
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1277] From: Mr Fowler / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: A B (Patient) / 22 May 1776 / (Incoming)

Case of A. B., a male patient aged 50 and a 'man midwife'.


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DOC ID 1277
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/374
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date22 May 1776
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Case of A. B., a male patient aged 50 and a 'man midwife'.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:799]
Case of A. B., a male patient aged 50 and a 'man midwife' who has genito-urinary disorders which may be venereal in origin.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:614]AuthorMr Fowler
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:613]Patient A B
[PERS ID:614]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryMr Fowler
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred
Mentioned / Other York North-East England Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]
May 22d. 1776

A. B. turned 50 years of age, by Profession a Surgeon & Man Midwife, of a
melancholic Temperament, & never married – complains of
certain Paroxysms, of some Days together, of a Sensation of Heat &
Emanating Pain in the Urethra from the Beginning of the
Perineum up to the Bladder; also of a Feeling as if some
foreign Body pressed upon the Neck of the Bladder producing a
constant Irritation to pass his Urine which is discharged, both
in Quantity & Quality, as in the extream Degree of an hysteric
; & thinks himself much weakened by this Discharge.
Has also at the same Time a considerable Pain in his Loins,
both up & in a Bed, accompanied with a general Langour &
Debility, with Flatulency & extream Dejection of Mind; and when at
the worst, will ↑not↑ get any sleep for several Nights together; but will
be affected with universal Tremors & in particular, violent
spasmodic Contractions & motions of the Bladder Rectum & Genitals
producing the greatest Torment. When these Paroxysms are off
he is much easier; but not quite free from several of the Symptoms.
He complains also, that either sitting or riding for any Time, unless
upon a Chair, or Saddle, which is hollow in the middle, will excite
the Pain in {illeg} & bring on the whole Paroxysm; & also that
whenever he is costive, the Discharge of stools forces a small Quantity
of Liquor from the Urethra of a seminal Appearance.

Pulse 72 but weaker than formerly - Appetite impaired & Digestion
bad. Belly regular for the most Part. Urine passed freely & of natural
Colour, when free from the Paroxysms. Breathing not quite so
easy & regular as formerly
. Skin dry, especially the Palms of

[Page 2]

his Hands
. Tongue white & foul, particularly in a Morning.
Pulse & Breathing much quickened by the smallest Exercise.

He has frequently (particularly when in his Apprenticeship)
being guilty of Pollutio sui; to which he now attributes the
most of his Complaints. About 9 years ago he had
some appearance of venereal Symptoms in Particular
a Paraphymosis: all which went off by the Use of opening
Medicines & some Mercurials; except some Degree of stricture
from the Prepuce behind the Glans, which has remained
ever since, & keeps the Latter preternaturally inlarged.

He has had dyspeptic symptoms at Times near 30 years
but his Hypochondriac Complaints never became very
troublesome & till about 7 years ago, 2 years after the before
mentioned venereal symptoms; nor the Irritation of the
Bladder & Genitals, till about 4 years ago; since which
Time his Complaints have been variable; but rather [inexcepting?]
upon the whole; altho' he has tryed a great many Remedies,
& has had the Advice of several Physicians, both in York &
London. Opiates, Anodyne Glysters, & warm Bathing, have
sometimes given him Relief in the Paroxysms; but thinks
the latter always weakened him. Has in the Intervals
of the Paroxysms used cold Bathing frequently & taken considerable
Quantities of Bark, as Tonics, but without much Relief.

[Page 3]

Has also used oleaginous & mucilaginous Remedies at
different Times in order to moderate the Symptoms of
. Last Summer, by the Advice of Dr. George Fordyce
he took a Solution of blue Vitriol in Water in such Doses
as his stomach wou'd bear, in order to diminish the
Irritability of the Urethra &c but all without any
material or lasting Effect. Exercise unless of the
gentlest Kind both fatigue him & bring on his Spasms
Irritations &c.

N. B. A Schirrus of the Prostate Gland has been often suspected
as the proximate Cause of his Local Complaints; but both
Dr. Hunter & Mr. Sharp examined the Parts by introducing
a Finger up the Rectum, about 2 Months ago & declare
that all the Parts are natural, & apparently free from
Disease. –––

[Page 4]

Dr. Cullen

Case of A. B from
Mr Fowler. 22d May 1776

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
May 22d. 1776

A. B. turned 50 years of age, by Profession a Surgeon & Man Midwife, of a
melancholic Temperament, & never married – complains of
certain Paroxysms, of some Days together, of a Sensation of Heat &
Emanating Pain in the Urethra from the Beginning of the
Perineum up to the Bladder; also of a Feeling as if some
foreign Body pressed upon the Neck of the Bladder producing a
constant Irritation to pass his Urine which is discharged, both
in Quantity & Quality, as in the extream Degree of an hysteric
; & thinks himself much weakened by this Discharge.
Has also at the same Time a considerable Pain in his Loins,
both up & in a Bed, accompanied with a general Langour &
Debility, with Flatulency & extream Dejection of Mind; and when at
the worst, will ↑not↑ get any sleep for several Nights together; but will
be affected with universal Tremors & in particular, violent
spasmodic Contractions & motions of the Bladder Rectum & Genitals
producing the greatest Torment. When these Paroxysms are off
he is much easier; but not quite free from several of the Symptoms.
He complains also, that either sitting or riding for any Time, unless
upon a Chair, or Saddle, which is hollow in the middle, will excite
the Pain in {illeg} & bring on the whole Paroxysm; & also that
whenever he is costive, the Discharge of stools forces a small Quantity
of Liquor from the Urethra of a seminal Appearance.

Pulse 72 but weaker than formerly - Appetite impaired & Digestion
bad. Belly regular for the most Part. Urine passed freely & of natural
Colour, when free from the Paroxysms. Breathing not quite so
easy & regular as formerly
. Skin dry, especially the Palms of

[Page 2]

his Hands
. Tongue white & foul, particularly in a Morning.
Pulse & Breathing much quickened by the smallest Exercise.

He has frequently (particularly when in his Apprenticeship)
being guilty of Pollutio sui; to which he now attributes the
most of his Complaints. About 9 years ago he had
some appearance of venereal Symptoms in Particular
a Paraphymosis: all which went off by the Use of opening
Medicines & some Mercurials; except some Degree of stricture
from the Prepuce behind the Glans, which has remained
ever since, & keeps the Latter preternaturally inlarged.

He has had dyspeptic symptoms at Times near 30 years
but his Hypochondriac Complaints never became very
troublesome & till about 7 years ago, 2 years after the before
mentioned venereal symptoms; nor the Irritation of the
Bladder & Genitals, till about 4 years ago; since which
Time his Complaints have been variable; but rather [inexcepting?]
upon the whole; altho' he has tryed a great many Remedies,
& has had the Advice of several Physicians, both in York &
London. Opiates, Anodyne Glysters, & warm Bathing, have
sometimes given him Relief in the Paroxysms; but thinks
the latter always weakened him. Has in the Intervals
of the Paroxysms used cold Bathing frequently & taken considerable
Quantities of Bark, as Tonics, but without much Relief.

[Page 3]

Has also used oleaginous & mucilaginous Remedies at
different Times in order to moderate the Symptoms of
. Last Summer, by the Advice of Dr. Geo. Fordyce
he took a Solution of blue Vitriol in Water in such Doses
as his stomach wou'd bear, in order to diminish the
Irritability of the Urethra &c but all without any
material or lasting Effect. Exercise unless of the
gentlest Kind both fatigue him & bring on his Spasms
Irritations &c.

N. B. A Schirrus of the Prostate Gland has been often suspected
as the proximate Cause of his Local Complaints; but both
Dr. Hunter & Mr. Sharp examined the Parts by introducing
a Finger up the Rectum, about 2 Months ago & declare
that all the Parts are natural, & apparently free from
Disease. –––

[Page 4]

Dr. Cullen

Case of A. B from
Mr Fowler. 22d May 1776


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