
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1942] Cover Letter and Case Note / Regarding: Mr Samuel Crauford (Patient) / October 1780 / (Incoming)

Letter from Samuel Crawford on his own case, consisting of a covering letter by Gavin Fullarton and a case note by Crawford himself.


There are 7 images for this document.

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DOC ID 1942
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/1021
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
DateOctober 1780
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from Samuel Crawford on his own case, consisting of a covering letter by Gavin Fullarton and a case note by Crawford himself.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1273]
Case of Samuel Crawford [Craufurd] who has a 'tendency to consumption'.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:848]AuthorMr Samuel Crauford
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:848]PatientMr Samuel Crauford
[PERS ID:623]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryMr Gavin Fullarton
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:175]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Hamilton (in Glasgow)
[PERS ID:623]Supplemental AuthorMr Gavin Fullarton

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Greenock Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Cullen's House / Mint Close Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other England Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Arran Western Isles Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Glasgow Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Grassmarket / Grass Mercat Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]

Mr Crawfords compliments to Dr. Cullen
Begs leave to inclose a States of the Case
of his health, would be glade the
Dr. would peruse the Same and ap¬
point an hour to meet with Mr. Crawford
at Camerons Grass mercat, any time
this Evening if possible as Mr C. is
anxious to get home as soon as possible
but would Stay another day if the
above time did not answer the Drs.

Camerons Grass Mercat
Wednesday 4 oClock

[Page 2]

Dr. Cullen

Mr Samuel Crawfurds
October 1780.
V. XI. p. 88

[Page 3]
Case of Mr Samuel Crawford Greenock

About the beginning of June 1779 I caught
a Cold
by too precipitately Shifting my Cloaths
from thick to thin ones, this I was getting
the better of, when I unluckily renewed it
by going to bathe in the Sea one day when
I was rather warm, this last cold Stuck by me
till August when it was again near going
off, but was renewed by my one day
overheating myself in the Country & then
going into too cool a flow, which again
brought the Cold being always accompanied
by a Cough that lasted till the month of
October when I thought it easyer and by
the end of November I was getting quit
of it having little or no Cough, However

[Page 4]

unluckily for me I one day Sliped my foot
upon the floor which occasioned me a very
Severe fall which Swelled my Arm so much
that my Coat would not go on, So that I
was oblig'd to wear my great Coat, and it
not being So warm by the wideness of the
Sleeves, brought on a new Cold & Cough
which has continued with me ever Since
tho not near so violent as at first ---

The Consequence of this last Cold
was such that it brought down my body very
much weakened
me prodigiously and at
last came Such lengths as to raise obstructions
in my right & left side insomuch that
I could not breath freely when lying in bed
on any of them particularly the right Side

[Page 5]

which was very much affected. - these Symptoms
being alarming induced Mr Fullerton my
Surgeon who all along attended me from
the first of my Complaints to perswade me
to put an issue or Cotton Cord in my
Side which having done I Soon found
real benefit from, . having removed the
Obstruction of breathing in a manner totally
but never had any such great Effect
towards the Cough which still Continues
with me more & less. It will be necessary
to observe that during the whole winter.
Spring & Summer I have loved very mo¬
derately chiefly on milk & vegetables Seldom
taking Butcher meat, tho all along excepting
two weeks I had my appetite as good
as ever I had in perfect health --

[Page 6]

I have been all this Summer at Arran for
the benefit of drinking goat whey, but left
that Island about the end of August last
when I found my Cough little better
I now thought as the Season was fast ad¬
vancing towards winter, to consult Dr.
Hamilton at Glasgow about my Health
who advised me to take a Sea voyage
or a long land Jaunt, this last I
preferred and have been near Six weeks
from home thro part of England, I now
find my Cough Still continuing tho
I think rather better than when I went
from home. I must observe that dureing
the whole of my ailments & still I
have always enjoyed my nights rest

[Page 7]

and cannot Say but I have ↑all↑ along Sleept
as sound
as ever I did in my best health.

I am now induced to apply to Dr.
Cullen for his best advice on this case
which Il be glad to receive when it
Suits his Conveniency, and at meeting
will more fully explain any thing
that may not be so clear or forgot in
the above case.

NB. I forgot to mention that at Arran
there came on Swellings about my
Ancles, & often warm feet which
has continued partly since especially
at Nights, in the mornings the
Swellings are Seldom to be seen

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

Mr Crawfords compliments to Dr. Cullen
Begs leave to inclose a States of the Case
of his health, would be glade the
Dr. would peruse the Same and ap¬
point an hour to meet with Mr. Crawfd
at Camerons Grass mercat, any time
this Evening if possible as Mr C. is
anxious to get home as soon as possible
but would Stay another day if the
above time did not answer the Drs.

Camerons Grass Mercat
Wednesday 4 oClock

[Page 2]

Dr. Cullen

Mr Samuel Crawfurds
Octr. 1780.
V. XI. p. 88

[Page 3]
Case of Mr Samuel Crawford Greenock

About the beginning of June 1779 I caught
a Cold
by too precipitately Shifting my Cloaths
from thick to thin ones, this I was getting
the better of, when I unluckily renewed it
by going to bathe in the Sea one day when
I was rather warm, this last cold Stuck by me
till August when it was again near going
off, but was renewed by my one day
overheating myself in the Country & then
going into too cool a flow, which again
brought the Cold being always accompanied
by a Cough that lasted till the month of
October when I thought it easyer and by
the end of November I was getting quit
of it having little or no Cough, However

[Page 4]

unluckily for me I one day Sliped my foot
upon the floor which occasioned me a very
Severe fall which Swelled my Arm so much
that my Coat would not go on, So that I
was oblig'd to wear my great Coat, and it
not being So warm by the wideness of the
Sleeves, brought on a new Cold & Cough
which has continued with me ever Since
tho not near so violent as at first ---

The Consequence of this last Cold
was such that it brought down my body very
much weakened
me prodigiously and at
last came Such lengths as to raise obstructions
in my right & left side insomuch that
I could not breath freely when lying in bed
on any of them particularly the right Side

[Page 5]

which was very much affected. - these Symptoms
being alarming induced Mr Fullerton my
Surgeon who all along attended me from
the first of my Complaints to perswade me
to put an issue or Cotton Cord in my
Side which having done I Soon found
real benefit from, . having removed the
Obstruction of breathing in a manner totally
but never had any such great Effect
towards the Cough which still Continues
with me more & less. It will be necessary
to observe that during the whole winter.
Spring & Summer I have loved very mo¬
derately chiefly on milk & vegetables Seldom
taking Butcher meat, tho all along excepting
two weeks I had my appetite as good
as ever I had in perfect health --

[Page 6]

I have been all this Summer at Arran for
the benefit of drinking goat whey, but left
that Island about the end of August last
when I found my Cough little better
I now thought as the Season was fast ad¬
vancing towards winter, to consult Dr.
Hamilton at Glasgow about my Health
who advised me to take a Sea voyage
or a long land Jaunt, this last I
preferred and have been near Six weeks
from home thro part of England, I now
find my Cough Still continuing tho
I think rather better than when I went
from home. I must observe that dureing
the whole of my ailments & still I
have always enjoyed my nights rest

[Page 7]

and cannot Say but I have ↑all↑ along Sleept
as sound
as ever I did in my best health.

I am now induced to apply to Dr.
Cullen for his best advice on this case
which Il be glad to receive when it
Suits his Conveniency, and at meeting
will more fully explain any thing
that may not be so clear or forgot in
the above case.

NB. I forgot to mention that at Arran
there came on Swellings about my
Ancles, & often warm feet which
has continued partly since especially
at Nights, in the mornings the
Swellings are Seldom to be seen


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