
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:766] From: Thomas Hall / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr Richardson (of Newham) (Patient), Mrs Mary Grey (Patient), Mr Moody (Moodie) (Patient) / 3 June 1764 / (Incoming)

Letter by Thomas Hall in Berwick, regarding the continuing cases of Mr Moody and Mrs Grey. A lengthy postscript concerns Mr Richardson of Newham, who 'was seized in regular Intermitting fever', and is signed Henry Richardson.


There are 4 images for this document.

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DOC ID 766
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/34
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date3 June 1764
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe Yes
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter by Thomas Hall in Berwick, regarding the continuing cases of Mr Moody and Mrs Grey. A lengthy postscript concerns Mr Richardson of Newham, who 'was seized in regular Intermitting fever', and is signed Henry Richardson.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:77]
Case of Mr Moodie (Moody) who has asthma.
[Case ID:190]
Case of Mr Richardson with a chest complaint.
[Case ID:201]
Case of Mrs Mary Grey who is prescribed an emetic and pectoral mixture.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:1139]Author Thomas Hall
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:1141]PatientMr Moody (Moodie)
[PERS ID:5]PatientMr Richardson (of Newham)
[PERS ID:961]PatientMrs Mary Grey
[PERS ID:4]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Henry Richardson
[PERS ID:1139]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary Thomas Hall
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:1138]Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend Richardson
[PERS ID:4]Supplemental AuthorDr Henry Richardson

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Berwick-upon-Tweed (Berwick) North-East England Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred
Mentioned / Other Alnwick North-East England Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Newham North-East England Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]
Berwick 3d June 1764
Dear Sir

I received yours last fridays Post, Mrs Grey has not begun her
Medicines as she expects to have her menses the begginning of this
so has put off taking any thing till thats over. - Mr Moodys Astma
is rather better but the heat & Quickness of his Pulse is come on
again as usual so that he has got very Little benefit to taking
the medicines you ordered for him, I have not yet begun the
bark Decoction on the account of the Quickness of his Pulse
but as soon as thats goen off shall make a tryal of it
in the mean time if you could direct any else to be
done, it would be agreable. -- Mrs [Ochil?] has taken
the Strengthening Tincture you ordered all last week but
it does not agree with her as she is very Sick after taking
it & uneasie in her stomach & her appetite for all kinds
of Victuals
tho she has rode out on horseback every
day I imagined at first the Dose might be too
Large so ininstedstead of a Tea Spoonfull only gave
her half a Tea Spoonfull & at last tryed her in 30
Drops only but still complained it made her
uneasie; I tryed in her in a Glas of Hartfell Spaw
this morning which agreed very well with her
& sits quite easie on her stomach & ordered
her to take a Larger Quantity this afternoon
& shall continue to give it on as she can bear it
till I hear from you & if you would order any for

[Page 2]

instead of the Tincture that would be of service
to her would be very glad to have it as I think
if she has not some releif before the summers
gone will have but poor chance to get over the
winter & seems to depend greatly on you
so beg youll write in Course

Signd / Thomas Hall

P. S. The Tincture was

One ounce of tincture of lead mixed with half an ounce of steel, a teaspoonfull taken two or three times a day.


Mr Richardson of Newham a young man about
25 was seized in regular Intermitting fever about
a year he took Vomits & the neutral Draughts after that
began with the bark but would not pursue the use of it the disorder
continued for sevral months pretty regular but [at]
last turned hectical had a dry cough profuse
every morning but by the use of Exercise
upon horse back {illeg} water
in Elix Virl he [go?] tolerably well before winter
& Continued so untill early this year when he was
again seized with a Cough a Hectic Heat & morning

[Page 3]

but to no great Degree he soon got better by
taking the [Lac?] Ammon Asmilk {illeg} & renewing
the Blister from the time he grew better untill
Sunday Last wek was about six weeks I heard
nothing from him I was then called to him
& found him worse than he ever had been
for 3 weeks he has had a severe Cough --
& especially when he goes to bed breaths
with some Difficulty
has a Considerable heat
upon him & sweats profusely every morning
he kept up flesh & strength pretty well till of
Late the House he Lies in is very Damp
& I believe was the Cause of his Disorder
but I never cod get him to remove I am
much afraid that his Lungs are Obstructed
He drinks goat Whey at present Keeps his
blister open & is still liable to use Exercise
His father a man at 60 has been for
{illeg} years troubled in a [new?] [ma?] Disorder,
but rather this year than usuall. His wrist
& fingers swell pretty much & one knee
his blood is always a little sizy
but no quicknes of Pulse. Mr
Howey the Carrier from {illeg}
will call upon you soon & pay you 2

[Page 4]

guineas I shall be glad to hear in Course

&c &c
Hen: Richardson

Direct Dr R- in Alwick

✍ 1764

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
Berwick 3d June 1764
Dr Sir

I received yours last fridays Post, Mrs Grey has not begun her
Medicines as she expects to have her menses the begginning of this
so has put off taking any thing till thats over. - Mr Moodys Astma
is rather better but the heat & Quickness of his Pulse is come on
again as usual so that he has got very Little benefit to taking
the medicines you ordered for him, I have not yet begun the
bark Decoction on the account of the Quickness of his Pulse
but as soon as thats goen off shall make a tryal of it
in the mean time if you could direct any else to be
done, it would be agreable. -- Mrs [Ochil?] has taken
the Strengthening Tincture you ordered all last week but
it does not agree w her as she is very Sick after taking
it & uneasie in her stomach & her appetite for all kinds
of Victuals
tho she has rode out on horseback every
day I imagined at first the Dose might be too
Large so ininstedstead of a Tea Spoonfull only gave
her half a Tea Spoonfull & at last tryed her in 30
Drops only but still complained it made her
uneasie; I tryed in her in a Glas of Hartfell Spaw
this morning wch agreed very well w her
& sits quite easie on her stomach & ordered
her to take a Larger Quantity this afternoon
& shall continue to give it on as she can bear it
till I hear fr. you & if you would order any for

[Page 2]

instead of the Tincture that would be of service
to her would be very glad to have it as I think
if she has not some releif before the summers
gone will have but poor chance to get over the
winter & seems to depend greatly on you
so beg youll write in Course

Signd / Thomas Hall

P. S. The Tincture was

℥i tinct Saturnim
Mart ℥ſs ℳ
{illeg} a tea spoonfull taken 2 or 3 a day


Mr Richardson of Newham a young man abt
25 was seized in regular Intermitting fever abt
a year he took Vomits & ye neutral Drts after yt
began w ye bark but wd not pursue ye use of it ye disorder
continued for sevral months pretty regular but [at]
last turned hectical had a dry cough profuse
every morning but by the use of Exercise
upon hs. back {illeg} water
in Elix Virl he [go?] tolerably well before winter
& Continued so untill early this year when he was
again seized wt a Cough a Hectic Heat & morning

[Page 3]

but to no great Degree he soon got better by
taking ye [Lac?] Ammon Asmilk {illeg} & renewing
ye Blister from ye time he grew better untill
Sunday Last wek was abt six weeks I heard
nothing from him I was then called to him
& found him worse than he ever had been
for 3 wks he has had a severe Cough --
& especially when he goes to bed breaths
w some Difficulty
has a Considerable heat
upon him & sweats profusely every morning
he kept up fle. & str. pretty well till of
Late the House he Lies in is very Damp
& I believe was ye Cause of his Disorder
but I never cod get him to remove I am
much afraid that his Lungs are Obstructed
He drinks goat Whey at present Keeps his
blister open & is still liable to use Exercise
His father a man at 60 has been for
{illeg} ys troubled in a [new?] [ma?] Disorder,
but rather ys year yn usuall. His wrist
& fingers swell pretty much & one knee
his blood is always a little sizy
but no quicknes of Pulse. Mr
Howey the Carrier from {illeg}
will call upon you soon & pay you 2

[Page 4]

guineas I shall be glad to hear in Course

&c &c
Hen: Richardson

Direct Dr R- in Alwick

✍ 1764


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