
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1172] From: [AUTHOR UNKNOWN] / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr Robert Grant (Patient) / 8 October 1775 / (Incoming)

Letter from Thomas Duncanson describing the case of Robert Grant, a servant 'in a Gentleman's family' (elsewhere identified as that of Captain Urquhart).


There are 4 images for this document.

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DOC ID 1172
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/273
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date8 October 1775
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from Thomas Duncanson describing the case of Robert Grant, a servant 'in a Gentleman's family' (elsewhere identified as that of Captain Urquhart).
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:25]
Case of Robert Grant, a servant suffering from a cough, feverishness and other symptoms.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:1566]PatientMr Robert Grant
[PERS ID:1564]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryMr Thomas Duncanson
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:1565]OtherCaptain Urquhart

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Forres East Highlands Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other London London and South-East England Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]

Robert Grant aged about 29, midle sized, active, strong, healthy, and
Sober from his infancy, accustomed to Country labour till about 17, when
he went to serve in a Gentleman's family, and has ever since been in that
way of life --- When about 18 he received a fall or rather threw himself
from a Coach Box upon the horse's taking fright, and for about a mile &
a half was obliged to run hard after them before they were stop't, from
that time Complained of a pain in his Breast which in a month went
off without any returns of it every since --- Five years ago he catched
a slight Venereal disorder, which was soon removed, and two years after
another, which in a short time was likewise carried off without any bad
Effects ---- Last spring he pass'd at London, and during that time enjoy¬
ed good health, Barring a pain and swiming in his head, which troubled
him for some litle time, but both were entirely removed by a Vomit ----

About the begining of June he set out for Scotland, but on the Journey
happened to be much exposed to heats and colds, some stages riding hard
on horseback, then going into the Chaise with a profuse sweat all over
him, which was alwise succeeded with a universal coldness and Chilliness,
and so on alternately from London to Edinburgh, one stage in the Chaise, and
another on horseback, and some nights likewise exposed to dews and rains,
by geting late into quarters ------ Upon his Arival at Edinburgh found himself
much fatigued, his bones all sore and greatly out of sorts, but his stay being
there very short, had not time to recruit his Strength & Spirits, however, his
Journey North was more Confortable having come in the Carriage with
his master, but after his return home was seldom without more or less
of a Chilliness and coldness, with some degree of fever and thirst, never eat
with any appetite
, and Constantly [creeping?] over the fire, with some times
a litle tickling in his throat, which could hardly be called a Cough, but
that gave him no disturbance, and in that state he continued without
saying much about it for several weeks, untill at last he fell in to a
most Obstinate Bilious fever, which continued very severe for above
a fortnight, and reduced him extremely low, but recovered much sooner
then could have been well lookt for, with return of appetite, strength
and spirits, when unluckily by Changing his bed from a small warm
closs Room to a very cold one, was seized with a most Violent and severe
hard dry Cough, great pain in his Breast, and difficulty of Breathing,
attended with strong profuse night sweats, Constant drouth, slow

[Page 2]

fever, with loss of appetite, litle expectoration happened for nigh a
week, but when he begun to spit up a small matter, found his Breast some
what easier, and breathing a little more free --- About a month ago he
went from home with his master, being in some hopes that Gentle exer¬
cise and Change of Air, might have been of service, but felt litle or no
relief (having been away a fortnight) till about three days before his return,
when he thought his Appetite a little better, and Cough rather easier,
but since he came home a fortnight ago, the Constant fever, loss of Appe¬
tite, profuse night sweats, Cough & drougth, have been pretty much
the same as formerly, the Cough is most severe upon going in to bed,
but gives litle trouble in the midle of the night, though he has many severe
attacks of it throughout the day, his expectoration in the mornings
is more Viscid, some what resembling a blueish collour, and at the other
times a litle dark, in the day time less Gluie and of a whiter cast,
resembling almost common Saliva, the pain in his Breast frequently
extended towards his left shoulder, back, and left side, to which a Blister
was applyed a week ago, since then has had no Complaint in that part,
and yet no relief as to the Cough, though the Blister discharged remarkably
well, unluckily he would not agree to keep it open --- The Urine some
times, though indeed not often, clear and limpid, but formost part turbid, and
lets fall a Sediment, but never Seperates properly ---- Never has
Complain'd of headachs all along --- It's hardly worth mentioning,
that a week before seting out for Scotland, he had catched a very simple
Venerial affair, for which he took a few things while in Town, but
nothing at all on the Journey, and got perfectly well in eight days
after his return home ---- He has got many frequent and repeated
Vomits from first to last, with simple pectorals and gentle cooling
Laxatives when costive, which is rather Constitutional -------
Since the sweatings have been more severe, has been dealing in Elixir
Vitriol, tho' to litle purpose --- Small quantities of Blood were taken
away at different times, which has been all along in a very putrid state,
the last was exceedingly Buffie and sezie, with a green Serum ----

He has lived all along upon a milk & Vegetable diet, and dealed much
in ripe Fruits of all sorts that could be got while in Season, but having
been accustomed to good eating for a Caurse of years, he had while able
a propensity to fleshes and the like, and perhaps might have some
times transgressed in that way --- He imagines the sweatings
Come on soon after he falls asleep, which hapens immediately after

[Page 3]

the Cough abates, and does not awake as he supposes 'till about
four in the morning, when his under the necessity of shifting, but
after that hapens he turns cold and Chilly, and Continues pretty much
in that state till he gets up at the usual time, when the Cough comes
on with great Violence. His tongue is alwise white & Clamie, Pulse
hard and frequent, some times pretty full
. ---

Dear Sir
You will be so kind to send one your opinion with
all Convenient speed. -- Two Notes are Enclosed &
I am on haste
Dear Sir
Yours Most Faithfully

Thos Duncanson

Forres 8th October

[Page 4]

Doctor Cullen Physician

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

Robert Grant aged about 29, midle sized, active, strong, healthy, and
Sober from his infancy, accustomed to Country labour till about 17, when
he went to serve in a Gentleman's family, and has ever since been in that
way of life --- When about 18 he received a fall or rather threw himself
from a Coach Box upon the horse's taking fright, and for about a mile &
a half was obliged to run hard after them before they were stop't, from
that time Complained of a pain in his Breast which in a month went
off without any returns of it every since --- Five years ago he catched
a slight Venereal disorder, which was soon removed, and two years after
another, which in a short time was likewise carried off without any bad
Effects ---- Last spring he pass'd at London, and during that time enjoy¬
ed good health, Barring a pain and swiming in his head, which troubled
him for some litle time, but both were entirely removed by a Vomit ----

About the begining of June he set out for Scotland, but on the Journey
happened to be much exposed to heats and colds, some stages riding hard
on horseback, then going into the Chaise with a profuse sweat all over
him, which was alwise succeeded with a universal coldness and Chilliness,
and so on alternately from London to Edinr., one stage in the Chaise, and
another on horseback, and some nights likewise exposed to dews and rains,
by geting late into quarters ------ Upon his Arival at Edinr. found himself
much fatigued, his bones all sore and greatly out of sorts, but his stay being
there very short, had not time to recruit his Strength & Spirits, however, his
Journey North was more Confortable having come in the Carriage with
his master, but after his return home was seldom without more or less
of a Chilliness and coldness, with some degree of fever and thirst, never eat
with any appetite
, and Constantly [creeping?] over the fire, with some times
a litle tickling in his throat, which could hardly be called a Cough, but
that gave him no disturbance, and in that state he continued without
saying much about it for several weeks, untill at last he fell in to a
most Obstinate Bilious fever, which continued very severe for above
a fortnight, and reduced him extremely low, but recovered much sooner
then could have been well lookt for, with return of appetite, strength
and spirits, when unluckily by Changing his bed from a small warm
closs Room to a very cold one, was seiz'd with a most Violent and severe
hard dry Cough, great pain in his Breast, and difficulty of Breathing,
attended with strong profuse night sweats, Constant drouth, slow

[Page 2]

fever, with loss of appetite, litle expectoration happened for nigh a
week, but when he begun to spit up a small matter, found his Breast some
what easier, and breathing a little more free --- About a month ago he
went from home with his master, being in some hopes that Gentle exer¬
cise and Change of Air, might have been of service, but felt litle or no
relief (having been away a fortnight) till about three days before his return,
when he thought his Appetite a little better, and Cough rather easier,
but since he came home a fortnight ago, the Constant fever, loss of Appe¬
tite, profuse night sweats, Cough & drougth, have been pretty much
the same as formerly, the Cough is most severe upon going in to bed,
but gives litle trouble in the midle of the night, tho' he has many severe
attacks of it throughout the day, his expectoration in the mornings
is more Viscid, some what resembling a blueish collour, and at the other
times a litle dark, in the day time less Gluie and of a whiter cast,
resembling almost common Saliva, the pain in his Breast frequently
extended towards his left shoulder, back, and left side, to which a Blister
was applyed a week ago, since then has had no Complaint in that part,
and yet no relief as to the Cough, tho' the Blister discharged remarkably
well, unluckily he wou'd not agree to keep it open --- The Urine some
times, tho' indeed not often, clear and limpid, but formost part turbid, and
lets fall a Sediment, but never Seperates properly ---- Never has
Complain'd of headachs all along --- It's hardly worth mentioning,
that a week before seting out for Scotland, he had catched a very simple
Venerial affair, for which he took a few things while in Town, but
nothing at all on the Journey, and got perfectly well in eight days
after his return home ---- He has got many frequent and repeated
Vomits from first to last, with simple pectorals and gentle cooling
Laxatives when costive, which is rather Constitutional -------
Since the sweatings have been more severe, has been dealing in Elixr
Vitriol, tho' to litle purpose --- Small quantities of Blood were taken
away at different times, which has been all along in a very putrid state,
the last was exceedingly Buffie and sezie, with a green Serum ----

He has lived all along upon a milk & Vegetable diet, and deal'd much
in ripe Fruits of all sorts that cou'd be got while in Season, but having
been accustomed to good eating for a Caurse of years, he had while able
a propensity to fleshes and the like, and perhaps might have some
times transgress'd in that way --- He imagines the sweatings
Come on soon after he falls asleep, which hapens immediately after

[Page 3]

the Cough abates, and does not awake as he supposes 'till about
four in the morning, when his under the necessity of shifting, but
after that hapens he turns cold and Chilly, and Continues pretty much
in that state till he gets up at the usual time, when the Cough comes
on with great Violence. His tongue is alwise white & Clamie, Pulse
hard and frequent, some times pretty full
. ---

Dear Sir
You will be so kind to send one your opinion with
all Convenient speed. -- Two Notes are Enclos'd &
I am on haste
Dear Sir
Yours Most Faithfully

Thos Duncanson

Forres 8th Octr

[Page 4]

Doctor Cullen Physician


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