The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:819] From: Mr Gavin Fullarton / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Miss Forbes (Patient), Anonymous (Patient), Anonymous (Patient), Anonymous (Patient), Anonymous (Patient), Anonymous (Patient), Anonymous (Patient), Anonymous (Patient), Anonymous (Patient) / 14 April 1772 / (Incoming)
Letter from the surgeon Gavin Fullarton regarding the case of Miss Forbes, who suffers from a 'White Swelling' of her knee. Also served as cover-letter for an account of inoculating against smallpox (identified as Letter ID:810). Reference to 'Mr Sutton' has been assumed to be the inoculator Daniel Sutton, but might refer to Daniel's father Robert Sutton who had originally devised a safer method of smallpox inoculation.
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- Normalized Text
- Diplomatic Text
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 819 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/86 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 14 April 1772 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | Enclosure(s) present |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from the surgeon Gavin Fullarton regarding the case of Miss Forbes, who suffers from a 'White Swelling' of her knee. Also served as cover-letter for an account of inoculating against smallpox (identified as Letter ID:810). Reference to 'Mr Sutton' has been assumed to be the inoculator Daniel Sutton, but might refer to Daniel's father Robert Sutton who had originally devised a safer method of smallpox inoculation. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | Yes |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:64] |
Case of Miss Forbes with a 'white swelling' of her knee. |
2 |
[Case ID:426] |
Case of nine children inoculated against small-pox by Greenock surgeon Gavin Fullarton. |
2 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:623] | Author | Mr Gavin Fullarton |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:944] | Patient | |
[PERS ID:945] | Patient | |
[PERS ID:946] | Patient | |
[PERS ID:947] | Patient | |
[PERS ID:948] | Patient | |
[PERS ID:338] | Patient | Miss Forbes |
[PERS ID:949] | Patient | |
[PERS ID:950] | Patient | |
[PERS ID:951] | Patient | |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:132] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Wilson |
[PERS ID:623] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Mr Gavin Fullarton |
[PERS ID:1178] | Other Physician / Surgeon | Mr Daniel Sutton |
[PERS ID:86] | Other Physician / Surgeon | Dr David Colquhoun |
[PERS ID:970] | Other | Mrs Scott |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Greenock | Glasgow and West | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | North Highlands | Scotland | Europe | certain | ||
Place of Handstamp | Glasgow | Glasgow and West | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
I have been desired to write Miss Forbes's case
to you, about whom Mrs Scott spoke lately to you. She came
over from the Highlands about a fortnight ago to shew me her
Knee; It was the first time I had seen or heard of it. I found
a very considerable puffy Swelling round the whole Joint of the
Knee especially on the fore part round the Patella, and on the
Inside - There is no degree of discolouring or Inflammation
on any part of it, nor is it painful to the touch, excepting in
one part on the inside - and that, but slightly - It is nine
Months since she first felt some pain in that Knee - She
had a Menstrual Obstruction for some Months before and
after; but has been regular for some Months past - She
never was sensible of having received any hurt upon
it - The Knee was painful but a few Weeks before
the Swelling began, and the Swelling has been gradually
increasing - It is perfectly easy when she sits with the
Knee bent, but is very stiff & painful when she gets
first up & attempts to walk - After walking about
a while it becomes easier - She apprehends that lately,
the Thigh immediately above the Swelling has shrunk
& become a little smaller than the other, and I believe
it is so - It is evidently a White Swelling - Before
I saw her she had been adviced to use poultices of
the Hemlock Root which she had been doing for a
Week or two, and she thought with some Advantage -
I advised her to continue the use of fomentations and
poultices made with the Hemlock leaves, which can now
be got fresh; and (as I am a warm friend to Hemlock)
I advised her likewise to take it internally, and give
[Page 2]
her a quantity of the pills to take home with her - I
advised her if she did not find much benefit from the
use of the Hemlock for some Weeks, to try the Sea water,
which she has a good Opportunity of doing where she
lives - If any thing occurs to you further to be done
I shall advise her of it -
Along with this, I send you the Small pox History
which you desired to see - There is certainly something
difficult in it - I cannot determine how it is - If it was
the Small pox that the Children were first inoculated
from, Mr Wilsons youngest Child has had them twice -
at least, the first Appearance upon his Arm, altho without
fever or consequent Eruption, I believe would have
satsify'd Mr Sutton that he was exempted from any
future Infection - If it was not the Small pox, then,
it woud appear, that there is a pustular Eruption which
if a person undergoes, disqualifies for a while at least,
for receiving Infection from the Small pox - I beg to
know your Opinion and to have your reflections upon it -
I read to Mr Wilson & Mr Colquhoun a long while ago
when the facts were recent & when they could easily
have corrected what was wrong, the Notes I had taken,
and from which I had (↑have↑) copied what I send you. They
agreed that as far as they knew or were concerned
that the facts were fairly related -
very respectfully Dear Sir Your much obliged &
most obedientServant -
[Page 3]
For Doctor William Cullen
Diplomatic Text
I have been desired to write Miss Forbes's case
to you, about whom Mrs Scott spoke lately to you. She came
over from the Highlands about a fortnight ago to shew me her
Knee; It was the first time I had seen or heard of it. I found
a very considerable puffy Swelling round the whole Joint of the
Knee especially on the fore part round the Patella, and on the
Inside - There is no degree of discolouring or Inflammation
on any part of it, nor is it painful to the touch, excepting in
one part on the inside - and that, but slightly - It is nine
Months since she first felt some pain in that Knee - She
had a Menstrual Obstruction for some Months before and
after; but has been regular for some Months past - She
never was sensible of having received any hurt upon
it - The Knee was painful but a few Weeks before
the Swelling began, and the Swelling has been gradually
increasing - It is perfectly easy when she sits with the
Knee bent, but is very stiff & painful when she gets
first up & attempts to walk - After walking about
a while it becomes easier - She apprehends that lately,
the Thigh immediately above the Swelling has shrunk
& become a little smaller than the other, and I believe
it is so - It is evidently a White Swelling - Before
I saw her she had been adviced to use poultices of
the Hemlock Root which she had been doing for a
Week or two, and she thought with some Advantage -
I advised her to continue the use of fomentations and
poultices made with the Hemlock leaves, which can now
be got fresh; and (as I am a warm friend to Hemlock)
I advised her likewise to take it internally, and give
[Page 2]
her a quantity of the pills to take home with her - I
advised her if she did not find much benefit from the
use of the Hemlock for some Weeks, to try the Sea water,
which she has a good Opportunity of doing where she
lives - If any thing occurs to you further to be done
I shall advise her of it -
Along with this, I send you the Small pox History
which you desired to see - There is certainly something
difficult in it - I cannot determine how it is - If it was
the Small pox that the Children were first inoculated
from, Mr Wilsons youngest Child has had them twice -
at least, the first Appearance upon his Arm, altho without
fever or consequent Eruption, I believe would have
satsify'd Mr Sutton that he was exempted from any
future Infection - If it was not the Small pox, then,
it woud appear, that there is a pustular Eruption which
if a person undergoes, disqualifies for a while at least,
for receiving Infection from the Small pox - I beg to
know your Opinion and to have your reflections upon it -
I read to Mr Wilson & Mr Colquhoun a long while ago
when the facts were recent & when they could easily
have corrected what was wrong, the Notes I had taken,
and from which I had (↑have↑) copied what I send you. They
agreed that as far as they knew or were concerned
that the facts were fairly related -
very respectfully Dear Sir Your much obliged &
most obed'.Servt -
[Page 3]
For Doctor William Cullen
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