The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:2771] From: Mr William MacAlpine / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr William MacAlpine (Patient) / 7 March 1786 / (Incoming)
Letter from William MacAlpine, concerning his own case.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 2771 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/1811 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 7 March 1786 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from William MacAlpine, concerning his own case. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | Yes |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:749] |
Case of William Macalpine who has swellings or 'boils' in his groins which he is hoping are not venereal. |
4 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:5571] | Author | Mr William MacAlpine |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:5571] | Patient | Mr William MacAlpine |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Cromwell Park | Perth | Mid Scotland | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | Perth | Mid Scotland | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Place of Handstamp | Perth | Mid Scotland | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
Cromwell Park by Perth
March 7th 1786
I had the Honor of Your Letter of the
21st. Ultimo - but as I had not a proper Opportunity for several
Days after receiving your Prescription - to get the Medicine made
up - I kept at home - & rub'd the Parts with Mercurial Ointment -
& continued to do so till Friday last the 3d. Instant - but without
any apparent Change to the Better or Worse - I felt however
the largest Swelling on my left Groin - more irritated - when I
walk'd or mov'd - but when still - it gave me no Pain ↑nor was it painfull to the Touch↑ - The
Red inflam'd Appearance of it rather increas'd - & even in Size - more
towards a Cone - & a broader Stool of a Base --- On Friday
the 3d Instant - I rode into Perth - got your Medecine made up
& rub'd the Parts as desir'd - that Night - & came home next day
& keept the House all Saturday & Sunday - applying the Medecine
as directed - without any apparent Change - only I felt the
Irritation when I mov'd more - more uneasy --- I had occasion to
be in Perth again Yesterday - & still continued to apply the
Ointment as desir'd - but on coming out to day from Perth
the Swelling broke - & empty'd forth a copious quantity of a
thinnish Stuff - staining my Shirt with a Yellowish
Colour - much the same as a a common venereal Running
to Appearance - & immediately on it's Breaking - the
Irritation went off - & I mov'd about with perfect Ease -
On my coming home - I wash'd all the Part with
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Millk warm Soap Water - & anointed the Boil - with the
Same ointment your prescrib'd - which Operation I have
just now finished - & intend to continue it - till I receive
Your further Directions what to apply to it ---
The little Swelling on my Right Groin continues much
the same in Size as before - I apply'd your Ointment
which I have now done about 4 Days ---
For every other Respect - I feel myself in high
Health & Spirits - which makes me flatter myself with
the Hopes - that Nothing serious at least of the
Venereal kind has taken any hold of my Blood
& that if the Parts were healed - I should have no
further Trouble --- But I must intreat your
full Opinion in Course - as these Matters must not
be trusted to ones own favourable hopes - & flattering Confidence
If possible I wish to avoid the Necessity of going
to Edinburgh just now ---
I have the Honor to be with perfect Truth
and Respect
Dear Sir
Your most Obedient
humble Servant
[Page 3]
Pray would it be right to bath the Boil
with Sugar of Lead Water or put a Pultice
of that to it - & should it be apply'd cold
or warm -
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Doctor William Cullen
Mr. Macalpine
March 1786
V. XVIII. P. 48.
Diplomatic Text
Cromwell Park by Perth
March 7th 1786
I had the Honor of Your Letter of the
21st. Ulto. - but as I had not a proper Opportunity for several
Days after receiving your Prescription - to get the Medicine made
up - I kept at home - & rub'd the Parts with Mercurial Ointment -
& continued to do so till Friday last the 3d. Inst. - but without
any apparent Change to the Better or Worse - I felt however
the largest Swelling on my left Groin - more irritated - when I
walk'd or mov'd - but when still - it gave me no Pain ↑nor was it painfull to the Touch↑ - The
Red inflam'd Appearance of it rather increas'd - & even in Size - more
towards a Cone - & a broader Stool of a Base --- On Friday
the 3d Inst - I rode into Perth - got your Medecine made up
& rub'd the Parts as desir'd - that Night - & came home next day
& keept the House all Saturday & Sunday - applying the Medecine
as directed - without any apparent Change - only I felt the
Irritation when I mov'd more - more uneasy --- I had occasion to
be in Perth again Yesterday - & still continued to apply the
Ointment as desir'd - but on coming out to day from Perth
the Swelling broke - & empty'd forth a copious quantity of a
thinnish Stuff - staining my Shirt with a Yellowish
Colour - much the same as a a common venereal Running
to Appearance - & immediately on it's Breaking - the
Irritation went off - & I mov'd about with perfect Ease -
On my coming home - I wash'd all the Part with
[Page 2]
Millk warm Soap Water - & anointed the Boil - with the
Same ointment your prescrib'd - which Operation I have
just now finished - & intend to continue it - till I receive
Your further Directions what to apply to it ---
The little Swelling on my Right Groin continues much
the same in Size as before - I apply'd your Ointment
which I have now done about 4 Days ---
For every other Respect - I feel myself in high
Health & Spirits - which makes me flatter myself with
the Hopes - that Nothing serious at least of the
Venereal kind has taken any hold of my Blood
& that if the Parts were healed - I should have no
further Trouble --- But I must intreat your
full Opinion in Course - as these Matters must not
be trusted to ones own favourable hopes - & flattering Confidence
If possible I wish to avoid the Necessity of going
to Edinburgh just now ---
I have the Honor to be with perfect Truth
and Respect
Dear Sir
Your most Obedient
humble Servant
[Page 3]
Pray would it be right to bath the Boil
with Sugar of Lead Water or put a Pultice
of that to it - & should it be apply'd cold
or warm -
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Doctor William Cullen
Mr. Macalpine
March 1786
V. XVIII. P. 48.
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