
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1575] From: Colonel Humphrey Senhouse / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Colonel Humphrey Senhouse (Patient), Miss Senhouse (Patient) / 25 October 1778 / (Incoming)

Letter from Colonel Humphrey Senhouse regarding the case of his daughter, a child recovering from chicken pox, and his own eye complaint.


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DOC ID 1575
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/665
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date25 October 1778
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from Colonel Humphrey Senhouse regarding the case of his daughter, a child recovering from chicken pox, and his own eye complaint.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:998]
Case of Miss Senhouse, a child recovering from chicken pox.
[Case ID:999]
Case of Colonel Humphrey Senhouse who has swollen veins in his legs and an eye condition.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:2378]AuthorColonel Humphrey Senhouse
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2378]PatientColonel Humphrey Senhouse
[PERS ID:2379]PatientMiss Senhouse
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2543]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMr Christian
[PERS ID:2378]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendColonel Humphrey Senhouse
[PERS ID:2379]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMiss Senhouse
[PERS ID:2542]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendEnsign Trevor(?) Jones

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Netherhall Estate Maryport North-West England Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred
Mentioned / Other Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Cockermouth North-West England Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Cumberland North-West England Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Denbigh North Wales Wales Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Harrogate North-East England Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]
Dear Sir,

Our Fellow Traveller Mr. Christian
would acquaint you that our little Girl
bore the Fatigue of the Journey better
than we expected. When we were about
leaving off the Bark, she fell ill of the
Chicken Pox, which was communicated from
my eldest Daughter, not only to her Brother
and Sisters, but to her Mother also. After
her Recovery, she began with the Coltsfoot
Medicine, and has taken it about three
weeks. Her Spirits and Appetite are both
better than they were, but she continues
so helpless, that we are apprehensive, she
may lose the Use of her Limbs
. Two
Tumors upon that
Foot, which had ↑and still has↑ such
a small Discharge, have come to Maturity,

[Page 2]

and burst, and another is ripening upon her
left Elbow. Having Reason to imagine both from
the Appearance and Effect of your Prescriptions
for bathing the Sores, that the Salt in Use
was not the true Spanish Sea Salt
, Mr.
Trevor Jones, now an Ensign in the Militia
of the County of Denbigh, and quartered
in the Neighbourhood, was desired to examine
into the Matter, and we learn from him
that none is to be had in Cumberland.
As the Substitution of one Species of Salt
for another
may possibly defeat the
salutary Purposes of the Prescription, I
thought it necessary to acquaint you
therewith, and would have done it
sooner, if I had not waited in Expecta¬
tion of having an Opportunity of writing

[Page 3]

to you by Mr. Jones, who I still suppose
will soon be with you in Edinburgh,
and may be able to give you a more
accurate Account of the Situation of
the Child, than I can do by Letter.--

Finding it very inconvenient for me
to go to Harrogate after my Return from
Scotland, I drank the Water at Home
almost every Day in September.
Eruption upon my Arms and the Back
of my Hands
, similar to that which
I mentioned to you, but less in Degree,
was the Consequence. I considered it
as a favourable Symptom, but I
do not yet perceive that it has been
attended with any extraordinary Benefit
to my Eyes, though I think they are

[Page 4]

rather better.---

My Wife desires to join in best Respects
to you along with, dear Sir,

Your much obliged
and very obedient Servant
Humphrey Senhouse

Netherhall, near
Cockermouth -
Oct: 25 - 1778 -

Colonel Senhouse
himself & daughter
Octr. 1778
9th p. 35

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
Dear Sir,

Our Fellow Traveller Mr. Christian
would acquaint you that our little Girl
bore the Fatigue of the Journey better
than we expected. When we were about
leaving off the Bark, she fell ill of the
Chicken Pox, which was communicated from
my eldest Daughter, not only to her Brother
and Sisters, but to her Mother also. After
her Recovery, she began with the Coltsfoot
Medicine, and has taken it about three
weeks. Her Spirits and Appetite are both
better than they were, but she continues
so helpless, that we are apprehensive, she
may lose the Use of her Limbs
. Two
Tumors upon that
Foot, which had ↑and still has↑ such
a small Discharge, have come to Maturity,

[Page 2]

and burst, and another is ripening upon her
left Elbow. Having Reason to imagine both from
the Appearance and Effect of your Prescriptions
for bathing the Sores, that the Salt in Use
was not the true Spanish Sea Salt
, Mr.
Trevor Jones, now an Ensign in the Militia
of the County of Denbigh, and quartered
in the Neighbourhood, was desired to examine
into the Matter, and we learn from him
that none is to be had in Cumberland.
As the Substitution of one Species of Salt
for another
may possibly defeat the
salutary Purposes of the Prescription, I
thought it necessary to acquaint you
therewith, and would have done it
sooner, if I had not waited in Expecta¬
tion of having an Opportunity of writing

[Page 3]

to you by Mr. Jones, who I still suppose
will soon be with you in Edinburgh,
and may be able to give you a more
accurate Account of the Situation of
the Child, than I can do by Letter.--

Finding it very inconvenient for me
to go to Harrogate after my Return from
Scotland, I drank the Water at Home
almost every Day in September.
Eruption upon my Arms and the Back
of my Hands
, similar to that which
I mentioned to you, but less in Degree,
was the Consequence. I considered it
as a favourable Symptom, but I
do not yet perceive that it has been
attended with any extraordinary Benefit
to my Eyes, though I think they are

[Page 4]

rather better.---

My Wife desires to join in best Respects
to you along with, dear Sir,

Your much obliged
and very obedt. Servt.
Humphrey Senhouse

Netherhall, near
Cockermouth -
Oct: 25 - 1778 -

Colonel Senhouse
himself & daughter
Octr. 1778
9th p. 35


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