The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:2738] From: Dr Alexander Stewart / To: [ADDRESSEE UNKNOWN] / Regarding: Reverend Adam Ferguson (Patient) / October 1785 / (Incoming)
Letter from Alexander Stewart to Niel Ferguson, concerning the case of Ferguson's father. Sent to Cullen to inform him of the case.
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- Diplomatic Text
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 2738 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/1777 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | October 1785 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from Alexander Stewart to Niel Ferguson, concerning the case of Ferguson's father. Sent to Cullen to inform him of the case. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | Yes |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:1796] |
Case of the Reverend Mr Adam Ferguson who has skin eruptions on his arm and a painful thigh. |
5 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:3478] | Author | Dr Alexander Stewart |
[PERS ID:3475] | Patient | Reverend Adam Ferguson |
[PERS ID:3478] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr Alexander Stewart |
[PERS ID:830] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr Robert Menzies (of Dura ) |
[PERS ID:3479] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | Mr Niel Ferguson |
[PERS ID:3481] | Other | Sir George |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Dunkeld | Mid Scotland | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Destination of Letter | St. Andrews Square | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Mentioned / Other | Cupar (Coupar / Coupar of Fife) | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | Fife | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | Moulin | Mid Scotland | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Place of Handstamp | Dunkeld | Mid Scotland | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
My Dear Sir --
Your kind favor came here
some days ago - When I was out of town
to which you must Impute the delay
of writting you -- and as I had not
seen your father this Eigth days -- I
thought it would be proper to go to Mouline
in case there were Any Change since
I had Seen him before - I {illeg}
went up yeaster day and dined with
him -- His Complaint I am sorry to say
is rather gaining ground than other¬
wise -- The Blotches that were on his
arms and legs when you saw him
last -- [Have?] now [covered?] a much large
surface and are of a more florid
appearance -- discharging a sort
of thin & hash Liquor -- which seems
to Corrode the Skin all round - And
[Page 2]
from the freshness of this Liquor to¬
gether with the Itchiness of the part
I believe is owning its preceeding
so Much -- He has All Along been
very Costive - to Obviate that he
has got some doses of the Polycrest-
Salt -- and Continues the external
Application [becom?] mended by
Dr. Menzies of Couper of Fife -
he has [given don the Lowland?] --
He is likewise much distressed
with pains in his Legs - which
are a good deal Swelled -- especially
the One that was not fractured -- and
Emits at the Ankles a Liquor of the
same Nature with that discharged
from the Other Blotches --
[Page 3]
It is confined as yet to the Extremeties
The colour of the Leg that is Most swelled
is something {illeg} or {illeg} - but dont think
there is any Danger -- as I believe it is the
Effect of the [fire?] in a great measure - He has
his appetite pretty well -- I have recommended
a Vegetable Diet to him -- And I cant help
thinking but it is a Scorbutic complaint
[However?] I may be mistaken - And I beg you take
a Consultation -- Youll be better able to de¬
scribe the appearance of his complaint from what
you saw of him -- Than I am able to do within
the Bounds of a Letter -- I dont know whether
or not pitkeathly ↑water↑ brought up for him would not
be proper -- however this leave to the decision
of able Men which you have Within reach -- I only
beg you will if [possible?] let me have there
Opinion on Tuesday -- As I wish much
he Was better --- For No[thwith]standing his not
[Page 4]
not being well -- And this Cold [wrath?]
he persists in preaching every sunday
which I really think is bad for him
but could not prevail upon him
to let it alone I wish you would write
him -- Best respects to Mr. Ferguson
& sisters -- I hope you have had good Accounts
of Sir George -- I am my Dear Sir ---
Your very sincerely
Alex. Stewart
Sunday [2?]
Niel Ferguson
Esqe. Advocate
Saint Andrew's Square Newtown
Diplomatic Text
My Dear Sir --
Your kind favor came here
some days ago - When I was out of town
to which you must Impute the delay
of writting you -- and as I had not
seen your father this Eigth days -- I
thought it would be proper to go to Mouline
in case there were Any Change since
I had Seen him before - I {illeg}
went up yeaster day and dined with
him -- His Complaint I am sorry to say
is rather gaining ground than other¬
wise -- The Blotches that were on his
arms and legs when you saw him
last -- [Have?] now [covered?] a much large
surface and are of a more florid
appearance -- discharging a sort
of thin & hash Liquor -- which seems
to Corrode the Skin all round - And
[Page 2]
from the freshness of this Liquor to¬
gether with the Itchiness of the part
I believe is owning its preceeding
so Much -- He has All Along been
very Costive - to Obviate that he
has got some doses of the Polycrest-
Salt -- and Continues the external
Application [becom?] mended by
Dr. Menzies of Couper of Fife -
he has [given don the Lowland?] --
He is likewise much distressed
with pains in his Legs - which
are a good deal Swelled -- especially
the One that was not fractured -- and
Emits at the Ankles a Liquor of the
same Nature with that discharged
from the Other Blotches --
[Page 3]
It is confined as yet to the Extremeties
The colour of the Leg that is Most swelled
is something {illeg} or {illeg} - but dont think
there is any Danger -- as I believe it is the
Effect of the [fire?] in a great measure - He has
his appetite pretty well -- I have recommended
a Vegetable Diet to him -- And I cant help
thinking but it is a Scorbutic complaint
[However?] I may be mistaken - And I beg you take
a Consultation -- Youll be better able to de¬
scribe the appearance of his complaint from what
you saw of him -- Than I am able to do within
the Bounds of a Letter -- I dont know whether
or not pitkeathly ↑water↑ brought up for him would not
be proper -- however this leave to the decision
of able Men which you have Within reach -- I only
beg you will if [possible?] let me have there
Opinion on Tuesday -- As I wish much
he Was better --- For No[thwith]standing his not
[Page 4]
not being well -- And this Cold [wrath?]
he persists in preaching every sunday
which I really think is bad for him
but could not prevail upon him
to let it alone I wish you would write
him -- Best respects to Mr. Ferguson
& sisters -- I hope you have had good Accts,
of Sir George -- I am my Dr. Sir ---
Your very sincerely
Alex. Stewart
Sunday [2?]
Niel Ferguson
Esqe. Advocate
St. Andrew's Square Newtown
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