
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1116] Case Note / Regarding: Mr Thomas Innes (Captain, of Rosyburn/Rosieburn) (Patient) / 25 January 1775 / (Incoming)

Case note on Captain Innes drawn up by Dr James Saunders of Banff, sent as enclosure with Doc [ID:1115]. Innes has been vomiting up blood.


There are 4 images for this document.

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DOC ID 1116
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/217b
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date25 January 1775
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Case note on Captain Innes drawn up by Dr James Saunders of Banff, sent as enclosure with Doc [ID:1115]. Innes has been vomiting up blood.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:100]
Case of Captain Innes whose current, varied complaints began with an inflammation of his eyes.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:596]AuthorDr James Kenneth Saunders
[PERS ID:3506]PatientMr Thomas Innes (Captain, of Rosyburn/Rosieburn)
[PERS ID:596]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr James Kenneth Saunders

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Banff (Bamf) East Highlands Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred
Mentioned / Other Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other London London and South-East England Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]

____ is aged twenty five years of a faire complexion middle
sizd &, previous to his present complaints, healthy & vigorous__
accustomed to live freely but not intemperate__ last winter
from his social disposition he got in to sitting up to very late
Hours & soon therafter he was seised with an inflammation in
his Eyes__ he went to London last aprile by sea & his complaint
encreased during↑on↑ the passage__ during a stay of some weeks in
London, he was mostly confind to his Room_ local & other
bleedings were frequently repeated & purging Physick by all
which the inflammation was often releived, but always returned on
his going abroad & living more freely_ He came to Scotland
by sea in the moneth of June theafter__ his Eyes were then
much inflammd especialee the Eye Lids which were glewd fast down
with Matter every Morning_ he had a constant Diarrhœa
was much emaciated & instead of his former blooming Complexion
was remarkably pale & had continued so ever since, but in very
good Spirits__ He then consulted me, considering the State
of his Bowels & the great evacuations he had undergone
I advisd him to take Bark & a light Strengthning Diet &
some few Glasses of Wine & some simple Topical application
to his Eyes_ the Diarrhœa left him & he recoverd his
Strength & the inflammation of his Eyes became better that (↑but↑) he
had frequent returns of sore Eyes tho not so bad as formely__

In the moneth of July he went to the Countrey, for some weeks,
where he drank Goat Whey & livd temperately & returnd seemingly
in very good health__ on his return some small Scurvey spots
appeared on one of his legs, he drunk for some time a Decoction

[Page 2]

of the Sarsa
& they dissapeard__ he became so well now
as to give up all Regimen & during the Autumn & what
has passed of the Winter began to live in his former free manner.

Three Weeks ago, he felt some uneasiness at his stomach he
called it a queerness, that night he went to a dancing assemb¬
ly, when after scarce dancing so much as usual he felt
him self very weary__ next Day the complaint of his stomach
continued & after eating a moderate supper at night he
became very sick & dropd down in a Faint, from which he was
recoverd by being laied in Bed__ he then complain of im¬
mense Sickness__ he put his fingers in his throat to releive
his stomach by Vomiting & brought up a mouthful or two
of pure blood__ I was called in he complaind of great oppression
on his breast, Sickness & fainting if he but raised his head
from the Pillow__ his Pulse was small but hard & I determind
to make a Cautious trial of bleeding__ during the bleeding
his pulse became full & softer & all the symptoms were
soon releived so that he could bear the erect Posture__
a Glyster brought off a load of Excrements mixd with gramous
Blood & the discharges by Stool for 24 Hours therafter
were all of that kind, but he ↑had↑ no other complaints but general
. by that I presented for him a Water Infusion
of the Cortex
acidulated with the Ol. Vitriol, a {illeg} [Regimen?]

[Page 3]

no Wine & no Flesh but boild Fowl to Dinner & to give
up with all violent Exercise___ in a few Days he found
himself in usual state of Health & then gave up with
all Regimen__ two weeks after this first attack he eated
a full supper & drunk some warm Punch & felt a Sickness
or fullness in his Stomach before going to Bed__ being sick
in the night time he put his Fingers in his Throat & in
the morning it was found that he had vomited a very considera¬
ble quantity ↑of blood↑ not under a pound, tho that could not be well
ascertained as it behovd to be mixd with the other contents
of the Stomach__ the pulse being pretty soft in the morning
& the oppression mostly gone, from I suppose the quantity
of blood he had thrown up, I did not bleed him but orderd
frequent small Doses of Nitre & the former Regimen with
out any flesh at Dinner. Two days therafter he Com¬
plained of the nausea & sensation of fullness coming on
from which he was immediately releivd by taking eight
ounces if blood
from his arm__ the next day ↑last night↑ towards
bed time he was threatnd with the same appearances which
[presagd?] the former Hamorrhages; being unwilling to bleed
him so soon again I gave him two or three Doses
of the nitre, his pulse was in a few minutes brought
down from 98 to 90__ he went to bed after eating

[Page 4]

a sweet orange for supper & taking twelve Gutts 1 of
Thebaic Tincture & has awaked this morning seemingly
very & easy & his pulse soft.

The blood taken last had a soft sizey crust on it, & the
Coagulation not very firm___ it has been observd that
his colour since the time he returned from London
has been uncommonly pale__

Banff 26th January1775

Dr Saunders
about Capt1775
V. II. p.667.


1: Twelve drops (from Latin "gutta" for "drops").

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

____ is aged twenty five years of a faire complexion middle
sizd &, previous to his present complaints, healthy & vigorous__
accustomed to live freely but not intemperate__ last winter
from his social disposition he got in to sitting up to very late
Hours & soon therafter he was seised with an inflammation in
his Eyes__ he went to London last aprile by sea & his complaint
encreased during↑on↑ the passage__ during a stay of some weeks in
London, he was mostly confind to his Room_ local & other
bleedings were frequently repeated & purging Physick by all
qch the inflammation was often releived, but always returned on
his going abroad & living more freely_ He came to Scotland
by sea in the moneth of June theafter__ his Eyes were then
much inflammd especialee the Eye Lids qch were glewd fast down
with Matter every Morning_ he had a constant Diarrhœa
was much emaciated & instead of his former blooming Complexion
was remarkably pale & had continued so ever since, but in very
good Spirits__ He then consulted me, considering the State
of his Bowels & the great evacuations he had undergone
I advisd him to take Bark & a light Strengthning Diet &
some few Glasses of Wine & some simple Topical application
to his Eyes_ the Diarrhœa left him & he recoverd his
Strength & the inflammation of his Eyes became better that (↑but↑) he
had frequent returns of sore Eyes tho not so bad as formely__

In the moneth of July he went to ye Countrey, for some weeks,
where he drank Goat Whey & livd temperately & returnd seemingly
in very good health__ on his return some small Scurvey spots
appeared on one of his legs, he drunk for some time a Decoction

[Page 2]

of the Sarsa
& they dissapeard__ he became so well now
as to give up all Regimen & during the Autumn & what
has passed of the Winter began to live in his former free manner.

Three Weeks ago, he felt some uneasiness at his stomach he
called it a queerness, that night he went to a dancing assemb¬
ly, when after scarce dancing so much as usual he felt
him self very weary__ next Day the complaint of his stomach
continued & after eating a moderate supper at night he
became very sick & dropd down in a Faint, from qch he was
recoverd by being laied in Bed__ he then complain of im¬
mense Sickness__ he put his fingers in his throat to releive
his stomach by Vomiting & brought up a mouthful or two
of pure blood__ I was called in he complaind of great oppression
on his breast, Sickness & fainting if he but raised his head
from the Pillow__ his Pulse was small but hard & I determind
to make a Cautious trial of bleeding__ during the bleeding
his pulse became full & softer & all the symptoms were
soon releived so that he could bear the erect Posture__
a Glyster brought off a load of Excrements mixd wt gramous
Blood & the discharges by Stool for 24 Hours therafter
were all of that kind, but he ↑had↑ no other complaints but general
. by that I presented for him a Water Infusion
of the Cortex
acidulated wt the Ol. Vitriol, a {illeg} [Regimen?]

[Page 3]

no Wine & no Flesh but boild Fowl to Dinner & to give
up with all violent Exercise___ in a few Days he found
himself in usual state of Health & then gave up with
all Regimen__ two weeks after this first attack he eated
a full supper & drunk some warm Punch & felt a Sickness
or fullness in his Stomach before going to Bed__ being sick
in ye night time he put his Fingers in his Throat & in
ye morning it was found yt he had vomited a very considera¬
ble quantity ↑of blood↑ not under a pound, tho that could not be well
ascertained as it behovd to be mixd with ye other contents
of the Stomach__ the pulse being pretty soft in ye morning
& the oppression mostly gone, from I suppose the quantity
of blood he had thrown up, I did not bleed him but orderd
frequent small Doses of Nitre & the former Regimen with
out any flesh at Dinner. Two days therafter he Com¬
plained of the nausea & sensation of fullness coming on
from qch he was immediately releivd by taking eight
ounces if blood
from his arm__ the next day ↑last night↑ towards
bed time he was threatnd with the same appearances qch
[presagd?] the former Hamorrhages; being unwilling to bleed
him so soon again I gave him two or three Doses
of the nitre, his pulse was in a few minutes brought
down from 98 to 90__ he went to bed after eating

[Page 4]

a sweet orange for supper & taking twelve Gutts 1 of
Thebaic Tincture & has awaked this morning seemingly
very & easy & his pulse soft.

The blood taken last had a soft sizey crust on it, & the
Coagulation not very firm___ it has been observd that
his colour since the time he returned from London
has been uncommonly pale__

Banff 26th Jany1775

Dr Saunders
abt Capt1775
V. II. p.667.


1: Twelve drops (from Latin "gutta" for "drops").


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