
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1828] From: Dr James Kenneth Saunders / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mrs Innes (of Muiriefauld, Muiryfold) (Patient) / 30? October? 1770? / (Incoming)

Letter from James Saunders concerning the case of Mrs Innes, at the request of Mr Innes of Murryfolds. He also reports the death of his son David.


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DOC ID 1828
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/908
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date30? October? 1770?
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from James Saunders concerning the case of Mrs Innes, at the request of Mr Innes of Murryfolds. He also reports the death of his son David.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:61]
Case of Mrs Innes diagnosed as having 'abdominal obstructions'.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:596]AuthorDr James Kenneth Saunders
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:35]PatientMrs Innes (of Muiriefauld, Muiryfold)
[PERS ID:596]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr James Kenneth Saunders
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:774]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMr Innes (of Muriefold/Muirfauld/Muiriefaulds)
[PERS ID:1538]Other David Saunders

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Banff (Bamf) East Highlands Scotland Europe inferred
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]
Dear Sir

I sit down to give you this trouble at the desire of Mr
Innes of Muiryfolds, after seeing Mrs Innes yesterday --- you are so
well known to her Case that I need not resume --- I was happy, as
it was an opinion I had at first sight adopted, to find that you
thought the Case of her complaints was abdominal obstructions.

After your Letter to me she made a trial of the Juices of the Nastur¬
&c; but they did not agree with her stomach & were therfore
soon laid aside --- thereafter she began with small Doses of the
Tartarus regeneratus, which sensibly encreasd the quantity of her Urine
& by continung it she has had no use for any other laxative medi¬
cine --- upon this the fullness of her Belly & universal flabbyness
of all her body, has gradually gone off, she has recoverd her appe
tite & Spirits & been able to move about with uncommon a¬
gility - that weight & paine in her right side which I apprehended
might arise from obstructions in the Liver has quite left her,
& she is almost quite free of these nervous complaints, & uneasy sen¬
sations, from the lest noise &c --- the menses until the last
period, two Weeks ago, have flowd regularly - the only Complaint
which remained in any degree was the round Lump which she formerly
felt in her Sides, which she can now feel more distinctly as the
swelling & fulness of her Belly is so much diminishd --

[Page 2]

the Lump is to be felt in bo any side, when lying on it, which
has made her believe that its but one Lump tumbling about
altho I am enclind to think they are distinct & that both overia
are affected –– however this may be to the business of an Infor¬
mation to narrate facts only & to these I shall confine my
self –– after the menstrual period, six Weeks ago which was then
regular, she began to complaine of an Itching in her Vagina
Uterc & a Sensation of fullness & hardness there. which was not en¬
creasd by Exercise, nor gave her any other uneasiness, about this
time she had a frequent gleeting of mucous matter from the Vagina
which tingd her Linen yellow & soon therafter begun to Complaine
of difficultis Coitus & at best of its being painful to a degree
she could not bear - from the husbands accounts this seemd to arise
rather from a tenderness of the parts, than from any unusual re¬
sistance he was sensible of - the discharge of the matter encreasd
& {illeg} ({illeg}) tingd her Linen with a deeper yellow - at the menstrual
two Weeks ago, she was surprisd to find no discharge of blood
but a great Fluor albus slightly tingd which went off in a few
days - since that time the habitual discharge I have describd
is rather encreasd, the sensation of weight much the same & that
of Itching changd to a Slight sensation of heat & paine in the
Vagina uteri - the matter is so acrid as to fret the external parts
if not carefully cleand, mean time she has no Dysury ----
she has felt slight Itching in the Rectum, which made her suspect Worms

[Page 3]

the Discharge is greatest in the morning immediately after getting out
of bed --- She has no paine in her back or sides, nor in her Stomach
or strength in the least impaird --- she has had no feverish or other
symptoms which accompany or precede Suppuration - she does not say
that the matter has any smell --- I have entertaind much doubt
if this could be calld a Fluor albus ↑a disease she never had↑ & whether the Vagina uteri was
primarily affected, or if it has suffrd only by the acrimony of the
matter - she says her sensation of fullness & weight there began
as early as the discharge of matter & when it was inconsiderable -
She has taken no medicine for some time but the regenerated
& to its effects on her urine & regulating her Belly, she
ascribes her recovery from her former Complaints - Mr Innes &
I were anxious for your advice on this new Complaint which youlle
be so good as to send me as soon as you can - It was thought
proper to conceal from Mrs Innes the writing to you, to remove any
suspicion of her thinking these complaints of much consequence.
In the meantime I have advisd nothing, but careful cleaning of
the parts with milk & water of the degree of animal heat, &
cautious trials to be made by her self, of injecting some of it
in to the Vagina - changing her ordinary drink to the almond
or arabic emulsion & swallowing ten gutts of the Balsam of
three or four times a day on a bit of Suggar ---
this is all occurs to me & I wish for your advice & a Solution of
these doubts --

[Page 4]

I know you will sympathise with me on the Death
of my son David, which happnd at Madrass January last after
having got over every difficulty from setting out first in
business & having a faire prospect before him for Success -
in a short time he very probably could have been of great
service to his Brothers I am but ill calculated for strokes
of this kind, which occasion a painful remembrance of my
happiest days, rearing my family up full of hopes of their
success, which at the same time puts me in mind of the many obli¬
gations you laid on me for your goodness to him {illeg}
and his other two Brothers.

I wish most sincerely
all prosperity & happiness to you & your Family & I am
with the most perfect esteem Dear Sir your most faithful
& obedient humble servant
Jas Saunders

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
Dear Sir

I sit down to give you this trouble at ye desire of Mr
Innes of Muiryfolds, after seeing Mrs Innes yesterday --- you are so
well known to her Case that I need not resume --- I was happy, as
it was an opinion I had at first sight adopted, to find that you
thought the Case of her complaints was abdominal obstructions.

After your Letter to me she made a trial of the Juices of the Nastur¬
&c; but they did not agree with her stomach & were therfore
soon laid aside --- thereafter she began with small Doses of the
Tartarus regeneratus, qch sensibly encreasd the quantity of her Urine
& by continung it she has had no use for any other laxative medi¬
cine --- upon this the fullness of her Belly & universal flabbyness
of all her body, has gradually gone off, she has recoverd her appe
tite & Spirits & been able to move about with uncommon a¬
gility - that weight & paine in her right side qch I apprehended
might arise from obstructions in the Liver has quite left her,
& she is almost quite free of these nervous complaints, & uneasy sen¬
sations, from the lest noise &c --- the menses until the last
period, two Weeks ago, have flowd regularly - the only Complaint
qch remained in any degree was the round Lump qch she formerly
felt in her Sides, qch she can now feel more distinctly as the
swelling & fulness of her Belly is so much diminishd --

[Page 2]

the Lump is to be felt in bo any side, when lying on it, qch
has made her believe that its but one Lump tumbling about
altho I am enclind to think they are distinct & that both overia
are affected –– however this may be to the business of an Infor¬
mation to narrate facts only & to these I shall confine my
self –– after the menstrual period, six Weeks ago qch was then
regular, she began to complaine of an Itching in her Vagina
Uterc & a Sensation of fullness & hardness there. qch was not en¬
creasd by Exercise, nor gave her any other uneasiness, about this
time she had a frequent gleeting of mucous matter from the Vagina
qch tingd her Linen yellow & soon therafter begun to Complaine
of difficultis Coitus & at best of its being painful to a degree
she could not bear - from the husbands accounts this seemd to arise
rather from a tenderness of the parts, than from any unusual re¬
sistance he was sensible of - the discharge of the matter encreasd
& {illeg} ({illeg}) tingd her Linen with a deeper yellow - at the menstrual
two Weeks ago, she was surprisd to find no discharge of blood
but a great Fluor albus slightly tingd qch went off in a few
days - since that time the habitual discharge I have describd
is rather encreasd, the sensation of weight much the same & that
of Itching changd to a Slight sensation of heat & paine in ye
Vagina uteri - the matter is so acrid as to fret the external parts
if not carefully cleand, mean time she has no Dysury ----
she has felt slight Itching in ye Rectum, qch made her suspect Worms

[Page 3]

the Discharge is greatest in ye morning immediately after getting out
of bed --- She has no paine in her back or sides, nor in her Stomach
or strength in the least impaird --- she has had no feverish or other
symptoms qch accompany or precede Suppuration - she does not say
that the matter has any smell --- I have entertaind much doubt
if this could be calld a Fluor albus ↑a disease she never had↑ & whether the Vagina uteri was
primarily affected, or if it has suffrd only by the acrimony of the
matter - she says her sensation of fullness & weight there began
as early as the discharge of matter & when it was inconsiderable -
She has taken no medicine for some time but the regenerated
& to its effects on her urine & regulating her Belly, she
ascribes her recovery from her former Complaints - Mr Innes &
I were anxious for your advice on this new Complaint qch youlle
be so good as to send me as soon as you can - It was thought
proper to conceal from Mrs Innes the writing to you, to remove any
suspicion of her thinking these complaints of much consequence.
In the meantime I have advisd nothing, but careful cleaning of
the parts with milk & water of the degree of animal heat, &
cautious trials to be made by her self, of injecting some of it
in to the Vagina - changing her ordinary drink to the almond
or arabic emulsion & swallowing ten gutts of the Balsam of
three or four times a day on a bit of Suggar ---
this is all occurs to me & I wish for your advice & a Solution of
these doubts --

[Page 4]

I know you will sympathise with me on the Death
of my son David, qch happnd at Madrass January last after
having got over every difficulty from setting out first in
business & having a faire prospect before him for Success -
in a short time he very probably could have been of great
service to his Brothers I am but ill calculated for strokes
of this kind, qch occasion a painful remembrance of my
happiest days, rearing my family up full of hopes of their
success, qch at the same time puts me in mind of the many obli¬
gations you laid on me for your goodness to him {illeg}
and his other two Brothers.

I wish most sincerely
all prosperity & happiness to you & your Family & I am
with the most perfect esteem Dear Sir your most faithful
& obedt huble servt
Jas Saunders


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