
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date9 June 1781
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from John McKie, concerning his own case and that of his wife.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:792]
Case of John McKie [Mackie], Junior who undertakes cold bathing to treat a sore stomach and giddiness, but his abdominal troubles recur.
[Case ID:793]
Case of Mrs McKie, who in 1781 has had a miscarriage. Correspondence resumes in January 1785 over her cold and cough.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:114]AuthorMr John McKie (Junior)
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:114]PatientMr John McKie (Junior)
[PERS ID:113]PatientMrs McKie
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2630]OtherMr Naismith

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Stranraer Borders Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred

Normalized Text

[Page 1]

Stranraer 9th June 1785

Dear Sir,

From my long silence you will no doubt have
concluded that I had got the better of my complaints, & when
I tell you that I have lately taken unto myself a wife, you
will readily beleive that I thought my self considerably better
the complaints in my Stomach have some of them left me
altogether & those that remain are greatly lessned. I am
now seldom or ever troubled with the heart burn or the
sick fits I once complained of my remaining complaints
seem to be chiefly confined to a weakness of my bowels
as I am frequently attacked with gripings, accompanied with
Loose Billious Stools, flattulency & frequently an uneasy
pain along my right side & small of my back, but as
it never continues many days at a time & often sifts
its residence I conclude it to be owing to some wind
in the passages that have this direction that way
the bleeding at the Anus returns now but seldom
& when it does can generally account for the cause
of it, Vizt. riding on horseback, cold or indulging too
freely in the use of Strong drink, I have not yet
made any alteration in the regimen you prescribed
nor indeed have any inclination to do so, as I find
it agrees with my Stomach, my appetite is upon
the whole very good, & I ↑am↑ apt at Dinner to indulge
it in the too free use of Animal food. I sleep very
well rise early & take a good deal of exercise on
foot in the open Air. I have not yet begun to
bath but shall next week, my hair is now grown
out, I flatter myself I may now use the bath
without being under the necessity of cutting ↑it↑ of again

[Page 2]

if you think any further necessary for me be
good enough to advise. The purport of this Letter is
principally to consult you upon a case which I fear
I am inadequate to the description of so as at to give
a proper idea of it however as you ↑are↑ well experienced
in all the complaints of the faemal sex, I flatten my
self you will re↑a↑dily find out what I would be at --

My wife now 20 years of age of a thin make
has since ever the menstrual discharge made its appear¬
ance, had a rather too copious flow of them altho
attended with neither pain or
sickness, untill about
the time of our marriage ↑in December last↑ when a discharge of another
kind made its appearance & which I think is called
Fluor Albuos or Whites, which has continued ever since
in a greater or less degree, accompained with frequent
pains in the head, small of the back & right side all
of which are at times very violent Her menses continue
in the usual quantity, untill the two last-times when
it was considerably lessened in quantity & in duration
& since which the other discharge is greatly increased
accompained with above symptoms & cold shivering over
her whole body, her appetite was never good, but now
I think it worse than usual
, I have repeatedly asked
her if she could in any ↑way↑ account for the cause of this
disagreeable complaint, she says she cannot without it
was occasioned by some uneasiness of mind preceeding
our marriage & at a time when she had her menses, as
she tells me that, it occasioned a stoppage of them for a
a day or two & then they returned with in a greater degree
than usual, & after this she first made a discovery of
the other complaint, she tells me that frequently for
a day or two preceeding the appearance of the

[Page 3]

Menses she has discovered a slight discharge of this kind
but it never was in any quantity now ever made its
appearance during the intervals of the discharges. I waited
long since have taken your advice in this matter but
for Mrs. McKie delicacy she still hoped that as it came
in sudenly it would disappear in the same way,
but ↑as↑ it seems to rather to be increasing particularly for
a few days by past I must beg that you will give
me your Council by so soon as you can after consid¬
ering the case let ↑it↑ be full both with respect to the
proper medicines to be used & the regimen proper for
her to follow, she ↑has↑ never taken my medicine except
a few doses of bark which had no effect. I shall
remit your for your advice by Mr Naismith who
will ↑leave↑ this place in a few days

I am
Dear Sir
With great Respect
Your most Obedient humble Servant

John McKie Junr.

N.B. Mrs. McKie has now felt
any irritation in the parts
from the greatness of the
discharge ---- ----

[Page 4]

Mr Mackie. Junr
Concerning Himself & Mrs MacKie
June 1781. --
№. XIII. p.66

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

Stranraer 9th June 1785

Dear Sir,

From my long silence you will no doubt have
concluded that I had got the better of my complaints, & when
I tell you that I have lately taken unto myself a wife, you
will readily beleive that I thought my self considerably better
the complaints in my Stomach have some of them left me
altogether & those that remain are greatly lessned. I am
now seldom or ever troubled with the heart burn or the
sick fits I once complained of my remaining complaints
seem to be chiefly confined to a weakness of my bowels
as I am frequently attacked with gripings, accompanied with
Loose Billious Stools, flattulency & frequently an uneasy
pain along my right side & small of my back, but as
it never continues many days at a time & often sifts
its residence I conclude it to be owing to some wind
in the passages that have this direction that way
the bleeding at the Anus returns now but seldom
& when it does can generally account for the cause
of it, Vizt. riding on horseback, cold or indulging too
freely in the use of Strong drink, I have not yet
made any alteration in the regimen you prescribed
nor indeed have any inclination to do so, as I find
it agrees with my Stomach, my appetite is upon
the whole very good, & I ↑am↑ apt at Dinner to indulge
it in the too free use of Animal food. I sleep very
well rise early & take a good deal of exercise on
foot in the open Air. I have not yet begun to
bath but shall next week, my hair is now grown
out, I flatter myself I may now use the bath
without being under the necessity of cutting ↑it↑ of again

[Page 2]

if you think any further necessary for me be
good enough to advise. The purport of this Letter is
principally to consult you upon a case which I fear
I am inadequate to the description of so as at to give
a proper idea of it however as you ↑are↑ well experienced
in all the complaints of the faemal sex, I flatten my
self you will re↑a↑dily find out what I would be at --

My wife now 20 years of age of a thin make
has since ever the menstrual discharge made its appear¬
ance, had a rather too copious flow of them altho
attended with neither pain or
sickness, untill about
the time of our marriage ↑in Decr. last↑ when a discharge of another
kind made its appearance & which I think is called
Fluor Albuos or Whites, which has continued ever since
in a greater or less degree, accompained with frequent
pains in the head, small of the back & right side all
of which are at times very violent Her menses continue
in the usual quantity, untill the two last-times when
it was considerably lessened in quantity & in duration
& since which the other discharge is greatly increased
accompained with above symptoms & cold shivering over
her whole body, her appetite was never good, but now
I think it worse than usual
, I have repeatedly asked
her if she could in any ↑way↑ account for the cause of this
disagreeable complaint, she says she cannot without it
was occasioned by some uneasiness of mind preceeding
our marriage & at a time when she had her menses, as
she tells me that, it occasioned a stoppage of them for a
a day or two & then they returned with in a greater degree
than usual, & after this she first made a discovery of
the other complaint, she tells me that frequently for
a day or two preceeding the appearance of the

[Page 3]

Menses she has discovered a slight discharge of this kind
but it never was in any quantity now ever made its
appearance during the intervals of the discharges. I waited
long since have taken your advice in this matter but
for Mrs. McKie delicacy she still hoped that as it came
in sudenly it would disappear in the same way,
but ↑as↑ it seems to rather to be increasing particularly for
a few days by past I must beg that you will give
me your Council by so soon as you can after consid¬
ering the case let ↑it↑ be full both with respect to the
proper medicines to be used & the regimen proper for
her to follow, she ↑has↑ never taken my medicine except
a few doses of bark which had no effect. I shall
remit your for your advice by Mr Naismith who
will ↑leave↑ this place in a few days

I am
Dear Sir
With great Respect
Your mo: Obt. hume Sert

John McKie Junr.

N.B. Mrs. McKie has now felt
any irritation in the parts
from the greatness of the
discharge ---- ----

[Page 4]

Mr Mackie. Junr
C. Himself & Mrs MacKie
June 1781. --
№. XIII. p.66


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