The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Chamberlain's Pill
Laxative pills containing one part calomel to five parts aloes. Mentioned in William Cullen's pirated Clinical Lectures, Delivered in the years 1765 and 1766, as 'one of the best laxatives [...] it is what is generally known in these parts by the name of Chamberlain's Pill."
Category: Ingredients
Sub category: Proprietary
1 document found with this item tagged. See below for the various ways that this item has been used in the the documents.
[DOC ID:4344] Chamberlains pill on page (2)
[ID:4344] From: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / To: Betty Nasmith (Nasmyth) / Regarding: Betty Nasmith (Nasmyth) (Patient) / 27 November 1778 / (Outgoing)