
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:897] From: Dr Ivie Campbell / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr Campbell (Patient) / 1 April 1774 / (Incoming)

Letter from Ivie Campbell concerning the case of Mr Campbell, giving more details on the case; the patient had previously consulted Cullen himself.


There are 4 images for this document.

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DOC ID 897
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/162
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date1 April 1774
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from Ivie Campbell concerning the case of Mr Campbell, giving more details on the case; the patient had previously consulted Cullen himself.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:433]
Case of Mr Campbell who was given a regimen by the late Dr John Gregory for managing his gout. Could be same patient as Case 89.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:336]AuthorDr Ivie Campbell
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:327]PatientMr Campbell
[PERS ID:336]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Ivie Campbell
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Armadale Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]
Armadel April 1st 1774
Dear Sir

As I hapened to be necessarily engaged at some distance
from Mr Campbell here, and he very anxious about his
Complaints, He did not Inform me of his designing to
consult you, or I should have sent you a more particular
account of his Complaints - which I now send you here in
answer to you request of the 26th ultimo -------

Mr Campbell a married Gentleman aged about 50
of a midling habit of Body and healthy Constitution about the
middle of february last observed a small swelling, hard &
painful to the Touch on one side, and below the left Testicle
which gradually increased for about eight days and the
Testicle was then about the size of a gooses Egg - but
attended with no considerable pain but when Touched
amnd felt very hard on the lower part - and appeared evid¬
dently to be an Inflammation of the Epidydimis & Testes
but chiefly the former - He was then bled to ten or 12
ounces, but as his pulse was quite soft & easie - and rather
did not think proper to repeat the operation.
He then began to take some Doses of three grains of Callamel every
night for three nights working that off by Doses of salts on
the fourth day, then Intermitting a few days and repeating
the Callamel & salts - And after that he takes a Dose salts
twice a week for two weeks, and in the mean time
to foment the Testicle with [Caths?] wrung out of warm milk
& water - And till the swelling should begin to subside to
keep a Poultice of Bread & milk to it by vinegar &
oatmeal to it - to live sparse - And by mostly in Bed
with the Testicle suspended - And in about eight days
the swelling began to subside - And the Pain when Touching
much diminished - The fomentation & Poultice were then
discontinued, and he was ordered to rub a little mer¬
curial ointment
into the scrotum over the affected side
once in two or three nights which he did for some
Time taking as directed a Dose salts twice a week

[Page 2]

And for these three last weeks he has taken a Dose salts
once a week and always observed the swelling to
subside ↑a little↑ upon taking Physick - And to continue so
for two or three Days - but not withstanding I believe
least so frequent purgatives if longer continued should
not be so proper - the Electuary you mention may be
properly substituted - In some days after the left
began to abate of swelling he observed the
right also beginning to be affected in like manner
and ever since has continued to be more or less af¬
fected - but never to that degree the other was ---
Both now are pretty near their natural size only
the Epidydimis of both are still a little swelled
and hard especially the left - And he cannot take
any exercise but it rather increases this swelling
and hardness -- and always toward night they are
more so and become a little unneasie - But the
swelling is now so Inconsiderable that I hope it
will gradually wear off - By keeping strictly to light
Regimen - Keeping the Testes suspended and the
Laxatives as you mention - as I presume it now
principally depends on a Relaxation of the vessels of
the Epidydimis from the violence they have suffered
from the preceeding Inflammation- {illeg} for
strengthening & recovering their Tone the Lotion you
recommend will answere very well till the
swelling is entirely gone and then perhaps the Cold bath
may be of use - I made him a proper suspensary
but he could not bear it as it galled the Inside
of the hips -- But the Method he takes, is by wearing a
large piece of flannel between his Breeches and scrotum
which answers pretty well but not in my opinion equal
to a Bandage- He never had any considerable pain
only the part affected was sore to the Touch or when the
Testicle hung unsupported - Which is still the case
though in a lesser degree - He complains of a kind of
Thrilling, unusual sensation almost constantly in the
Testes - and sometimes extends to his Limbs - And

[Page 3]

which rather increases toward night and of glowing sensations
through the Testes & Limbs especially the left in like
manner which I ascribe to the free Circulation of the
Blood and semen being impeded through the Epidydimis &
Testis - And to his confinement - being accustomed all
his life to much exercise -- He knows no Cause for
his disorder, but a fall he got last november, upon a stone
whereby the Lower part of his back over the sacrum &
Coxix was so much hurt that he had always difficulty
in sitting till of late after taking some doses of the salts
but since that is perfectly easie -- About the fort of february,
he got another fall on his Back & hind head by which the
Latter was considerably hurt - But these seem but very
remote Causes - Since he arrived at manhood he
used to have a discharge of a sort of gross fœted {illeg}
matter under the grains on each side the scrotum
which though ↑not↑ strictly Pereodical got generally
encreasing for thee days & decreasing for three
more - And he never did any thing for it but wash
& Clean the parts - till about a year and half ago
thinking it very troublesome he rubbed a little Chaw
of Tabacco & some Tabacco spittle to it always when
it made its apearance, which Imediatly stopt the
evacuation for the time, and by treating it in
that manner this Complaint became less frequent
now whether the retaining that serum might be
hurtful - and the redundancy might fall upon the
Testes and prove their Cause of his present
Complaints I leave to your better Judgement &
Experience to determine -- Just now I think the
Bodies of both Testicles pretty near the natural shape
& size - And the Epidydimis of both can be plainly
felt hard, and distinct from the body of the Testes
so that the affection is evedently in the former and not
in the Latter further than from vicinity & Consort

[Page 4]

And now having given you as full a state of the Case
as I can Collect --- In hopes it may answer the
design & that you will be able therefrom to form
a judgement of the Disorder, and the proper means
of Cure.

I am Dear Sir with the utmost respect
Your very humble servant
Ivie Campbell

the Liquer and Medecine
Prescribed will not be
sent for till such time as
a Return comes to hand fearing
it may not be Sensible to the Disorder.

To Doctor William Cullen
Professor Medicine

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
Armadel April 1st 1774
Dr Sir

As I hapened to be necessarily engaged at some distance
from Mr Campbell here, and he very anxious about his
Complaints, He did not Inform me of his designing to
consult you, or I should have sent you a more particular
account of his Complaints - which I now send you here in
answer to you request of the 26th ult. -------

Mr Campbell a married Gentleman aged about 50
of a midling habit of Body and healthy Constitution about the
middle of february last observed a small swelling, hard &
painful to the Touch on one side, and below the left Testicle
which gradually increased for about eight days and the
Testicle was then about the size of a gooses Egg - but
attended with no considerable pain but when Touched
amnd felt very hard on the lower part - and appeared evid¬
dently to be an Inflammation of the Epidydimis & Testes
but chiefly the former - He was then bled to ten or 12
ounces, but as his pulse was quite soft & easie - and rather
did not think proper to repeat the operation.
He then began to take some Doses of Callamel griii every
night for three nights working that off by Doses of salts on
the fourth day, then Intermitting a few days and repeating
the Callamel & salts - And after that he takes a Dose salts
twice a week for two weeks, and in the mean time
to foment the Testicle wt [Caths?] wrung out of warm milk
& water - And till the swelling should begin to subside to
keep a Poultice of Bread & milk to it by vinegar &
oatmeal to it - to live sparse - And by mostly in Bed
with the Testicle suspended - And in about eight days
the swelling began to subside - And the Pain when Touching
much diminished - The fomentation & Poultice were then
discontinued, and he was ordered to rub a little mer¬
curial ointment
into the scrotum over the affected side
once in two or three nights which he did for some
Time taking as directed a Dose salts twice a week

[Page 2]

And for these three last weeks he has taken a Dose salts
once a week and always observed the swelling to
subside ↑a little↑ upon taking Physick - And to continue so
for two or three Days - but not withstanding I believe
least so frequent purgatives if longer continued should
not be so proper - the Electuary you mention may be
properly substituted - In some days after the left
began to abate of swelling he observed the
right also beginning to be affected in like manner
and ever since has continued to be more or less af¬
fected - but never to that degree the other was ---
Both now are pretty near their natural size only
the Epidydimis of both are still a little swelled
and hard especially the left - And he cannot take
any exercise but it rather increases this swelling
and hardness -- and always toward night they are
more so and become a little unneasie - But the
swelling is now so Inconsiderable that I hope it
will gradually wear off - By keeping strictly to light
Regimen - Keeping the Testes suspended and the
Laxatives as you mention - as I presume it now
principally depends on a Relaxation of the vessels of
the Epidydimis from the violence they have suffered
from the preceeding Inflammation- {illeg} for
strengthening & recovering their Tone the Lotion you
recommend will answere very well till the
swelling is entirely gone and then perhaps the Cold bath
may be of use - I made him a proper suspensary
but he could not bear it as it galled the Inside
of the hips -- But the Method he takes, is by wearing a
large piece of flannel between his Breeches and scrotum
which answers pretty well but not in my opinion equal
to a Bandage- He never had any considerable pain
only the part affected was sore to the Touch or when the
Testicle hung unsupported - Which is still the case
though in a lesser degree - He complains of a kind of
Thrilling, unusual sensation almost constantly in the
Testes - and sometimes extends to his Limbs - And

[Page 3]

which rather increases toward night and of glowing sensations
through the Testes & Limbs especially the left in like
manner which I ascribe to the free Circulation of the
Blood and semen being impeded through the Epidydimis &
Testis - And to his confinement - being accustomed all
his life to much exercise -- He knows no Cause for
his disorder, but a fall he got last november, upon a stone
whereby the Lower part of his back over the sacrum &
Coxix was so much hurt that he had always difficulty
in sitting till of late after taking some doses of the salts
but since that is perfectly easie -- About the fort of february,
he got another fall on his Back & hind head by which the
Latter was considerably hurt - But these seem but very
remote Causes - Since he arrived at manhood he
used to have a discharge of a sort of gross fœted {illeg}
matter under the grains on each side the scrotum
which though ↑not↑ strictly Pereodical got generally
encreasing for thee days & decreasing for three
more - And he never did any thing for it but wash
& Clean the parts - till about a year and half ago
thinking it very troublesome he rubbed a little Chaw
of Tabacco & some Tabacco spittle to it always when
it made its apearance, which Imediatly stopt the
evacuation for the time, and by treating it in
that manner this Complaint became less frequent
now whether the retaining that serum might be
hurtful - and the redundancy might fall upon the
Testes and prove their Cause of his present
Complaints I leave to your better Judgement &
Experience to determine -- Just now I think the
Bodies of both Testicles pretty near the natural shape
& size - And the Epidydimis of both can be plainly
felt hard, and distinct from the body of the Testes
so that the affection is evedently in the former and not
in the Latter further than from vicinity & Consort

[Page 4]

And now having given you as full a state of the Case
as I can Collect --- In hopes it may answer the
design & that you will be able therefrom to form
a judgement of the Disorder, and the proper means
of Cure.

I am Dr Sir wt the utmost respect
Your very hble sert
Ivie Campbell

the Liquer and Medecine
Prescribed will not be
sent for till such time as
a Return comes to hand fearing
it may not be Sensible to the Disorder.

To Doctor William Cullen
Professor Medicine


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