The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Maniacal, Furious (furiosity), outrage, outrageous.
Category: Conditions
Sub category: General
3 documents found with this item tagged. See below for the various ways that this item has been used in the the documents.
/db err:XPST0003 error found while loading module functx: Error while loading module error found while loading module from org.exist.xquery.XPathException: err:XPST0003 unexpected token: xmlns [at line 1, column 45]
[source: String/7303746606941312144] xquery version "3.1";
declare namespace tei="";
import module namespace functx = "";
import module namespace kwic="";
let $params :="c9"
for $x in collection("/db/apps/cullen/data")//tei:TEI//tei:seg[@n="c9"]
let $expanded := kwic:expand($x)
order by ft:score($x) descending
return <div class="kwic"><p><a href="/docs/{functx:substring-after-match(data ($x/ancestor::tei:TEI/@xml:id),'c')}/">[DOC ID:{functx:substring-after-match(data ($x/ancestor::tei:TEI/@xml:id),'c')}</a>] <b>{data ($x)}</b> on page ({data($x/preceding::tei:pb[1]/@n)}) <br/>
for $line in $expanded//tei:text
return kwic:summarize($line, <config width="38"/>)