The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:1116] Case Note / Regarding: Mr Thomas Innes (Captain, of Rosyburn/Rosieburn) (Patient) / 25 January 1775 / (Incoming)
Case note on Captain Innes drawn up by Dr James Saunders of Banff, sent as enclosure with Doc [ID:1115]. Innes has been vomiting up blood.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 1116 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/217b |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 25 January 1775 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Case note on Captain Innes drawn up by Dr James Saunders of Banff, sent as enclosure with Doc [ID:1115]. Innes has been vomiting up blood. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:100] |
Case of Captain Innes whose current, varied complaints began with an inflammation of his eyes. |
5 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:596] | Author | Dr James Kenneth Saunders |
[PERS ID:3506] | Patient | Mr Thomas Innes (Captain, of Rosyburn/Rosieburn) |
[PERS ID:596] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr James Kenneth Saunders |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Banff (Bamf) | East Highlands | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | inferred | |
Mentioned / Other | Scotland | Europe | certain | |||
Mentioned / Other | London | London and South-East | England | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
____ is aged twenty five years of a faire complexion middle
sizd &, previous to his present complaints, healthy & vigorous__
accustomed to live freely but not intemperate__ last winter
from his social disposition he got in to sitting up to very late
Hours & soon therafter he was seised with an inflammation in
his Eyes__ he went to London last aprile by sea & his complaint
encreased during↑on↑ the passage__ during a stay of some weeks in
London, he was mostly confind to his Room_ local & other
bleedings were frequently repeated & purging Physick by all
which the inflammation was often releived, but always returned on
his going abroad & living more freely_ He came to Scotland
by sea in the moneth of June theafter__ his Eyes were then
much inflammd especialee the Eye Lids which were glewd fast down
with Matter every Morning_ he had a constant Diarrhœa
was much emaciated & instead of his former blooming Complexion
was remarkably pale & had continued so ever since, but in very
good Spirits__ He then consulted me, considering the State
of his Bowels & the great evacuations he had undergone
I advisd him to take Bark & a light Strengthning Diet &
some few Glasses of Wine & some simple Topical application
to his Eyes_ the Diarrhœa left him & he recoverd his
Strength & the inflammation of his Eyes became better that (↑but↑) he
had frequent returns of sore Eyes tho not so bad as formely__
In the moneth of July he went to the Countrey, for some weeks,
where he drank Goat Whey & livd temperately & returnd seemingly
in very good health__ on his return some small Scurvey spots
appeared on one of his legs, he drunk for some time a Decoction
[Page 2]
of the Sarsa & they dissapeard__ he became so well now
as to give up all Regimen & during the Autumn & what
has passed of the Winter began to live in his former free manner.
Three Weeks ago, he felt some uneasiness at his stomach he
called it a queerness, that night he went to a dancing assemb¬
ly, when after scarce dancing so much as usual he felt
him self very weary__ next Day the complaint of his stomach
continued & after eating a moderate supper at night he
became very sick & dropd down in a Faint, from which he was
recoverd by being laied in Bed__ he then complain of im¬
mense Sickness__ he put his fingers in his throat to releive
his stomach by Vomiting & brought up a mouthful or two
of pure blood__ I was called in he complaind of great oppression
on his breast, Sickness & fainting if he but raised his head
from the Pillow__ his Pulse was small but hard & I determind
to make a Cautious trial of bleeding__ during the bleeding
his pulse became full & softer & all the symptoms were
soon releived so that he could bear the erect Posture__
a Glyster brought off a load of Excrements mixd with gramous
Blood & the discharges by Stool for 24 Hours therafter
were all of that kind, but he ↑had↑ no other complaints but general
weakness. by that I presented for him a Water Infusion
of the Cortex acidulated with the
Ol. Vitriol, a {illeg} [Regimen?]
[Page 3]
no Wine & no Flesh but boild Fowl to Dinner & to give
up with all violent Exercise___ in a few Days he found
himself in usual state of Health & then gave up with
all Regimen__ two weeks after this first attack he eated
a full supper & drunk some warm Punch & felt a Sickness
or fullness in his Stomach before going to Bed__ being sick
in the night time he put his Fingers in his Throat & in
the morning it was found that he had vomited a very considera¬
ble quantity ↑of blood↑ not under a pound, tho that could not be well
ascertained as it behovd to be mixd with the other contents
of the Stomach__ the pulse being pretty soft in the morning
& the oppression mostly gone, from I suppose the quantity
of blood he had thrown up, I did not bleed him but orderd
frequent small Doses of Nitre & the former Regimen with
out any flesh at Dinner. Two days therafter he Com¬
plained of the nausea & sensation of fullness coming on
from which he was immediately releivd by taking eight
ounces if blood from his arm__ the next day ↑last night↑ towards
bed time he was threatnd with the same appearances which
[presagd?] the former Hamorrhages; being unwilling to bleed
him so soon again I gave him two or three Doses
of the nitre, his pulse was in a few minutes brought
down from 98 to 90__ he went to bed after eating
[Page 4]
a sweet orange for supper & taking twelve Gutts 1 of
Thebaic Tincture & has awaked this morning seemingly
very & easy & his pulse soft.
The blood taken last had a soft sizey crust on it, & the
Coagulation not very firm___ it has been observd that
his colour since the time he returned from London
has been uncommonly pale__
Dr Saunders
about Capt1775
V. II. p.667.
1: Twelve drops (from Latin "gutta" for "drops").
Diplomatic Text
____ is aged twenty five years of a faire complexion middle
sizd &, previous to his present complaints, healthy & vigorous__
accustomed to live freely but not intemperate__ last winter
from his social disposition he got in to sitting up to very late
Hours & soon therafter he was seised with an inflammation in
his Eyes__ he went to London last aprile by sea & his complaint
encreased during↑on↑ the passage__ during a stay of some weeks in
London, he was mostly confind to his Room_ local & other
bleedings were frequently repeated & purging Physick by all
qch the inflammation was often releived, but always returned on
his going abroad & living more freely_ He came to Scotland
by sea in the moneth of June theafter__ his Eyes were then
much inflammd especialee the Eye Lids qch were glewd fast down
with Matter every Morning_ he had a constant Diarrhœa
was much emaciated & instead of his former blooming Complexion
was remarkably pale & had continued so ever since, but in very
good Spirits__ He then consulted me, considering the State
of his Bowels & the great evacuations he had undergone
I advisd him to take Bark & a light Strengthning Diet &
some few Glasses of Wine & some simple Topical application
to his Eyes_ the Diarrhœa left him & he recoverd his
Strength & the inflammation of his Eyes became better that (↑but↑) he
had frequent returns of sore Eyes tho not so bad as formely__
In the moneth of July he went to ye Countrey, for some weeks,
where he drank Goat Whey & livd temperately & returnd seemingly
in very good health__ on his return some small Scurvey spots
appeared on one of his legs, he drunk for some time a Decoction
[Page 2]
of the Sarsa & they dissapeard__ he became so well now
as to give up all Regimen & during the Autumn & what
has passed of the Winter began to live in his former free manner.
Three Weeks ago, he felt some uneasiness at his stomach he
called it a queerness, that night he went to a dancing assemb¬
ly, when after scarce dancing so much as usual he felt
him self very weary__ next Day the complaint of his stomach
continued & after eating a moderate supper at night he
became very sick & dropd down in a Faint, from qch he was
recoverd by being laied in Bed__ he then complain of im¬
mense Sickness__ he put his fingers in his throat to releive
his stomach by Vomiting & brought up a mouthful or two
of pure blood__ I was called in he complaind of great oppression
on his breast, Sickness & fainting if he but raised his head
from the Pillow__ his Pulse was small but hard & I determind
to make a Cautious trial of bleeding__ during the bleeding
his pulse became full & softer & all the symptoms were
soon releived so that he could bear the erect Posture__
a Glyster brought off a load of Excrements mixd wt gramous
Blood & the discharges by Stool for 24 Hours therafter
were all of that kind, but he ↑had↑ no other complaints but general
weakness. by that I presented for him a Water Infusion
of the Cortex acidulated wt the
Ol. Vitriol, a {illeg} [Regimen?]
[Page 3]
no Wine & no Flesh but boild Fowl to Dinner & to give
up with all violent Exercise___ in a few Days he found
himself in usual state of Health & then gave up with
all Regimen__ two weeks after this first attack he eated
a full supper & drunk some warm Punch & felt a Sickness
or fullness in his Stomach before going to Bed__ being sick
in ye night time he put his Fingers in his Throat & in
ye morning it was found yt he had vomited a very considera¬
ble quantity ↑of blood↑ not under a pound, tho that could not be well
ascertained as it behovd to be mixd with ye other contents
of the Stomach__ the pulse being pretty soft in ye morning
& the oppression mostly gone, from I suppose the quantity
of blood he had thrown up, I did not bleed him but orderd
frequent small Doses of Nitre & the former Regimen with
out any flesh at Dinner. Two days therafter he Com¬
plained of the nausea & sensation of fullness coming on
from qch he was immediately releivd by taking eight
ounces if blood from his arm__ the next day ↑last night↑ towards
bed time he was threatnd with the same appearances qch
[presagd?] the former Hamorrhages; being unwilling to bleed
him so soon again I gave him two or three Doses
of the nitre, his pulse was in a few minutes brought
down from 98 to 90__ he went to bed after eating
[Page 4]
a sweet orange for supper & taking twelve Gutts 1 of
Thebaic Tincture & has awaked this morning seemingly
very & easy & his pulse soft.
The blood taken last had a soft sizey crust on it, & the
Coagulation not very firm___ it has been observd that
his colour since the time he returned from London
has been uncommonly pale__
Dr Saunders
abt Capt1775
V. II. p.667.
1: Twelve drops (from Latin "gutta" for "drops").
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