
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1739] From: Dr Alexander Stevenson (Professor; of Dalgairn ) / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Miss Rebecca Glassford (Beckie) (Patient) / 10 October 1779 / (Incoming)

Letter from Alexander Stevenson concerning the case of Miss Becky Glassford.


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DOC ID 1739
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/826
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date10 October 1779
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from Alexander Stevenson concerning the case of Miss Becky Glassford.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting Yes


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:329]
Case of Miss Beckie Glassford who is suffering from various weakening symptoms, including a bad cough.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:563]AuthorDr Alexander Stevenson (Professor; of Dalgairn )
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2585]PatientMiss Rebecca Glassford (Beckie)
[PERS ID:563]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Alexander Stevenson (Professor; of Dalgairn )
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:216]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryMr Robert Wallace
[PERS ID:1619]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMr John Glassford (of Dougalston)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Glasgow Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Place of Handstamp Glasgow Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]

Glasgow October 10 1779

Dear Doctor

Mr Glassford & I will be obliged
to you for your Asistance in his daugh¬
ter Miss Becky's Case, and will be glad
to hear from you in course of Post.

She is past 20, of a pale complexion,
not formerly liable to any particular com¬
plaints - regular enough heretofore.

On the 4th August She felt a slight degree of
coldness, but no shivering, which was succeeded
by a pain of the left side, not so severe as a
Stitch, just below the breast & more towards the
back -- 5th Mr Wallace took ℥viij of sizy
blood from the Arm -- next day, she got Salts
& was the part was rubbed with Linim. vol.
She was pretty easy till the 8th when she was
bled again to ℥viij. which was sizy.

Continued pretty easy till the 15th & had walked
in the garden two Days before - Pulse moderate
& Symptoms mild, Menses expected, but did not
appear till the 18 when they were scanty & but
for one day

19th The pain of the side turn'd worse. Leeches
were applied to the part. & afterwards a Blister,
Injections, & local fomentations being previ¬
ously used ---

[Page 2]

21 Her Pulse from 112 came down to 96
she got at Night a draught with Acet. Scill.
& Laud. liq. gtt xxv. Slept well

22 Pulse 92 but rose to 100 upon an increase
of the pain
. She was bled, fomented & the belly
opened gently - Slept, but not refreshed

23Bled again to ℥viij; both very sizy.

Since then she has in general been
pretty easy, tho' at times the pain was worse
& She used various Pectoral Infusions and
Linctus' & a few Pills of the Sullit & Bals Tolut
[p. c.?]

I have said nothing of the Cough. She had
none at the beginning & but little for a good while
after, which made me hope the cause was rather
external with regard to the Lungs, or that they
were but slightly attacked. She has had more of it
since. but it is a short tearing cough and the
Expectoration is generally of clean phlegm, but
occasionally it is yellow - never approaching to
the purulent: sometime ago it seemed to come
from the pained part & satisfied us that the Lungs
were a good deal affected

About 14 days ago she was bled to ℥vi by way
of precaution it was still sizy - Two Days
after the pain of her Side increased with pains
flying to her Shoulder & tho' the breast to the
Scapula - it yelded to an Anod. Embroc. an
Injection & Poultices frequently renew'd. A Blister
wou'd have been applied had there been one there.

[Page 3]

She was so well for several Days of to sit
in the dining room - Pulse between 80 & 90.
Monday last she Menstruated as in health & for
two Days after was wonderfully easy, but on
Friday & Saturday She was harrassd with a tearing
short Cough, & tooth ache -- her Pulse quick 116
& small
-- her Nose drop'd now & then a tea Spoon¬
full of blood. the pain of the side was only uneasy
from the Cough; at other times She made a tollerable
Inspiration & with little uneasiness.

From the tooth ache, her Eyes being a little affected
& a slight headache, I suspect some
push upon the head, perhaps from Cold;
& the lungs have also suffered.
The Headache abated by the Drops of blood
so did the tooth ache; I therefore desired
it might not be discouraged -- She took
Salts to day & I hope a Blister will be put upon
the Side to morrow. She uses a Linctus with Syr. Pap. alb.
Her Diet has been chiefly Bread & Whey from choice,
Vegetables & fruits - & Asses Milk - She wears flannel

I am anxious for so fine a girl as the Season be¬
comes more unfavourable: what alarms me for her
is her great debility tho ↑She↑ has had no Evacuations
to cause it - no Sweats nor Chillness - no Looseness
& her venæsections were moderate & at good intervals.
She has never been able to ly upon her left side.
Her Spirits are good & she is cheerfull: for some days
she does not bear to be half an hour out of Bed.

I have been more Minute than was necessary
perhaps when writing to your but you will excuse it.

I am with great regard Dear Doctor
your most humble Servant

Alexr Stevenson

[Page 4]

Doctor Cullen
Professor of Physic

one Sheet

1. V.S. The [surent prec.?]
& as far as her strength allows
[birt?] I would it

Blist. not yet exhausted.
& I hope - a good opin:
B. [siger?] but not perg.
if easily [vomded?] or
Diet - Pectorals

Dr Stevenson. Concerning
Miss Glassford.
October 1779.
№.X. p.98.

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

Glasgow Octr 10 1779

Dear Doctor

Mr Glassford & I will be obliged
to you for your Asistance in his daugh¬
ter Miss Becky's Case, and will be glad
to hear from you in course of Post.

She is past 20, of a pale complexion,
not formerly liable to any particular com¬
plaints - regular enough heretofore.

On the 4th Augt She felt a slight degree of
coldness, but no shivering, which was succeeded
by a pain of the left side, not so severe as a
Stitch, just below the breast & more towards the
back -- 5th Mr Wallace took ℥viij of sizy
blood from the Arm -- next day, she got Salts
& was the part was rubd with Linim. vol.
She was pretty easy till the 8th when she was
bled again to ℥viij. which was sizy.

Continued pretty easy till the 15th & had walked
in the garden two Days before - Pulse moderate
& Symptoms mild, Menses expected, but did not
appear till the 18 when they were scanty & but
for one day

19th The pain of the side turn'd worse. Leeches
were applied to the part. & afterwards a Blister,
Injections, & local fomentations being previ¬
ously used ---

[Page 2]

21 Her Pulse from 112 came down to 96
she got at Night a draught with Acet. Scill.
& Laud. liq. gtt xxv. Slept well

22 Pulse 92 but rose to 100 upon an increase
of the pain
. She was bled, fomented & the belly
opened gently - Slept, but not refreshed

23Bled again to ℥viij; both very sizy.

Since then she has in general been
pretty easy, tho' at times the pain was worse
& She used various Pectoral Infusions and
Linctus' & a few Pills of the Sullit & Bals Tolut
[p. c.?]

I have said nothing of the Cough. She had
none at the beginning & but little for a good while
after, which made me hope the cause was rather
external with regard to the Lungs, or that they
were but slightly attacked. She has had more of it
since. but it is a short tearing cough and the
Expectoration is generally of clean phlegm, but
occasionally it is yellow - never approaching to
the purulent: sometime ago it seemed to come
from the pained part & satisfied us that the Lungs
were a good deal affected

About 14 days ago she was bled to ℥vi by way
of precaution it was still sizy - Two Days
after the pain of her Side increased with pains
flying to her Shoulder & tho' the breast to the
Scapula - it yelded to an Anod. Embroc. an
Injection & Poultices frequently renew'd. A Blister
wou'd have been applied had there been one there.

[Page 3]

She was so well for several Days of to sit
in the dining room - Pulse between 80 & 90.
Mondy last she Menstruated as in health & for
two Days after was wonderfully easy, but on
Friday & Saturday She was harrassd with a tearing
short Cough, & tooth ache -- her Pulse quick 116
& small
-- her Nose drop'd now & then a tea Spoon¬
full of blood. the pain of the side was only uneasy
from the Cough; at other times She made a tollerable
Inspiration & with little uneasiness.

From the tooth ache, her Eyes being a little affected
& a slight headache, I suspect some
push upon the head, perhaps from Cold;
& the lungs have also suffered.
The Headache abated by the Drops of blood
so did the tooth ache; I therefore desired
it might not be discouraged -- She took
Salts to day & I hope a Blister will be put upon
the Side to morrow. She uses a Linctus wt Syr. Pap. alb.
Her Diet has been chiefly Bread & Whey from choice,
Vegetables & fruits - & Asses Milk - She wears flannel

I am anxious for so fine a girl as the Season be¬
comes more unfavourable: what alarms me for her
is her great debility tho ↑She↑ has had no Evacuations
to cause it - no Sweats nor Chillness - no Looseness
& her venæsections were moderate & at good intervals.
She has never been able to ly upon her left side.
Her Spirits are good & she is cheerfull: for some days
she does not bear to be half an hour out of Bed.

I have been more Minute than was necessary
perhaps when writing to your but you will excuse it.

I am with great regard Dear Doctor
your most humble Servant

Alexr Stevenson

[Page 4]

Doctor Cullen
Professor of Physic

one Sheet

1. V.S. The [surent prec.?]
& as far as her strength allows
[birt?] I would it

Blist. not yet exhausted.
& I hope - a good opin:
B. [siger?] but not perg.
if easily [vomded?] or
Diet - Pectorals

Dr Stevenson. C.
Miss Glassford.
Octr 1779.
№.X. p.98.


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