The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:1142] From: [AUTHOR UNKNOWN] / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr Alexander Spalding Gordon (Spalding, of The Holme & Shirmers) (Patient) / 24 May 1775 / (Incoming)
Letter from the Dumfries surgeon Alexander Copland, regarding Mr Spalding Gordon, who was 'so unlucky as to contract a Venereal Infection about 12 weeks ago'. Gives detailed account of the external use of mercurial unguents and the surgical attention given to discharging venereal sores.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 1142 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/243 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 24 May 1775 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from the Dumfries surgeon Alexander Copland, regarding Mr Spalding Gordon, who was 'so unlucky as to contract a Venereal Infection about 12 weeks ago'. Gives detailed account of the external use of mercurial unguents and the surgical attention given to discharging venereal sores. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:4] |
Case of Mr Alexander Spalding Gordon who has a venereal infection in 1775; in 1776 he has a swollen ankle and toe assumed to be gouty; and in 1784 he is suffering from the after-effects of an accidental pistol wound. |
18 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:629] | Patient | Mr Alexander Spalding Gordon (Spalding, of The Holme & Shirmers) |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:566] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Mr Alexander Copland (Coupland; of King's Grange) |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Dumfries | Borders | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | inferred |
Normalized Text
Mr Spalding Gordon haveing been so unlucky
as to contract a Venereal Infection about 12 weeks
ago, it appear'd at first with a Swelling & Inflama¬
tion of the prepuce & Glans with a small Chanker
or two upon the former with little or no running
& soon after a little Knot made its appearance
in the left Groin which encreasd but very slowly
& with very little pain; He continued much
in the same State till he left Edinburgh about 10
weecks ago when the Symptoms were all encreasd
from the Journey; in particular the little
Knot in the Groin encreasd much, with a good
deal of Pain & another small swelling also
formd it self in the Right Groin. These two con¬
tinued to encrease slowly in spite of some of
the usual Remedys & a Strict Regimen, till about
[Page 2]
7 weecks ago there was a different Fluctuation
to be felt in the Tumour of the left Groin; This
seemd to have been hastened by the topical appli¬
cation of a little very strong Strong Blue Ointment
upon the spot, this had been done in order to dis¬
cuss the Tumour if possible to which we had been
encouraged by the small degree of pain & In¬
flamation that then accompanyed it. The
Tumour was opened pretty freely with a Lancet
& about three ounces of very thick & seemingly well
digested puss was discharged from it, the other Tumour
in like manner became more soft & was opened
in a weeck after & about an ounce of well digested
puss came out of it. --- They were at first drest
with plain Yellow Basilicon Ointment as a digestive, but
on perceiving that thay did not clean from the
Bottom & internally they seemd to contain
[Page 3]
an undigested Mass like clotted blood in about
8 days a little of Red Mercuric Precipitate was added
to it, which seemd to have the Affect of cleaning
the sores better; but the lips of the Sore began
to look ugly & puffy & to contract the external
opening much upon which the Ointment
was made pretty strong with the præcipitate
& also some of the escharotic powder was used to
the Lips of the Sore's which answered the End so
far as to clean the sores both externally &
internally; But the parts never seemd to
coalesce inwardly & the discharge of matter was
surprizeingly great; which induced us to
change the ointment about 10 Days ago to the
plain digestive with which the Tents were
moistened & introduced in the usual way in order
to prevent the external opening from contrac¬
ting too much & to keep a clear passage open
[Page 4]
for the Matter. -- we were also induced to try
the moistening of the Tents in a little Balsam
Traumatic in order to expede the internal
coalition but without effect as it seemd to
increase the Hardness & inflamation a good
deal tho it in part seemd to stop the flux of
Humours to the parts --- The sores have
continued pretty much in the same situation
for these 4 weecks by past only that the exter¬
nal openings have been gradually contracting.
the Cavity in the Left Groin lys upon the upper
side of the external opening slanting a little
outward's & run's about an inch & a quarter
above it, the Integuments seem to be pretty
thick over it, & it appears that it will contain
better than two Teaspoon fulls of Matter, & there
is still a good Deal of Hardness to be felt all
round the Edge of the Cavity & external Opening
tho very little pain accompanys it even on pressure
the Sinus in the right Groin lys also upon the
[Page 5]
upper Side of the external Orrifice slanting
a little inwards for about three quarters of an inch
& may contain near to a Spoonfull of Puss; it
has look'd kindly & in a healing way for these
8 Days tho without gaining any ground
there is much less hardness round it, & no pain
even from pressure.
At first the Strong Blue Ointment had
been used pretty freely about the Buboes &
præputium but without produceing any
Degree of Salivation, it cured the Chanker
& remov'd the swelling of the Glans & prepuce
in a great Measure; but when the Buboes
were opened, it & all other Mercurials were
laid aside for ↑8 or↑ 10 Days, when the Groins were
again rubd pretty freely with the Blue Ointment
as also the Glans Penis & at the same
time there was some rubbed upon the
Legs this seemd to have little Effect for 5 or
[Page 6]
six Days when he was attacked all at once
with a violent Salivation which continued
to increase for 8 Days more in Spite of
giveing over the use of Mercurials & takeing
coolling laxative physick almost every Day
it rendered his Cheecks & Tongue so much
ulcerated that it is not as yet cured & has
prevented the further use of Mercurials.
At the Time that the Salivation was highest
the Discharge from the wounds were
greatest. --- Upon the Salivation going off
pretty much, the Discharge from the Sores
appeard to grow Ropey & is now thinner
than we could wish; upon which he began
to take the Bark which he has now continued
to take for six [or?] 7 Days. --- He has
all a long been makeing use of the Sarsapa¬
rilla Decoction. It must be observd that
[Page 7]
no degree of Gonorhea accompanyed the
above Symptoms. ----
Mr: Spalding Gordon although very
much reduced in flesh is not at present
other ways much exhausted. ----
May 1775.
[Page 8]
Copland of Dumfries
Mr Spalding Gordon
May. ----75
Diplomatic Text
Mr Spalding Gordon haveing been so unlucky
as to contract a Venereal Infection about 12 weeks
ago, it appear'd at first with a Swelling & Inflama¬
tion of the prepuce & Glans with a small Chanker
or two upon the former with little or no running
& soon after a little Knot made its appearance
in the left Groin which encreasd but very slowly
& with very little pain; He continued much
in the same State till he left Ednb about 10
weecks ago when the Symptoms were all encreasd
from the Journey; in particular the little
Knot in the Groin encreasd much, with a good
deal of Pain & another small swelling also
formd it self in the Right Groin. These two con¬
tinued to encrease slowly in spite of some of
the usual Remedys & a Strict Regimen, till about
[Page 2]
7 weecks ago there was a different Fluctuation
to be felt in the Tumour of the left Groin; This
seemd to have been hastened by the topical appli¬
cation of a little very strong Ung:t Cærul: fortius
upon the spot, this had been done in order to dis¬
cuss the Tumour if possible to which we had been
encouraged by the small degree of pain & In¬
flamation that then accompanyed it. The
Tumour was opened pretty freely with a Lancet
& about three ounces of very thick & seemingly well
digested puss was discharged from it, the other Tumour
in like manner became more soft & was opened
in a weeck after & about an ounce of well digested
puss came out of it. --- They were at first drest
with plain Ung:t Basilic. fl: as a digestive, but
on perceiving that thay did not clean from the
Bottom & internally they seemd to contain
[Page 3]
an undigested Mass like clotted blood in about
8 days a little of Mercurc precip.t rubr: was added
to it, which seemd to have the Affect of cleaning
the sores better; but the lips of the Sore began
to look ugly & puffy & to contract the external
opening much upon which the Ointment
was made pretty strong with the præcipitate
& also some of the pulvis escharotic was used to
the Lips of the Sore's which answered the End so
far as to clean the sores both externally &
internally; But the parts never seemd to
coalesce inwardly & the discharge of matter was
surprizeingly great; which induced us to
change the ointment about 10 Days ago to the
plain digestive with which the Tents were
moistened & introduced in the usual way in order
to prevent the external opening from contrac¬
ting too much & to keep a clear passage open
[Page 4]
for the Matter. -- we were also induced to try
the moistening of the Tents in a little Balsam
Traumatic in order to expede the internal
coalition but without effect as it seemd to
increase the Hardness & inflamation a good
deal tho it in part seemd to stop the flux of
Humours to the parts --- The sores have
continued pretty much in the same situation
for these 4 weecks by past only that the exter¬
nal openings have been gradually contracting.
the Cavity in the Left Groin lys upon the upper
side of the external opening slanting a little
outward's & run's about an inch & a quarter
above it, the Integuments seem to be pretty
thick over it, & it appears that it will contain
better than two Teaspoon fulls of Matter, & there
is still a good Deal of Hardness to be felt all
round the Edge of the Cavity & external Opening
tho very little pain accompanys it even on pressure
the Sinus in the right Groin lys also upon the
[Page 5]
upper Side of the external Orrifice slanting
a little inwards for about 3/4:rs of an inch
& may contain near to a Spoonfull of Puss; it
has look'd kindly & in a healing way for these
8 Days tho without gaining any ground
there is much less hardness round it, & no pain
even from pressure.
At first the Strong Blue Ointment had
been used pretty freely about the Buboes &
præputium but without produceing any
Degree of Salivation, it cured the Chanker
& remov'd the swelling of the Glans & prepuce
in a great Measure; but when the Buboes
were opened, it & all other Mercurials were
laid aside for ↑8 or↑ 10 Days, when the Groins were
again rubd pretty freely with the Ung:t Cærul.
as also the Glans Penis & at the same
time there was some rubbed upon the
Legs this seemd to have little Effect for 5 or
[Page 6]
six Days when he was attacked all at once
with a violent Salivation which continued
to increase for 8 Days more in Spite of
giveing over the use of Mercurials & takeing
coolling laxative physick almost every Day
it rendered his Cheecks & Tongue so much
ulcerated that it is not as yet cured & has
prevented the further use of Mercurials.
At the Time that the Salivation was highest
the Discharge from the wounds were
greatest. --- Upon the Salivation going off
pretty much, the Discharge from the Sores
appeard to grow Ropey & is now thinner
than we could wish; upon which he began
to take the Bark which he has now continued
to take for six [or?] 7 Days. --- He has
all a long been makeing use of the Sarsapa¬
rilla Decoction. It must be observd that
[Page 7]
no degree of Gonorhea accompanyed the
above Symptoms. ----
Mr: Spalding Gordon although very
much reduced in flesh is not at present
other ways much exhausted. ----
May 1775.
[Page 8]
Copland of Dumfries
Mr Spalding Gordon
May. ----75
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