
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:183] From: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / To: Mr / Regarding: Mr William Hogg (Hog) (Patient) / 17 August 1781 / (Outgoing)

Reply 'For Mr William Hog', advising him to take the sulphurous waters in Moffat. Cullen provides directions on taking the waters, dressing his sores, and diet, and encloses a laxative prescription if it is necessary.


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DOC ID 183
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/1/14/69
Main Language English
Document Direction Outgoing
Date17 August 1781
Annotation None
TypeMachine copy
Enclosure(s) Enclosure(s) present
Autopsy No
Recipe Yes
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Reply 'For Mr William Hog', advising him to take the sulphurous waters in Moffat. Cullen provides directions on taking the waters, dressing his sores, and diet, and encloses a laxative prescription if it is necessary.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:300]
Case of William Hogg who has ulcers and then a severe cough.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:1]AuthorDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:5901]AddresseeMr
[PERS ID:100]PatientMr William Hogg (Hog)
[PERS ID:5901]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryMr
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter North Berwick Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred
Therapeutic Recommendation Moffat Borders Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]
For Mr William Hog

Though the trials we have made to relive M[r.]
Hogs ailments have not been without effect yet they [have]
not gone so far as we wish and they do not promis[e to]
go so far as to allow ↑us↑ to put off another remedy th[at is]
now in season and cannot be so properly employed [at]
another time. Upon these considerations we th[ink]
he should go immediately to Moffat and drink th[e]
sulphureous water there
and for his conduct in [this]
we offer the following directions

He should drink the water as usual in the mo[rning]
↑before breakfast↑ and at the Spring unless very bad weather should [make]
this inconvenient
and in that case he may have [the]
water brought to him in bottles close corked and fr[om]
the spring to his lodging as quickly as possible.

He should begin to drink the water by degrees ta[king]
for the first day no more than ↑a↑ muchkin but every da[y]
after he may increase it by degrees till he can tak[e]

[Page 2]

two or three and and if his stomach bear it well even four
muchkins every morning but this is the utmost he can
go to with safety or any advantages. The drinking
it at any other time of day than the morning is of very
little or no service. He should drink the water by
half a muchkin at a draught,
allow some interval between
the draughts and walk about in the mean time.

If the water taken pretty largely keeps his belly
open he need take no laxative or purgative with
it but if the water does not move his belly he should
twice a week take a medicine that ↑may↑ move him gently
for much purging is not at all proper. In the paper
inclosed a medicine is prescribed which he may take
with him from Edinburgh. One or two table spoon¬
fulls is to be put into the first draught of the Mof¬
fat water
drinking his usual quantity of this after it
A trial or two will learn him to adjust his dose.

While Mr Hog remains at Moffat the best dressing
for his sores will be a fourfold piece of linnen dipt

[Page 3]

in the Moffat water and applied to the sore wetting again
the cloth as often as it dries. This ↑he↑ is to do in the day
time ↑and↑ at bedtime he is to apply a little cerate spread on a
bit of linnen.

In diet Mr Hog may take any ordinary fare but
he should avoid fat meats, fish, Eggs or cheese. Both
at dinner and supper he may take a few glasses of Wine
or Punch but in either of them he should be extremely
moderate. Malt liquor of all kinds is very improper
for him.

During the drinking of this water he will be much
the better for being ↑much↑ in the fresh air either walking or
riding but he should take care never to be heated by
much walking.

A Month or at most six weeks will be enough for
Mr Hogs trial of this remedy. Bathing is sometimes
practised and tho we do not expect much from it he may
try it twice a week for the last two weeks he is to
remainn at Moffat

William Cullen
Edinburgh 17th August

[Page 4]
For Mr Wm Hog

Take one ounce each of Soluble tartar and Glauber's Salts, half an ounce each of Spanish sea-salt and polychrest salts, six ounces of Spring water, and two ounces of simple cinnamon water. Dissolve and strain. Label: Laxative Solution a table spoonfull or two to be taken when occasion requires.

W. C.
17th Aug.

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
For Mr William Hog

Though the trials we have made to relive M[r.]
Hogs ailments have not been without effect yet they [have]
not gone so far as we wish and they do not promis[e to]
go so far as to allow ↑us↑ to put off another remedy th[at is]
now in season and cannot be so properly employed [at]
another time. Upon these considerations we th[ink]
he should go immediately to Moffat and drink th[e]
sulphureous water there
and for his conduct in [this]
we offer the following directions

He should drink the water as usual in the mo[rning]
↑before breakfast↑ and at the Spring unless very bad weather should [make]
this inconvenient
and in that case he may have [the]
water brought to him in bottles close corked and fr[om]
the spring to his lodging as quickly as possible.

He should begin to drink the water by degrees ta[king]
for the first day no more than ↑a↑ muchkin but every da[y]
after he may increase it by degrees till he can tak[e]

[Page 2]

two or three and and if his stomach bear it well even four
muchkins every morning but this is the utmost he can
go to with safety or any advantages. The drinking
it at any other time of day than the morning is of very
little or no service. He should drink the water by
half a muchkin at a draught,
allow some interval between
the draughts and walk about in the mean time.

If the water taken pretty largely keeps his belly
open he need take no laxative or purgative with
it but if the water does not move his belly he should
twice a week take a medicine that ↑may↑ move him gently
for much purging is not at all proper. In the paper
inclosed a medicine is prescribed which he may take
with him from Edinburgh. One or two table spoon¬
fulls is to be put into the first draught of the Mof¬
fat water
drinking his usual quantity of this after it
A trial or two will learn him to adjust his dose.

While Mr Hog remains at Moffat the best dressing
for his sores will be a fourfold piece of linnen dipt

[Page 3]

in the Moffat water and applied to the sore wetting again
the cloth as often as it dries. This ↑he↑ is to do in the day
time ↑and↑ at bedtime he is to apply a little cerate spread on a
bit of linnen.

In diet Mr Hog may take any ordinary fare but
he should avoid fat meats, fish, Eggs or cheese. Both
at dinner and supper he may take a few glasses of Wine
or Punch but in either of them he should be extremely
moderate. Malt liquor of all kinds is very improper
for him.

During the drinking of this water he will be much
the better for being ↑much↑ in the fresh air either walking or
riding but he should take care never to be heated by
much walking.

A Month or at most six weeks will be enough for
Mr Hogs trial of this remedy. Bathing is sometimes
practised and tho we do not expect much from it he may
try it twice a week for the last two weeks he is to
remainn at Moffat

William Cullen
Edinr. 17th Augst.

[Page 4]
For Mr Wm Hog

Tartar. solub.
Sal. Glauber @ ℥j
–– marin. Hispan.
–– polychrest. @ ℥ſs
Aq. font. ℥vj
cinnam. simpl. ℥ij
Solve et cola
Sig. Laxative Solution a table
spoonfull or two to be taken when
occasion requires

W. C.
17th Aug.


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