The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:1515] From: Mr Alexander Millar (Miller) / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr Alexander Millar (Miller) (Patient) / May 1778 / (Incoming)
Letter from Alexander Miller, concerning his own case, which involves the management of a bandaged abdomen.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 1515 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/608 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | May 1778 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from Alexander Miller, concerning his own case, which involves the management of a bandaged abdomen. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:992] |
Case of Alexander Miller who seeks Cullen's advice on the better management of a 'bandage' to his abdomen which impedes his ability to to attend 'the Session' (he is presumably in the legal profession). |
1 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:2262] | Author | Mr Alexander Millar (Miller) |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:2262] | Patient | Mr Alexander Millar (Miller) |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:2261] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Mr Wood |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | High Court | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Mentioned / Other | Rosslyn / Rossline | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
Dr Sir
I intended to have had the pleasure of seeing
you in Town 1 this day, But it appears so much inclined to Rain,
that I believe I must defer it. The near Approach of the Session
while this Affair of mine contineus almost exactly in Status quo
makes me extremely uneasy. 2 If I could tie up by any means, and
go about as other people do I would not mind if it were to contineu
even for a Twelvemonth. But I really think that is impossible.
I have tried every Bandge, with every alteration upon each that my
Imagination could invent and all without Success. I find in the
first plan that the heat Occasioned by every wrapper even a single fold
of Cambrick or Muslin is of itself extremely unconvenient: and
when I tie up close to my Belly, {illeg} method I have found of sa¬
ving from my Breeches the Heat perfectly intolerable ---- In
[Page 2]
the next place I find it impossible to support is as to prevent
it from falling down without I some degree of tightness which like¬
wise plays the Devil --- I have by means of tying close to
my Belly enabled myself to walk a little. But never without
bringing on a fullness, ↑a↑ hardness, a disagreable itchy pin¬
ching feeling and often some degree of Inflammation - and
I have never yet been able to make the most distant ap¬
proach to any sort of tying which would answer both Sitting
walking. From this Account, you will see that
it is perfectly impossible for me unless I fall upon some
happy Alteration in some respect or other, to Attend the
Session with any degree of decency -- As it would be
extremely disagreeable to me on several Accounts to be
absent from many part of it I think if you Approve of
it to attempt some Alteration -- And that you may the better
be enabled to Advise me shall state the History of my Complaints
and of my Living ---
After the last time I had the pleasure of seeing you in
Edinburgh I rode out every day, from half a Day to eight miles
[Page 3]
sometimes dining in the Country, at first with a good deal of ease
afterwards with more and more inconvenience as the weather became
warmer --- During all this Time I continued to have two three or
sometimes to the extent of half a Dozen small threads a day ↑sometimes white sometimes yellow↑
generally ↑both with respect to quantity & quality↑ in proportion to the degree of exercise and always went
when I attempted walking --- As to my living I eat a
hearty meal of Beef or Mutton at dinner -- and no Supper
my drink was water and two or three Glasses of Claret - I
found during the time an extreme sensibility ↑of the parts↑ to heat & Cold
and when was exposed to the Air a perpetual moisture -- not co¬
loured: During the whole of that time I likewise continued to
have hot fits less or more at night after growing warm in
Three weeks ago on Tuesday last, I came here. I have
forced my self to walk ever since a certain quantity every day - which
I have taken in plan of my Ride -- I have dined on what ever came
to the Table - with the addition of a little of the Gravy which I before
had avoided - I at first Attempted Milk and Bread to Supper. But
as the Milk made me hot and Costive have given it up for
Green and water which answer very well. I at first Attempted
two Glasses of Port after dinner but was obliged to return to the
Claret. The quantity of Matter has been much as formerly
often reduced to one thread if I had by any accident taken no Exer¬
cise and often the length of half a dozen if I had taken more then
[Page 4]
than usual: The moisture still continues ↑generally↑ upon exposure to
the Air and sometimes if a stool has been a little hard there
comes out a pretty considerable Quantity of uncoloured gluti¬
nous stuff.
As there has been no excoriation since I have been here
I have given up the wash which I found, crusted, upon the Parts. I
have likewise given up for a week past, the Electuary - as I
found it exposed me to constant cold the never failing Con¬
sequences of which were hot fits. I have used the injection with
which you left me twice a day -- I attempted for one day
to let it alone in the morning. But was obliged to take to it again
as not less than half a Dozen threads made their appearance be¬
fore four Oclock in the Afternoon. It always I find for sometime
After being used to feel heat or Cold: (I wish to God
I could get free from every sort of Medicine) -- It sometimes too
after exercise smarts me a little ------- I have bathed with
Cold water partially twice or thrice every day -- and for these
last ten days have in the middle of the day plunged every
alternate day, into the River. After the Partial cold Bath
I find sometimes a Rawness and generally a fullness and a red¬
ness After the River I am generally braced and made firmer
for sometime -- and the more so the Colder the day. Within
the last four days I have taken two tea spoonfuls of Balsam
Cupive every day by Mr Woods advice. I think there has
[Page 5]
since been rather less discharge - and more firmness - al¬
though the difference is to very trifling that I cannot say: ↑I think too there has been more heat & redness of the parts at night↑
In fact I do not think that I can say I have made
almost any Progress with respect to the Affair itself since.
I have had the pleasure of seeing you. My General health
has been much the better for the Country Air -- The hotfits
have Almost entirely left me - my Appetite has been rather
more than Ordinary without any degree of indigestion, which I
frequently felt in Town; and in every respect I feel myself
approaching to my usual State of ↑general↑ health ---- That being
the Case I shall think it the more hard if I shall not be
able to attend the Session and I certainly shall not with
any degree of decency if some partial Alteration does not take
place -- or at least if I do not make some Alteration or another
upon my mode of Guiding matters ---- As you are now ful¬
ly informed I will by answer to the following Queries
1st Do you think anything in my mode of livings can
have influence in retaining the Part in this State - or would
you suggest any Alteration of any Kind?
2nd Would you advise me to take the Bath in the River
before Breakfast - and every day.
Would you advise any alteration respectly the Injection
[Page 6]
or Cupiou - or do you think I should continue the Elec¬
tuary or Wash?
4th The Chief difficulty and the Chief thing that prevent
me from getting well is the friction tightness of the
Tyings and that in walking ---- or any sort of Exer¬
cise ---- Do you not think that if I were to avoid
all sort of exercise for two or three or four days I
might in my present state get rid of this Affair? Or
if this is not to be tried -- would it hurt it much or very much
retard the Cure to let it be low in my Breeches for
some days walking very gently to make an Experement
towards contineuing it as it is only {illeg} (↑by↑) that method
I shall be able to Attend the Parliament Home or pay
vizits in Edinburgh. I have always had it lo↑o↑se in the
Home since I have been at Rossline a Cambrick
Hand kerchief only being about it without touching it
to prevent the Breeches or Cold Air from hurting it -
I find now and then a little fullness from the hanging
down - not so much as that Occasioned by the heat or fric¬
tion - the Chief bad consequence is what I imagine to be
[Page 7]
a straining of the some of the sinews or nerves by the
weight when it happens to grow full. I find however
I cannot walk in this Situation without still more friction
the only Conveniency is that it answers exceedingly well
for sitting and does for walking a little by which means
being the only method that answers in any degree both it
would be the most Convenient in Town -- It is free
likewise from tightness & heat ---
I recollect nothing more to be added -- I have
frequently had an itchiness but seldom ↑any↑ heat of Urine now
being at Rossline -- I do not expect any answer to
this long Scroll {illeg}. But will take it as a
great favour if you will let me have one tomorrow
morning when some person shall call for it -- when
I was in hopes of soon getting well I gave way to your De¬
lecacy, But you must do the favour now likewise
to pay some regard to mine -- It would otherwise be out
of my Power to give you any more trouble and I should
reckon that [a] very great Misfortune as you are almost
the only person from whom I ever expect to Obtain relief. I
find by repeated experience that you thoughly understand my
Constitution and must not allow you to preclude you from
applying to you
I ever am Dr Sir your sincerely
Alexr Millar
[Page 8]
Doctor Cullen
Mr A. Millar
May 1778
Diplomatic Text
Dr Sir
I intended to have had the pleasure of seeing
you in Town 1 this day, But it appears so much inclined to Rain,
that I believe I must defer it. The near Approach of the Session
while this Affair of mine contineus almost exactly in Status quo
makes me extremely uneasy. 2 If I could tie up by any means, and
go about as other people do I would not mind if it were to contineu
even for a Twelvemonth. But I really think that is impossible.
I have tried every Bandge, with every alteration upon each that my
Imagination could invent and all without Success. I find in the
first plan that the heat Occasioned by every wrapper even a single fold
of Cambrick or Muslin is of itself extremely unconvenient: and
when I tie up close to my Belly, {illeg} method I have found of sa¬
ving from my Breeches the Heat perfectly intolerable ---- In
[Page 2]
the next place I find it impossible to support is as to prevent
it from falling down without I some degree of tightness which like¬
wise plays the Devil --- I have by means of tying close to
my Belly enabled myself to walk a little. But never without
bringing on a fullness, ↑a↑ hardness, a disagreable itchy pin¬
ching feeling and often some degree of Inflammation - and
I have never yet been able to make the most distant ap¬
proach to any sort of tying which would answer both Sitting
walking. From this Account, you will see that
it is perfectly impossible for me unless I fall upon some
happy Alteration in some respect or other, to Attend the
Session with any degree of decency -- As it would be
extremely disagreeable to me on several Accounts to be
absent from many part of it I think if you Approve of
it to attempt some Alteration -- And that you may the better
be enabled to Advise me shall state the History of my Complaints
and of my Living ---
After the last time I had the pleasure of seeing you in
Edinr I rode out every day, from half a Day to eight miles
[Page 3]
sometimes dining in the Country, at first with a good deal of ease
afterwards with more and more inconvenience as the weather became
warmer --- During all this Time I continued to have two three or
sometimes to the extent of half a Dozen small threads a day ↑sometimes white sometimes yellow↑
generally ↑both with respect to quantity & quality↑ in proportion to the degree of exercise and always went
when I attempted walking --- As to my living I eat a
hearty meal of Beef or Mutton at dinner -- and no Supper
my drink was water and two or three Glasses of Claret - I
found during the time an extreme sensibility ↑of the parts↑ to heat & Cold
and when was exposed to the Air a perpetual moisture -- not co¬
loured: During the whole of that time I likewise continued to
have hot fits less or more at night after growing warm in
Three weeks ago on Tuesday last, I came here. I have
forced my self to walk ever since a certain quantity every day - which
I have taken in plan of my Ride -- I have dined on what ever came
to the Table - with the addition of a little of the Gravy which I before
had avoided - I at first Attempted Milk and Bread to Supper. But
as the Milk made me hot and Costive have given it up for
Green and water which answer very well. I at first Attempted
two Glasses of Port after dinner but was obliged to return to the
Claret. The quantity of Matter has been much as formerly
often reduced to one thread if I had by any accident taken no Exer¬
cise and often the length of half a dozen if I had taken more then
[Page 4]
than usual: The moisture still continues ↑generally↑ upon exposure to
the Air and sometimes if a stool has been a little hard there
comes out a pretty considerable Quantity of uncoloured gluti¬
nous stuff.
As there has been no excoriation since I have been here
I have given up the wash which I found, crusted, upon the Parts. I
have likewise given up for a week past, the Electuary - as I
found it exposed me to constant cold the never failing Con¬
sequences of which were hot fits. I have used the injection with
which you left me twice a day -- I attempted for one day
to let it alone in the morning. But was obliged to take to it again
as not less than half a Dozen threads made their appearance be¬
fore four Oclock in the Afternoon. It always I find for sometime
After being used to feel heat or Cold: (I wish to God
I could get free from every sort of Medicine) -- It sometimes too
after exercise smarts me a little ------- I have bathed with
Cold water partially twice or thrice every day -- and for these
last ten days have in the middle of the day plunged every
alternate day, into the River. After the Partial cold Bath
I find sometimes a Rawness and generally a fullness and a red¬
ness After the River I am generally braced and made firmer
for sometime -- and the more so the Colder the day. Within
the last four days I have taken two tea spoonfuls of Balsam
Cupive every day by Mr Woods advice. I think there has
[Page 5]
since been rather less discharge - and more firmness - al¬
though the difference is to very trifling that I cannot say: ↑I think too there has been more heat & redness of the parts at night↑
In fact I do not think that I can say I have made
almost any Progress with respect to the Affair itself since.
I have had the pleasure of seeing you. My General health
has been much the better for the Country Air -- The hotfits
have Almost entirely left me - my Appetite has been rather
more than Ordinary without any degree of indigestion, which I
frequently felt in Town; and in every respect I feel myself
approaching to my usual State of ↑general↑ health ---- That being
the Case I shall think it the more hard if I shall not be
able to attend the Session and I certainly shall not with
any degree of decency if some partial Alteration does not take
place -- or at least if I do not make some Alteration or another
upon my mode of Guiding matters ---- As you are now ful¬
ly informed I will by answer to the following Queries
1st Do you think anything in my mode of livings can
have influence in retaining the Part in this State - or would
you suggest any Alteration of any Kind?
2nd Would you advise me to take the Bath in the River
before Breakfast - and every day.
Would you advise any alteration respectly the Injection
[Page 6]
or Cupiou - or do you think I should continue the Elec¬
tuary or Wash?
4th The Chief difficulty and the Chief thing that prevent
me from getting well is the friction tightness of the
Tyings and that in walking ---- or any sort of Exer¬
cise ---- Do you not think that if I were to avoid
all sort of exercise for two or three or four days I
might in my present state get rid of this Affair? Or
if this is not to be tried -- would it hurt it much or very much
retard the Cure to let it be low in my Breeches for
some days walking very gently to make an Experement
towards contineuing it as it is only {illeg} (↑by↑) that method
I shall be able to Attend the Parliament Home or pay
vizits in Edinr. I have always had it lo↑o↑se in the
Home since I have been at Rossline a Cambrick
Hand kerchief only being about it without touching it
to prevent the Breeches or Cold Air from hurting it -
I find now and then a little fullness from the hanging
down - not so much as that Occasioned by the heat or fric¬
tion - the Chief bad consequence is what I imagine to be
[Page 7]
a straining of the some of the sinews or nerves by the
weight when it happens to grow full. I find however
I cannot walk in this Situation without still more friction
the only Conveniency is that it answers exceedingly well
for sitting and does for walking a little by which means
being the only method that answers in any degree both it
would be the most Convenient in Town -- It is free
likewise from tightness & heat ---
I recollect nothing more to be added -- I have
frequently had an itchiness but seldom ↑any↑ heat of Urine now
being at Rossline -- I do not expect any answer to
this long Scroll {illeg}. But will take it as a
great favour if you will let me have one tomorrow
morning when some person shall call for it -- when
I was in hopes of soon getting well I gave way to your De¬
lecacy, But you must do the favour now likewise
to pay some regard to mine -- It would otherwise be out
of my Power to give you any more trouble and I should
reckon that [a] very great Misfortune as you are almost
the only person from whom I ever expect to Obtain relief. I
find by repeated experience that you thoughly understand my
Constitution and must not allow you to preclude you from
applying to you
I ever am Dr Sir your sincerely
Alexr Millar
[Page 8]
Doctor Cullen
Mr A. Millar
May 1778
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