
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:2171] From: Dr Alexander Stenhouse / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr Francis Somervell (Somerville, Sommerveil) (Patient) / 8 March 1782 / (Incoming)

Letter from Alexander Stenhouse, concerning the case of Francis Somervill.


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DOC ID 2171
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/1244
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date8 March 1782
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from Alexander Stenhouse, concerning the case of Francis Somervill.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:964]
Case of Francis (Frank) Somervell who has an arthritic complaint.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:2701]AuthorDr Alexander Stenhouse
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2743]PatientMr Francis Somervell (Somerville, Sommerveil)
[PERS ID:2701]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Alexander Stenhouse
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Glasgow Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred
Mentioned / Other England Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Jamaica West Indies certain
Mentioned / Other North Highlands Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Bath South-West England Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Charleston South Carolina USA North America certain
Mentioned / Other Dundee East Highlands Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Glasgow Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other New York New York USA North America certain
Mentioned / Other Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA North America certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]

History of the case of Francis Somervell Esqr.
for the Perusal of Doctor Cullen

Mr Somervell is about 35 years of age, of
a Lively imagination & a good Spirit unless he is
under the Influence of his Disorder

The first arthritick complaint was at Phi¬
ladelphia about Ten years ago, which was in one
ankle & was treated as a Strain -- It is to be
remarked that before the joints were affected
he was troubles with sore eyes, & which he has
ever since been free from ---- for one or two
years from the first attack he had only one
ankle affected once a year 8 Days at a time --
after that both ankles twice a year -- in 1776
or 77 he was much affected with pains in his
Bowels every day for 8 Days, which abated
every day after a Bumper of gin, & the fit termin¬
ated without visiting the joints ---- In January
1778 then at Jamaica was for the first time

[Page 2]

affected in the head & neck, which terminated in
the feet but left a weakness & Difficulty on moving
head or neck ---- Since 78 he has been generally
attacked spring & fall attended frequently with
pain in the side; & a sense of fullness or flatulence
in the stomach & bowels, some times accompanied
with spasms about the short ribs which ran across
& made him affraid to Cough sneeze or even move,
Liable to startings at going to sleep which was
sure to rouse the spasms --- In April 80 he
had a sight fit, none 'till January 81 which was
very severe, no part of the frame escaping, he was
then at Charles Town, but recovering in a great
measure, he went to sea the 5th of March following
for Newyork, but relapsed owing as he supposes
to exposing himself too much on shipboard, this
lasted 3 weeks & was most severe in the hip joints,
head & bowels pretty easy, which he attributed to
pills which kept his body open ---- Came to England
the first of may following, went to Bath the midle
of June, was violently attacked in hands & feet which

[Page 3]

went off in a few days, this was attended with cos¬
& uneasiness in the bowels, & he supposes
the Bath waters were instrumental of this fit ----

Last Autumn came to Glasgow & in October
was laid up with violent pains in head, neck, back
kidneys; Disordered imagination, great irritability,
spasms sleepless nights &ca, all which he recovered
off tho' not so perfectly as usual, ↑& with↑ a greater Debility
in the parts affected ----- a fortnight ago after a Jaunt
to the North Country a fit recurred sooner than he
expected, owing as we imagine to his having caught
in a tedious passage across Dundee ferry
This attack much like the last which seized him
in October, only less Violent, & is not abating slowly.

As he has been under my care ever since he
came to Glasgow, I am pretty certain the relation
of his disorder is tolerably accurate since that time

Glasgow 8th March
Alexr Stenhouse

[Page 4]

Mr Stenhouse
Concerning Mr Somerville
March. 1782.

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

History of the case of Francis Somervell Esqr.
for the Perusal of Doctor Cullen

Mr Somervell is about 35 years of age, of
a Lively imagination & a good Spirit unless he is
under the Influence of his Disorder

The first arthritick complaint was at Phi¬
ladelphia about Ten years ago, which was in one
ankle & was treated as a Strain -- It is to be
remarked that before the joints were affected
he was troubles with sore eyes, & which he has
ever since been free from ---- for one or two
years from the first attack he had only one
ankle affected once a year 8 Days at a time --
after that both ankles twice a year -- in 1776
or 77 he was much affected with pains in his
Bowels every day for 8 Days, which abated
every day after a Bumper of gin, & the fit termin¬
ated without visiting the joints ---- In January
1778 then at Jamaica was for the first time

[Page 2]

affected in the head & neck, which terminated in
the feet but left a weakness & Difficulty on moving
head or neck ---- Since 78 he has been generally
attacked spring & fall attended frequently with
pain in the side; & a sense of fullness or flatulence
in the stomach & bowels, some times accompanied
with spasms about the short ribs which ran across
& made him affraid to Cough sneeze or even move,
Liable to startings at going to sleep which was
sure to rouse the spasms --- In April 80 he
had a sight fit, none 'till January 81 which was
very severe, no part of the frame escaping, he was
then at Charles Town, but recovering in a great
measure, he went to sea the 5th of March follow'g
for Newyork, but relapsed owing as he supposes
to exposing himself too much on shipboard, this
lasted 3 weeks & was most severe in the hip joints,
head & bowels pretty easy, which he attributed to
pills which kept his body open ---- Came to England
the first of may following, went to Bath the midle
of June, was violently attacked in hands & feet which

[Page 3]

went off in a few days, this was attended with cos¬
& uneasiness in the bowels, & he supposes
the Bath waters were instrumental of this fit ----

Last Autumn came to Glasgow & in October
was laid up with violent pains in head, neck, back
kidneys; Disordered imagination, great irritability,
spasms sleepless nights &ca, all which he recovered
off tho' not so perfectly as usual, ↑& with↑ a greater Debility
in the parts affected ----- a fortnight ago after a Jaunt
to the North Country a fit recurred sooner than he
expected, owing as we imagine to his having caught
in a tedious passage across Dundee ferry
This attack much like the last which seized him
in October, only less Violent, & is not abating slowly.

As he has been under my care ever since he
came to Glasgow, I am pretty certain the relation
of his disorder is tolerably accurate since that time

Glasgow 8th March
Alexr Stenhouse

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Mr Stenhouse
C Mr Somerville
March. 1782.


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