The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:2615] From: Dr William Anderson / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr (Patient) / 16 May 1785 / (Incoming)
Letter from William Anderson, concerning the case of an unnamed male patient, 'a friend of mine, who has been complaining now and then these eight years past, but whose complaints have been much worse since January last'. The friend suffers from urinary and abdominal disorders.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 2615 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/1661 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 16 May 1785 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from William Anderson, concerning the case of an unnamed male patient, 'a friend of mine, who has been complaining now and then these eight years past, but whose complaints have been much worse since January last'. The friend suffers from urinary and abdominal disorders. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | Yes |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:1835] |
Case of an unnamed male patient with a long-standing, painful urinary problem as reported by his friend William Anderson. |
2 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:3809] | Author | Dr William Anderson |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:3810] | Patient | Mr |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:3809] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Anderson |
[PERS ID:3809] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | Dr William Anderson |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Annan | Borders | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | West Indies | certain | ||||
Mentioned / Other | Annan | Borders | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Place of Handstamp | Annan | Borders | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
To Dr. Cullen /
A friend of mine, who has been com¬
plaining now and then these eight years past, but
whose complaints have been much worse since
January last, desired I would write you his case as he
has heard of your extensive practice and greatly de¬
pends upon your judgement, would esteem it a parti¬
cular favour if you would consider his Complaints &
deliver your sentiments concerning them as fully and
particularly as possible, being very Anxious about
himself would wish you to deliver your opinion
without reserve --- Complains of a Scanty emis¬
sion of Urine, with a Sensation of fulness all over
the Abdomen, and often continues 'till he either takes
physic or some strong diuretic, when this fulness
is present to any great degree, upon pressure being
made on the Illia a Crackling Noise is perceived
as if the Intestine were either blown up or Air
had got into the Cavity of the Peritoneum - The ful¬
ness is constantly accompained with an obtuse
(sometimes hot and burning) pain in the Illium
Testicle, Yard and thigh of the side affected, (both Sides
are affected tho' almost never at the same time)
Sometimes in making of Urine will stand A
long time before he can do it and always when made
is high coloured (Sometimes of the colour of whey) but
deposited no sediment when Cold -- Neither the pain
nor sensation of fulness seem to depend upon ob¬
[Page 2]
Obstruction abate of Urine in the Bladder for on In¬
troducing the Staff no uncommon resistance was
felt neither could any thing be perceived in the
Bladder - The Kidneys are altogether free from
pain, tho' up on long Stooping or Standing a pain
is felt in the small of the Back -- Is so costive
as to have only one Stool in 3 or 4 days unless
when taking Physic, has always a sensation of
Weight in the lower part of the abdomen and
Rectum - has taken a good many medicines
without any relief Viz. Sal: Diuret: Sap: Hispan:
Sp: Nitr: Ol: Junip: Caust: Alk: Bals: Capiv: Aqua
calc: had also an Issue in his leg some time ago &
was blister'd on the small of the Back but without
the smallest relief to any of the Symproms - Never
had any Venerial Complaints - Finds most re¬
lief from a large dose of Strong Gin Punch 1 with
a little Sal: Nitr: mixed in it, this has the Effect
of making him pass a great quantity of Urine
without this all the other diuretics mentioned
will not make him pass above one pound in
24 hours - Is Sleep little or none from the pain
in the Illia &c. Nor does he perceive any relief
from any kind of Regimen - Wishes you would
mention likewise what Climate would suit
him best, as he has an offer to go to the West
Indies in the Mercantile line and is obliged to
return an answer in the course of 10 or 14
days; therefore would gladly hear from you
[Page 3]
before that time as his answer very much depends on hearing from
you, he is about 26 years of age and has never been in publick bus¬
iness is of a fair complexion with [hair?] inclining to Yellow -- you'll find
inclosed a Guinea note which please Accept of as a small reward for
your trouble And am
Dear Sir
Your Much obliged Pupil
& very humble Servant
Will: Anderson
Annan May 16th.
Please direct for Mr. Will: Anderson Annan
[Page 4]
Doctor Cullen
Professor of Medicine
Mr. William Anderson
May 1785
V: XVII. P.94
1: Punch is a 'drink made from a mixture of alcoholic and non-alcoholic ingredients, now usually wine or spirits mixed with water, fruit, spices, and sugar, and often served hot' OED. In this instance the dominant ingredient was gin.
Diplomatic Text
To Dr. Cullen /
A friend of mine, who has been com¬
plaining now and then these eight years past, but
whose complaints have been much worse since
January last, desired I would write you his case as he
has heard of your extensive practice and greatly de¬
pends upon your judgement, would esteem it a parti¬
cular favour if you would consider his Complaints &
deliver your sentiments concerning them as fully and
particularly as possible, being very Anxious about
himself would wish you to deliver your opinion
without reserve --- Complains of a Scanty emis¬
sion of Urine, with a Sensation of fulness all over
the Abdomen, and often continues 'till he either takes
physic or some strong diuretic, when this fulness
is present to any great degree, upon pressure being
made on the Illia a Crackling Noise is perceived
as if the Intestine were either blown up or Air
had got into the Cavity of the Peritoneum - The ful¬
ness is constantly accompained with an obtuse
(sometimes hot and burning) pain in the Illium
Testicle, Yard and thigh of the side affected, (both Sides
are affected tho' almost never at the same time)
Sometimes in making of Urine will stand A
long time before he can do it and always when made
is high coloured (Sometimes of the colour of whey) but
deposited no sediment when Cold -- Neither the pain
nor sensation of fulness seem to depend upon ob¬
[Page 2]
Obstruction abate of Urine in the Bladder for on In¬
troducing the Staff no uncommon resistance was
felt neither could any thing be perceived in the
Bladder - The Kidneys are altogether free from
pain, tho' up on long Stooping or Standing a pain
is felt in the small of the Back -- Is so costive
as to have only one Stool in 3 or 4 days unless
when taking Physic, has always a sensation of
Weight in the lower part of the abdomen and
Rectum - has taken a good many medicines
without any relief Viz. Sal: Diuret: Sap: Hispan:
Sp: Nitr: Ol: Junip: Caust: Alk: Bals: Capiv: Aqua
calc: had also an Issue in his leg some time ago &
was blister'd on the small of the Back but without
the smallest relief to any of the Symproms - Never
had any Venerial Complaints - Finds most re¬
lief from a large dose of Strong Gin Punch 1 with
a little Sal: Nitr: mixed in it, this has the Effect
of making him pass a great quantity of Urine
without this all the other diuretics mentioned
will not make him pass above one pound in
24 hours - Is Sleep little or none from the pain
in the Illia &c. Nor does he perceive any relief
from any kind of Regimen - Wishes you would
mention likewise what Climate would suit
him best, as he has an offer to go to the West
Indies in the Mercantile line and is obliged to
return an answer in the course of 10 or 14
days; therefore would gladly hear from you
[Page 3]
before that time as his answer very much depends on hearing from
you, he is about 26 years of age and has never been in publick bus¬
iness is of a fair complexion with [hair?] inclining to Yellow -- you'll find
inclosed a Guinea note which please Accept of as a small reward for
your trouble And am
Dear Sir
Your Much oblig'd Pupil
& very humble Servt.
Will: Anderson
Annan May 16th.
Please direct for Mr. Will: Anderson Annan
[Page 4]
Doctor Cullen
Professor of Medicine
Mr. Wm. Anderson
May 1785
V: XVII. P.94
1: Punch is a 'drink made from a mixture of alcoholic and non-alcoholic ingredients, now usually wine or spirits mixed with water, fruit, spices, and sugar, and often served hot' OED. In this instance the dominant ingredient was gin.
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