
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1571] From: Dr John Gilchrist (of Speddoch) / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Miss Jeanie McMurdo (Macmurdo) (Patient) / 16 October 1778 / (Incoming)

Letter from John Gilchrist regarding the Miss McMurdos, sisters who insist on travelling for their health despite their limited means.


There are 4 images for this document.

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DOC ID 1571
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/662
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date16 October 1778
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from John Gilchrist regarding the Miss McMurdos, sisters who insist on travelling for their health despite their limited means.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:684]
Case of Miss Jean ["Jeanie"] McMurdo [MacMurdo] who in 1775 has a fever, in 1778 has a bad chest condition with feverish symptoms, and then develops severe bouts of colic.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:115]AuthorDr John Gilchrist (of Speddoch)
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:1403]PatientMiss Jeanie McMurdo (Macmurdo)
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:115]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr John Gilchrist (of Speddoch)
[PERS ID:687]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMrs Sarah Blacklock
[PERS ID:844]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendReverend Thomas Blacklock (Dr Blacklock)
[PERS ID:2188]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMiss Philadelphia McMurdo
[PERS ID:2934]OtherMr Bell

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Dumfries Borders Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred
Therapeutic Recommendation Cumberland North-West England Europe certain
Therapeutic Recommendation Galloway Borders Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other West Indies certain
Mentioned / Other Dublin Mid Ireland Ireland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]
Dumfries October 16.1778
Dear Sir

I have determined to trouble you with two or
three in regard to a circumstance of little or no moment
but which it can do no harm to explain to you. - Soon after
Miss McMurdo returned to this place from Edinburgh I was in¬
formed by one of my friends that her going there, (which
was with my consent) had been considered by her con¬
nections as improper and hazardous. --- That it proved
very distressing to her friends and disconcerted them
much, was certainly the case, but I flatter myself that
when they consider all circumstances they will not be dis¬
posed to blame me. -- It is now four years complete
that I have attended the Miss McMurdos in all their sin¬
gular tedious, and distressing ailments. -- By the time
I had been with them a twelve month or more, I re¬
member well I was led to say to say to one of their
friends that I regreted much they were not ladies of
rank and fortune, their anxiety to use means for
the recovery of health being so great & so constant,
which indeed the singularity and severity of their dis¬
orders made the less remarkable. - I do not mean
this as the smallest reflection upon the Miss Macmurdos
who, all of them, possess a goodness of heart & sweetness

[Page 2]

of temper that would well become any rank of Life; - and
I should mention that the anxiety I speak of did not dis¬
cover itself ↑so much↑ in those who were my patients for the time
being, but in the others who were well --- Every year
has produced new undertakings proposed & urged by
themselves, and I must observe that although from the
first I refused to take their money, (not thinking they
could afford to pay me, -and therefore [woud?] would have
really declined two or three small fees which she forced
upon me)-yet I have been surprised to see how easily
they went into every undertaking of trouble, risque and
expence that occurred to them. -- The first season was
spent in jaunts among their friends in Galloway, at
Goats whey &c - which was very well. --- Next year
they proposed, from the recommendation of some of their
friends, the journey to Gillsland water in Cumberland
which having been much extolled in Colics I was very
well pleased to try - It proved however altogether un¬
fortunate, - the journey having disordered her very much,
& the water disagreeing with her in such a manner that
she could not use it. - Next season came the Voyage to
Dublin. This startled me. I told them I could not answer
for the consequences; but as ↑both↑ my patient & her sisters
declared they were bent upon going, if I would consent; and

[Page 3]

as I gave them one authority from the my fathers book
on Sea Voyages, where it is mentioned that sailing had
been found effectual in the recovery from the dry belly¬
ach of the West Indies; - they immediately embarked.
--Luckily this trip did not no harm. -- The undertaking
of this year, -namely the journey to Edinburgh, which I told
them expressly it would never have occurred to me to
propose, as I could not promise that it would do
service, -was yet so simple in comparison of the
former undertakings, that on their saying they wished
her to go I readily agreed to it. Bye the bye it was
not till after they were gone that I knew of their having
travelled four in one chaise. -Even three was certainly
too many. --- With regard to home measures I have
been surprised two or three different times to learn
as I did accidentally, what their apothecarys bills came
to - from the things which during long attendances,
& in many instances contrary to my inclination, I
had been led to prescribe.

The best of all is that they are now very well
pleased with their having made their late journey, the
trouble & expence ↑of which↑ it seems they had said to one of their
connections they did not grudge.- Miss Jeanie has had
only one slight colic since she came home, & she has now

[Page 4]

had an interval of near four weeks, which flatters them
so much that they are hoping she is never to have another
fit. --- But I heartily beg pardon, Sir for troubling
you with saying threetimes more than I thought to have said
upon this subject.- My desire to stand well in your opini¬
on, and not ↑to↑ seem ready to do rash or thoughtless things
is the occasion of my troubling you. -When you think me
really wrong you know I will always wish you to tell
me of it. -- Their is not the least occasion for your answer¬
ing this letter -Mr Bell who will deliver it to you will
be so good as to show it to Mr & Mrs Blacklock, whom
I very much respect; & beg my best compliments to. --

the sincerest wishes for your health and happiness I
Dear Sir
Most faithfully yours
John Gilchrist.

[Start of margin text][End of margin text]
Dr Gilchrist
Miss McMurdo.

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
Dumfries Oct: 16.1778
Dear Sir

I have determined to trouble you with two or
three in regard to a circumstance of little or no moment
but which it can do no harm to explain to you. - Soon after
Miss McMurdo returned to this place from Edinr I was in¬
formed by one of my friends that her going there, (which
was with my consent) had been considered by her con¬
nections as improper and hazardous. --- That it proved
very distressing to her friends and disconcerted them
much, was certainly the case, but I flatter myself that
when they consider all circumstances they will not be dis¬
posed to blame me. -- It is now four years complete
that I have attended the Miss McMurdos in all their sin¬
gular tedious, and distressing ailments. -- By the time
I had been with them a twelve month or more, I re¬
member well I was led to say to say to one of their
friends that I regreted much they were not ladies of
rank and fortune, their anxiety to use means for
the recovery of health being so great & so constant,
which indeed the singularity and severity of their dis¬
orders made the less remarkable. - I do not mean
this as the smallest reflection upon the Miss Macmurdos
who, all of them, possess a goodness of heart & sweetness

[Page 2]

of temper that would well become any rank of Life; - and
I should mention that the anxiety I speak of did not dis¬
cover itself ↑so much↑ in those who were my patients for the time
being, but in the others who were well --- Every year
has produced new undertakings proposed & urged by
themselves, and I must observe that although from the
first I refused to take their money, (not thinking they
could afford to pay me, -and therefore [woud?] would have
really declined two or three small fees which she forced
upon me)-yet I have been surprised to see how easily
they went into every undertaking of trouble, risque and
expence that occurred to them. -- The first season was
spent in jaunts among their friends in Galloway, at
Goats whey &c - which was very well. --- Next year
they proposed, from the recommendation of some of their
friends, the journey to Gillsland water in Cumberland
which having been much extolled in Colics I was very
well pleased to try - It proved however altogether un¬
fortunate, - the journey having disordered her very much,
& the water disagreeing with her in such a manner that
she could not use it. - Next season came the Voyage to
Dublin. This startled me. I told them I could not answer
for the consequences; but as ↑both↑ my patient & her sisters
declared they were bent upon going, if I would consent; and

[Page 3]

as I gave them one authority from the my fathers book
on Sea Voyages, where it is mentioned that sailing had
been found effectual in the recovery from the dry belly¬
ach of the West Indies; - they immediately embarked.
--Luckily this trip did not no harm. -- The undertaking
of this year, -namely the journey to Edinr, which I told
them expressly it would never have occurred to me to
propose, as I could not promise that it would do
service, -was yet so simple in comparison of the
former undertakings, that on their saying they wished
her to go I readily agreed to it. Bye the bye it was
not till after they were gone that I knew of their having
travelled four in one chaise. -Even three was certainly
too many. --- With regard to home measures I have
been surprised two or three different times to learn
as I did accidentally, what their apothecarys bills came
to - from the things which during long attendances,
& in many instances contrary to my inclination, I
had been led to prescribe.

The best of all is that they are now very well
pleased with their having made their late journey, the
trouble & expence ↑of which↑ it seems they had said to one of their
connections they did not grudge.- Miss Jeanie has had
only one slight colic since she came home, & she has now

[Page 4]

had an interval of near four weeks, which flatters them
so much that they are hoping she is never to have another
fit. --- But I heartily beg pardon, Sir for troubling
you with saying threetimes more than I thought to have said
upon this subject.- My desire to stand well in your opini¬
on, and not ↑to↑ seem ready to do rash or thoughtless things
is the occasion of my troubling you. -When you think me
really wrong you know I will always wish you to tell
me of it. -- Their is not the least occasion for your answer¬
ing this letter -Mr Bell who will deliver it to you will
be so good as to show it to Mr & Mrs Blacklock, whom
I very much respect; & beg my best compts to. --

the sincerest wishes for your health and happiness I
Dear Sir
Most faithfully yours
John Gilchrist.

[Start of margin text][End of margin text]
Dr Gilchrist
Miss McMurdo.


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