
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:5021] From: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / To: Dr / Regarding: Mr Jones (Patient) / 2 April 1785 / (Outgoing)

Reply 'For Mr Jones'


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DOC ID 5021
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/1/18/6
Main Language English
Document Direction Outgoing
Date2 April 1785
Annotation None
TypeMachine scribal copy
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe Yes
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Reply 'For Mr Jones'
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1862]
Case of Mr Jones whose symptoms suggest a 'general debility'.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:1]AuthorDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2857]AddresseeDr
[PERS ID:2856]PatientMr Jones
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2857]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Cullen's House / Mint Close Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]

For Mr Jones

After attentively considering the History of his
Complaints I cannot find any particular disease affec¬
ting him but that all his Complaints depend upon
a general debility which I hope with some proper
attention may be very soon recovered.

For this purpose I hope he has had some
benefit from the gentle Vomit which I advised
him to take two days ago and which may be
repeated in Eight or ten days after if he shall
then find his Stomach still loaded with
Phlegm and from thence a great want of

For restoring his Strength I know nothing
more promising than a Journey to a better Climate
than we have here at present. In this Journey
he should manage it slowly by one or two Stages

[Page 2]

a day as his Strength may seem to bear for in his
present condition fatigue might do much harm.

On this Journey he must take care also
to avoid Cold by using Warm Cloathing and
taking every other Precaution.

His Diet ought to be light but as
nourishing as his appetite and digestion will
admitt of. His ordinary drink may be Toast water
but a few glasses of wine or a little Spirits and
Water may be upon occasion very proper.

Medicines cannot be very conveniently
employed upon a Journey and therefore there
is only one I would advise during his Travelling.
I have prescribed it on a separate paper. It is
maked Chalybeate Tincture and he will please
take twenty drops of it in an ordinary wine
glassful of water two or three times a day. It may

[Page 3]

be once in the forenoon and once about an hour
or two before Supper.

When he Shall be Settled at home the remedies
I would depend upon for the recovery of his strength
and health are Cold Bathing and Riding on
horseback. The first will be best Practiced
by going in to the Sea but if the situation of his
abode does not allow that to be convenient he may
Bathe in fresh water but in either Case the appli¬
cation of Cold should be brought on by degrees by
Employing at first a tempered water and proceeding
gradually to that which is quite cold.

In taking Air and Exercise he must suit
this to his Strength, taking it at first in a
Carriage but as soon as he is able he should take
it on horseback as much the most useful manner

Though these are the remedies to be

[Page 4]

chiefly depended upon his recovery may be much assisted
by medicines and upon a paper apart I have pre¬
scribed two which he may employ till his strength
is pretty well established. He need not carry them
from hence as they may be got prepared in almost
any part of the Country.

William Cullen -

Edinburgh 2d. April

[Page 5]

For M Jones

Take ten grains of prepared Tincture of Powdered Steel, ten grains of the best white Sugar and five grains of Cinnamon powder. Mix and let there be made in this way fourteen doses. Label as Strengthening Powders; one to be taken in a little Currant Jelly twice a day washing down each dose with two tablespoons of the following.

Take one and a half ounces of Peruvian Bark Tincture, one ounce of Bitter Tincture, half an ounce of Aromatic Tincture and four ounces of simple Cinnamon Water. Mix and label Strengthening Tincture. Two tablespoons to be taken after every dose of the Powders.

W.C. ---

2d. April 1785

[Page 6]

For Mr Jones

Take four ounces of Tincture of powdered steel as prescribed by the Pharmacopœia Edinburgensis. Label as Chalybeate Tincture. Twenty drops to be taken in a glass of water two or three times a day.


2d. April

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

For Mr Jones

After attentively considering the History of his
Complaints I cannot find any particular disease affec¬
ting him but that all his Complaints depend upon
a general debility which I hope with some proper
attention may be very soon recovered.

For this purpose I hope he has had some
benefit from the gentle Vomit which I advised
him to take two days ago and which may be
repeated in Eight or ten days after if he shall
then find his Stomach still loaded with
Phlegm and from thence a great want of

For restoring his Strength I know nothing
more promising than a Journey to a better Climate
than we have here at present. In this Journey
he should manage it slowly by one or two Stages

[Page 2]

a day as his Strength may seem to bear for in his
present condition fatigue might do much harm.

On this Journey he must take care also
to avoid Cold by using Warm Cloathing and
taking every other Precaution.

His Diet ought to be light but as
nourishing as his appetite and digestion will
admitt of. His ordinary drink may be Toast water
but a few glasses of wine or a little Spirits and
Water may be upon occasion very proper.

Medicines cannot be very conveniently
employed upon a Journey and therefore there
is only one I would advise during his Travelling.
I have prescribed it on a separate paper. It is
maked Chalybeate Tincture and he will please
take twenty drops of it in an ordinary wine
glassful of water two or three times a day. It may

[Page 3]

be once in the forenoon and once about an hour
or two before Supper.

When he Shall be Settled at home the remedies
I would depend upon for the recovery of his strength
and health are Cold Bathing and Riding on
horseback. The first will be best Practiced
by going in to the Sea but if the situation of his
abode does not allow that to be convenient he may
Bathe in fresh water but in either Case the appli¬
cation of Cold should be brought on by degrees by
Employing at first a tempered water and proceeding
gradually to that which is quite cold.

In taking Air and Exercise he must suit
this to his Strength, taking it at first in a
Carriage but as soon as he is able he should take
it on horseback as much the most useful manner

Though these are the remedies to be

[Page 4]

chiefly depended upon his recovery may be much assisted
by medicines and upon a paper apart I have pre¬
scribed two which he may employ till his strength
is pretty well established. He need not carry them
from hence as they may be got prepared in almost
any part of the Country.

William Cullen -

Edinr. 2d. April

[Page 5]

For M Jones

Tinctur. Martis ppt.
Sacchar. alb. puriss. @gr. X
Cinnam. pulv. gr. V
Misce f. pulvis. et f. h. m. dos. № XIV
Sig. Strengthening Powders one to be
taken in a little Currant Jelly twice a day
washing down each dose with two table
Spoonfuls of the following

Tinct. Cort. Peruv. ℥jfs
Tinct. amar. ℥j
Tinct. aromat. ℥fs
Aq. Cinnamom. Simp. ℥vi
ℳ Sig. Strengthening Tincture two table Spoonfuls to be taken after every dose of the Powders

W.C. ---

2d. April 1785

[Page 6]

For Mr Jones

Tinct. mart. Ph. Ed. ℥iv
Sig. Chalybeate Tincture
twenty drops to be taken
in a glass of wate rtwo three
times a day


2d. April


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