The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:1229] From: John Whyte / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr Reddie (Riddie) (Patient) / 12 January 1776 / (Incoming)
Letter from John Whyte concerning the continuing case of Mr Reddie, largely in the from of dated journal reports. Although Mrs Reddie is mentioned in the annotation and indexing, she is not mentioned in this letter.
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- Diplomatic Text
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 1229 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/329 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 12 January 1776 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from John Whyte concerning the continuing case of Mr Reddie, largely in the from of dated journal reports. Although Mrs Reddie is mentioned in the annotation and indexing, she is not mentioned in this letter. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | Yes |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:19] |
Case of Mr Reddie (Riddie) suffering from headaches and vertigo since a boyhood fall. |
8 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:487] | Author | John Whyte |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:488] | Patient | Mr Reddie (Riddie) |
[PERS ID:487] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | John Whyte |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Dysart | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Place of Handstamp | Dysart | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
Mr. Riddie received your Opinion relat¬
ing to his own Case & since that time has follow¬
ed your Directions both with regard to Regimen
[& medicine?] very rigidly - I beg leave to trouble
you at present to acquaint you with a Symptom
which has appeared since Dr Hamilton was here
vizt [a?] prickling & small degree of numbness in
Legs thighs & arms but more especially in those
of his left side which gives Mr Reddie some un¬
easiness – In order that you may know exactly
the Condition in which Mr Reddie has been since
Dr Hamilton visited him I will copy over the
[Report?] which I take of his Case.
9th January. Was last night thro his sleep surprized
with some small noise which brought on the
[Page 2]
pain in the crown of his Head & a palpitation {illeg}
Heart also when he turned from one side to the other
had a sensation as if his Brain was tumbling out
with a stricture about the hind-head – Slept very
little after this Surprise - This day has some pain in
the Crown of his head & has a sensation as if his head
was in motion - was a little faintish abou[t?] {illeg}day
but soon went off - In the afternoon was as he thought
himself somewhat fancifull & complained of a numb¬
ness or sleepiness of his left Leg & thigh but was in
good Spirits in the Evening at which time that Complaint
went off - Finds that speaking in his usual Tone affects
his head - Has no stomach Complaints but what
succeed the Uneasiness of his head. Pulse Natural
had 2 stools to day - Urine high coloured & deposites
a very Copious Sediment
10th Slept well last night - Head not so uneasy and
continued free from the faintish fits to day how¬
ever upon the relation of any Melancholy story
finds his head disordered & his Mind much agitated
Complains of the numbness of Legs and {illeg}
[Page 3]
but more especially that of the left side used frictions
with the flesh brush frequently to day. P. Natural had
one stool to day - Urine as yesterday
11. Slept well last night but awaked faintish but
soon went off, had another faintish fit in the forenoon
Complains of the numbness of Legs & thighs as yes¬
terday & also a prickling of his arms, more especially
the left - Headach not remarkable to day but has still
that uneasiness which is not easy to describe. P. Nat.
Had 3 stools to day - Urine not so high colored but still
deposites a sedement
12 Slept badly last night - the prickling of his
arms, legs & thighs as yesterday - had frequently had
the night the disagreeable sensation in his head. Was also
often faintish, had one fit of it this forenoon - Urine
clearer but still deposites a sedement. One stool to
day - Has been tolerably easy since midday ––
I may observe that the faintish fits have
not been so severe nor so frequent since the
Inflammatory Angina went off. Your answer
in Course will much relieve Mr Reddie's anxiety &
much oblige
Your most Obedient & Humble Servant
[Page 4]
Doctor William Cullen
Relative to
Mr Reddie & Mrs
Vol V. p. 19.
Diplomatic Text
Mr. Riddie received your Opinion relat¬
ing to his own Case & since that time has follow¬
ed your Directions both with regard to Regimen
[& medicine?] very rigidly - I beg leave to trouble
you at present to acquaint you with a Symptom
which has appeared since Dr Hamilton was here
vizt [a?] prickling & small degree of numbness in
Legs thighs & arms but more especially in those
of his left side which gives Mr Reddie some un¬
easiness – In order that you may know exactly
the Condition in which Mr Reddie has been since
Dr Hamilton visited him I will copy over the
[Report?] which I take of his Case.
9th Jany.. Was last night thro his sleep surprized
with some small noise which brought on the
[Page 2]
pain in the crown of his Head & a palpitation {illeg}
Heart also when he turned from one side to the other
had a sensation as if his Brain was tumbling out
with a stricture about the hind-head – Slept very
little after this Surprise - This day has some pain in
the Crown of his head & has a sensation as if his head
was in motion - was a little faintish abou[t?] {illeg}day
but soon went off - In the afternoon was as he thought
himself somewhat fancifull & complained of a numb¬
ness or sleepiness of his left Leg & thigh but was in
good Spirits in the Evening at which time that Complaint
went off - Finds that speaking in his usual Tone affects
his head - Has no stomach Complaints but what
succeed the Uneasiness of his head. Pulse Natural
had 2 stools to day - Urine high coloured & deposites
a very Copious Sediment
10th Slept well last night - Head not so uneasy and
continued free from the faintish fits to day how¬
ever upon the relation of any Melancholy story
finds his head disordered & his Mind much agitated
Complains of the numbness of Legs and {illeg}
[Page 3]
but more especially that of the left side used frictions
with the flesh brush frequently to day. P. Natural had
one stool to day - Urine as yesterday
11. Slept well last night but awaked faintish but
soon went off, had another faintish fit in the forenoon
Complains of the numbness of Legs & thighs as yes¬
terday & also a prickling of his arms, more especially
the left - Headach not remarkable to day but has still
that uneasiness which is not easy to describe. P. Nat.
Had 3 stools to day - Urine not so high colored but still
deposites a sedement
12 Slept badly last night - the prickling of his
arms, legs & thighs as yesterday - had frequently had
the night the disagreeable sensation in his head. Was also
often faintish, had one fit of it this forenoon - Urine
clearer but still deposites a sedement. One stool to
day - Has been tolerably easy since midday ––
I may observe that the faintish fits have
not been so severe nor so frequent since the
Inflammatory Angina went off. Your answer
in Course will much relieve Mr Reddie's anxiety &
much oblige
Your most obedt & Hl Servt
[Page 4]
Doctor William Cullen
Relative to
Mr Reddie & Mrs
Vol V. p. 19.
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