
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:2713] From: Dr Richard Milnes / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr Darrel (Patient) / 4 October 1785 / (Incoming)

Letter from Richard Milnes, concerning the case of an unnamed male patient 'whose case I consulted you about in the months of April & May' identifiable as Mr Darrel.


There are 4 images for this document.

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DOC ID 2713
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/1754
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date4 October 1785
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from Richard Milnes, concerning the case of an unnamed male patient 'whose case I consulted you about in the months of April & May' identifiable as Mr Darrel.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting Yes


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1780]
Case of Mr Darrell who has various symptoms including a skin complaint, a cold, feverishness and a nephritic condition.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:3641]AuthorDr Richard Milnes
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:3642]PatientMr Darrel
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:3641]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Richard Milnes
[PERS ID:3494]Other Physician / SurgeonDr William Falconer

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Chesterfield Midlands England Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Place of Handstamp Chesterfield Midlands England Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]

Chesterfield, Derbyshire, October 4. 1785.

Dear Sir,

The Patient, whose Case I consulted you
about in the months of April & May, is now in a
very different Situation from what He was at
that Time- The Nephritic Complaints were then
most prevalent, and continued to prevail, in Spite
of our Endeavours to remove them by means of
warm Bathing, the Infusion of Daucus, and Soap
& Lime-water, all which He used for a consid¬
erable Time agreably to your Directions. About
2 months ago I advised him to try the new
Remedy lately recommended to public notice by
Dr. Falconer, viz, the aerated alcaline Solution.
Which He has continued to take ever since at the
Rate of about twelve ounces daily, and has
received singular Benefit from it. after He had
taken this medecine 4 or 5 Days, his Urine, which
for some months before had been always turbid,

[Page 2]

loaded with Sand, and in small Quantity, became clear,
free from Precepitation, and copious; and the uneasy
Sensations about the kidneys gradually abated and
are now ↑so↑ intirely removed, that He can bear Horse¬
Exercise perfectly well. From the Success of this
Medecine in this Case, and in another similar one
at ↑present↑ under my Care, I am inclined to think it
will prove a valuable acquisition to the materia

When I found the Nephritic Diathesis So
thoroughly removed, I thought it a favourable Time
for trying the Tincture of Guaiacum again in the
manner recommended by you. Accordingly He
begun it about a Fortnight ago, and had not
taken it more than ten mornings before He was
seized with the Gout in one Foot, which is now
wrapt up in Flannel, inflamed, swelled & very
painfull, and attended with a great Deal of Fever,
especially in the night. I have advised him, in order
to obviate Costiveness, to continue taking the Guaiacum
in such a Quantity, as will procure one Stool, and no
more in 24 Hours; and to live on Spoonmeats

[Page 3]

chiefly, such as Chocolates, Sago, & Broth. But as his
appetite is good, I indulge him with a small Quantity
of light Animal Food once a Day.

Now the Purport of this Letter is to beg the Favour
of your Sentiments respecting the further Treatment
of this Case. Would you advise as to persevere in
the Use of the Guaiacum during the Remainder
of the Paroxysm, or substitute Some other laxative
in its Stead? When the Violence of the [Paroxysm?]
is abated, supposing the nights should {illeg}
painfull & {illeg}, will it be adviseable to {illeg}
the Antimonial Anodyne, in order to mitiga[te the]
Pain & procure Rest? When the Paroxy[sm] [is]
quite over, will the Cortex alone, or joined with
Chalybeates, and temperate Bathing be of use?
or what other Plan would you recommend
to us. Your Answer to these Queries by the
Return of the Post will confer fresh Obligations
on our Patient, as well as on, Dear Sir,

most Obedient humble Servant

Richard Milnes

P.S. The Gentleman desires me to present his
respectfull Compliments & best thanks for your last

[Page 4]

obliging Letter, and begs your Acceptance of the
inclosed small Bill. - I forgot to mention, that
our Patient notwithstanding the Gout still continues
to take the alcaline solution saturated with fixed

Dr. William Cullen
at Edenburgh

Dr. Richard Milnes
October 1785
V.XVII. P.274.285

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

Chesterfield, Derbyshire, Oct. 4. 1785.

Dear Sir,

The Patient, whose Case I consulted you
about in the months of April & May, is now in a
very different Situation from what He was at
that Time- The Nephritic Complaints were then
most prevalent, and continued to prevail, in Spite
of our Endeavours to remove them by means of
warm Bathing, the Infusion of Daucus, and Soap
& Lime-water, all which He used for a consid¬
erable Time agreably to your Directions. About
2 months ago I advised him to try the new
Remedy lately recommended to public notice by
Dr. Falconer, viz, the aerated alcaline Solution.
Which He has continued to take ever since at the
Rate of about twelve ounces daily, and has
received singular Benefit from it. after He had
taken this medecine 4 or 5 Days, his Urine, which
for some months before had been always turbid,

[Page 2]

loaded with Sand, and in small Quantity, became clear,
free from Precepitation, and copious; and the uneasy
Sensations about the kidneys gradually abated and
are now ↑so↑ intirely removed, that He can bear Horse¬
Exercise perfectly well. From the Success of this
Medecine in this Case, and in another similar one
at ↑present↑ under my Care, I am inclined to think it
will prove a valuable acquisition to the materia

When I found the Nephritic Diathesis So
thoroughly removed, I thought it a favourable Time
for trying the Tincture of Guaiacum again in the
manner recommended by you. Accordingly He
begun it about a Fortnight ago, and had not
taken it more than ten mornings before He was
seized with the Gout in one Foot, which is now
wrapt up in Flannel, inflamed, swelled & very
painfull, and attended with a great Deal of Fever,
especially in the night. I have advised him, in order
to obviate Costiveness, to continue taking the Guaiacum
in such a Quantity, as will procure one Stool, and no
more in 24 Hours; and to live on Spoonmeats

[Page 3]

chiefly, such as Chocolates, Sago, & Broth. But as his
appetite is good, I indulge him with a small Quantity
of light Animal Food once a Day.

Now the Purport of this Letter is to beg the Favour
of your Sentiments respecting the further Treatment
of this Case. Would you advise as to persevere in
the Use of the Guaiacum during the Remainder
of the Paroxysm, or substitute Some other laxative
in its Stead? When the Violence of the [Paroxysm?]
is abated, supposing the nights should {illeg}
painfull & {illeg}, will it be adviseable to {illeg}
the Antimonial Anodyne, in order to mitiga[te the]
Pain & procure Rest? When the Paroxy[sm] [is]
quite over, will the Cortex alone, or joined with
Chalybeates, and temperate Bathing be of use?
or what other Plan would you recommend
to us. Your Answer to these Queries by the
Return of the Post will confer fresh Obligations
on our Patient, as well as on, Dear Sir,

most Obedt. humble Servant

Richard Milnes

P.S. The Gentleman desires me to present his
respectfull Complts. & best thanks for your last

[Page 4]

obliging Letter, and begs your Acceptance of the
inclosed small Bill. - I forgot to mention, that
our Patient notwithstanding the Gout still continues
to take the alcaline solution saturated with fixed

Dr. William Cullen
at Edenburgh

Dr. R. Milnes
Octr. 1785
V.XVII. P.274.285


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