
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1736] From: H.A. Bryan / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Bryan (H.A. Bryan's father) (Patient) / 3 October 1779 / (Incoming)

Letter from H. A. Bryan, a student of Cullen's, concerning the case of his father's gout, then asthma.


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DOC ID 1736
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/823
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date3 October 1779
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from H. A. Bryan, a student of Cullen's, concerning the case of his father's gout, then asthma.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting Yes


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1170]
Case of Mr Bryan, senior with a history of gout who has now developed asthma.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:4197]Author H.A. Bryan
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:4198]Patient Bryan (H.A. Bryan's father)
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:4199]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Glass (Dr Glass of Exeter)
[PERS ID:4200]Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend (My father's sisters)
[PERS ID:4201]Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend (My father's sisters)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Worlington (East Worlington) South-West England Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Essex East England Europe certain
Place of Handstamp South Molton (South Moulton) South-West England Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]
October 3d E: Worlington near South Molton

The obliging attention which all your pupils experienced
from you encourage me to request your advice in a Case in
which I am very intimately & anxiously concern'd.

My Father (aged 67) of a habit soft & rather plump;
temperate, but not scrupulous in his regimen of Diet, & Sleep;
accustomed to moderate exercise, & to exposure in all seasons
in the garden, or Field-diversions, had been subject
for many years to fits of the Gout, returning at uncertain
periods to his Extremitys, & sometimes, latterly, to his
Knees & Elbows, - hath for the last three years
visited by the Gout less frequently than before; but, instead
of it, hath been affected with excessive flatulency, colical
, irregular Belly, loss of Strength, & Wasting of
Flesh, & sense of Oppression over the Thorax;
at length (about a Year & half since) an alarming
Dyspnoea superven'd
, & within the space of seven or eight
months from this past Seizure, two other paroxysms
of the same kind
succeeded at distant Intervalls.
Venesection was employd with apparent & immediate
Advantage: the other Symptoms continued, & with them
a slighter degree of Dyspnoea was (↑were↑) at times complaind
of: within the last three weeks 3 paroxysms
of Dyspnoea
, similar to the first, have occurr'd, two
of which were relievd by the timely exhibition of an
Emetic; the last of them was less violent; but left
him soon after ↑with↑ a copious expectoration.

[Page 2]

these 3 last paroxysms were preceeded by a spontaneous
& pretty copious diarrhoea
which has been restraind
by a moderate dose of Tinct: Thebaic:

The dyspnoea, which I apprehend you would turn Asthma,
doth not seem to depend ↑much↑ on the State of the Air
nor are the paroxysms excited by Odours.

The Gouty Paroxysms were never attended with exquisite
Pain; they us'd to leave a great degree of Weakness,
but not Concretions, in the Joints. I have said that
they return'd less frequently after the coming on of
the Symptoms above enumerated; he had indeed four or
five attacks after[wards?] but they were of short
duration & seemd [to in?]duce no important change
on the System. In general the Stomach us'd to be
free under the exacerbations of Gout, but I find
that in one fit which happen'd about four Years
since the Stomach had been greatly affected & an
unusual deliquium animi accompanied it.

Give me leave to add that the Practitioner call'd in, having
met with a fatal instance of asthma in my Fathers Sister
which was complicated with Gout had made trial of Squills
G Ammon: Bark, Cordials with occasional Bleeding, Emetics
& Laxatives I am anxious to know how far the repetition
of Bleeding
may be safe or of Emetics expedient in the
most alarming Circumstances of this disease, & whether the
Bark in any Shape may be administer'd with propriety
Dr Glass of Exeter recommended the Cuprum Ammoniala of the Edinburgh Pharmacopia: 1
(a new medicine here) in my Aunt's Case; but it was
given so late that its Effects could not be fa[irly?] judg'd of.
another Sister of my Fathers - naturally of a very delicate
Constitution labours under an almost constant dyspnoea
& hath chalky conection of the Joints tho' the Gout never

[Page 3]

made its appearance in its genuine form

Pardon, good Sir, this prolix detail from which
however you will no doubt form an adaquate
Idea of the Case &, I hope, have the kindness
to favour me with hints for its treatments

I am Sir with much respect
your obedient Servant
H:A: Bryan

The appetite unrestrain - the Mucus dischargd after the
Paroxysms generally ting'd with florid Blood

[Page 4]

Doctor Cullen
at Edinburgh

to be left at the College 2

[Start of margin text]Dr Bryan concerning his Father
October 3d. 1779.
X p. 101[End of margin text]


1: See Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regii Medicorum Edinburgensis (Edinburgh: 1774), p. 129.

2: The scribbled 'in all...' appears to be a later annotation by the postmaster.

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
October 3d E: Worlington near South Molton

The obliging attention which all your pupils experienced
from you encourage me to request your advice in a Case in
which I am very intimately & anxiously concern'd.

My Father (aged 67) of a habit soft & rather plump;
temperate, but not scrupulous in his regimen of Diet, & Sleep;
accustomed to moderate exercise, & to exposure in all seasons
in the garden, or Field-diversions, had been subject
for many years to fits of the Gout, returning at uncertain
periods to his Extremitys, & sometimes, latterly, to his
Knees & Elbows, - hath for the last three years
visited by the Gout less frequently than before; but, instead
of it, hath been affected with excessive flatulency, colical
, irregular Belly, loss of Strength, & Wasting of
Flesh, & sense of Oppression over the Thorax;
at length (about a Year & half since) an alarming
Dyspnoea superven'd
, & within the space of seven or eight
months from this past Seizure, two other paroxysms
of ye same kind
succeeded at distant Intervalls.
Venesection was employd with apparent & immediate
Advantage: the other Symptoms continued, & with them
a slighter degree of Dyspnoea was (↑were↑) at times complaind
of: within the last three weeks 3 paroxysms
of Dyspnoea
, similar to the first, have occurr'd, two
of which were relievd by the timely exhibition of an
Emetic; the last of them was less violent; but left
him soon after ↑with↑ a copious expectoration.

[Page 2]

these 3 last paroxysms were preceeded by a spontaneous
& pretty copious diarrhoea
which has been restraind
by a moderate dose of Tinct: Thebaic:

The dyspnoea, which I apprehend you would turn Asthma,
doth not seem to depend ↑much↑ on the State of the Air
nor are the paroxysms excited by Odours.

The Gouty Paroxysms were never attended with exquisite
Pain; they us'd to leave a great degree of Weakness,
but not Concretions, in the Joints. I have said that
they return'd less frequently after the coming on of
the Symptoms above enumerated; he had indeed four or
five attacks after[wards?] but they were of short
duration & seemd [to in?]duce no important change
on the System. In general the Stomach us'd to be
free under the exacerbations of Gout, but I find
that in one fit which happen'd about four Years
since the Stomach had been greatly affected & an
unusual deliquium animi accompanied it.

Give me leave to add that the Practitioner call'd in, having
met with a fatal instance of asthma in my Fathers Sister
which was complicated with Gout had made trial of Squills
G Ammon: Bark, Cordials with occasional Bleeding, Emetics
& Laxatives I am anxious to know how far the repetition
of Bleeding
may be safe or of Emetics expedient in the
most alarming Circumstances of this disease, & whether the
Bark in any Shape may be administer'd with propriety
Dr Glass of Exeter recommended the Cupr: Amm: PhD Edin: 1
(a new medicine here) in my Aunt's Case; but it was
given so late that its Effects could not be fa[irly?] judg'd of.
another Sister of my Fathers - naturally of a very delicate
Constitution labours under an almost constant dyspnoea
& hath chalky conection of the Joints tho' the Gout never

[Page 3]

made its appearance in its genuine form

Pardon, good Sir, this prolix detail from which
however you will no doubt form an adaquate
Idea of the Case &, I hope, have the kindness
to favour me with hints for its treatments

I am Sir with much respect
your obedt Servant
H:A: Bryan

The appetite unrestrain - the Mucus dischargd after ye
Paroxysms generally ting'd with florid Blood

[Page 4]

Doctor Cullen
at Edinburgh

to be left at the College 2

[Start of margin text]Dr Bryan c his Father
Octr 3d. 1779.
X p. 101[End of margin text]


1: See Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regii Medicorum Edinburgensis (Edinburgh: 1774), p. 129.

2: The scribbled 'in all...' appears to be a later annotation by the postmaster.


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