The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:1399] From: Mr Henry Lochhead (Harry, 'Mr Logan') / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr Henry Lochhead (Harry, 'Mr Logan') (Patient) / 2 May 1777 / (Incoming)
Letter from Henry Lochhead, concerning his own case. He continues to use bougies to treat his urinary problem but has recently experienced a new and severe pain when making water; he is willing to travel to Edinburgh as he only wants to speak with Cullen.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 1399 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/495 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 2 May 1777 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from Henry Lochhead, concerning his own case. He continues to use bougies to treat his urinary problem but has recently experienced a new and severe pain when making water; he is willing to travel to Edinburgh as he only wants to speak with Cullen. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | Yes |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:443] |
Case of Mr Henry Lochead who regularly travels between Virginia and Glasgow who has a genito-urinary complaint which may be venereal. |
12 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:44] | Author | Mr Henry Lochhead (Harry, 'Mr Logan') |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:44] | Patient | Mr Henry Lochhead (Harry, 'Mr Logan') |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:588] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Mr Alexander Wood |
[PERS ID:2902] | Other | Mrs Thomson |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | New Wynd | Glasgow | Glasgow and West | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Place of Handstamp | Glasgow | Glasgow and West | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
The disqueit I still am in from the state of my urethra
I hope will excuse me with you for troubling you
once more on that subject
I mentioned to you when last the Edinburgh
that about half way the Bougie still meets some¬
times with opposition, & tho I press I neither feel
the pain one would expect nor do I get the Bougie
past - tho perhaps if I change the Bougie to a
very small one I at length get past - at other
times without any {illeg} sensible cause. I
get one of the usual size introduced as easily
as ever - this still seems to be the case - tho
even now after all the pains I have taken with (↑in↑)
attention to my health in general & to the ure¬
thra as I have been directed in particular I think
a Bougie of the largest size (tho I do get it in)
gives me rather more pain than I recollect it
did when I first in Edinburgh returned to make
use of it - those of a moderate size go past the
obstruction with little sometimes no pain & re¬
[Page 2]
main there four hours {illeg} at a time without
pain & I have frequently kept them in that time - but
the largest kind so light when in (beside the ad¬
ditional pain in introduction) that I seldom use
them & when I do - keep them in but a short time -
Dr. Wood said I needed only to use them (if I re¬
member right) when the urine appeared at any
time not to flow so properly but I find myself
always desirous to introduce once or twice aday - both
because I still find the urethra to be deseased &
am told of there being no other care beside the
Bougie, & on account of my fears lest by
neglecting the use I might find too great dif¬
ficulty in getting one past. (this last reason woud
be stranger in its effect on me if I were in Virginia
where I caud not get so good assistance) - I
had write the most of this yesterday with a
view to your again thinking of my case in this re¬
spect &give ↑ing↑ me your opinion what you now
think I have to expect as to getting the urethra
sound - & whether I have nothing to dread from
[Page 3]
this every frequent use of the Bougie - I had
laid the letter to one side tho - not being ab¬
solutely determined to send it as I must be
in Edinburgh in June at farthest, but some other
symptoms which happened since this morning
& which I do not remember ever to have experienced
before have determined me
In the morning when making water (rather to¬
wards the end (↑last↑)) I felt a little kind of ↑unusual↑ pain in
the penis which I did not mind much, but after
getting up & making water again I felt the same
kind of pain & towards the last of all a drop
or two of urine brown'd as with blood - I still
did not mind this much & after breakfast
I introduced the Bougie (which went along
as usual) & let it remain for little than
two hours - on withdrawing it I made water
in the usual stream, but towards the last
the pain I speak of was worse than before &
accompanied with water rather more coloured with
blood - & in the course of a quarter of an
[Page 4]
- I went to the pot five or 6 times made a very little
water with same kind of titulating painful sens¬
sation in the penis, & pass'd little pieces of clotted
blood - & know the strangurious symptom still at¬
tends me - & the water I preserved in a glass
shows a deal of mucus -
I begg to be directed by you in this matter & to know
what you think of it - I can go no where else for
direction - if you think it necessary I woud ra¬
ther come in to Edinburgh immediately than speak
of my case to any one here - I cannot
help thinking my self either that gravel is the
cause of these symptoms or that the con¬
stant use of the Bougies for so great a
time & in so great degree has occasioned
some ulcer or other in or about the bladder
I observe in several that the (having drunk a good
deal of water) I piss clear at first, at the last
of the drops be not embrowned they have mucus
or matter in them -- I begg your answer as
[Page 5]
as soon as your time will permit
I am with [Regard?]
Dear Sir
Your [Obedient?] Servant
Glasgow - Mrs Thomson's
Head of new wynd
2d May 1777
I made water just now again ([wat?] is about an hour since
last time) & made it with as good a flow as usual
till towards the very last the same Stouning pain went
thro the penis as I have attempted to describe - with a
little of the very last of the water embrowned
[Page 6]
Doctor Cullen
[Page 7]
H Lochead C.
May 1777
V vii, p. 23 -
Diplomatic Text
The disqueit I still am in from the state of my urethra
I hope will excuse me with you for troubling you
once more on that subject
I mentioned to you when last the Edinbg
that about half way the Bougie still meets some¬
times with opposition, & tho I press I neither feel
the pain one would expect nor do I get the Bougie
past - tho perhaps if I change the Bougie to a
very small one I at length get past - at other
times without any {illeg} sensible cause. I
get one of the usual size introduced as easily
as ever - this still seems to be the case - tho
even now after all the pains I have taken with (↑in↑)
attention to my health in general & to the ure¬
thra as I have been directed in particular I think
a Bougie of the largest size (tho I do get it in)
gives me rather more pain than I recollect it
did when I first in Edinbg returned to make
use of it - those of a moderate size go past the
obstruction with little sometimes no pain & re¬
[Page 2]
main there four hours {illeg} at a time without
pain & I have frequently kept ym- in that time - but
the largest kind so light when in (beside the ad¬
ditional pain in introduction) that I seldom use
them & when I do - keep them in but a short time -
Dr. Wood said I needed only to use them (if I re¬
member right) when the urine appeared at any
time not to flow so properly but I find myself
always desirous to introduce once or twice aday - both
because I still find the urethra to be deseased &
am told of there being no other care beside the
Bougie, & on account of my fears lest by
neglecting the use I might find too great dif¬
ficulty in getting one past. (this last reason woud
be stranger in its effect on me if I were in Vigb.
where I caud not get so good assistance) - I
had write the most of this yesterday with a
view to yr. again thinking of my case in this re¬
spect &give ↑ing↑ me yr opinion what you now
think I have to expect as to getting the urethra
sound - & whether I have nothing to dread from
[Page 3]
this every frequent use of the Bougie - I had
laid the letter to one side tho - not being ab¬
solutely determined to send it as I must be
in Edinbg in June at farthest, but some other
symptoms which happened since this morning
& which I do not remember ever to have experienced
before have determined me
In the morning when making water (rather to¬
wards the end (↑last↑)) I felt a little kind of ↑unusual↑ pain in
the penis which I did not mind much, but after
getting up & making water again I felt the same
kind of pain & towards the last of all a drop
or two of urine brown'd as with blood - I still
did not mind this much & after breakfast
I introduced the Bougie (which went along
as usual) & let it remain for little than
two hours - on withdrawing it I made water
in the usual stream, but towards the last
the pain I speak of was worse than before &
accompanied with water rather more coloured wt.
blood - & in the course of a quarter of an
[Page 4]
- I went to the pot five or 6 times made a very little
water with same kind of titulating painful sens¬
sation in the penis, & pass'd little pieces of clotted
blood - & know the strangurious symptom still at¬
tends me - & the water I preserved in a glass
shows a deal of mucus -
I begg to be directed by you in this matter & to know
what you think of it - I can go no where else for
direction - if you think it necessary I woud ra¬
ther come in to Edinbg. immediately than speak
of my case to any one here - I cannot
help thinking my self either that gravel is the
cause of these symptoms or that the con¬
stant use of the Bougies for so great a
time & in so great degree has occasioned
some ulcer or other in or about the bladder
I observe in several that the (having drunk a good
deal of water) I piss clear at first, at the last
of the drops be not embrowned they have mucus
or matter in them -- I begg your answer as
[Page 5]
as soon as yr time will permit
I am with [Regd.?]
Dear Sir
Yr [Obediet.?] Servt.
Glasgow - Mrs Thomson's
Head of new wynd
2d May 1777
I made water just now again ([wat?] is about an hour since
last time) & made it with as good a flow as usual
till towards the very last the same Stouning pain went
thro the penis as I have attempted to describe - with a
little of the very last of the water embrowned
[Page 6]
Doctor Cullen
[Page 7]
H Lochead C.
May 1777
V vii, p. 23 -
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