
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1625] From: Mr Charles Fleming (Fleeming; of Montgomeryfield) / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Miss Semple (Simple) (Patient) / 16 February 1779 / (Incoming)

Letter from Charles Fleming, concerning Miss Semple, who has been suffering from feverishness and spasms: 'She is now so weak that she cant be brought out of bed'. Includes brief postscript by the patient's father, James Semple.


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DOC ID 1625
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/715a
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date16 February 1779
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from Charles Fleming, concerning Miss Semple, who has been suffering from feverishness and spasms: 'She is now so weak that she cant be brought out of bed'. Includes brief postscript by the patient's father, James Semple.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting Yes


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:475]
Case of Miss Semple (Simple), a teenage girl who suffers from excess salivation and loss of appetite attributed to having had smallpox.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:215]AuthorMr Charles Fleming (Fleeming; of Montgomeryfield)
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2545]PatientMiss Semple (Simple)
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:215]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryMr Charles Fleming (Fleeming; of Montgomeryfield)
[PERS ID:5512]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMrs Semple
[PERS ID:1096]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMr James Semple (Simple)
[PERS ID:1096]Supplemental AuthorMr James Semple (Simple)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Irvine Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Place of Handstamp Irvine Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]

Upon the receipt of yours of January 2
Miss ↑Semple was↑ put upon the use of the bark in half drahm
doses taken every four hours & continued for some
days, it did not dissagree with her Stomach but
her Appetite grew no better & her strength rather
– from that time till within these four
& five days past, she continued much the same
frequently attacked with hot fits which upon
a sweat coming out went off, her pulse for the
most part quick & small
, urine constantly limpid
nervous tremors, palpitation of the heart, & her
often affected as she described it with un¬
common noise & a beating in it
that she thought
might have been heard by a bystander – As
the bark had not produced the desired effect I
tryed her with the Elixir of Vitriol for some days
but this neither encreasd her strength nor appetite
During this Period ↑she↑ has had a return of the Catemen↑ia↑
twice at the stated times & the first which happend
about six weeks ago in greater quantity than
for a twelvemonth before – The change of her

[Page 2]

Case that has happened of late is her being
attacked with a feverishness in the forenoon about
12 oClock & in the afternoon about five attended
with a suffocation & spaasms over her whole body.
The first day she was affected in this way she
shook as in
an Agueish fit & had twistings of
her arms, this description her Mother gave me
for I have never seen her in any of them, this day
it continued near an hour in the forenoon, but she
had no return in the afternoon. Since this appeard
I have given her the cold infusion of the bark ––
For a troublesome tickling cough with which
she was affected some weeks ago I gave her the
Elixir Paregoric
: this always easd the Cough
which is now quite gone, & has generally
alleviated her nervous symptoms – it is
remarkable that her pulse has been better &
considerably slower
since she was attacked with
the faintings
– She is now so weak that she cant
be brought out of bed & even moving from one
part to an other of it discomposes her much –
She continues generally costive, & as you

[Page 3]

advised by your last she had now & then
a small dose of James's powder given her
to obviate that complaint –– After stating her
case as fully & distinctly as I can I woud beg
your opinion as to giving her the flor. Zinci
of this Medecine I have had very litle experience
myself, & if you shoud judge it proper to try
it shall be much oblidged if you will mention
the dose you woud wish to begin with & how
far to encrease it – I add no more but that I
am with much esteem & regard

your most obedient humble Servant
Chas. Fleming
[Irvine?] 16 February

The above is at my desire from Mr Fleming & I
beg you will answer it as soon as you can conveniently
& I ever am

your most Obedient humble servant
James Semple

[Page 4]

Doctor William Cullen
Physician in

Miss Semple
February 1779.
9. p. 127.

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

Upon the receipt of yours of Janry 2
Miss ↑Semple was↑ put upon the use of the bark in half drahm
doses taken every four hours & continued for some
days, it did not dissagree with her Stomach but
her Appetite grew no better & her strength rather
– from that time till within these four
& five days past, she continued much the same
frequently attacked with hot fits which upon
a sweat coming out went off, her pulse for the
most part quick & small
, urine constantly limpid
nervous tremors, palpitation of the heart, & her
often affected as she described it with un¬
common noise & a beating in it
that she thought
might have been heard by a bystander – As
the bark had not produced the desired effect I
tryed her with the Elixr. of Vitriol for some days
but this neither encreasd her strength nor appetite
During this Period ↑she↑ has had a return of the Catemen↑ia↑
twice at the stated times & the first which happend
about six weeks ago in greater quantity than
for a twelvemonth before – The change of her

[Page 2]

Case that has happened of late is her being
attacked with a feverishness in the forenoon about
12 oClock & in the afternoon about five attended
with a suffocation & spaasms over her whole body.
The first day she was affected in this way she
shook as in
an Agueish fit & had twistings of
her arms, this description her Mother gave me
for I have never seen her in any of them, this day
it continued near an hour in the forenoon, but she
had no return in the afternoon. Since this appeard
I have given her the cold infusion of the bark ––
For a troublesome tickling cough with which
she was affected some weeks ago I gave her the
Elixr. Paregoric
: this always easd the Cough
which is now quite gone, & has generally
alleviated her nervous symptoms – it is
remarkable that her pulse has been better &
considerably slower
since she was attacked with
the faintings
– She is now so weak that she cant
be brought out of bed & even moving from one
part to an other of it discomposes her much –
She continues generally costive, & as you

[Page 3]

advised by your last she had now & then
a small dose of James's powder given her
to obviate that complaint –– After stating her
case as fully & distinctly as I can I woud beg
your opinion as to giving her the flor. Zinci
of this Medecine I have had very litle experience
myself, & if you shoud judge it proper to try
it shall be much oblidged if you will mention
the dose you woud wish to begin with & how
far to encrease it – I add no more but that I
am with much esteem & regard

your most obedt humble Servt
Chas. Fleming
[Irvine?] 16 Febry

The above is at my desire from Mr Fleming & I
beg you will answer it as soon as you can conveniently
& I ever am

your most Obedt huble servt
James Semple

[Page 4]

Doctor William Cullen
Physician in

Miss Semple
Feby. 1779.
9. p. 127.


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